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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 28

by Sanderson, Danielle

  Just like that, they all stand up, hugging me telling me to have a good sleep. Ruk comes to me looking a little in a daze, making me feel so bad for him it actually hurts.

  “Im going to go Zara, I’ll see you in the morning?” He says looking at me with sad eyes.

  “Yes, I’ll see you soon”

  He kisses my cheeks tenderly as I wrap my arms around him, wanting him to know how much I care for him. I wanted so badly for him to know that I trusted him, but I am grateful to Parrise for taking away the memory of today’s happenings, I don’t want him, or any of them in danger.

  “I love you Ruk, so much.” I tell him, as he kisses my forehead.

  I say my goodbyes to the rest of the brothers’. Sallack is last to go out of the brothers’, he stands in front of me, head held high.

  “I want to be here for you Zara, let me do that?”

  “I want you in my life Sallack, I love you, and I always will, I just can’t forget.” I tell him full of regret.

  I want him to stop looking at me like this; it kills me slowly every time we lock eyes, I don’t know if I could ever be in the same room and feel no heartache towards him? He nods his head once, debating whether or not to leave.

  “Goodbye Sallack!” Den tells him from the kitchen doorway, looking annoyed with Sallack’s lingering. He growls loudly at Den, who responds in the same manner. Sallack raises an eyebrow at Den questionably; he gets a sneer in return. Sallack turns on his heel and leaves with the awaiting brothers’. Den has been different the last few days, noticeably powerful in a way! Very influential. Looks like Sallack just got a taste of Den’s newfound supremacy.

  “I see you have spoken, I will leave you now, sweet. Parrise, I'll see you soon friend,” Angus tells us, kissing my forehead before leaving. Parrise cannot and did not control Angus mind when he was speaking to the brothers’, so I’m sure he would have come to the conclusion that Parrise now knows of me being the Charmer, as he is smart man.

  Den says goodnight with a hug and a kiss placed tenderly on my cheek, as he walks up stairs to his bedroom. I call his name, running up the stairs to meet him at the top, while Parrise vacates to the kitchen.

  “Den I love you, you know that don’t you?”

  “Babe, I know something going on. Parrise can’t mind fuck me!”

  What! How can his power work on everyone but Den?

  “I’m sorry Den!”

  I hold his face soothingly placing a kiss on his cheek. I want to tell him everything so badly. He will be hurt if he finds that I hid this from him. However, for now it is the way it must be.

  “Its fine, but I will be the one to get you two out of this mess. I love you Zara never forget that?”

  “I won’t Den.”

  When I pull away, he takes hold of my hand, gazing into my very soul, moving his head to the side slightly, just as Parrise does when he is trying to read my mind! Oh, jeez if Den can do that, then I am so busted. All them times I have lusted over him. Uhh no way, it can’t happen! A grin spread’s over his face in satisfaction.

  “What’s the cheesy grin for?”

  “Nothing Babe, I just like having one up on Parrise. Hey listen, you know that time you said you had a crush on someone! Who was it?”

  He asks tilting his head again, concentrating on me. NO FUCKING WAY! I build a wall as high as I can, triple checking for gaps. As I watch his eyebrows pull together, Oh thank God!

  “You sneaky little bastard, you’re trying to read my mind!”

  “What, no I’m not!”

  “liar” I laugh at his lying skills.

  “Ok, well I think I can, since I connected with my Wolf, I have been able to get snippets from peoples mind. I won’t do it again babe. Promise.”

  “That’s wicked, but keep out of my head I have enough of that with Parrise.” I say with a smile. Den growls crossly with his teeth showing slightly. Good God he looks so hot when he does that. He instantly stops as a smug smile covers his handsome face. Damn it! I built the wall!

  “Den I swear to God if you’re reading me again I will kick your butt!”

  “Threats Zara, really!” He raises an eyebrow, lacing his arms around my waist, coming only inches away from my face, my heart betraying me by doubling its beats.

  “Good night gorgeous,” His lips lay gently on mine applying a beautiful kiss. He pulls back waiting for my reaction, what is going on with him lately!

