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Page 15

by Dani Wyatt

  I’m not sure who is the loudest, because Daddy cums just after me, with his fingers clenching into the softest part of my hips. I know there will be bruises there tomorrow, he’s holding on so tight as he fills me with hot jets of his seed. I never dreamed it would feel so good, and from the way Daddy’s face looks, I don’t think he did either.

  “You have no idea how much you mean to me, Angel. You just could never know.” His words come breathless, both of us desperately clawing at the edge of consciousness, trying to recover. He’s still attached as he draws the coarse tips of his fingers up and down my back, raising goose bumps as they go. “You will never know.” The words sound cracked, fragile, and I bite down inside my lip to keep from crying.

  An hour later he’s given me my bath and we are dressed and in the kitchen.

  “Come here, kitten.”

  He pats his lap and I crawl on. He feeds me breakfast every morning.

  He brings a bite of scrambled eggs to my lips and I open them. I know better than to fight him on a good breakfast. He worries so much about everything when it concerns me, including what I eat.

  “I got an email last night from the guys at Integrity.”

  They are the architects that are designing the new addition to the Sarah Templeton Life Center.

  “Yeah?” I ask, half covering my mouth as I chew the bite he’s just put in.

  “Yep. That little question about having the animal kennel and shelter attached is all resolved, baby. That was the best idea I’ve ever heard. It will be perfect. I hired the same consultant that worked with the animal and addict rehab programs out in California, and he will be here next week for us to start laying out the new program.”

  My arms go around his neck as my belly flips. “That is so great! I know that having the animals there will help everyone. It’s just perfect. They can all help each other. I love you so much.”

  I kiss his beard and it tickles my nose. It still does that every time.

  “I love you too, princess. Now, another bite. You didn’t eat enough yesterday. I saw you give Tinder half your plate of food under the table last night.”

  I kick my legs back and forth, knowing I need to be careful what I say next. Daddy loves me, and is very tolerant with me, but he does not stand for sassy, bratty replies.

  “I’m sorry. I just wasn’t that hungry and I didn’t like the hamburger. I don’t like meat, you know that.”

  “Yes, baby, I know. I’ll try to find some other options for you. My little blossoming vegetarian still needs to eat healthy food. You can’t live on cupcakes and French fries. I’m going to be sure of that.”

  Another mouthful of eggs arrives at my lips. Daddy bought the drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in downtown, the one where you go if you don’t have any money. He’s upgrading the place, building onto it, expanding it. He will have a scholarship program for people that don’t have the ability to pay, because he wants everyone to benefit from the same treatment, but it’s not going to be second rate in any way. It will be high end. We will have the best of the best when it comes to doctors, and the programs there will be first rate.

  It was my idea to incorporate an animal program, and that gave us the idea to have an animal shelter next door. That way the residents could have access to some supervised work, bond with the animals, adopt one during their stay—there are all sorts of ways they can help each other.

  “And what about Dad?” I gather my courage and swallow hard, waiting for his answer.

  “Well, when you are ready, he’s ready to talk to you, baby. But I think you should wait. He’s just started his treatment. I say we give him a couple months. I have to do what I think is best for you, and he was in bad shape when they found him. Just be glad he agreed to go the facility. I paid for everything he needs—clothes, the program for six months, his apartment. Let’s give him some time. He’s been sick for a long time.”

  “Okay. I trust you.” I take another bite of eggs before I continue with my mouth full. “I know I don’t even know him, but I wish him well. Even if he doesn’t want to be part of my life, I still want to know he’s okay.” I gulp down the food. “But if he does, I want to meet him. Again. And just see what happens.”

  “If that’s what you want, baby, I’ll make it happen, as long as I know you will be safe and he won’t hurt you. But we’ll talk more about it as time goes on. Let’s see how he does in treatment, okay?”

  It’s toast this time, with strawberry jelly, and I take a bite before I lean my head into the crook of his neck. It’s my favorite place, I can smell his masculine scent, hear the low thump of his pulse in his neck, his heart in his chest.

  We finish up breakfast and I sit on top of the kitchen counter, spinning my hair between my fingers, watching while he does the dishes.

  “Andrea called last night.”

  “Yeah? How’s she doing?” He looks over at me with a warm smile. Everything and everyone that means something to me is important to him.

  “She’s good. Seems like she and your brother Erik had a nice time at Thanksgiving dinner. They went out to lunch yesterday, and they are going to dinner Saturday.”

  We had a big dinner here at the cabin for Thanksgiving, with Daddy’s family all around us. Andrea came too, because her mom was out of the country with her new boyfriend. She ended up sitting next to Erik and he looked like a deer caught in headlights the whole night.

  A deep chuckle comes from Daddy’s throat as he dries his hands and folds the dishtowel in a perfect square before placing it on the counter. He steps over and I spread my legs for him to stand in between. He doesn’t need an invitation, he just moves in and kisses the top of my head.

  “They did seem to make a connection.”

  “Yep. She said he’s texting her like four times a day. Making sure she’s okay. Asking her if she ate her lunch, if she has gas money, and if she slept well. Sounds like the Leonard men have something in common.”

