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Cowgirl Coed (Redneck Debutante Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Jenny Hammerle

  “I’m going with Monique to the movies. Are you sure you don’t want to join us?”

  “Nope, I’m good. I have kitchen duty first. Then, I have a little English Lit to read. Yippee!” Rachael said sarcastically. “Have fun. Eat some popcorn for me.”

  “I will. I’d been barely eating to look good for the jerk- not anymore. Extra butter and extra salt. I’m going to eat as much as I can. Then, back to healthy training mode tomorrow. My season starts in a week.”

  Rachael watched Lucia walk out. She decided to pop over and give Carly and Alexa the bad news. Rachael assured them that she was fine staying inside for the evening, especially after the chaos of last night’s party. Maybe a quiet evening at home was just what she needed. She decided to go out and fix herself a plate of whatever pasta and chicken dish was being served up tonight. From the detail sheet she’d seen while setting up earlier, it was some sort of pasta primavera- but the chicken being served on the side looked questionable at best. Rachael moved it around on her plate, needlessly debating on eating any of the surprise meat.

  Rachael chatted with her sisters. They were truly a mixed batch. In the house there were four distinct groups. There were the party girls, the brains, the sports, and what Rachael thought of as the squad. The squad was made up of a few dancers and two cheerleaders. And while they were all unique and different, at the house they were sisters and friends. They had each other’s backs on anything from class notes, tough professors, babysitting jobs, and guy situations. There didn’t seem to be an area where they wouldn’t go to bat for one another.

  Rachael laughed along with the sports, telling a story about some campus powder puff rec game they were in that same morning. Something about hair bows, accidentally pulling one out, and the end result a clearly unpanhellenic exchange between them and the Deltas. Rachael remembered the bows from Rush and in her opinion they looked absolutely ridiculous. For a bunch of grown women to be walking around with those bows- in class, at Homecoming, during socials, and at fundraising philanthropic events for their charity of choice. All Rachael could think of was that Shannah wouldn’t be caught dead in one, and Maysie probably owned two.

  When dinner came to a close, Rachael declined any offers of help from Alexa and Carly. It was her turn and she didn’t want to owe anyone else any favors. She’d get it cleaned up, load the dishwasher, and later that night put the dishes away. Then, Rachael had a date with a cup of tea and a piece of Classic Literature that she found dreadfully boring.

  Rachael finished the kitchen in record time, even taking the time to wipe down the countertops with disinfectant wipes just the way Mama Jean liked. She heated her cup of water in the microwave and selected a black tea with plenty of caffeine to help her make it through. It was already dark outside and she could hear the girls upstairs gearing up for what was sure to be a wild night of partying. Rachael reconsidered going out with them, but decided that she’d probably regret it tomorrow. Instead, she opted to leave the house and take her book with her. She’d find a quiet corner of the campus library and really read, making an effort to focus and retain as much as she could.

  Rachael was distracted from her mission by Carly begging for help with her hair and make-up. Rachael was no cosmetologist, but Carly had zero make-up skills whatsoever. Her brown hair was silky straight and shiny. All she needed was a dab of make-up, some powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and maybe some lipstick.

  Okay, maybe she needs a little TLC.

  Rachael helped her with her face, but convinced her to wear her hair just as it was. Next, Deborah from upstairs was there with a pallet of eyeshadows begging assistance as well. One by one, Rachael felt like she’d opened a make-up counter. It drug on for over an hour and by the time she’d finished, she decided to scratch the library across campus idea.

  Walking that far at this time of night might not be all that bright of an idea after all.

  Next, Rachael found herself snapping pictures of her friends. They all looked fabulous and Rachael decided she might go too. She ran in her own room and changed her clothes, putting on the outfit she’d laid out earlier. If she timed it right- she could go out, come home, read and study- and see Travis tomorrow.

  “Okay, I’m going, but only for a bit. I’ll uber home.”

