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Wanting him back

Page 4

by Mary Norton

  He gets up coming close to me. I realize he's tired and even without knowing what to do. Although he took care of me when the work should be the opposite.

  - You do not have to thank, Juliane. - Says tense. - I would do it for any girl who was in danger. I just want you to rest, I will ask the doctor to come to evaluate you and depending on what it will do, I know you will not leave here now. - He holds my hand. - Is there someone you can call to bring clothes for you?

  Wave not. My brother is the closest, but he lives five hours away.

  - You want me to go into your house and take something?

  I remember that Leo has the spare key from my apartment.

  - Do you know where my phone is?

  He goes to the small dresser that is in the corner. I can not help but be a little happy to know that my new phone is good.

  I'll call Leo meets on the second ring.

  - Hey, what miracle is that you're up early on a Saturday?

  - It's a long story, but I need a big favor, Leo.

  I tell him what I need, but I had to assure him that everything was fine. As I spoke with my friend, I realized that Augusto looked at me with great curiosity.

  - He's coming with some clothes.

  - Great, I'm going, I come back here later to change clothes.

  I look away from him.

  - No need to go back, Augusto, you've done a lot for me, Leo can get ...

  I stop talking when the doctor comes. When it will say something, Augusto in a tone of authority tells him what he will do.

  - I'm going home to change clothes and eat something. The friend Juliane, Leonardo Pacheco, is coming with some clothes for her, please, call me if anything happens, I'll be back here about an hour.

  I'm just looking at him as if he who had hit his head.

  - Good morning, Juliane, you really scared her boyfriend.

  - He is not my boyfriend. - I say down.

  What embarrassing.

  - No? - The doctor looks confused. - Because that's what he told me when I came to you here.

  I look at the doctor's badge and see your name.

  - Doctor Paul, sorry if my boss had to lie to you. And even though I'd love to find out what else he said, I am not able to think straight, my brain seems frying whenever I try to think more in between I was partially aware.

  The doctor seems surprised at my ease babbling.

  - Lie down so I can examine it.

  He does his job. He says I took two points on my forehead and I can take in five days. As I bled a lot and was knocked out, I went straight to the emergency, but the MRI showed that so far there is nothing wrong with my head. Doctor Paul laughed when I said I was surprised that the examination did not yield my head is hollow at times of the day.

  He said he will only release me when leaving the result of the scan, he wants to make sure that everything is fine. He comes out and says the nurse back soon to give my last dose of medicine. And at that moment, Leo appears with my backpack.

  As soon as he sees me is paler than it already is.

  - You promised me that was fine.

  I give an apologetic smile for him. Leo hugs me and sits next to me in bed. His eyes are concerned, I know he must be thinking a thousand things.

  I tell him what happened, and this time I can not hold the tears. I know now I'll avoid walking alone. Fear will be constant in my life now. Leo helps me to get to the bathroom, he just came out when he convinced me to leave the door open a little so I scream if something happens wrong.

  Shot the dressing wanting to wash my hair, take a bath in the best possible way. The as well as my slightly sore body permits. My head no longer throbs so much, but still heavy. Given the small print of the dress R2D2 Leo gave me last year.

  My friend knows how to help me to smile.

  - Thanks. - I appreciate when I go back to the hospital room. - Do you know how anyone the clothes that will improve my mood.

  - Now tell me, who was with you? And you told your mother?

  - No! - I say loud and moan a little. - She does not need to know this.

  Mom will just fly here and will want to take me home with her, just do not.

  - Juli, you know that one hour she will know, it is better to know you.

  Wave to him, only for him to be quiet.

  - Why did not you call me to fetch you? You know I would. If I knew ...

  - Do not think so, it will not help us at all be thinking about these things. I'm fine, Augusto saved me ...

  - I owe him my life for saving my best friend.

  - I would do it for any girl!

  Both me and Leo turned our heads for the door.

  - Still, I'm grateful to be there to help her. - Leo holds my hand. - You know when it will be released?

  - She's already gone. - Augusto reaches out to me. - I just spoke to Dr. Paul, he is bringing his release.

  Sigh of relief. I take your hand and even with the medicine in my system can keep me steady.

  - Let's go home. - Leo says taking my bag.

  - It will not be necessary, Leonardo. I'll stick with Juliane tonight, I feel responsible for her after all that happened.

  Again, both I and the Leo stared surprised.

  - I think...

  - Juliane, you are two points on the head. With strong drugs in his blood, it happened when I was on company business, yes, it is my duty to know that you're okay. Even if I have to stay with you one more night.


  It is!

  Nothing more than work.


  The good thing about living alone is that I have my own Bat-Cave. I can do things my way. Not that I am a disorganized girl, actually I have a little OCD when it comes to organization. And I thank you very much for the girl who gets my apartment to come this week.

  For I had no idea I would have an unexpected visit from my boss. I open the door of my small and comfortable apartment. I'm slower than usual, blame the drugs. I try hard to do that Augusto change his mind and it was good to be alone. But he just listened to me in silence, put me in his car and brought me home.

