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A Bridge of Years

Page 8

by Charles Robert Wilson

  Angry at him for ignoring her knock—but maybe he hadn’t heard it—she ran to the window and peered up over the sill.

  Into the kitchen. She cupped her hand against the window and saw Tom with his back to her. His shirt was untucked and he was wearing a ragged pair of jeans. He bent down toward something on the floor; she saw it dash away—a cat, perhaps? But that was odd: Tom had never liked pets.

  People change, she told herself.

  She knocked at the door again, as hard as she could.

  Moments later, Tom answered.

  His smile faded when he saw her. He said, “My God.”

  “I’ve been here a little while,” she said. “I knocked—”

  “I must have been downstairs. My God. Come in.”

  She entered the house almost apologetically—cowed by his astonishment. I should have phoned. “I didn’t mean to surprise you like this, but—”

  He waved his hand. “It’s all right. I’ve been out of the house—I don’t always pick up the phone.”

  She allowed this excuse, disturbing as it was. He gestured at the sofa. She sat down.

  The room was neutrally furnished, almost impersonal. Barbara recognized a few items from the old Seattle apartment—a rack of jazz LPs, the stereo amplifier Tom had put together during his electronics-hobbyist phase. But the furniture was old-fashioned, styleless, and spotlessly clean; she guessed it came with the house.

  “I ought to tell you why I came.”

  Tom shook his head. “I can guess. Tony called you, right?” She nodded; he said, “I should have expected it. I’m sorry, Barbara. Not sorry to see you again. Sorry you dragged yourself all the way out here for nothing.”

  “Tony’s worried. He has a decent impulse now and then. Loreen’s worried, too, he says.”

  “They shouldn’t be.”

  She didn’t want to press the subject. She said, “It’s a nice house.”

  “I guess I ought to show you around.”

  He showed her the kitchen, the bedroom, the spare room, the bath—all immaculate, old-fashioned, and a little bit sterile. She hovered at the stairs but Tom hung back. “That’s just the basement. Nothing of interest.”

  She sat at the kitchen table while he brewed a pot of coffee. “This doesn’t look like bachelor housekeeping.”

  His smile was secretive. “Guess I’ve learned a few things since the college dorm.”

  “Tony said you’re working down at his lot.”


  “How’s it going?”

  He brought two cups of coffee to the table and passed one to her. “Lousy. Maybe Tony mentioned that, too. I don’t have a knack for taking people’s money.”

  “You were always a rotten card player, too. Are you going to quit?”

  He said, “I’m thinking of leaving.”

  This distinction—not “quitting” but “leaving”—struck an odd chord. “So you don’t answer the phone, the job’s no good … Are you moving?”

  “I don’t have any firm plans.”

  “You mean you don’t want to talk about it.”

  He shrugged.

  She said, “Well, I can’t blame Tony and Loreen for worrying. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this.”

  His mood, she meant, but it was the way he looked, too. All his flabbiness had been stripped away. He moved as if he’d tapped some secret well of energy. She considered checking his medicine cabinet for stimulants—but this wasn’t a chemical nerviness. Something deeper, she thought: a purposeful energy.

  “I’m not sick,” he said. “And I’m not crazy.”

  “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  He hesitated a long time. Finally he said, “I chose not to talk about this with Tony or Loreen or anyone else. I think I have that right.”

  “And you don’t want to talk about it with me.”

  A longer pause. He wasn’t smiling anymore.

  “I waited a long time to see you,” he said. “I wanted you to come back. I wanted to see you come through that door. To come and to stay. But that’s not why you’re here.”

  “No,” she said.

  “We don’t share secrets anymore. I think that’s a fact of life.”

  “I suppose so. But you understand why I came?”


  “You would have done the same—right?”

  “Yes. I would.”

  They sipped coffee in the silence of the kitchen. A breeze lifted the curtains over the sink.

  By noon, Barbara understood that, yes, he was preparing to go away for a long time; that he was secretive but probably not suicidal; that she might not see him again.

