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Eye of the Gazelle

Page 21

by Marcia Tucker

  The entity frowned. “You couldn't before. I've been in your mind, remember. How'd you get that power-up? And where can I get it?”

  “Not something I'm going to share with you, sorry,” Vekta snapped, not sorry at all. “You're going to help me, right?”

  Scorpa put out a finger and pushed the cup of freiascha further away from him. “I'm sensing that if I don't, you might do to me what, er, was done to Slimy. I'm right, yes?”

  Vekta forced a tight smile. “Something like that.”

  “Fine, I'll help with the relocation,” Scorpa said. “I'll work hard for you and be your model slave. When my back is against a wall, you'd be surprised what I can do and put up with.” He grinned suddenly. “Just until we get back to your universe, all right?”

  “Until the Eye of the Gazelle is resolved,” Vekta said unexpectedly. “I might need your help with that.”

  “Er, hmm?” Scorpa straightened. “Uh, well...”

  Vekta narrowed his eyes.

  “Yep, I'm all yours,” Scorpa said abruptly with a quick, nervous laugh. He transformed his leather outfit into a dark blue Fleet uniform with the insignia identical to that on Vekta's own uniform.

  “No insignia,” Vekta said with a sigh, flicking his finger at him. All insignia disappeared. Then he raised an eyebrow. “No hat. And tie back your hair if you're to look the part. I'll allow the uniform only because you won't stick out among us that way.”

  Sighing, Scorpa made the black fedora disappear, and tied his long black hair back with a leather tie, though he kept a single long strand of hair along the right side of his face. “There, all good now! So what can I do for you?”

  “I have to return to my federation to prepare the way. You're going to be my eyes in the meantime. I want you to watch what's going on in the capital. Observe everything you can about this society, become my expert on the Xandee and the teleXandee in particular. I know you can and do read minds freely. Just don't pull that paralysis thing again. I don't have time to research everything I need to right now. Can you handle a high level of technical detail?”

  What have I gotten myself into? Scorpa thought to himself, but he was also highly aware that he was being watched, too. And that this Vekta person was going to set that Stander person on him as a watchdog while he was gone. Damn. “What's that Stander guy going to be doing? Shouldn't he be doing all that?”

  Vekta finished his freiascha. “He's got the twins to look out for, and all the teleXandee to reassure, a huge job I don't think you're quite suited for... wouldn't you agree? Please answer my question.”

  Scorpa put a finger to the cup of freiascha in front of him, pushing it a few more inches away. “Fine. Sure, I can handle technical detail. I may not understand it, but I can remember it. I'll be your sponge. Hope you have time later to listen to all of it.”

  Vekta gave him another crafty, wry smile. “No need to. I'm going to have you link into my Crater-class cybernism once the Andromedea comes here. You just need to dump it all on him. Just record it all for me, all right?”

  Scorpa realized that he wasn't held blameless in what had happened to the Crater 0002 cybernism. I could have intervened there, but I didn't want to risk Slimy sending me somewhere noisome. “I'll do it,” he replied simply.


  When Vekta checked on the others a few minutes later, he verified that everyone had fallen asleep: Stander because of merge depletion, the twins exhausted by all the excitement. Just as well, he thought, setting out to plan his next move.

  First, he needed to check on something. Insinuating himself into the mind of his qild, Vekta searched for any trace of the Crater 0002. He wasn't entirely surprised to find nothing. At least there's no ill effect to Story because of it, he considered, thinking. I can't fathom how the Link held over the universes. Did Scorpa perhaps remove Prater's consciousness and park it in Story's? He rather suspected Thho; she would do something like that, not interfering directly, but sideways like this.

  I wonder if the HAGE can be regenerated, he mused, wondering about the shell back in Alpha. Well, it's time I checked on things at home anyway.


  Rather than autoport there, Vekta decided he'd make use of the Attitudes. Raising his conscious mind into the mental state now to be designated as consci4, he sent his perception via the Attitude of Being winging along across universes and a substantial number of light years to the planet Althaea orbiting Pollux in Alpha Universe. Fine tuning, he found Fleet Headquarters and then the apartment complex where the twins had been living. Then, the cybernism.