  Cheers went up and Rachael was instantly feeling like she might live to regret her decision. The girls all grabbed just what they needed- identification cards and cash. They clambered up the hall and out front where a car was waiting for them. The ride to the club was fun and everyone seemed excited. A few of the girls had already done some shots with the girls from upstairs.

  The car pulled up out front to drop them off, and it was only then that Rachael realized she’d forgotten her phone back at home.

  How can I uber without a phone?

  She knew the other girls planned on staying very late and she had no intention of doing that, so after a few fretful moments she decided to return home and gab her phone- and possibly her own car. She had no intention of drinking and parking was free according to the sign in the parking lot. Everyone was a little dismayed, but told her to hurry back.

  The driver dropped Rachael off at the front of the house. She used her access code to unlock the front door. The house seemed very quiet. The lights were all turned on, but no one was home. Even Mama Jean had driven home to Jacksonville for the weekend. Rachael opened the firewall door and continued back to the bedrooms on the first floor. Her door was the fourth on the right. She put her key in and turned the lock.

  The room was dark, where she’d remembered to turn off all of the lights when she’d left. She flipped on the light and screamed.

  A naked Colten lay sprawled out across her roommate’s bed.

  “Holy crap! You’re not Lucia!”

  “Of course, I’m not Lucia.” Rachael picked up his clothes and flung them at him. “Is this what you go around doing, Colten? Waiting for unsuspecting girls in a darkened room?”

  “Oh, she was expecting me.” Colten stood next to the bed, pulling on his boxers. Rachael glanced at the window beside the bed, wondering if that was how he’d gotten in, and that’s when she saw him. Travis stood outside the window, his eyes gleaming like fire and his jaw ajar.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Before Rachael could get things under control, Travis was climbing in through the window. Rachael jumped in between Colten and Travis.

  “Travis, I can explain. I just walked in and he was here waiting for Lucia.”

  “She’s telling the truth, man.” Colten stood with his hands on his hips.

  “You, shut the hell up.” Travis pointed his finger at Colten’s chest.

  “You’ve got a problem.” Colten commented. “See Rachael, these unrefined country guys are so unpredictable.”

  Rachael knew that the situation had just taken a very bad turn. She placed her hands on Travis’s shoulders.

  “Travis, outside!”

  “Me outside?” He looked truly hurt, mad, and unsure.

  Colten picked up his clothes and walked over to the window, tossing them out. Before he could climb through, Travis pushed him through from behind and dove out after him. Rachael could hear the fight that ensued and found herself climbing out in pursuit of them both.

  “Stop it! Both of you!”

  Lucia arrived home and blew through the room. Hearing the commotion outside, she too popped her head out of the window.

  “Oh,” the expletives rushed out of her mouth and she joined Rachael outside, climbing through the window the same way Rachael had. Rachael ran over at a point where the two guys had rolled down the small hilly decline and were now both stumbling to their feet. Both of their noses spewed blood and Colten’s mouth a small gash.

  “I can explain!” Lucia intervened. “Colten stops by every week after his socials. It’s a regular thing. But tonight he canceled and I failed to tell him that Rachael was staying home.”

  “You don’t look like you stayed hom
e.” Travis wiped his lip, pointing at her outfit.

  “Really? You’re going to sit and accuse me. And what exactly are you accusing me of, Travis?” Rachael shook and tears filled her eyes.

  “Whatever, Rachael.” Travis turned and headed for the parking lot.

  “He’s not worth it. I don’t know what made you fall for him in the first place.” Colten mumbled, opening and closing his jaw.

  Rachael was thankful Travis was out of earshot and ran to catch him. She caught up to him at his truck. He climbed in and slammed the door.

  “Where are you going? Aren’t we going to talk this out?”

  “Nope,” Travis drove away, sending gravel and small pieces of glass flying in his wake.