  Adjusting to this last nugget of information was harder than she’d anticipated. She had left him months ago, and the break had been final; she had never made plans to meet him again. The separation had been difficult but not traumatic. But maybe that was because, at the back of her mind, he was still there, as solid and invulnerable as a monument, a part of her life cast in stone.

  His bout with alcoholism had disturbed that complacency and now it had been shaken to the roots. This wasn’t Tom as she’d left him. This was some new Tom. A wilder Tom, deep in some enterprise he wouldn’t explain.

  Selfish, of course, to want him never to change. But she was afraid for him, too.

  He fixed a little lunch, omelettes, ham and onion—“I don’t live entirely on TV dinners.” She accepted gratefully but understood that the meal was a gesture; she would have to leave soon.

  “Whatever it is you’re doing,” she said, “I hope it’s good for you. I mean that.”

  He thanked her; then he put down his fork. His face was solemn. “Barbara,” he said, “how much do you love the year 1989?”

  It was a weird question. “I think it sucks,” she said. “Why?”

  “It’s bad because—well, why?”

  “I don’t know. Where do you start? It’s a bad time for the world because people are starving, because the climate is tough, because we’ve stripped away the ozone layer—all kinds of reasons. And it’s a bad time in America because everybody is very, very nervous and very, very careful. Except the bad guys. Remember Yeats? ‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.’ Why do you ask?”

  “What if you had a choice?”


  “I’m serious. What if you could step out of the world? What if you knew a place—not a perfect place, but a place where you could live without some of the uncertainties? A place where you knew for sure there wouldn’t be a nuclear exchange in the next thirty years. Where there was disease, but not AIDS. All the human agony—repression, pain, ugliness—but on a slightly less massive scale. And suppose you could predict some of it. Maybe not stop it, but at least stay away from it—floods, plane crashes, terrorist raids. What do you think, Barb, is that a good offer?”

  She said, “I don’t know. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “It’s a hypothetical question.”

  “Even hypothetically, it doesn’t make sense.”

  “But if there were such a place. If you could go there.”

  She thought about it. She meant to answer carefully: the question might be hypothetical but it certainly wasn’t casual. She read the intensity in Tom’s face. “I might be tempted,” she said. “Well, hell. I would be tempted. Who wouldn’t? But in the end—no, I don’t think I’d go.”

  He seemed disappointed. “Why not?”

  “Lots of reasons. I have business here.”

  “Saving the world?”

  A small vein of sarcasm. She ignored it. “Maybe doing my share. And there are people—”

  “Rafe, for instance?”

  “Rafe. Among others, yes. I have a lot to live for, Tom.”

  “I wasn’t talking about dying.” I hope not, she thought. But then, what?

  Had somebody made him such an offer?

  Too weird, she thought. Absolutely too weird.
“I would stay here,” she said firmly.

  Tom looked at her a long time. She guessed he was weighing the claim, turning it over, judging it. Finally he nodded. “Maybe you would.”

  “Is that the wrong answer?”

  “No … not really.”

  “But it’s not your answer.”

  He smiled. “No.”

  She stood up. “Tell me again. Before I leave. Tell me you’re all right.”

  He walked her to the door. “I’m fine. Just going away for a while.”

  “You mean that?”

  “I mean that.”

  She inspected his face. He was holding something back; but he meant what he said. Her fear had retreated a little— he wasn’t suicidal—but a small nugget of anxiety remained firmly lodged, because something had got hold of him, obviously—some strange tide carrying him beyond her reach.

  Maybe forever beyond her reach.

  He touched her arm, tentatively. She accepted the gesture and they hugged. The hard part was remembering how much she had loved being held by him. How much she missed it.

  She said, “Don’t forget to feed the cat.”

  “I don’t have a cat.”

  “Dog, then? When I looked in the window—I thought I saw—”

  “You must have been mistaken.”