  But his wasn't the only mind observing the silent depths of the Crater 0002.

  Grinning, Vekta allowed the other to sense his presence, which had been hidden behind the Attitude of Powerlessness.

  The man, Human and wearing Starguard gray and white, jumped to his feet. “Vekta?!”

  “So when have you taken an interest in cybernisms, Jaime?” Vekta menttransed to his old friend via the Attitude of Communication.

  Not detecting any vector reflecting his friend's location, Jaime Cenntl spoke aloud, knowing the other could probably perceive it. “You know I think these Craters are the damndest things I've ever seen. At least your primary one is, but that's not important, is it? Er, where the hell are you?”

  “Don't worry, I'm fine, the twins and Stander are fine. I'm with them right now. Where's the Andromedea? I don't detect her in orbit.”

  Jaime dropped back down into his chair, then took a swig of the bagaanal in front of him, an alcoholic drink favored on his home planet. Gonna need this, he thought, grimacing. “Okay, we know the twins and Stander are in some other universe, so how can you know they're fine? How can you be there? How can you be menttransing to me? What the hell has happened to you?” His voice rose with a bit of hysteria at the end.

  Vekta sent a quick thought to Scorpa: “Let the twins and Kvaan know that I've got to go somewhere but I'll be back quickly.”

  Scorpa stiffened in shock at the unusually sharp thought arrowed at him. “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, then hastily added, “Whatever you want, er, sir!” He was stunned to find the Dracon was allowing him to perceive that he was in a higher mental state. Not going to mess with that, whoa.

  Snorting, Vekta checked a last time on everything in Xost: the twins sleeping soundly, Stander deeply asleep as well, Scorpa soaking in information in one of the Xandee's laboratories, the group of teleXandee still meeting and discussing their future. He figured he had a couple hours before anyone would need him again. Time to get everything started, he mused soberly.

  It had taken him aback to have so surprised his friend Jaime. But I shouldn't be surprised, he thought, looking back in to see Jaime drink deeply of the bagaanal again. I suppose I am really a freak now. But I don't want anyone to be afraid of my new powers. Jaime...

  19: The Revelation

  Starguard Jaime Cenntl had taken two more deep draughts of the spicy drink before he blinked upon seeing his best friend, once Starguard, now Major Colonel Vekta Rentclifv, kneeling beside his chair, a hand on his arm.

  “But... I only just started drinking,” he muttered. “I can't be seeing things already—”

  “Jaime,” Vekta murmured gently. “You’re right; I’ve had something of a power up. I'll tell you everything, of course.”

  “Damn straight you will,” Jaime said, hiccuping. “You'd have to have had one. You can't be here. Maybe you're not. I hope...”

  Sighing, Vekta squeezed his friend's arm. “I'm quite real, Jaime. Sorry to shock you like this. I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to check in with you in person. More about that in a minute. What did you find when you cepted the Crater Trizero-Two?”

  “Eh, Prater?” Jaime had jumped at the squeeze. He blinked again; Vekta Rentclifv was definitely here. Ought never, ever, to get surprised by this bastard, he thought, his Starguard instincts pulling him out of his stupor. With a little mental adjustment, he dispelled the worst
of the effects of the alcohol. He now understood all too well how important this visit must be. “Damn, Vekta, that thing isn't important now, but do tell me about the power-up later! Do you know the Andromedea has gone to Chalawan to fetch Novella Aurand?”

  Vekta shook his head. “I'd been directed to where Stander Kvaan and the twins are, but nowhere else. Chalawan? What's she doing there?” He recalled that Chalawan was the closest USC Community to Gozgazel, and therefore the Taree Empire.

  Jaime straightened and turned in his chair to face the other, gesturing for his friend to sit as well. “Apparently Tesirax — now an Imperial Khagan — took her there out of the kindness of his black Taree heart,” he explained, snorting. “In gratitude for her part in the capture of the traitor Korgovax, oh wait, Korgo kicked it, didn't he? Anyway, they've gone just a bit ago to pick her up. So, what's this nonsense about an energy creature thinking some crap about you believing your kids can do something about that Eye thing in the Gozgazel System?”