  A horrible feeling came over her. Rachael knew he thought the worst of her. There’d been a naked guy standing in her room- all alone- with her. She was dressed to go out and all made up. She had to admit it looked really bad. As is in really, really bad.

  How would I react if the situation were reversed?

  Rachael turned and walked back up to the house. Lucia had taken Colten inside to doctor his wounds, but Rachael wasn’t in the mood to hear what either of them had to say. If Lucia hadn’t been rendezvousing with Colten, in their bedroom no less, after socials, none of this would have happened. Rachael had to admit to her own stupidity in the whole mess. If she’d talked to Lucia before, when she’d had the chance- months ago…

  None of this ever would’ve happened.

  And now what?

  Does Travis truly think I’m cheating on him with Colten?

  That Lucia is a close enough friend that she would step in and lie for me?

  The realization that this situation was an awful one tore Rachael through to her core. She felt as if her heart were ripping out of her chest. Rachael knew she must go after him and she knew she had to do it right now. She stomped down to her room and flung open the door.

  “I’m sorry, Rach.” Lucia cried.

  Rachael merely ignored her, grabbing her purse, keys, and wallet with her ID. She turned and walked out. Colten had gone and for that Rachael was glad. Why did he have to go and add that part that he added? It took what was already a heated situation and escalated it beyond repair.

  Rachael reached her car, climbed in, and started her engine. Then, she just sat there. A torrent of tears came in a flash flood.

  What the hell just happened?

  I don’t understand.

  Rachael knew she wasn’t ready to drive anywhere yet. She knew that doing so and confronting Travis right now might be a huge mistake. She couldn’t believe he’d just walked away. He had every reason to be angry and even disgusted with her right now. He only had some of the facts and the other things he thought he knew weren’t any better. Rachael lay her head against the steering wheel and debated with herself about her next course of action. Should she sit right there and sob for hours? Should she drive over there and demand he talk to her right this very minute? Did she write him a note and beg forgiveness?

  She thought back to that day so long ago in the barn. That fateful day when she found out the truth about Travis and Misty. The day her world crumbled and fell apart. He’d tried everything to reach her for weeks. Everything from calling to texting, to writing letters and even stopping by in person. And the bottom line was- she was beyond upset. She didn’t think she could move past it. She wasn’t sure at first that she even wanted to move past it or work through it.

  Is that how he feels this very minute?

  He can’t. He wouldn’t. We’ve come so far.

  Rachael knew what she had to do. She must face him. She must go and say all the things she’d needed to hear.

  She put her car in reverse and drove to his place. It seemed like it took an eternity to get there, yet when she arrived his truck wasn’t there. So, she waited. Midnight came and went, and he still hadn’t returned home. Rachael began to get worried. She began to fear that something had happened to him. She contemplated calling his mother or even his father. The minutes ticked by and turned into hours. By five o’clock it became apparent he wasn’t going to come home. At All.

  Where could he be?

  Rachael dozed off for what felt like a long time. The sound of his truck idling into the parking lot alerted her to his arrival. She glanced at her cell and saw it was six-thirty in the morning and the sun was rising on the horizon. He’d stayed out all night…

  Rachael watched as he parked next to her and walked over to her car, waiting for her to get out and talk to him. His hands were shoved in his front pockets and his appearance could only be described as rough. He looked straight down at the ground and she knew it didn’t bode well.

  Rachael rolled down her window and climbed out Dukes of Hazard style.

  “You never came home. All night. I’ve been waiting here.”

  “I figured when I pulled in.”

  “Well, where were you?”

  “It’s not important.”

  “What do you mean it’s not important? Of course it’s important.”

  “Listen, I’ve been doing some thinking. I can’t go on like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I have been. I thought we could do this- this whole college experience thing together, but we can’t. I can’t keep doing this.”

  “Doing what? I think we are doing this,” Rachael raked her hand through her hair, pushing it away from her forehead. “I thought we were doing this together. I thought we were having fun.”