  He wraps me in one of his bear hugs with more deep laughter.

  “We may be slow to start, but once we do we’re hard to stop.” He rubs his fingers on my back. “How’s your ass, baby? I didn’t hurt you, did I? I’d kill myself if I hurt you.” His voice loses its lightness and I know he’s so worried about everything.

  “I loved it, Daddy. It’s a little sore, but the good kind of sore. You didn’t hurt me. It felt so good.”

  “Good. I love you, babygirl. So much.”

  His phone buzzes in his pocket and he lets me go to pull it out. He smiles and taps out a reply to a text. When he looks up, his eyes dance and sparkle, and I know something is up.

  “Who was that?”

  “You’ll see, come on. I have a surprise for you. Put this on.” He reaches over to the chair where my winter jacket is hanging. I wondered why it was there, he’s normally so tidy, everything put away in its proper place. Seems like someone’s been hiding a secret plan.

  Once he’s got me zipped up he turns his back to me. “Hop on.” He crouches down, and in a second he’s got me piggy back and out the front door just as a pickup is pulling down the long, gravel drive through the pine trees. It crunches around the circle toward where we’re standing. It’s cold, but he has heat lamps on in the entryway and the overhang.

  It doesn’t take me more than two seconds to see the person in the passenger seat struggling to calm an excited ball of fur.

  “What? Is that what I think it is?”

  He lowers my feet to the ground as my hands dart to cover my mouth and I start jumping up and down. I love Tinder and Leopold, but I’ve been talking about how much I loved raising Cherokee from a little pup. I guess when he said making me happy and giving me everything I want (within reason of course) is what makes him happy, he wasn’t kidding.

  “If you think that is a brother and sister that need a good home then yes, it’s what you think. They’re a mixture of St. Bernard and German Sheppard, we think. So I hope you’re prepared for a couple big new friends, Ange
l. They’re all yours.”

  The man opens the door of the truck and one by one he sets down the giant fluff balls, and they come running right to me. I’m crouched down, and they may be puppies but they knock me right over, covering my face with puppy breath as they lick me until I can’t breathe.

  I manage to open my eyes and look up just in time to see Daddy hastily brushing fingers under both his eyes.

  “I love you, Daddy. Sooooo much.”

  “I love you too, Angel. More than you can ever know.”

  Epilogue Two



  One year later

  “Dude, calm the fuck down.”

  “I can’t. I’m a fucking mess.” My chest feels like bricks are stacking on it, more every second. My palms are sweaty and my voice sounds like I’m hitting puberty again. “And we shouldn’t be fucking swearing right now.” I jerk an elbow into Erik’s side as he laughs at me standing in his matching tuxedo to my left.

  Thank God this is a civil ceremony and the justice of the peace is standing out of ear shot.

  My legs are shaking, and I keep having to wipe the sweat off my brow. I never thought I would be here, and now that I am I’m acting more like the blushing bride than the strong, steady groom.

  We’re standing in the living room at the small cabin, the lights dangling from every surface, vertical or otherwise. Angel wanted a Christmas themed wedding and that’s what I gave her. I had the cabin completely decked out like the inside of Santa’s workshop at the North Pole. I told the designers that my angel loved it in the movie “Elf” with Will Farrell, when he stayed up all night in the department store and decorated the Santa’s workshop. I showed the wedding planners the scenes in the movie and told them to make it look like that, spare no expense, and I have to admit they did not disappoint.

  There are intricate paper snowflakes dangling by the hundreds from the ceiling. Twinkling white lights fall from everywhere. Soft tufts of some kind of fake snow cover the surfaces and there are jars and jars of every kind of candy you could think of on a buffet in the back of the room.

  Now I’m standing here, sweating like a whore in church, waiting for my sweet angel to step out of the limo that just delivered her from the main house to the cabin door.

  I say a prayer at the ceiling as the music cues up, and I see her father step inside first, holding the door open for his daughter.

  When she comes in and takes his arm, I don’t fight it any more. I’m just praying I can answer the questions when they are asked, because I’m already crying so fucking hard I have to slap away the tears so I can see my precious girl as she walks down the short aisle.

  Andrea is here, maid of honor, and Erik’s my best man. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they are doing this very thing themselves in a few months. They’ve been almost as inseparable this past year as we were from the day we got together.

  Seems the Leonard men really do have the Viking curse. Once we see our one and only, we’re done. Tag us and bag us, because we are all one-woman men.

  The next twenty minutes pass in a blur of my own pussy tears and our words of love. All I remember clearly is her. She’s so beautiful it’s like staring into the sun. I know for sure that I manage to repeat my vows between my straight out man sobs, but that’s about the only other thing I remember.

  After that, it’s ‘I do’s’ and congratulations, and I’m still a bit of a mess. Dragging the back of my hand over my cheeks every few seconds. Only now I have a hard on the size of a toddler’s arm sticking up inside my black tuxedo trousers.