  His first real he, Barbara thought. He’d always been a truly lousy liar.

  In the corner of the room his TV set flickered into life—by itself, apparently. She guessed he had a timer on it. He said, “You’d better go.”

  “Well, what can I say?”

  He held her just a little tighter. “I think all we can say is goodbye.”


  Tom Winter woke refreshed and ready for the last day he meant to endure in the decade of the 1980s.

  It occurred to him that he was checking out only a little ahead of schedule. A few more months, January 1, the ball would drop, the crowds would cheer in the nineties. It was a kind of mass exodus, rats deserting the sinking ship of this decade for the shark-infested waters of the next. He was no different. Only more prudent.

  Assuming, of course, the machine bugs would allow him to go.

  But he wasn’t afraid of the machine bugs anymore.

  He showered, dressed, and fixed himself a hearty meal in the kitchen. It was a fine early-summer day. The breeze through the screen door was just cool enough to refresh, the sky blue enough to promise a lazy afternoon. When he switched off the coffee machine he heard a woodpecker tocking on one of the tall trees out back. Sweet smell of pine and cedar and fresh grass. He’d mown the lawn yesterday.

  Almost too lovely to leave. Almost.

  He wasn’t really afraid of the machine bugs anymore, and they weren’t afraid of him. Familiarity had set in on both sides. He spotted one now—one of the tiny ones, no bigger than a thumbnail—moving along the crevice where the tile met the wall. He bent down and watched idly as it worked. It looked like a centipede someone had assembled out of agate, emerald, and ruby—a Christmas ornament in miniature. It discovered a fragment of toast, angled toward it, touched it with a threadlike antenna. The crumb vanished. Vaporized or somehow ingested—Tom didn’t know which.

  Carefully, he picked up the machine bug and cradled it in the palm of his hand.

  It ceased all motion at his touch. Inert, it was prickly and warm against his skin. It looked, Tom thought, like a curio from a roadside gem shop somewhere in Arizona—an earring or a cuff link.

  He put it back on the kitchen counter. After a moment it righted itself and scuttled away, taking up its task where he’d interrupted it.

  A few nights ago the machine bugs had crawled inside his little Sony TV set, modifying and rebuilding it. He moved into the living room and switched the set on now, sipping coffee, but there was only a glimpse of the “Today” show— thirty seconds of news about a near miss over O’Hare International—and then the picture blanked. The screen turned an eerie phosphorescent blue; white letters faded in.

  HELP US TOM WINTER, the TV set said.

  He switched it off and left the room.

  The TV had almost caught Barbara’s attention yesterday. And his “cat”—one of the bigger bug machines.

  In a way, he was grateful to her for seeing these things. The idea still lingered—and was sometimes overwhelming— that he had stepped across the line into outright lunacy; or at least into a lunacy confined to the property line of this house, a focal lunacy. But Barbara had glimpsed these phenomena and he’d been forced to usher her out before she could see more; they were real events, however inexplicable.

  Barbara wouldn’t have understood. No, that was the wrong word—Tom couldn’t say he understood these events, either; enormous mysteries remained. But he accepted them.

  His acceptance of the evidently impossible was almost complete. Had been sealed, probably, since the night he broke through the basement wall.

  He thought about that night and the days and nights after: bright, lucid memories, polished with use.

  * * *

  He pried away big, dusty slabs of gypsum board until the hole was big enough to step through.

  The space behind it was dark. He probed with the beam of his flashlight, but the batteries must have been low—he couldn’t find a far wall. There didn’t seem to be one.

  What it looked like …

  Well, what it looked like was that he had broken into a tunnel approximately as wide as this basement room, running an indefinite distance away under the side yard into the slope of the Post Road hill.

  He took another step forward. The walls of the tunnel were a slick, featureless gray; as was the ceiling; as was the floor. It wasn’t a clammy subterranean chamber. It was dry, clean, and dustless—except for the mess he’d made with his crowbar.

