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Sleeping With The Enemy (A Stranger's Touch)

Page 2

by Mary Eason

  “Not at all,” he added so seriously Kate wondered if maybe he might be preparing to buy out the whole romance section.

  “Oh, is there something else you wanted?” She met his gaze and knew even before he said the words he was going to ask her out. Just as she knew her self-imposed exile from men was about to be shattered into smithereens.

  Chapter Two

  The real Kate Edwards wasn’t what Alex had hoped to find when he walked into her bookstore with one purpose on his mind. Make Robert Edwards pay for Marissa’s life.

  Robert Edwards, Kate’s father, was the man behind of the wheel of the car responsible for crashing into his wife’s that night ten years earlier. He’d walked away without so much as a scratch, or a single charge filed against him. He was alive. Marissa was dead. It was time for someone, namely Robert Edwards, to pay.

  Alex passed by the bookstore at least a dozen times over the last year, never realizing the answer to his plan was so close. Kate Edwards managed the bookstore just around the corner from his corporate law offices.

  The window displays in Montgomery Books always captured his attention in the past. They were bright, fun. Eye-catching. The person who put those displays together possessed an engaging sense of humor. That person had been Kate.

  The plan was simple but flawless. Meet her, seduce her into his bed. Confront her father with the truth.

  But the one thing Alex hadn’t counted on was his reaction to meeting the real, flesh and blood Kate.

  Everything fell into place almost too easily tonight. He’d expected Kate to be more of a challenge. She wasn’t. In fact, she made it easy for him.

  She stood on a stepladder placing books on a shelf when he first spotted her. She looked so vulnerable. Completely unaware of what awaited her. Alex forced those troubling thoughts aside. He’d waited too long for this. He wouldn’t feel sorry for her now.

  Even so, it took everything inside of him to walk through the door of the bookstore. She wasn’t even aware of him for a long time. She seemed preoccupied in what she was doing. Alex took a closer look. She was adding more books to a section of romance novels. Romance? His lips twisted in amusement of the idea. Romance was just a ploy to sell those types of books. And if the full shelf was any indication, it must be working.

  He picked up one of the books and began flipping through the pages noisily, hoping to get her attention. When she still hadn’t looked at him, Alex asked her about the book.

  He’d caught her off guard. The moment she glanced his way, the first thing he noticed was the most amazing green eyes ever. They held flecks of gold in them. They were also surprised.

  Alex wasn’t sure if it was just because she hadn’t been aware of him or if he didn’t fit the part of a romance reader, but she’d lost her footing and fell right into his arms. The second he spotted the freckles across her nose, he was enchanted. One look at the blush spreading through her cheeks had him rethinking the reason for this meeting tonight.

  He’d probably walked out the door right then if he hadn’t remembered Marissa. He owed her something. He’d been a lousy husband. Marissa deserved some justice.

  The moment his lips met Kate’s, Alex knew he was in trouble. He wasn’t supposed to feel anything for her...but he did. Throughout the years following Marissa’s death there had been other women in his life. But never one who made him want to give up so much just to be with her.

  When he asked Kate out for coffee, he fully expected her to refuse. She hadn’t. She’d been excited by his kiss. It was there in the way she responded to him. Another surprise. Kate was nothing but a contradiction. She didn’t believe in romance. This made him curious. He wanted to find out why.

  They walked to the corner coffee house in silence. He had the impression she regretted accepting his invitation. Once they found a couple of empty chairs at a quiet outdoor table, Alex wanted to know why she no longer believed in romance.

  “So, you don’t read romance in particular or you have something against Whatever You Desire?”

  Every single time he flirted with her, she blushed. It didn’t take long to figure out she wasn’t accustomed to being flirted with so openly. Kate was inexperienced.

  For a moment, she seemed to hesitate over answering his question. Not that he minded. It gave him time to study her face. She possessed the most openly honest face he’d ever seen.