  “Good night handsome” I tell him. As I make my way down the stairs, I stop in my tracks to Den’s growling lowly but strangely loud to my ears,


  I spin to look at him but he isn’t standing there any longer! What was that? Has he started to have romantic feeling towards me because I am the Charmer? No, he couldn’t have, he wouldn’t have just started feeling this way towards me, and he will never see me that way, Charmer or not. I must have just heard him wrong, or he was having a weird moment, god knows we all have them.

  I feel so bad for the brothers’, allowing them to have their minds messed with, especially Ruk. Nevertheless, they are safe not knowing.

  “Are you staying a while?” I ask, walking into the kitchen where Parrise sits.

  “Yes, I want to watch you fall asleep, then I will leave little one.”

  I get a glass of water and head up stairs, Parrise close behind. I change into one of Den’s old t-shirts and crawl into my bed. laying my head on Parrise’s chest.

  “Stop worrying we will get her back. Stop wasting your thought in Sallack also.”

  “I don’t want to be taken by my sorrow any longer.”

  “Let me be the one to fight away your fears, little one?”

  “You can’t save me from what has become, but I want you to be there. I’m tired of being hurt, I don’t know if I can handle being this woman I’m expected to be.”

  “I will save you Zara, I vow that to you. You are stronger then you think. The gifts you have now are extremely powerful and I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.”

  “Do you know how I entered Dallah’s dream the way I did?”

  “I have known a man who could do the same, it’s a great gift Zara, you need to want to be there with the person, wholeheartedly, then you will travel to them, it may take some practice.”

  “What of my bringing Angus back, can I do that to anyone?”

  “I have never heard of such power, bringing him back opened a connection to you both, so I think you would have to feel love for the person. I want to thank you for that Zara, I would have been lost without Angus, he is my only family, my only friend. I love him like a brother.”

  “You are lucky to have each other, but I hope you both see that I and the brothers’ see you as this also, I see the respect the brothers’ have for you and Angus. Seeing the way you have both accepted each other into your lives overwhelms me with joy, I’m proud of you all.”

  I put my head next to his and breathe in his intoxicating scent, snuggling my body closer to his.

  “How are we going to get Dallah out of this bonding?”

  “Leave it to me love, I’ll think of something. Just don’t do this alone.”

  “I love you Parrise.” I tell him, but promising him nothing.

  I fall to sleep to the slow beat of his heart. Once again, the image of Sallack’s beautiful lips kissing mine in a state of lust, sending jolts of desire through my body, while I’m wrapped in his huge loving arms, That is what haunts my dreams every night, the love Sallack could not and will never give me wholly. Moreover, the sister I always wanted, who was taken from us all. My lovely Dallah is as alone as I am, but with no one who loves her at her side, not for long! I’ll be their soon.

  Sitting on the porch thinking of last night events is upsetting. Everyone is so loving, making me feel loved. I truly believe that Sallack and I will get over this one day. I prey Dallah won’t be mad, at my close decision to tell the pack brothers’. Moreover, I am so grateful Parrise stopped me in time.

The day has gone quickly. Parrise woke me before sunrise to say goodbye, and tell me he and Angus will be at the club tonight. I told him there was no need, he gave me a look telling me not to argue it with him. The pack brothers’ came over and spent the day eating and chatting, well they were. Sallack didn’t come he said he was busy at the bar, I’m a little grateful I didn’t have to see him today, the pain I feel looking at his beautiful face is still unbearable.

  The brothers’ leave to get dressed for tonight, leaving Den and I. Sipping my glass of wine alone on the porch, I thinking about work tonight, I have decided I have moped around long enough. I have been of work for a month. Luckily, I have my savings, but I can’t rely on that money forever. I’m very grateful to the brothers’ for holding my job for me, when I told them this, let’s just say they were not happy with this thought.

  I trust Parrise to help me get to Dallah, but I can’t wait for him to come up with a scheme, I want her away from him now! I can feel her despair tingle in my blood. I need to be with her, holding her hand through it all.

  My favorite song comes on the radio ‘One in a million’ Den slides out the front door in his outfit he is wearing to the club tonight. When I say slide, I mean really slides, he then starts dancing and singing with a massive smile. No way! He is amazing. He grabs my arms and pulls me up to dance with him. He is such a good dancer and the voice where did that come from! My face hurts by the time the song and dancing finishes, he has made laugh, something that hasn’t happened for weeks. Just for that small amount of time, I was the Zara before everything happened, Den’s girl. I will always cherish this moment.