  Waving a hand in negation, Vekta shook his head. “That was an error on my part. It wasn't them so much as something I was allowed to sense in myself... a potential to be developed, though I don't know as yet if I can resolve the Eye. Anyway, that creature — Polluxanvega — is out of the picture now. We won't encounter it again.”

  Jaime made another disgusted noise. “Isn't there another one, though?”

  Vekta gave him a quick, tight smile, an ironic one. “Don't worry about him. He owes me. I've got him doing research for me on the situation back in the Xost Universe — that's where the twins were sent. The people they encountered have a serious situation going on. We’re going to need to intervene.”

  Jaime waved a hand at him. “Oh, no, here you go, Starguarditis flaring up! How can we play around in another universe when we've got enough going on here? Oh, excuse me, you've got all these new powers now!” He took a deep breath and got up, beginning to pace. “If I ever have a reason to be depressed, it'd be because I can't ever hope to keep up with you.”

  “You likely have the Attitudes potential as well... the Attitudes of Consciousness, that is,” Vekta interrupted, watching him. “You're a Level 8 High telepath. If I could learn them, you can. Plus you're a Starguard and therefore very adaptive.”

  Jaime stopped, faced away from him, and grew still. After a long moment, he said quietly, “I don't know if I want that much power. You crossed universes by the power of your mind.” He turned, but did not look at his friend yet. “I don't covet what you have that much.” He added silently, “You know me; I'm lazy that way.”

  Vekta, watching the profile of his friend, nodded in understanding. Jaime Cenntl had always been a bit of a loose cannon, the sole nonDracon Human who was Level 8. Slotted into the Guard early on, he had struggled with the burden of his powers, especially since every other member of his family — such as his more famous older brother, high in Fleet ranks — were nontelepaths. Except for his friendship with the scientific maverick, Vekta Rentclifv, he was a loner. Yet in wider company he could be quite affable, appearing relaxed and always joking. He has an edge to him...

  “You should know something else,” Vekta said instead of responding. “I had occasion to merge with Novella Aurand on Sanz Base. She's... my mental match. It startled both of us, the completeness and speed of merging. Only to merge3, though. That's all we were willing to risk with a virtual stranger.”

  Jaime was still frozen, listening. “She's pretty... well, duh, she's a Dracon. Mental match? What does that even mean? Like a soulmate? You making that kind of connection with her? I can support you on that. It's been a year.”

  “I don't know what it is,” Vekta replied quickly, frowning. “I'm not like you, Jaime. I don't automatically evaluate someone as a potential partner. I'm just saying she would also be able to develop the Attitudes. I intend to propose that to her.”

  Now Jaime looked over and shot his friend a glare. “Yeah. Stay in your little world of denial, Vekta. You like her, don't you? You find her attractive and it happens that she gets you like no one else. Certainly Martan never did.”


  “I will, too, bring her up,” Jaime stated flatly, folding his arms over his chest. “No one wants to tell you this to your face, you know, but I will. Martan went wrong... and you had nothing to do with it and you couldn't have done anything about it, even if you hadn't been away. I know women like her.”

  “But she was Dracon.” Vekta glanced away, uncomfortable.

  “Sorry excuse, I'm not buying that,” Jaime retorted. “I know Dracons are supposed to be hardwired to be all moral and that, but I don't believe it. Anyway, you need to put her behind you and move forward. Not just for the twins' sake. Novella might be the one. Think about it. She even works in your field!” He threw up his hands and sank back down into his chair.

  Vekta swallowed carefully. “I don't have time for that.” He quickly checked — everything back in Xost was as before — then looked at his friend again. “I came to you, Jaime, because I need you to explain what's happened to me to Peter and to Denayrga. I have to go check in with the Andromedea.”

  “Denayrga? Are you—“

  “I'm not going back to the Guard exactly,” Vekta explained. “Maybe I'll be jointly Fleet and Guard for a bit. I don't want to give up the Andromedea because of Crater and the Starlock, but I'll need Starguard privileges for some of what I'll be doing.”

  “The situation in that other universe?” Jaime sighed. “Will Fleet General Staff allow a Starguard to command a Defender?”

