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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 16

by Sanderson, Danielle

  Sallack stands slowly looking 10 times bigger than he as and scary as hell. He takes my hand in his as he speaks to her an irritated tone,

  “We never wanted you here anyway. Leave before I rip your head off, I told you not to speak to mine unless with respect.” He shouts at her. She doesn’t flinch; just holds her head high as she looks around the table and completely ignoring what Sallack said to her.

  “So whose chew toy are you?” She asks Dallah with attitude as all the men at the table stand growling at Mary viciously.

  Before anyone can speak, Dallah has appeared right in front of Mary looking at her with enjoyment playing on her beautiful face. She told us she can transport from one place to another, anywhere she wants to go she can, but seeing it happen in the blink of any eye is amazing beyond words.

  “Your lovely aren’t you little Wolf.” Dallah tells her sarcastically, standing only an inch away from her face, probably trying to look into her heart. Mary now flinches and looks like she is going to piss herself.

  “Why is a Witch here?” Mary asks Sallack a little nervously.

  “Im here with Zara, do you like her Mary.”

  “No I fucking don’t…Ahhhh”

  Mary grabs her head screaming, while Dallah looks on with a smile playing on her lips as do every single one of the brothers, Sallack actually laughs!

  “This is just a taster Mary; don’t speak to Zara in that way again do you understand?”

  “Yes, YES!” Mary screams at Dallah, who wears an evil grin.

  Dallah releases Mary as we watch her go red in anger before storming out. I turn to Dallah with a raised brow as she winks at me with a smile.

  “You’re welcome.” She tells me, making everyone laugh aloud.

  “Oh that’s my girl.” Den tells her as he moves to kiss her forehead before taking his seat, as do we all. Sallack pulls me on to his lap, as everyone starts speaking he asks me quietly,

  “Am I yours beautiful?” He asks in a serious tone.

  “If you want to be?”

  “I have never wanted anything so badly then to hear you say them words from the first day I met you beautiful.”

  “I love you Sallack,” I tell him taken back by his words; I feel my heart swell with love for him.

  “We’re going to bed!” He tells everyone but doesn’t take his eyes of off me. Dallah is the first to laugh, which makes me laugh also. I really love that girl like a sister a badass sister. I don’t have time to say goodnight to everyone, because Sallack runs upstairs with me in his arms heading to his bedroom.

  We planned to go home the next day, as was Dallah, but we stayed together at Sallack’s up until Wednesday, as everyone was having such a good time together, Den, Dallah, and I have spent our the whole week with the brothers getting to know them all individually.

  Julian showed Dallah around the land and introduced her to the other Wolves in the pack, proud to have her at his home. I couldn’t help feeling delighted at the looks they share secretly when they think no one’s looking.

  Dallah had to go back to the Coven but promised to visit in a few days, instantly reminding me that I would be seeing Parrise on my return. I’m secretly looking forward to, but feeling extremely guilty for going behind the brothers’ back, not to mention Den would flip!

  Den and I head home together, chatting and joking about our time with the brothers’. Moreover, how much our lives have changed in the last month. After staying at Sallack for the week with the brothers’ and Dallah, I leave with love for each of them, we became a family over that week and I couldn’t wish for a more loyal loving family, Dallah is the sister I never had and the brothers’ have just welcomed us into their homes and hearts so naturally.

  I get to know Dallah very well, her likes and dislikes, but more importantly, I find out that as royal in her Coven she is immortal! Just as all royal families from the Light and Dark Coven’s are immortal as well as hold great power, unlike than non-royal Witches and Warlocks. When she spoke to me of this I just sat open-mouthed looking at her in wonderment as did Den. She told us that she doesn’t get on with her family, and has no real friends back at the Coven, which I can relate to as Den was my only friend until we came to Nickel town.