  “I used to,” she admitted at last. “But let’s just say I haven’t seen any Prince Charmings running around here lately, threatening to sweep me off my feet.” She glanced up in time to see his gaze lingering on her mouth. She had the most amazingly sexy mouth.

  Kate brushed an uncertain hand across her lips, forcing another smile from him. He almost felt guilty. She was making this much too easy.

  “Watch out, Miss Edwards. That almost sounds like bitterness. Someone break your heart?” he asked jokingly and caught her reaction. Someone most assuredly had broken her heart. His thoughts reluctantly drifted back to his wife. He could relate. He’d broken Marissa’s heart.

  “How did you know?” she asked, completely oblivious to his inward struggle. He’d let Marissa down, ending their marriage the way he had that night. Since then, Alex couldn’t accept or forgive himself for his part in the fight, which ultimately sent her out into the night and started the chain of events that ended in her death. It seemed easier to focus on the person actually responsible for her accident.

  “It’s a natural assumption,” he told her quietly.

  Kate nodded then looked away. “It was a few years ago, but I guess you’re right, it has made me bitter. Silly isn’t it, allowing someone who isn’t worthy of your love to keep you tied to them in such a way?

  “Yet Seth made it hard for me to trust anyone else. I was only twenty-three at the time, but I fell hard. I was in love. I thought he was the most romantic man alive. I lived a very sheltered life,” she added when she spotted his surprise. “Turns out, I was just one of many women he was interested in.”

  Alex could tell she wasn’t comfortable talking about the past. He couldn’t really blame her, she barely knew him.

  “He wanted us to be intimate right away; I wanted to wait. I came close to giving in several times just to make him happy, but each time something made me hesitate. My friends tried to warn me about him, but I didn’t want to believe them. He asked me to marry him. I thought he loved me. As it turns out, he never intended to marry me. It was just another ploy to get me into bed. I guess it worked. Until I surprised him one evening, and found him with another girl.”

  “Ouch...that must have been hard. You know it wasn’t your fault, don’t you, Kate. Men like Seth always try to blame their shortcomings on the women they are involved with, but the truth is he was a creep. He wasn’t good enough for you.”

  “Thank you, but as I said, it was two years ago.” She glanced down at her hands. “And the truth is my doubting the existence of romance started way before Seth. Back when my parents were divorced. It was hard to watch even though they hadn’t been happy with each other for years. I blamed myself for a long time, until I moved back in with my father.”

  “Divorce is tough. My parents rarely talked, so no one was really surprised when they divorced.” He and Marissa were barely talking to each other at the end.

  “Yeah, but it’s still hard, right? Parents can really do a number on their kids without even realizing it.”

  “Yes. It makes you wonder who the real kids are at times, doesn’t it.” He reached for her hand and held it tighter when she tried to pull away.

  “So, I guess we’re going to have to see what we can do to change your mind about romance, aren’t we?” he told her with a little grin, hoping she’d smile again.

  “Oh yeah, and how do you propose to do that?” Kate challenged.

  “Easy enough.” Alex held up the bag of romance novels he’d purchased. “I’m going to read all of these tonight so I can learn how to sweep you off your feet.”

  * * * *r />
  When the coffee shop’s manager announced the store would be closing in just a few minutes, Kate glanced at her watch and was surprised to see she and Alex had been talking for hours. He made it easy for her to open up to him. Kate seldom felt this comfortable with anyone other than friends and her father—but never a stranger. With Alex, it was as if he knew her.

  “I had no idea it was getting so late. I should go.” She looked into his eyes and saw regret. He didn’t want this night to end either.

  Alex took their empty coffee cups and tossed them in the trash. They walked in silence until they reached the bookstore parking lot. Kate turned to him and forced a smile. She told herself not to get her hopes up again. Alex was too good to be true. There had to be some fault in all that charm.

