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You Give Me Hope 2

Page 7

by Sophia Smith

  “I don’t regret what I did,” Linda said.

  “I don’t either. I don’t regret leaving because in a sense…I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it worked in our life,” she said.

  “Yeah, it sure as hell did. I’m glad that we could…have this time together,” Linda said.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner Linda. I just…I didn’t want to make our lives award. And I know that, confessing to your best friend that you’re madly in love with them is not the easiest, or the best thing to do, but I’m happy that…we could finally tell one another the truth,” Angela said.

  “Oh I am too,” Linda replied.

  They looked at one another, both of them with smiles on their faces, and stars in their eyes. They then started to kiss, and it was their first kiss ever. It was different from what Linda expected, and Angela felt nervous, to the point where her fingers tensed up in her hand, but the two of them stayed like that, kissing, and for a moment, neither of them did much in regards to movement, but for a long time, they just kept like this, both of them happy, and satisfied too.

  It was a beautiful moment for both of them, and for Angela, she didn’t feel like she was hiding anymore. She knew that, no matter what happened next, everything would be okay.

  They headed back up to Angela’s apartment, and when they got inside, Angela cracked open a bottle of wine.

  “I’ve been waiting to open this till either you showed up, or I got a partner, but I’m…I’m excited to have this. I was given this by a friend that I met out here, and it was thanks for helping him get started with classes. He works at a vineyard, and he gave it to me as a token of his gratitude,” Angela said.

  “Oh that’s cool. He still go to your school?” Linda asked.

  “Yeah, but we don’t talk all that much anymore. He’s got a girlfriend, and I’m glad because. Now I have you. It’s weird, I never realized how lonely I was until you showed back up,” Angela said.

  “Yeah, I never realized how lonely I was either until I broke up with Thomas and realized I loved you,” Linda admitted.

  The two of them sat on the couch, both of them moving near one another, and Linda felt Angela’s thigh reside against her own. She moved her arm, putting it around Angela and bringing her closer. There was a small squeak of surprise, but then, Linda laughed.

  “No need to be so nervous. I’m not going to run away,” she said.

  “I know but, I never thought we’d get to this point,” She said.

  “I didn’t either. I’m so glad that you’re here with me,” Linda told her with a smile.

  Angela then took a swig of the wine, turned to Linda, and looked at her. Her beautiful brown hair, her gorgeous green eyes, the curves that she still had despite losing all that weight, she took a deep breath, taking all of this in.

  Linda did the same, looking into Angela’s blue eyes, and her sandy blonde hair. She did look like Jenny, but it was different. She had such a different, more studious vibe to her that Linda couldn’t help but smile. Angela was much skinnier since she moved here, probably a result of the culture that was here. They had different food, and Linda couldn’t help but feel happy as she touched her small waist.

  “No matter what happens tonight, I won’t regret anything,” Linda said.

  “I won’t either. I don’t…I don’t want to pressure you, but I really do love you Linda,” Angela said.

  “You’re not pressuring me at all,” Linda purred in her ear.

  Suddenly, Angela felt Linda’s lips on her own, and together, they stayed like this, both of them kissing one another with a passion that knew no bounds. And for a long time, they continued to kiss and explore one another’s mouths. It was perfect, and for Angela, she didn’t want this to end. But then, she noticed Linda open her mouth slightly, her tongue moving towards her lips, begging for entrance. Linda was taking control, and Angela immediately yelped in slight surprise at this, but she quickly accepted it, and together, their lips, tongues, and their bodies moved against their own.

  They continued to make out for what felt like a long time, before Linda moved her body until it was on top of Angela’s. together, they moved their hips and bodies against one another’s, touching and exploring every single part of themselves

  For Angela, she was shocked at the sudden urge that Linda had to be in control. She of course welcomed it, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a surprise. But, she quickly let her own desire take control, switching positions so that she was on top.

  She wanted to make Linda feel amazing, for her first time with a woman, and for their first time.

  She kissed down Linda’s body, moving her lips slightly against there, nibbling on the flesh of Linda’s neck, causing a moan of pleasure to emit from her lips. It was amazing hearing her like this, and for Angela, she wanted to continue to make Linda feel this good, no matter what. Together, they embraced one another as she moved her hands to Linda’s clothes, quickly taking off the garments.

  While Angela did have experience in this area, her hands were shaking. Linda looked at her, putting her hands against her own, and looking into her eyes.

  “You don’t have to be nervous,” she said.

  “I know, but this is my first time with you, and I don’t want to make things bad for either of us,” she said.

  “You’ll do amazingly,” Linda said.

  Angela blushed as she heard those words of encouragement. She knew that Linda trusted her to the point where she could make sweet love to her, and make her feel amazing in the process.

  It was only a matter of time, and she definitely was happy with the results from this. She started to move her lips, kissing and praising all over Linda’s body, touching all of her sensitive parts. She explored it, feeling the softness of her curves, and the way that she felt against Linda as well.