  I go back to work Thursday night through to Saturday night. There has been no sighting of Parrise in or around the club, which keeps the brothers’ happy. I got to see Sallack when I was at work for a few hours, but he has been busy with his work and role of Alpha, taking care of his pack, running the bar and club, more importantly, keeping Theo and his pack away from his territory and me! Sallack told me of the constant battles he has with Theo’s pack ‘Tricks’, as I’m told they name themselves. He didn’t go into too much detail, but from what he did tell me it, seems both packs have fought over land and pack members for a long running time. I asked the brothers’ what they call their pack, and they tell me that their known widely as ‘The Brothers’, which I thought was really cool as did Den. I am so proud of him I could cry with joy and I love that he is a part of ‘The Brothers’ pack where he belongs and has always belonged.

  Mary quit her job at Sallack’s bar and moved to ‘Tricks Pack’ as she said they are in need of someone as great as her, her words not mine! I was happy to know that she won’t be around Sallack any longer, the girl has real issues.

  On Sunday morning, Den goes out with Dom and Julian. I catch up with Abbey this morning. I love being around her, she really is a beautiful person both inside and out, she leaves after only an hour, having to get to work at the bar.

  Den said he wouldn’t be back for a few hours, so I slip into a 2-piece bikini and layout on the grass, soaking up the sun.

  As I’m flicking through the play list on my Ipod trying to find a good track, the atmosphere changes, I sit up, heart beating out my chest.

  “Wahhh fuck, you scared the shit out of me!”

  I screech, holding my chest, Dallah laughs out loud and sits next to me on the grass, still trying to control her laughter.

  “I’m sorry Zara, but it was funny.”

  I laugh with her thinking of how it must have looked. Dallah and I have become extremely close during the week we spent at Sallack’s home, I feel connected to her in a strange way.

  Dallah has cream trousers on with a black tube top and her beautiful hair loose down here back.

  “How have you been Dallah, you look gorgeous?”

  “Yeah I’m good. You’re the one I’m worried for. I bought you a present!”

  “Why would you be worried for me? And why would you get me a present?” I ask excitedly, I love presents.

  “Who’s in the woods?” she whispers to me.

  “Mickey and Ruk,” I whisper back.

  She closes her eyes and speaks her enchanting words. She finishes and winks at me, making me giggle at her playfulness. Dallah told me that when she whispers the enchanting words it is her casting spells, manipulating her surroundings and that she does not have to speak the words but she does on small spells because she likes the feel of magic on her lips. As princess she is one of the most powerful Witch’s in the Coven, so this means she has power much greater to her fellow Witches back at the Coven.

  “Ok all set, they can’t hear us. I needed to speak with you, and give you this.”

  Dallah takes my hands turning them up and lays her hands over mine, her lips move but I don’t hear a word come out. She smiles at me and removes her hands. There sitting in my palms is a necklace in thin gold with the most beautiful pink stone the size of a penny.

  “Oh wow! It’s stunning, thank you. What have I done to deserve this Dallah?” I ask with a wide grin. Never have I owned anything so wonderful.

  “It is, isn’t it? You dear Zara have been my first true friend, and because of you, I have met six of the most loyal and remarkable men I have ever known, as well as bought happiness and love into my life.”

  She smiles sweetly at me and I grab her into a big hug. She take’s the necklace of me and puts it a
round my neck, as the stone sits snugly in between my breasts.

  “We feel the same way to you Dallah” I smile at her, as my heart feels with love.

  “Zara this stone is unique; I made it specially for you.”

  “Really? Wow! Is it a secret?” I ask, as I wonder why she would silence our conversation from Ruk and Mickey.

  “In a way yes, you can say I got it for you, but I would like you to keep the truth to yourself? Now, let’s talk Vampires, I will take you to Parrise tonight. He won’t let anything happen to you, but you need to stay away from the other Vampires, we don’t know how they will react towards you, if you find yourself in trouble or upset, whisper my name, I will come.”

  “Ok, I understand. Are other Vampires not like Parrise?”

  “Very few. Parrise is, was! One of the most feared Vampires around. His close friend is very horrid and cruel. Stay away from him Zara!”