  “Goodnight, Alex. Thank you for the coffee and the conversation. I’m glad you stopped by tonight.” Kate was determined to walk away before she did something she would regret again, but he caught her hand. When she turned back to him in surprise, there was urgency in his expression that took her breath away.

  “Kate, wait—don’t go.” Alex shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers. “Tonight has been special for me. I think you feel the same way. I know this sounds crazy and I can’t explain it, but I don’t want to walk away from you.”

  “Alex.” She understood all right. She felt the same way.

  He tugged her hand and brought her closer. Kate’s resistance died the second her body touched his again. She could feel the tension in him as his hands framed her face. She closed her eyes the moment his lips met hers. His touch was gentle but demanding. He teased her lips apart, his tongue dipped inside her mouth, tasting her. The kiss seemed to go on endlessly. Kate moved closer. She couldn’t get close enough. His lips left hers to trail kisses across her cheek down to her throat.

  “This has never happened to me before,” he whispered against her throat before kissing her there.

  He lifted his head to look into her eyes. She knew what he was going to ask even before he said the words.

  “Will you let me take you home?”

  Her breath caught in her throat. It was such a simple question, but she knew by answering it she was agreeing to much more. Everything was happening so quickly.

  “Would you rather I leave? I don’t want to rush you,” he said quietly.

  Kate desperately needed him to leave, so she could think clearly again. But she didn’t want to let this thing end between them either.

  “No. Alex, don’t go. I don’t want you to leave.” He watched her struggle with her decision before taking her hand. They didn’t speak at all. They drove in silence through the light downtown traffic to her complex. When they reached the door of her apartment, Alex brought her close. His fingers circled her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. The heat inside of them told her all the things he wanted from her right before his lips took hers again.

  Alex’s kisses left her breathless with desire. Her body melted into his. But he was the one to pull away.

  “I think I should go,” he said reluctantly. “Before this gets any more out of control.” He kissed her once more then turned away. But Kate touched his arm.

  “No, Alex, wait.”

  When he turned to look at her, the tension between them became almost unbearable.

  Kate’s voice threatened to desert her entirely when she whispered, “Come inside with me.”

  “Kate, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Honey, I’m barely hanging on here. I want you so much it hurts, but I don’t want to regret this in the morning, and if I make love to you like this, I will. It’s too soon.”

  Kate pulled him closer, saw his eyes darken with desire, and tried to reassure him. “I promise you won’t regret it, Alex. And I’m barely hanging on as well. I know you’re worried about me because of what I told you about Seth, but don’t be. I trust you.”

  “Kate,” he groaned against her lips, his hands rubbing up and down her arms. “This isn’t a good idea. There are things you don’t know about me.”

  “I don’t care. I’m sick of being afraid of living. I don’t want to be any longer. I know you want this, Alex.” He didn’t answer but his hands curled possessively around her waist bringing her closer. She could feel his arousal. He wanted her. There was an overpowering rush in knowing she was responsible for making him feel this way. Confident, she moved closer, pressing her body against his hardness.

  “Make love to me, Alex. Show me how wonderful sex is supposed to be. I want you to love me. Now. Tonight. All night long. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

  “Kate, you don’t know what you’re asking.” Still he hesitated.

  “Do you want me to beg...” she asked in a voice that wasn’t quite steady.

  For a moment, Alex stopped touching her. His eyes met hers again. Something primal flashed within them before he smiled slowly.

  “Would you beg me to make love to you, Kate?”

  “Yes.” She forced the answer out. Her hands framed his face, bringing his mouth against hers. “I’d do whatever you want,” she whispered softly.

  With a shuddering groan, the last of Alex’s control shattered.

  He urged her inside the apartment and closed the door, backing her against the wall, his hands imprisoning her there.

  “Kate, I want you to be sure. This isn’t a game. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.” Alex inhaled an unsteady breath before adding, “If you don’t really want this, then stop me now. But do it now, before it’s too late. Before I can’t stop myself.”

