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Elysian Dreams

Page 7

by Marie Medina

  “Anything you can do will be appreciated.”

  “Dance with me at my daughter’s wedding?”

  “It would be an honor.”

  Without another word, she was gone. He let out a sigh of relief. It might not be fitting for the king of the gods to be afraid of anything, but he felt lucky their encounter had gone smoothly. He’d had a brief affair with Nyx, but Helios and Gaia he knew nothing about. He tried to push his anxiety away. He began to feel helping Aphrodite was bringing trouble on all of them.

  * * * *

  Harmonia walked around the side of Aphrodite’s house and peered into the garden. She’d been heading for the front door when she heard humming, and she’d followed the sound to the back. The garden was unbelievable. Every flower Harmonia had ever seen had its own place in the garden, which stretched back as far as she could see. Myrtles surrounded the extensive back porch, and roses of varying colors lined the path where she spotted Aphrodite. They hadn’t spoken in a very long time. The love goddess wore faded jeans and a light blue t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun.

  “Aphrodite?” she called.

  Aphrodite looked up. “Oh, Harmonia.” She smiled and stood up, brushing her hands off. “Hi. Come in.”

  Harmonia opened the fence and stepped into the garden. Beyond the fence, the air felt a few degrees warmer. Aphrodite gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek. Despite the distance between them, Aphrodite was always happy to see her. “You sound chipper.”

  Aphrodite sighed, but continued to smile. “Trying to be. I’m done meddling. All I can do is try to make things right when I can.”

  Harmonia smiled too. “Is that really going to last that long?”

  Aphrodite shrugged. “I hope so. Mortals are different. Nowhere near as complicated.”

  “I agree. Unfortunately. I wanted to talk to you about the topic currently on everyone’s lips.”

  Aphrodite looked surprised. “Really? Can you believe that actually makes me happy?”

  She knew the other goddess couldn’t know her reason for coming to see her. “Maybe. Might depend why.”

  “Balance and harmony are exactly what everyone needs right now. I’m assuming you have a plan?”

  She did indeed have a plan. However, she had the feeling Aphrodite would view it as more of a scheme. Perhaps she was more like her mother than she’d ever thought. “In a way.”

  “What is it?”

  “Since Daphne feels the way she does, and in light of her feelings for Hypnos, it doesn’t seem likely Apollo will see a happy ending.”

  Aphrodite groaned. “I know. It would be wonderful otherwise. Hypnos deserves to be happy. They love each other. I don’t know how I didn’t see it. If he didn’t spend so much time in the Underworld, I might have, but my powers won’t reach down there.”

  “So you had no idea?”

  She shook her head. “Not until I saw them together. I’m glad in some ways I didn’t have to carry that secret around. Apollo probably wouldn’t have believed me anyway. He was ready to kill me. Someone else would have guessed, I’m sure. Hypnos’ reaction was very strong. It had to be a shock for Apollo to find out Daphne has the same feelings.”

  “Daphne told him?” Harmonia had been almost certain Daphne had, but she didn’t want Aphrodite to know that just yet.

  Aphrodite nodded. “They haven’t seen each other for days. I’m not sure what either of them is doing now.”

  “And Hypnos?”

  “Staying in the Underworld, it seems. No one has talked to him except Hades and Persephone. They aren’t saying much, as they’re both very protective of him.”

  “Amazing loyalty, considering all the commotion down there recently.”

  Aphrodite shook her head slowly. “It was hard to believe, but now, don’t you feel like you always knew Thanatos wasn’t quite…real? Quite right?”

  “Yeah, I do. The Fates scare me a little. They could really do almost anything they wanted to.” She met Aphrodite’s gaze. “They’ve certainly put me in a dilemma.”

  Aphrodite looked concerned. “How? What have they done? Did you have a vision?”


  “Then what?”

  Harmonia still didn’t know where to begin. After a moment, she reached out and took Aphrodite’s hand. She knew Aphrodite had to touch her to tell who she loved because she had never said it aloud or written it down. Doing so made it common knowledge to someone like Aphrodite. She’d tried so hard to keep it a secret, but now she felt she had no choice.