  “This hasn’t been fun for me. Not fun at all.” Travis moved his boot around in the gravel, tracing some invisible pattern. “It should be fun. And, for you, I’m glad that it has been. I truly am.”

  Tears stung Rachael’s eyes and burned her so deeply she couldn’t focus.

  “What are you saying, Travis? Are you breaking things off with me?”

  “Don’t think of it as breaking up. Think of it as hitting the pause button.”

  “You don’t mean that. You don’t, I know you don’t,” Rachael grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to her. “Look at me, Travis. Look at me and say it,” she pleaded.

  “I’m hitting pause, on us. Not forever, just for now. You don’t have to worry about what I think about your living situation, your roommates, anything. Have fun. Take these six months off.”

  “No, I refuse to. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Travis leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. She heard him sniffle and when she looked up she saw the unshed tears in his eyes. He was serious. Dead serious. He let go of her and walked away, disappearing inside, leaving her standing in the parking lot, sobbing her eyes out. Rachael walked over to her car door and kicked it. She leaned forwards gasping for air and sank to the ground, on hands and knees, feeling as if she could vomit. Minutes passed and she turned, sitting against her car door. She watched as cars came and went from the parking lot. She watched as birds fluttered about, returning to their nests in the hedges with a small bug in their beaks. Rachael saw a stray cat over at the dumpster eating a small pile of cat chow brought out by an elderly woman. After an hour it became evident that Travis had gone inside and had no intention of returning.

  So were done…

  Chapter Eleven

  Rachael felt the chill of winter creeping in around her. She texted Travis daily. He never responded. She saw his truck in traffic on campus and around town. She heard through the grapevine that he’d moved Salvatore and John into his place. It was only a one bedroom and she wondered where he must have put them. There was the couch and the floor.

  I guess guys just plain do not care.

  Rachael tried calling him and after a week of no contact she decided it was time to write that letter.

  Dear Travis,

  You said you were hitting the pause button, but this feels more like a breakup. What is going on? I made a mistake. My roommate was sleeping with my ex-boyfriend and now I know she just didn’t feel comfortable telling me.
I take no responsibility in all of that. I do, however, recognize my complete screw up in failing to ask her to avoid having guys come over for overnight stays or otherwise. I realize that I should’ve broached that subject with her long ago, the first time it happened. I didn’t want her to feel I was some goodie goodie, and feel like I was judging her. I now know the many reasons you were concerned. It could’ve been any guy in that room. I don’t know everyone she knows or every flirtation she’s had. I realize that there could’ve been some scary guy in there and that you have every right to be concerned about that. I’m sorry for worrying you needlessly. I’m sorry for not addressing things sooner with Lucia and putting us both in a bad situation. I admit I messed up- big time.

  But, still, I don’t understand what we are doing here? Where is this going? This isn’t healthy. This is bad for our relationship long-term. We can do the college experience thing together. I’m learning as I go. Isn’t that what this whole experience is supposed to be? One giant, learning experience? We can’t work through this like this. I can’t work through this like this. Let’s do it together.

  Call me, please.


  Rachael folded the paper and slid it into a card she’d located at the pharmacy. The front had a giant horse’s backside and on the inside it read, I’m sorry for being such an…

  Rachael drove around the campus parking lots outside the engineering and science buildings. She knew he had class on Tuesday morning and she’d stick the card under the windshield wiper blade of his truck. Rachael knew he’d get it and at least read what she’d written. She pulled right up behind his truck and crept out of her car window, looking around. She didn’t see anybody coming and figured she was in the clear. Then, she realized she was being trivial. She didn’t look like she was breaking in to his truck and she knew no one would care what she was doing. She walked alongside the truck and realized the major flaw in her plan. His truck was very high and she wasn’t very tall. She stood, trying to reach the blade from where she could and she was nowhere near close enough. Next, she climbed on the running board along the door frame and tried placing the card that way.


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