  His voice sounded so sexy. She shook her head because words were impossible. Her legs threatened to desert her at raw male desire in his eyes.

  “Don’t be afraid. I promise I’ll make you forget all about Seth’s failures,” he whispered against her mouth before his lips parted hers and his tongue slipped inside her mouth to explore her intimately.

  He didn’t need to touch her to get to her. His words brought her closer to coming than Seth ever could. Kate’s tongue tentatively glided over his, meeting him stroke for stroke.

  “Open your eyes,” he told her in a tight voice. She did as he asked. When she looked at him again, the tenderness and regret in his expression took her breath away.

  “What is it?” she asked urgently, but his only answer was a quick shake of his head.

  “Its okay, Alex. This is what I want. I want you to make love me. Please make love to me...”

  * * * *

  Alex had never felt more conflicted or more excited than he did right now, looking into Kate’s hesitant green eyes. They promised him everything, and all but guaranteed his downfall.

  This was the outcome he’d hoped for, wasn’t it? But the innocent trusting in her made him question everything he’d considered in the past. Dear God, he should just walk away right now, before it was too late.

  He’d been all set to leave her at the coffee shop. Call the whole thing off. His reaction, or more to the point, his attraction to her shook him to his core. Touching her again had been his downfall. It made him want to see if she was as amazing as her kisses promised.

  But if he went through with this, and if she found out the truth, he would replace Seth Mathews as the man who destroyed her dreams.

  He stood looking down at her, trying to find the will-power to walk out of her apartment, when she said the words that all but sealed both their futures.

  “Alex, please—make love to me.”

  The last of his resistance slipped away. Alex took her back into his arms and forgot about what was the right thing to do. He’d worry about the past tomorrow. Somehow he’d find a way to tell her the truth. Tonight, he wanted to show her how special love could be between two people. He wanted to make all of her past hurts up to her tonight. And he would, if it took all night long.

  When he touched her again, her eyes turned gold. She was excited and nervous. The fear in her went to the core of his being and made him want to protect her. Take things slow
. Teach her all the pleasures of sex.

  “Alex.” Kate’s voice sounded breathy.

  “Shh,” he whispered against her lips as his hands slid across the edges of her breasts down to the curve of her hips. He cupped her bottom, bringing her closer his arousal. “It’s okay. I’ll go slowly. Let yourself relax, Kate. Let me show you how beautiful you are.”

  “Alex.” She wasn’t even aware of saying his name. Her hands flattened into submission against his chest before slipping upwards. Alex bit back the harsh growl at her gentle touch. He closed his eyes for the moment. He wanted to do this right.

  Slowly, he lifted her up above him, then let her body slide tantalizing down the length of his taut frame, his lips consuming hers. Instinctively her legs circled his waist. With a throaty groan, he carried her to the bedroom, lowering her back against the bed, their bodies joined, her legs still wrapped around him, his lips caressing hers.

  Talk to her. Tell her the truth. You’ll be sorry if you make love to her like this.

  Alex pushed aside his conscience for the moment. With fingers that shook visibly, he lifted her shirt above her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra. His fingers stroked across her heated skin for the first time and she trembled against his touch.

  Kate possessed the most amazingly responsive body. Perfect for loving. She made him want to understand all of her hidden mysteries.

  “You’re so damn beautiful,” he whispered looking down at her, his eyes sliding over her half-naked body. “God, you have no idea how much I want you.”

  Kate shivered again in reaction to his words. Alex’s lips drank in her sweetness before drifting slowly across her throat and down to kiss each of her breasts to arousal. She sucked in a ragged breath, bringing his gaze back to hers.

  He smiled slowly down at her. He’d seen her expression many times before in other women, but it never felt so powerful before or made him this aroused. His fingers skillfully unbuttoned her skirt, sliding it away from her body.

  Right or wrong, it was much too late for talking now. He was way beyond stopping this thing between them. She closed her eyes as he removed the last of her clothing.


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