  “Oh my God Den you amazing, do it again?”

  He laughs and pulls back to look me in the eye.

  “That was a onetime thing babe. Don’t tell the guys?” He winks at me, grinning widely.

  “I love the way you make me feel Den and don’t worry your secret’s safe with me.”

  Chapter 28

  We get to the club before 9pm and I get strait to the VIP area, it’s really busy tonight. My mind is still on Sallack and wondering if he will turn up. Parrise and Angus are here also, I’m so glad they are being civil to each other. I smile seeing Angus and Den speaking and laughing together like old friends.

  By 1am, the music is loud and everyone is drunk, I take my tray to the VIP and place the drinks down. Across the room, someone catches my eye. I look to see where the person has gone, but I can no longer see from all the moving bodies.

  “Ah the little bitch!”

  I turn slowly to the voice behind me, to see no other then Richard!

  “Ah the power ranger,” I say sarcastically back to him.

  I’m not scared of him, being broken hearted sort of take’s all other emotions away. He can do what he wants to me, I’m just glad he has come to here to me as I didn’t know where to start looking for him.

  “You’re hurt?” He asks his smile still in place.

  “Yes. I’m hurt. But at least one person is happy because of it.”

  “It warms me inside! I wanted to see if you would like to come and stay with me for a while?” He raises a brow, tilting his head to the side awaiting my answer. He is so arrogant. What, does he think that I would actually want to spend time with him! I know he hates me, I can see it in his eyes, but I don’t care.

  “Will Dallah be there?”

  “Yes,” He laughs out the word, as if he knew I would ask. The cocky prick. God I really hate this man, and if he calls me a bitch again, I going to smash the fucker in between the eyes.

  “Then I will,” I tell him, looking him up and down in disgust, receiving a smug look from him. What is wrong with this man? Is he really that much of an asshole!

  I need to help Dallah in any way I can, and the best way is to get to speak to Richard alone. I want her back, I want her to feel happy, to be in love with Julian who actually deserves her, and she him. She is my priority now. I am the Charmer, Now is time to start acting like it, I will be the Charmer that I wish to be, not the Charmer people will want me to be.

  “No questions?” He asks me with a raised brow.

  I shake my head ‘no’, pushing my chest out, keeping my head held high.

  “Good you’re coming with me then.”

  He takes me by the shoulders and whispers upon to my lips, sending shivers throughout my body.

  “Look at sweet little Zara one last time boys!” He says with his eyes boring into mine. I look away from Richard in disgust and look for the brothers', Parrise and Angus. I see their heads whip round at the voice that spoke to only them. Sallack! He came.

  This is the end of the crying Zara, the heartbroken girl. I will be the Charmer I want to be, the strong woman I know is in me. My downfall, being my extreme emotions, will no longer take me. I have been hurt enough! I will get Dallah back, even if I have to kill Richard myself!

  I watch as the men are frozen, they were leaping mid air to reach me, now just beautiful statues. Every one of the Warriors eyes glow with anger and disbelief. I take a breath deeply through my nose, head still held high as I mouth the words ‘trust me’. Turning back to Richard I nod my head once. My gaze travels past his shoulder to a large man standing in the background. Theo! He winks at me with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. What is he doing here? Is he here with Richard?

  Returning my gaze to Richard, he grins evilly at me wrapping his hand tightly in my hair and with a harsh tug, my body slams into his hard chest. His laughter is a sickening sound, and the last sound I hear as he transports me to the Dark Coven. I know what awaits me, pain and humiliation, but none of those things will be as bad as what I have been through with Sallack. I’m going for one person and one person only; Dallah. She won’t want me there but this is my decision. I will make it my mission in life to get Dallah away from him and him bonded to another.

  The story does not end here. The second book in the ‘The Charmer’ series will be out by the end of 2013.

  If you would like to contact me, or give me your thoughts on my book or would like to ask questions, I would be happy to hear from you. Please contact me at

  Thank you for purchasing ‘Charming the Warriors’ book 1

  I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did when I wrote it.




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