  “When will we be le…”

  Den pulls up in his pick-up with another truck close behind before I can finish what I was going to say. I look at Dallah and she has her eyes closed and whispers her magic again.

  Den gets out first, jogs over, and picks Dallah up in a hug.

  “Hey Princess I have missed you!” Den tells her with a kiss to her forehead. Julian and Dom climb out the second vehicle, another truck like Den’s but newer and very shiny, in a shade of midnight black.

  “Dallah how are you? You look stunning.” Julian walks slowly to her and kisses her cheek sweetly, he’s so charming. Dom comes to me and kisses my forehead as his hello. I Love Dom dearly, he is different from his brothers’, they are all loud, lose their tempers easily and are so vain at times, but Dom he speaks when he needs to, I find he likes to observe and take in things that others will miss. I think that Dom is extremely smart and strong, he just does not feel the need to let everyone know all the time.

  “I’m fine thank you” Dallah replies to Julian almost shyly.

  He turns to me and kisses me also and pulls me in by my waist, Dom goes to Dallah and puts his arm around her shoulders and kisses her head, while Den comes to stand with us looking at the trucks.

  Why the hell are we looking at cars? Why are they smiling so widely? Oh Jesus, they have not just picked up a truck for me! Well I hope they haven’t, there is no way I can afford it!

  “We got you a car babe, the pack brothers’ all put in.” Den says grinning. I look to Julian for conformation, he nods his head and gently pushes me forward to take a look, while Dom chuckles seeing the utter shock plastered on my face.

  “I can’t believe you would do something like this for me! It’s amazing I’m the luckiest girl alive,” I screech excitedly, running to the truck pulling the door open to look inside, it’s clean and shining and looks… brand-new?

  “I can’t take this!” I tell them from inside the truck. Ruk and Mickey have changed back to human form and come to stand with Dallah giving her kisses on the cheek. Mickey jumps in the passenger seat, pulling me on his lap with ease.

  “You can and will. It will make us happy to have made you happy.” He smiles at me and points to his cheek, asking for a kiss. I grab his face a lay a grateful kiss to his cheek, looking at him; I do a little excited scream. I can’t believe they have done this for me. I have never been so excited in my entire life. God I love these men, not to mention Dallah.

  “You make me happy every time I see you guys! Thank you Mickey, but why would you do this for me?”

  “Good, we wanted to give you something special and we knew you needed a car.”

  “Uh you guys are so sweet.”

  I jump of him straight into Ruk’s arms and kiss him the same way as I do Den, Dom, and Julian.

  “I love you guys you know that? Where is Sallack? I want to thank him. This is un freaking unbelievable,” I scream jumping up and down with joy. I have never owned anything in my life and the most importantly I have never been accepted into a family so lovingly. It’s always been me and Den, not that I minded, but it’s touching for us to be excepted. I’m overwhelmed by their generosity.

  “He is coming through the woods now,” Den says pointing to the right, the other brothers’ already know as they are looking that way. Dallah and I turn to see Sallack turn human mid run, wow, I love it when he does that, it is completely memorizing. I jog up to Sallack and jump up onto him wrapping my legs around his waist, I kiss him deeply as his arms wrap around me tightly as he kisses me back with as much love as I give him. I pull back to catch my breath as he’s smiling at me looking extremely handsome.

  “Hey gorgeous. Thank you for the truck. I’m so happy, I have never felt so loved by so many people.”

  “You're welcome. Stay with me tonight Zara?” He asks with hunger coating his already intense eyes. Oh no, what do I say, I really would like to but I have to see Parries. I instantly feel guilty for going behind his back.

  “I’m sorry Sallack, Dallah has come to stay the night with me. Can I come tomorrow?”

  “Ok, tomorrow.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.”

  Sallack and I hold hands while making our way back to the others. Sallack strolls up to Dallah and kisses her cheek.

  “It’s good to see you again Dallah.”

  “Hey Sallack, it’s good to see you to.” She tells him with a tight hug.