  “You have feelings for Apollo. Oh, sweetheart, I didn’t know that.”

  “I’m in love with him.”

  Aphrodite looked at her closely, squeezing her hand. “Not yet.”

  Harmonia frowned. “You’re going to tell me how I feel?”

  Aphrodite let go of her hand. “You initiated the contact. You want him and even need him. He consumes all your thoughts, but your need is physical and mental. You’re fascinated by him, and you want to make him happy. I feel lust, longing and a little obsession, to be honest.”

  Harmonia wanted to punch Aphrodite right in the stomach. At the same time, she felt as if she’d had the wind knocked out of her by someone else. “But, Aphrodite, I know I love him.”

  “When did you two meet?”

  She hesitated, but then she replied, “The day all of this happened, sort of. We’d been introduced before, but he didn’t really remember me.”

  “Not the best timing.”

  She turned away and walked toward a rose bush. She leaned down to smell a large pink one, breathing deeply. “That’s what I meant about the Fates. I wanted to invite him to attend Hermes and Eris’ wedding with me. If he’d said he didn’t want to get involved with anyone, I’d have said I didn’t want to be on my own since Eris and I don’t get along very well.”

  “I doubt he’d have said that.”

  She turned back to Aphrodite. “Yes, he will fuck anything, won’t he?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. He would have said yes even if he didn’t have that in mind. He can be a gentleman when he wants to be.”

  “I wanted him to be with me when Eris got married.”

  Aphrodite looked confused. “Why? They’ve never been together.”

  “He’s always had a thing for her. You know that.”

  “He’s hit on her before, but their little spats when she found out about him and Alala didn’t mean anything.” Aphrodite frowned. “So you’re jealous of her, not Daphne?”

  “It’s not that simple. But his ‘thing’ for Eris always made me feel he’d never look at me.”

  “He’s never had much of a chance to look at you. You’re hardly ever here.”

  Harmonia felt her mood darkening. Why did I come here? What was the point? “I know that. I’m sorry I got angry, but what I feel seems like love to me.”

  “Of course it does.”

  “But you won’t help me?”

  “I can’t. Zeus will take action if I interfere in this particular situation anymore.”

  Harmonia could understand that. She didn’t like it though. “Does Apollo love Daphne?”

  “When the arrow cast its spell, he was close. Seeing her again could have affected that either way. He loved her for centuries. Whatever he feels, he thinks it’s love.”

  Harmonia didn’t like that answer, but it was better than a definite yes. “Will you keep my secret?”

  “Yes. No good could come of others knowing or interfering. I promise I’ll tell no one.”

  “Thank you. I guess I’ve spoiled both our good moods.”

  “No, you haven’t. It must have felt like a burden to keep that secret. Do you feel better?”

  Harmonia thought for a moment. Despite the discouragement tugging at her heart, she did feel a little better. “A bit. As much as I probably can now.”

  “The Fates do wonderful things more often than not.”

  Harmonia looked down at the ground. She truly wanted to b
elieve that. “They’ve put me in an odd position. I imagine he’ll be reluctant to get involved with your daughter.”

  Aphrodite thought for a moment. “Don’t let that worry you. You went away so soon after you were born. I sometimes forget I have a daughter.”

  Harmonia couldn’t believe how carelessly she’d said it. “Thanks,” she replied dryly.

  Aphrodite blushed. “You know what I mean. Eros is always around. He lived with me for centuries, and I trained him to be like me because his gifts are the same as mine. You and I are more like sisters.”

  “That’s actually what I told Apollo, that we’re like sisters,” she admitted. “He still seemed wary, despite how turned on he was.”

  Aphrodite’s eyes went wide. “Tell me you didn’t sleep with him.”

  Harmonia rolled her eyes. “I’m not quite that much like you.”

  After a few moments of silence, Aphrodite asked, “Does it bother you more that I slept with him or that this curse began because I was angry with him?”