  “Come on, babe.” I take her arm, leading her to the back bedroom where Mom and Dad used to sleep. I had it completely redone. The rest of the few guests we invited are all at the other end of the building. They all know I’m not waiting any longer to take my new bride for the first time. So they are all enjoying the free food and copious amounts of great wine, courtesy of Cindy, while I take my sweet angel to the other room to fuck her the first time as my wife.

  “That was so amazing, Daddy.” She whispers. She still doesn’t like to call me Daddy in front of a lot of people, and that’s fine. I love her little soft, embarrassed moments. “You made the house look just like in the movie.”

  “Only the best for my babygirl. Now, get in that bed, I’m going to eat my wife’s pussy until she cums a couple times. Then I’m warning you, Angel, Daddy needs it hard. I need my wife to remember her first fuck with every step she takes for a few days. Your pussy’s going to be feeling me even when I’m not there, princess. Daddy needs to get off hard, so you just be a good girl and let me do what I need to do, okay?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  When she reaches down and lifts up the bottom edge of her dress, pulls it up as I’m closing the door behind us and shows me her naked pussy underneath, I nearly explode in my pants.

  “Face down, ass up, baby. Daddy’s coming in.”

  She giggles as I chase her to the bed, and she crawls up as I dive into her pussy, pushing the layers of white fabric out of the way. I want to take her like this, in her sweet, white dress. I want my cum on the fabric, and I want it boxed up and kept that way in remembrance. She may not be a virgin, but it’s our first time as husband and wife and that deserves commemoration in my book.

  After she covers my face with two rounds of her sweet release, I’m as primed as a powder keg, ready to let loose inside her pussy. She’s as tight as the first time I took her, and every time feels like the first for me. I’m a complete bitch for her and my little princess keeps me on my toes.

  I wait until she gets her breath back, then I’m dropping trou and naked behind her, my cock spilling out cum already.

  “Daddy.” She looks over her shoulder, her face flushed.

  “Yeah, babe?” I rub my cock through her soaking folds, committing every second of this to memory. I push it onto her hard, sensitive nub, clit fucking her with the tip as she tries to focus.

  “I didn’t tell you last night because I wanted it to be our wedding surprise. But the doctor called. He said it looks like everything worked. I won’t take any more shots. I could even get pregnant right now. He said it’s not likely, but possible.”

  “Fucking awesome. That’s the best wedding present ever, baby. My god.”

  I slide into her without another word. I need her body around mine. All the waiting, the worrying. Her endometriosis kept her on the Depo shot, but I found a specialist and she had some treatments over the last couple months. We just had to wait and pray they would work, and it looks like good things come to those who wait, because I can feel it already. I’m putting a baby inside her if it kills me.

  We fuck in every position possible over the next hour. I cum buckets into her cunt, leaving her laying on the bed with her hips stacked on six pillows, because I want every drop of my seed in her womb today. I’m taking root, I can feel it.

  “Lick me clean, princess. I tried to get it all inside you, but looks like there’s a couple drops there for your mouth.”

  I crawl up onto the bed, push the tip of my cock down to her ready, waiting lips as she smiles up at me and flicks that magical tongue over the head, taking the droplets of white cream that sneak out.

  “Mmmmm. Thank you.” She moans as she cleans me off.

  The music is turned up louder in the other room now, and I’m sure it’s my sister’s message to hurry up and get out there with the rest of the celebration.

  “Come on, my sweet girl. Let’s get you some food. I’m worried you didn’t eat enough yesterday with all the excitement.”

  She grins, licking the last taste of me from her lips. “You say that every day. I’m going to be as big as a house if you keep it up. And if I get pregnant——”

  “When, Angel. Not if. When.” I take the pillows out from under her legs, watching as a little of my seed drips from her pussy. I hate that it’s coming out of her like that, but I’ll be giving her multiple refills un
til her belly is full of me. “And if you ever lose a pound, I’ll be pissed, you know that. All of this is mine. And if you get rid of any of it, I’m going to spank your ass until you can’t sit down for a week.”

  She giggles and I slap her soaking pussy just for good measure before flipping her dress back down and pulling her up.

  I gather up my clothes and she helps me get myself back together before wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me tight. And I hug her back, twice as hard.

  “You’re dripping down the insides of my legs, Daddy.”

  “Good. I want you to feel me like that this entire day. You know who you belong to, don’t you?”

  “You, Daddy. Always and forever.”

  “Good girl. Such a good girl.”

  Epilogue Three



  Five Years Later

  “Mommy and Daddy will be right there, Emily. One second——”

  I lose the last words on a pleasured gasp as Magnus pinches my clit between his magical lips, making me cum on his face for the third time this morning. My head swims with pleasure, making the next words difficult to form.

  “Are...” A moan as I regain my breath. “Are you done?”

  I smile at the sight of my monster of a husband sitting on the floor of the kitchen, leaning against the cabinets with his tongue still lapping between my legs where I’m straddling his face, his hands gripping my skirt at my hips.

  “Because it’s pancake Sunday, and these pancakes aren’t going to make themselves.”

  “Go, babe, I’ll just watch from down here.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  Emily is playing with the dogs in the great room. I can see her from my position in the kitchen, but she can’t see her father or what’s going on down below.


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