  I felt very intimidated by your BMW. Hardly breath for fear of some disaster happen. Because, my own birth was a natural disaster. Then, of course, breath can be a tragic accident without limits.

  And I can not afford an expensive car. So that he could do this, I should probably sell my two bad, lung, heart and part of my brain to the black market for organs.

  And still owe three or four installments.

  - Shall I open? - He asks impatiently.

  - Thank you, but if not noticed, I am without my glasses.

  Wrinkling his brow wanting to see the keyhole.

  - You seem to do without it.

  I shrug.

  - I can most of the time, but I'm hopeless when it comes to seeing a meter away.

  He is silent. I'm sure I heard her sigh of relief when I open the door. I turn on the light and put my bag on the table.

  - It's small, but it's mine. - I say when I give space to my boss in. - I'm glad that everything is in place, do not know how it would look if you received here with a huge mess.

  Augusto stares at me as if he wanted to know if it's okay with me.

  - Cool your apartment.

  He says looking around. Here in the room I am a normal person, but I can not say the same of my room. There yeah, it's my Bat-Cave. And only the most reliable than guests are received.

  - I try to maintain comfort. You want a drink? I know I'm starving.

  - Why was stubborn, I should have accepted his hospital breakfast.

  I look good for him, enforcing my words.

  - Do not trust anyone who takes reheated coffee. And hospital coffee is the more pure caffeine for cheating customers. - He seems to understand what I tell him. - I'll make that coffee you gave me. Feel free.

  Before I can take a step, Augusto holds me by the elbow and put me sitting on my couch.

  - I think I can handle your coffee, do
not bother to tell me where things are, I know seek and do not like having anyone telling me what to do. I hope you understand that.

  Close your eyes to it.

  - I'm just accepting it, because it's your job and from what I remember, you were the one who hit the gavel and ruled that was coming to me.

  Augusto seems really surprised me playing the whole truth in it. Well, sorry if I'm not staying silent.

  - I'm doing something to eat.

  Let him do it and I'm going to my room. My beautiful room Nerd.

  I'm proud of the way I managed to ride it. It can be a very stupid thing to normal people, but for us, passionate about the world of fantasy and superheroes, is a kind of paradise on earth. The wallpaper I had made out expensive, but left my room on my own.

  DVDs, books, comics, TV series, packing everything in my corner shelf that I gained my brother. By the way, I need to tell him before Leonardo open beak gossipy him.

  Send a message in the family group, saying I just desiquilibrei me and I fell. I do not want unnecessary fanfare. Thinking about it, I do not know how was the guy who tried ...

  I fall in bed, with my very heavy chest. It is the third time I cry now, I think I need my stock of Nutella, sure we will have a monstrous TPM coming up.

  Stop it, Juliane, you are not a fearful let alone a weakling. I take a deep breath and untie the bag that Leo took me. My dress is destroyed, even the most wonderful washing machine can take this goop he became.

  I do not know how to behave dress, as one of my sets to stay home. Doing my best face bargaining, I return to the kitchen, wanting to get rid of my self unwelcome guest.

  But the vision I have make me change my mind for a few seconds. Certainly they would judge me for being drooling shamelessly the butt of my most beautiful and delicious boss.

  Epaaaaaaaaa !! Where did that come from?

  - You need help?

  He seems unfazed by my sudden intrusion.

  - Look, I appreciate it, really what you did for me, but I think you're overreacting here and I do not want ...

  I think my stainless steel pan broke somehow when he released over the sink. The crash may have been heard from the concierge, I'm sure. I see that Augusto deep breath before turning to face me. He walks up to me in slow steps, but does not hide any little his anger.

  - Overkill! That was the only thing I could hear! - Said in a low and very upset tone. - You did not see what I saw, Juliane.

  - Right, it must have been difficult.

  - Difficult? Seriously you are reducing what happened in less than twenty-four hours? Or are you pretending it is good to not have to cry again in front of me.

  I take a deep breath to not have to yell at him when he's trying to help me. But wanting to help is a totally different thing to do out of obligation. And I hate to do things for me because it feels the duty to do this.

  - I'm not diminishing anything. If you do not remember, I was there. I that I'm achy, I have two points to the head. Then no. I'm not minimizing the whole matter. - My voice is low because I have almost no strength. The drugs are starting to make even the effect. - I'm just saying that you have no obligation to stay with me, I know I turn myself, I do it for almost ten years, it's not like it was the first time I'm sick and drugged.

  Augusto reaches a dishcloth that's in my closet and clean your hands. He takes my hand and leads me back into the room. He sits next to me, the way he is, it seems my father when he wanted to convince me not to try harder to cut the hair of my sister.

  - I like to know I can take care of herself. But I'll be more relaxed knowing that you can ask for what you need me. - He takes a deep breath. - Juliane, when I saw you passed out and with blood on his face, I thought of many things that do not want to remember. I'll just get rid of me this whole event, when the doctor take these points of your head and make me in writing that there is nothing wrong with your head.

  I try hard, but I have to speak.

  - I have problems on the head since the day I was born.

  And there he is. His younger and charming smile that makes me want to look at it forever.

  - You are ... Very spontaneous.