  “I’m not sure. You can’t be blamed for Daphne’s refusal to have the spell lifted. Your one time together wasn’t exactly romantic either.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I should have known why he wanted me. I was foolish to go to him.”

  “I guess what matters is you have a history that might make him avoid me. He might think I’m like you.”

  Aphrodite shook her head. “One conversation will disprove that. He’ll see you’re so much better than me.”

  Despite feeling a little resentment, Harmonia hadn’t meant it to be hurtful. “I didn’t mean it like that. He doesn’t think much of you, but he doesn’t really know you. It can’t be helped now.”

  “I want us to be able to put it behind us one day. Perhaps the Fates want you to help. If he loves you, he might be willing to talk to me.”

  “That sounds like a plan, but I don’t want to start deluding myself.”

  “Are you angry I said you aren’t in love with him?”

  I’m furious. I’m livid. I want to prove you wrong. Pushing those thoughts away, she replied, “It does upset me. I find it too hard to believe.”

  “You’ve only had one day with him, just a couple of hours. You don’t know him.”

  Aphrodite had reason on her side, but Harmonia was not in the mood for reason. She couldn’t imagine loving another man, ever.

  “Foolish as it sounds to disagree with you on the subject of love, I have to do so. I’m not denying your powers. I’m telling you how strong I feel. What I believe. I love Apollo.”

  “Then perhaps it is fated.”

  Harmonia tried to smile. “Perhaps.” She looked down at the ground, putting all her hope and trust in the Fates. She’d never trusted in them before, but beings as powerful as them could do anything. She only hoped they were on her side.

  * * * *

  Aphrodite dug into the flowerbed with more vigor. In the hour since Harmonia had left, she’d been thinking. She’d felt bad after Harmonia had left, but now she had come to think she’d been right in telling her the truth. It was best Harmonia knew that at least for now what she felt for Apollo was not love. That would make things easier if he chose to reject her. Aphrodite didn’t think it likely, but she’d thought it had been best to keep that to herself. Apollo was more likely than not in for heartache where Daphne was concerned. However, he had still resisted even the urge to flirt with Harmonia based on what she’d been told. Even if he had only done it because she was Aphrodite’s daughter, he’d still shown her respect. He had a tendency to engage in a tumble with any female who was willing when he was upset, so the fact he’d not tried anything with a woman who’d openly said she desired him showed his respect even more.

  Harmonia was not only beautiful but also intelligent. Her wisdom and wit more than matched any of her other charms, and she had a winning personality. Aphrodite had been more than a bit surprised to find she had feelings for Apollo. He seemed like the type of man Harmonia would like to see put in his place. Then again, that might be the appeal. Aphrodite had known more than one intelligent woman who had discarded reason and logic to chase a man who wasn’t exactly her type. She remembered how she’d spent years chasing Hermes, a man as different from her as Apollo was from Harmonia. Now though she wondered if Harmonia really had it in mind to not only catch him but also keep him. She had no idea what an attempt at taming or domesticating might do to Apollo.

  “I’ve prepared a little speech to preface my request, so I hope you’re ready to hear me out.”

  Aphrodite stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder. Hera stood exactly where Harmonia had been roughly an hour earlier. She stood up and took off her gloves. “A request?”

  Hera nodded and strolled into the garden. She wore a green sundress and brown sandals. Her dark hair was pulled into a very long ponytail. She pulled off her sunglasses and hung them on her neckline. “Isn’t it a pretty day?”

  Aphrodite smiled. “Yes, it is.”

  Hera hesitated, but then she launched into her speech full force. “I know I’m nosy. I gossip too much and meddle too much. But you are as guilty as I am most of the time, so you can’t blame me for being curious.”

  Aphrodite knew what was coming, but she tried to keep her expression casual. “About what?”

  “Who my son is in love with! I’m dying to know. If you’ve agreed to help, you must know.”

  Aphrodite hesitated. She’d been prepared for this and had an answer ready. “Hephaestus made me absolutely swear not to tell anyone, especially you. He wants you to know once he’s, as he put it, ‘secured his happiness’.” That was actually exactly how he’d put it, except he hadn’t made her swear to anything.