  I grab Dallah to help me make drinks so we can sit outside on the porch, as it is a beautiful day. All the pack bothers ask about my new necklace and I tell them it was a gift from Dallah, luckily, no one questions me any further. I love my new truck, I can’t believe they would be so caring and generous to do such a thing for me, if it were anyone else I would have to say that I couldn’t except something like that, but as it is being the brothers’ it’s a different story. They would have been upset if I had told them I couldn’t have taken a car from them, with them being dominant Werewolves that look after and care for everyone in their packs and families, they would have been very hurt and let down as they see me as their family now. I will pay them back, just without them catching on.

  The necklace that Dallah made for me is without doubt the most treasured thing I will ever own, it’s more than jewelry, it is us.

  After a few hours Sallack, Ruk, Mickey and Dom head back to the pack land to do their checks, while Julian stays with Den and I chatting to Dallah out on the porch. Den and I decide to leave them chatting and head to the lounge, we snuggle on the sofa listening to music, losing myself in thought. When I look up, Den’s head is on my chest, he is fast asleep lightly snoring, I run my fingers through his shaggy hair. Closing my eyes relaxed and happy with a smile on my face, I fall asleep.

  Chapter 14

  “Zara wake up it’s time!” I hear Dallah whisper in my ear, I open my eyes and see Den in the same position, I slide out from under his head careful not to wake him and follow Dallah into the kitchen.

  “What time is it?” I ask rubbing my eyes.

  “Quarter to 11!”

  “No way. Crap let me go get ready quickly. Has Julian left?”

  “He has taken the spare bedroom. He said if I was staying with you tonight, then he will also.”

  “Ok cool,” I tell her as we have already discussed that we will sleep together in my room tonight. I tip toe up stairs into my bedroom and pull out a pair of tight black Levi jeans and a pink v-neck cardigan, slipping into a pair of black wedges. My makeup is still on from today so I pull my hair up in a ponytail. The stone from the necklace is still wedged in between my breasts. I touch the small gold chain, smiling at the thought of Dallah gifting me with it.

  I’m starting to worry about seeing Parrise again, will he be angry with me just turning up? Will he have friends there?

  I silently make my way back to Dallah.

  “Alright let’s go, where are the keys?”

  “I’m teleporting us there, I know where he will be.”

  “What you can do that with me? What do I do?” I ask in fascination.

hold my hands and close your eyes, as soon as you’re with him I will leave you, I don’t want my presence known if I can help it, we can’t have them know we are together?”

  “Ok. I feel nervous Dallah!”

  “I know, once you see him, all will change sweetie, remember whisper ‘Dallah’ and I will bring you back.”

  I nod my head to her showing I understand. I hold my hands out to her and she takes them in hers as she reassures me with a smile.

  “Thank you for this Dallah.” I whisper to her.

  I shut my eyes and wait for something to happen but it doesn’t. Dallah takes her hands away from mine, I open my eyes to ask her if something went wrong, but it has worked perfectly.

  I’m in what looks like Parrise’s bedroom and there in front of me, only 5 foot away is Parrise, with his back to me. His impressive muscular body on show, kill me now! Breathing deeply through my nose to calm my nerves, Parrise turns to me so fast that I jump.

  “Love, you came to me! How did you get here? No actually I don’t care.”

  He is now in front of me, before I have time to blink he has me around the waist looking down into my eyes.

  I try to speak but words don’t come out, he is even better looking than before. How is that even possible. His perfect pale face so close I can feel my desire for him seeping through my skin.

  “My love you have such a sweet heart.”

  “Stop reading my mind!”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just you were so quiet I was worried. Is this new? It’s stunning”

  His cool fingers pluck the stone that is imbedded in my breasts, his eyes transfixed on the beautiful stone, whilst the back of his hand is resting on my breast, sending a thrill desire through my body.

  “It’s a gift from a girlfriend of mine. It is beautiful,” I need to change the topic quickly, taking the stone from his fingers and placing it back,


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