  The idea of making love to Linda was like a dream come true for Angela. There was something about this which made her heart race, which made her feel excited, and which made her want to pull out all the stops, and enjoy the moment.

  Every single moment, every single touch of her lips against Linda’s sensitive flesh, every single lick and suck on her nipples made Linda emit delicious sounds that she couldn’t get enough of. When she finally got down to the area between Linda’s legs, she looked up at Linda, as if to ask if she’d like that.

  “Sure, I want that,” Linda said, her voice breathy. Angela did this before, but she was definitely a bit nervous. She wondered if Linda would like it.

  But, from the moment she inserted a finger, and the moment she wrapped her lips against the nub of Linda’s sensitive flesh down there, she watched as Linda grabbed her hair, crying out loud. She took in those delicious sounds, drank them up like they were water, and she was a thirsty woman. As she continued to tease her, letting her lips move against there, she then started to felt Linda tense up against her lips and fingers. She pumped in and out, faster and faster, and it was then after a few more moments that Linda then grabbed her hips, digging her fingers into Angela’s sides, and she cried out, arching her back for but a moment, and then relaxing.

  “You good?” Angela asked with a smile on her face.

  “Y-yeah,” Linda said.

  “Well, you certainly seemed to enjoy it,” she said with a tease.

  “Now, it’s my turn,” Linda said.

  She pushed Angela down, spreading her legs, and did pretty much the same thing. However, the excitement and desire that came off her body as she continued to do this made Angela start to moan in response. She was pretty good at this, despite the fact that she was new to all of this. She started to feel her entire body tense up, and her body start to thrash about in response, and when she finally reached her peak, relaxing after, she breathed heavily.

  “That was just…wow,” she said.

  “You good?” Linda asked, slightly worried about what she did.

  “No, you were amazing Linda. I’m just surprised this worked out so well,” Angel
a said.

  “Yeah, I was wondering when this would happen. I’ve been…a little nervous about us, mostly because I know that you’re so experienced, and I’m not in this,” she said.

  “It’s okay. We can experiment and spend time learning about one another together. I was pretty damn nervous too. I didn’t want to...upset you or anything,” Angela admitted.

  “Well, you haven’t done that yet,” Linda said with a smile on her face.

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind cuddling and stuff right now, if that’s cool with you,” Angela said.

  “Sure, I’d love that. I love you Angela,” Linda said.

  “I love you too Linda,” Angela said with a smile.

  The two of them sat on the couch, cuddling one another and basking in the way the other person felt against their bodies. In truth, Angela felt like the luckiest girl in the world, and she felt like she wouldn’t ever leave this moment. It was stuck in her mind, and she finally got to have the life that she wanted with Linda, no matter what happened next.

  For Linda, this was all new to her. She was nervous about this, mostly because Linda knew for a fact that, with the way things typically went, she usually dove head-first into something crazy, and didn’t really think much about her actions afterwards. But right now, there was something practically telling her she made the correct decision, and she made the correct choice when it came to being with Angela. She was scared that she’d get rejected, but learning to overcome that fear of rejection, and learning to accept the other person for who they were, it all was definitely amazing, and something that made her realize her true potential.

  The two of them spent most of the night on the couch, but they did sleep together. Linda was nervous about this, considering how things were in the past, but Angela didn’t seem bothered by it. The two of them crawled into bed together and Angela wrapped her arms around her best friend. She squeezed her tightly, and for a moment, neither of them wanted to move.

  “I love you Linda,” she said.

  “I love you too Angela. I’m not leaving anytime soon. I may consider moving here, if you don’t want to go back,” she said.

  “I really don’t want to go either, but I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t mind having you around,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t mind that either,” Linda said.

  Together, they held one another in their arms, feeling both happy and excited for one another. There was a lot of worry that they had in their heads, but the future was bright, and Linda and Angela knew that no matter what, they would have each other.

  Chapter 12

  Linda woke up the next morning with Angela wrapped around her arms. She sighed in contentment, feeling happy about everything that was going on, and Linda seemed satisfied with it all.

  Angela was definitely happy too. Her dream was finally coming true, and she felt happy for Linda as well. Finally coming to terms with her sexuality was something that could be hard, but Angela and Linda both knew that no matter what, they’d be together.

  “Good morning,” Angela said as Linda started to groan, turning to her.

  “Hey there babe. Sleep well?” Linda asked.

  “Yeah I…slept amazingly actually. For the first time in a long time, I actually did,” Angela said.

  In truth, the fear of losing Linda did keep her up at night. She did develop a bit of an anxiety disorder since then, but then, Linda looked at her, smiling.

  “That’s amazing. I’m glad that you’re feeling better babe,” she said.

  “I’m glad that…that I am too,” Angela said.

  The two of them held one another in their arms, curdling for a bit. In truth, Angela didn’t want to move from this bed. She wanted to stay in this moment, but she also knew that she would want to get out and see the world today. They could have an eventful day, since she didn’t have school for a couple of days. After a little bit, Linda got up, and Angela then smiled.

  “You look amazing,” Angela said.