  And, increasingly, it was light. The tunnel began to brighten as he stood in it. The fight was sourceless, though it seemed to radiate generally from above. Tom glanced down, switched off his flashlight, discovered he was casting a diffuse shadow around his feet.

  The fight expanded down the corridor, which began at the back of his basement and swept in a gentle leftward curve— paralleling the Post Road for some yards and then veering westward somewhere in the area of the highway, if he was any judge of distance. Maybe a quarter mile away.

  Tom stood a long time regarding this vista.

  His first reaction was a giddy, nervous elation. By God, he’d been right! There was something down here. Something mysterious, strange, large scale, possibly magical. Something he had never read about in a newspaper, never witnessed on TV, never heard about from a friend, never experienced or expected to experience. Something from the deep well of myth, fairy tale, and wild surmise.

  Maybe ogres lived here. Maybe angels.

  His second reaction, nearly as immediate, was a deep shiver of fear. Whoever had made this place—the machine bugs or whatever force operated them—must be immensely powerful. A powerful force that preferred to remain hidden. A powerful force he might have disturbed with his prybar and his hammer.

  He backed out of the corridor through the hole in the basement wall—slowly and silently, though discretion at this stage was fairly ridiculous. If he hadn’t alarmed any Mysterious Beings by breaking into their lair with a tire iron, what was the point of holding his breath now? But he couldn’t fight the instinctive urge to creep quietly away.

  He stepped back into the somewhat less mysterious environment of the basement of his house.

  The house he owned—but it wasn’t his. The lesson? It wasn’t his when he bought it; it wasn’t his now; and it wouldn’t be his when he left.

  He wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt. The cloth came away chalky and wet.

  I can’t sleep here tonight.

  But the fear was already beginning to fade. He had slept here lots of nights, knowing something odd was going on, knowing it didn’t mean to hurt him. The tunnel and his dreams were part of a single phenomenon, after all. Help us, his d
reams had pleaded. It wasn’t the message of an omnipotent force.

  Beyond the hole in the wall, the empty corridor grew dark and still again.

  He managed to fall asleep a little after four a.m., woke up an hour before work. His sleep had been dreamless and tense. He changed—he had slept in his clothes—and padded down to the basement.

  Where he received a second shock:

  The hole in the wall was almost sealed.

  A line of tiny insectile machines moved between the rubble on the floor and the wall Tom had torn up last night. They moved around the ragged opening in a slow circle, maybe as many as a hundred of them, somehow knitting it up—restoring the wall to its original condition.

  They were the insect machines he had seen moving from the foundation to the forest across the moonlit back yard. Tom recognized them and was, strangely, unsurprised by their presence here. Of course they were here. They simply weren’t hiding anymore.

  The work they were performing on the wall wasn’t a patch; it was a full-scale reconstruction, clean and seamless. He understood intuitively that if he scratched away the paint he’d find the original brand names stamped in blue ink on the gypsum panels, the drywall nails restored in every atom to their original place in the two-by-fours, the studs themselves patched where he’d gouged them with the butt of his prybar —wood fiber and knot and dry sap all restored.

  He took a step closer. The machine bugs paused. He sensed their attention briefly focused on him.

  Silent moving clockwork jewels.

  “You were here all along,” Tom whispered. “You did the goddamn dishes.”

  Then they resumed their patient work. The hole grew smaller as he watched.

  He said—his voice trembling only a little—“I’ll open it up again. You know that?”

  They ignored him.

  But he didn’t open it up—not until a week had passed.

  He felt poised between two worlds, unsure of himself and unsure of his options. The immensity of what he had discovered was staggering. But it was composed of relatively small, incremental events—the insects cleaning his kitchen, his dreams, the tunnel behind the wall. He tried to imagine scenarios in which he explained all this to the proper authorities —whoever they were. (The realty board? The local police? The CIA, NASA, the National Geographic Society?) Fundamentally, none of this was even remotely possible. Stories like his made the back pages of the Enquirer at best.


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