  - Oh, what is it? I know you wanted to say I'm crazy, garrulous, Nerd you can not see your face right even well standing in front of me. Damn it. - I get up slowly, but I'm still dizzy. - I'll have to resort to glasses of years ago, I will again have eighteen. Filth!

  Augusto does not follow me. Thank God! I do not want to have to explain to him my room. It would take hours. I am meeting my old frame of thick glasses black color and place. Pisco a few times and see what's good.

  - Yes, old friend, it seems to be me and you again!

  I return to the kitchen wondering no little I have a stranger in it, stirring in my pots and my stock of food.

  - You seem to know how to cook!

  He says when I get some juice.

  - My mother raised us to her, but she knew that one hour would take our way. So she worked very hard to teach us to work alone.

  - How many brothers you have? - Question when you take what appears to be frozen lasagne microwave.

  - We are three brothers. Casse is the oldest, Joaquim the youngest and I'm the middle child. That was good because I had little attention.

  Augusto wrinkles his brow thoughtfully.

  - I wanted to be lucky enough to be in the middle.

  - Each case is different, you should know that. But I'm sure you were a younger son.

  A smirk appears.

  - Yes and no. Being the youngest was cool, but be the youngest and man, that part was not.

  - They were annoying?

  - No, my sisters are wonderful. But my mother knew how to fill the bag when wanted.

  Ah! Poor little thing.

  - Come on, I know you're ready to get rid of me, I'm going to feed you and I promise I'll leave.

  I did not want, but I feel ashamed.

  - I'm not driving you, I'm just saying you do not need to take care of me when I'm well.

  I can finish the sentence before giving a loud yawn.

  - I am seeing. - Said reaching out to me. - Come.

  I like the whole lasagna. Augusto does not eat, because he says he is not hungry. I'm sorry for him, but I have a tremendous hunger. He grimaces when I wash the dish. After realize that I'm fine, says it will leave me for now, but back in the evening.

  - And what happened to the guy? - I tell him when we got the door. - I do not remember you have commented something about it.

  Augusto sighs and crosses his arms. It takes all my willpower not to have to look for them.

  - I blacked out with two punches to not run away, drunk as he was, fainted on the spot. The location of the security guards called the police and told what happened, I gave my number to them and said my lawyer take care of it, they will need you to go to the police station, you do not have to worry about anything.

  - But of course I have ...

  He shakes his head, calm as a lake on a summer day.

  - It is not, I said I took care of everything. And I want you to tell me why I was going alone? You could have asked me to give him a ride.

  I shrug.

  - This kind of party I'm always alone, the only thing I have to do is keep the documents ... Drooooooga!

  - Calm down. Or you will end up getting more dizzy than it already is. The documents are with Duarte. And just so you know he heard me.

  - As? - I ask, perplexed him.

  - Yes, he heard. This week I'm in business, I noticed more than those who work for years there, as you take your boss's account. Even if free from his mother when he can not do it. And when it comes to safety it does not even matter. At least he had the ability to be embarrassed.

  - But ...

  - None of this, Juliane. You ran the risk of life while working, the least he could do was make sure that you were driving home. Which he did not, and if I remember right, he even gave you good night.

  Under the gaze, knowing I
can not go against him. I did not know he had noticed so much.

  - Duarte should raise their hands to heaven and thank to have you in his life and in that company.

  - Thanks! I ... - swallow crying. - I ... Thank you for noticing.

  He approaches. I feel his eyes on me and it makes me keep looking down.

  - Can I ask you a question?

  Wave so.

  - Who was that guy who stopped you before you go?

  Levanto look at him, surprised that he saw me talking to Edward.

  - He was a friend.

  - It was? - I hear a tone of relief in your inquiry

  Wave again yes.

  - Azar his that is no longer in your life. - Augusto gets closer and kisses my forehead. - Until then, Juliane.


  I got rid of Augustus until Monday morning. Yeah, I tried to avoid him to see me, but he seemed to know what my plan was. Because he's waiting for me in my room. He's sitting in my chair, with arms folded, without any emotion on her beautiful face.

  - Good morning, Mr. Augusto.

  - What are you doing here, Juliane?

  - Good morning, Mr. Augusto ?!

  - Juliane!

  - Good morning, Mr. Augusto. - I continue until I get the answer I want.

  I'm staring at him sitting in my chair. If he thinks he can be annoying, he does not know that I take a drag on a whole new level. I open my locker and put my bag in, step behind the chair where he is and I turn on my computer.

  - Juliane!

  - Good morning, Mr. Augusto.

  It's a laugh I hear from him?

  - Good morning, Juliane.

  - How was the weekend, sir? - I ask when I put my password to open my email.

  . - Good Since I answered your good days and your question, my answer: What are you doing here, Juliane?

  - Puft! Working, duh. What else? Can I give my chair, please?

  He turns still in the chair.

  - You should be at home, just have to come back on Wednesday. Then I'll take you back.

  - No need, I'm fine, better than you can imagine, but seriously, I need my chair. - I mean kicking his shin slowly.

  He sighs in exasperation.

  - Juliane, I'm taking you home.

  - You and how many? - I ask leaning against the wall.


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