  Hera groaned dramatically. “Oh, I knew he’d do something like that!”

  Aphrodite forced a smile. “He does know you very well. I would never break my promise to him.” She felt a pang of guilt at the words, but she was too afraid of Hera not to make it very plain she wouldn’t reveal Hephaestus’ secret.

  “Yes, he does know me very well. I do trust him, but this behavior is so unlike him. I don’t mean to say anything against him, but he can be dull as mud. I mean, just plain boring. And now suddenly he pops this on me? I hardly know what to think.”

  “I was surprised as well.” If only she could tell the queen of the gods just how surprised.

  “I’d say. Does it bother you?”

  Aphrodite thought of many answers to that question, but she settled for, “No. It’s a little strange, but not that big of a deal. I’d like for him to be happy.” At least the last part was true.

  “Can I ask something very personal?”

  She swallowed. “Of course.”

  “Were you satisfied when you two were together?”

  “What?” Aphrodite had not expected that at all. What was she supposed to say?

  “Well, I have no doubt Ares is amazing. I’m very proud of him in that arena, and very sure he takes after his father. But Hephaestus has always seemed so uninterested. In sex, I mean.”

  Aphrodite was a little taken aback. She had no reason to be embarrassed. At certain points in their lives, she and Hera had fooled around more than once, including several threesomes with Zeus. They hadn’t been lovers. It had just been another aspect of their friendship, but the intimacy had still been there. Perhaps that was what scared her so much. She knew Hera wouldn’t hurt her no matter how upset she became when she learned the truth, but still Aphrodite couldn’t do it. Hera would feel betrayed when she discovered Aphrodite and Hephaestus were already married, and Aphrodite couldn’t face that yet.

  “I was,” she finally replied. “He’s different from Ares. Still up for games, but he’s…” She paused, feeling a little tug on her heart. “He’s…uh…sweeter. Gentler. Very emotional.”

  Hera smiled. “Thank you. Sorry if the question was weird. I always thought so. He’s really been waiting for the right girl all these years. That’s why he’s had so few lovers.”<
br />
  Aphrodite was relieved Hera hadn’t made anything of her answer. The answer had actually surprised her. Hephaestus was right in what he’d said the other night. He’d always been making love to her, not just fucking her. Her chest felt tight, so she pushed the thoughts away. She didn’t want to think of those things right now.

  “I agree. He thinks about sex as very personal. It has so much meaning for him.”

  Hera sighed happily. “So many weddings! It’s been wonderful. It’s nice not to be the only old married woman anymore.”

  Aphrodite laughed, and it was genuine. “You’ve never quite been that type. You’ve always had all the freedom you wanted.”

  “Hmmmm. And up until recently, that’s been fine.”

  Aphrodite didn’t need another problem to think about, but she was anxious to move onto another subject. “Something wrong?”

  “Zeus has been very clingy. I think if I slept with someone else right now, he would feel more than jealousy.” She gazed at Aphrodite a long time. “He’d be desolate.”

  “Really? Has something brought it on? A fight, a conflict? Something some of us have done?” Aphrodite had no idea what to expect, but Zeus behaving oddly was always something to be noted. And monitored.

  “Not that I can think of. He began being more attentive after Poseidon met Layla, but lately he’s been far more intense. It’s like I’m being wooed by him all over again. He doesn’t just want sex. He wants long, leisurely dinners and romantic walks. It’s wonderful, but I’m feeling a bit smothered.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t think of anything that could have caused it.” She thought for a minute. “What about Ares getting married? You think it rekindled his fire or something? He’s not likely to start feeling old, but do you see what I mean?”

  Hera nodded her approval. “A good point, though probably not the answer. His mind doesn’t always respond to outside influences like that.” She smiled. “Maybe I’m just that wonderful.”

  Aphrodite relaxed a little bit. She had missed Hera the past few weeks. It had been terrible to be in conflict with and frightened of the woman who had been her best friend for so long. “That’s very possible.”


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