  “No, you do. I’m so glad that…we pushed one another to get better, to do that when it happened,” she said.

  “I’m glad too,” she replied.

  “Anyways, I was thinking we could take it easy today. And I mean, figure out what we’re going to do now,” she said.

  “I would love that. and I think I should call Jenny, cause she was the one who gave me your address, your mom helped a little bit, but apparently she had the address,” Linda sad.

  “Yeah I uh, gave it to her because I was wondering if I’d need her to give it to you or something,” Angela replied.

  Linda got up, and after she got ready for the day, she dialed Jenny’s number. It was an international line, and after a few moments she heard Jenny on the other line.

  “Hey there,” Jenny said.

  “Hey Jenny, it’s Linda,” Linda said.

  “Oh hi! I’m surprised this isn’t Angela or something. Cause I recognized it was from out of the country but, you know. So, did you two finally meet up?” she asked.

  “Yeah, we did last night. I told her everything, and I felt better once I did. Apparently, she felt the same way, and neither of us were tied to anyone else, so we’re together. I think I’m going to stay here for a while,” She said.

  “Yay! Honestly, I was kind of hoping you two would stay together. What should we do about your guy’s things though?” she asked.

  “I was thinking you could hold onto them, or Ellen could,” she said.

  “That’s fine. You have all your valuables, right? I can also send them to you if you really need something, but it might be a bit,” she said.

  “That’s fine. I can always come back and get my stuff too, and I’m trying to figure out what we can do now. I mean, I don’t really want to go back to the states, but I’m not sure what I can do,” she said.

  “Why don’t you look online to see if there is anything that you can do? like school or something,” she said.

  Linda thought about it, but then, she quickly nodded.

  “Sure, I’d like that,” she said.

  Linda then hung up the phone after telling Jenny that she was happy. Jenny seemed happy over the phone, and that was something which made Linda smile. She was happy her sister was so accepting of the relationship, that when she finally got back inside, she noticed that Angela was making food.

  “Did you talk to her?” she asked.

  “Yeah, Jenny is thrilled,” she said.

  “I hoped that she would be. She was the one who kept encouraging us. I just wish I listened to her better sometimes,” Angela said.

  ‘listen, you’re not the one to blame here Angela. I am. I’m a total idiot for not realizing the truth. I was so blinded. But now, I feel like the fog is gone. And I’m sorry if it hasn’t been easy for you,” Linda said.

  “You’re good babe. We’re together now. So, what do you plan to do now?” she asked.

  Linda paused, trying to figure out how to approach this. She wanted to stay here, but she also feared what might happen next.

  “I honestly don’t know Angela. I want to stay here with you, but I’m a bit worried about doing that. mostly because…I don’t want to be a burden towards you. I did have that job in the states, but I did put in my two weeks before I left the country, so I’m not tied to anything there. Jenny said she’d hold onto my stuff in the apartment, and she said Ellen was cool with that too, and it was definitely a good thing. I’m just…quite happy you know,” she said.

  “I am too Linda. I really am,” Angela said.

  “Yeah, so I don’t really want to go back. I have no reason to. But what should I do now?” she asked.

  “You could always study abroad with me. The program I’m in is still looking for new attendees. I was going to talk to Mark on Monday, and maybe they’ll let you transfer in. You’ve brought all your paperwork and documents, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I made sure to grab all my valuables from the apartment, because I didn’t know when I’d be back. Would that be enough?” sh
e asked.

  “Yeah, they can help you apply for a student visa. I have been in the program for about six months, but I’m sure they’ll let you catch up with me, and plus, it would be nice to go back to school together,” she said.

  “Yeah. We’re young and not attached to anything, so that’s fine, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, that’s how I see it,” Angela replied.

  Linda nodded, feeling a rush of excitement hit her completely. She didn’t feel like she was holding back anymore, and that this was indeed the beginning of a new life.

  They went over to the Mark’s office on Monday and explained the situation.

  “We normally don’t just let people in willy-nlly, but we can get your transcripts from your previous college and we can go from there,” he said to them.

  “That’s fine,” Angela said.

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind studying here if given the chance,” she said.

  “I am glad that you want to as well. We’re quite happy to have new attendees here. But, do you think you can handle it,” he said.

  “Yeah, I think we can. We have each other, so it’ll all be okay,” Linda said.

  “Very well, let me see what I can do with this,” he said.

  He left, and over the next few days, Angela helped Linda settle into life here. They worked together to clean up the house, and Linda went out to buy some clothes. She did have Jenny ship over a few things and Jenny was more than happy to. Jenny said that Vanessa and she would visit the two of them when she got a chance, but with the way work was, they had to keep stateside, and they had the three-year checkup for Vanessa’s cancer to make sure that it was in remission in a couple of weeks, which was understandable.

  Linda and Angela worked together to keep everything perfect for them. They managed to get enough student loans and grants to help pay for college, and after about a month of getting that together, they were soon in school together.

  Classes weren’t easy, and Linda immediately realized the rude awakening that this gave to her.


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