  “They might not need to know just yet.” Vekta did not want to think about Fleet General Staff. He had secrets from them regarding Crater. One more ought not to matter.

  “So hence getting permission from the Commander General and Starguard Director,” Jaime said, rolling his eyes at him. “Beautiful. Well, I know you can flip between universes and menttrans from another universe and autoport from one. What else do I need to know?”

  “Cept me,” Vekta said softly.

  Wary, Jaime closed his eyes and extended his mental senses to his friend. At first there seemed to be nothing there, then he realized Vekta was in a higher state of consciousness. Not consci3 as when we use one of our higher powers, but more... a new state? Consci4? I'm guessing he can go higher yet...

  “You're right,” Vekta murmured. “Consci4, and even consci5.” He settled back to a normal consci2 — normal for telepaths. “It's like...”

  He paused, then continued silently, “Like my mind was cracked open and the limits removed. I... don't know what the limits are. They may still be expanding for all I know. I was abducted by a being in another universe who had been watching me... and I don't know how much else in our federation, but she seemed pretty knowledgeable about the USC and its peoples. Not Humanoid. Aquatic, a bit like a dolphin. Anyway, she wanted to share the Attitudes with me. I said yes, but I probably should have thought about the whole thing much more.”

  Jaime withdrew his senses and leaned back. “You're so much trouble, Vekta; I've always liked that about you. How do you know you can keep from all that power corrupting you? I mean, I know you're a Dracon and all that, but still it's pretty heady stuff. What you can do!”

  Vekta got up and went over to the wall behind which the Crater 0002 was housed. He flicked open an interface field. “That's why I won't leave the Fleet, at least not right now,” he explained, fingers flicking around in the field to run diagnostics on the inert cybernism. “I'll place myself squarely under the authority of Fleet General Staff and your brother, and the Starguard Director as well. I'll report daily to Her Iron Majesty if I have to. But more importantly, I want to see about Novella developing the Attitudes as soon as possible. I can trust her to slap me down if I get out of hand.” He added aloud, “Damn, the A1A cell has degenerated. I'd checked Story's mind and there's no sign of Prater anymore, as if the Link had never been established. It's just gone.”

  “Really?” Jai
me said, coming over to peer at the glowing field. “It was intact hours ago when Crater and I looked at it. Of course, if it was going bad then, I don't know enough to determine if something was wrong with it. Crater missed that, too. Or else it was fine and this just happened.”

  Vekta wished he could split into three people: one to study the Crater 0002, one to meet with Peter Cenntl and Denayrga, one to go to the Andromedea and then meet with Novella. Or four. One to go back to Xost. Pretty sure quadrilocation is beyond even the Attitudes, he mused wryly. “Well, you're right. This isn't important right now, even if the scientist in me is itching to study this. I'm going on to the Andromedea.”

  “Right, and I'll contact the bigwigs,” Jaime said, sighing. “Lucky me!” He reached out and laid a hand on his friend's forearm. “Listen, Vekta, I know this stuff is huge, what's happened to you. Just... take it easy. Stay grounded.” He looked into the other man's dark brown eyes, as serious as he'd ever seen them. “Never lose yourself. Think of your crazy buddy, me... think of the twins, of course. And think of that black-haired beauty. You're going to be feeling really alone, you know? Keep us close.”

  Vekta returned the gaze, nodding. He glanced down at another sensation registered. A tendril from a Freen halfway across the room had reached him and wound around his ankle, tightening. “She knows it, too,” he whispered. As Jaime's hand fell away, Vekta stooped to unwind the tendril.

  “It's weird how the Freen only react to Dracons,” Jaime muttered. “I wonder why?”

  “No idea. But it's reassuring to me that maybe I haven't changed so much. A Freen still knows me and accepts me.”

  “Sure, you're still you! You'll be fine,” Jaime said, smirking.


  Twenty minutes later, Jaime was sitting in his brother's office, hands folded atop his knees, his legs crossed. And two people were fairly glaring at him. His brother's hands were folded into fists. The ash-skinned Esontian who led the Perseus Guard had shot qer most laid-back Starguard a look, but was already returning to qer usual placid gaze.


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