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Sleeping With The Enemy (A Stranger's Touch)

Page 10

by Mary Eason

  “Why didn’t you mention this before? How long have you known?”

  “It doesn’t matter. And I know what you’re thinking and I’m not taking a penny from you.”

  “Robert, I’m not asking you to take it, I’m giving it to you. This is your home and I won’t have you losing it.” He held up a hand to silence the older man, when he tried to argue the point.

  “You want me to tell Kate about this?” he threatened. He was getting a little too skilled at manipulating people.

  “No, you can’t do that, Alex. I told you, this will kill her. She’d think I couldn’t take care of myself any longer. She worries enough about me as it is.”

  “Then we have a deal. You let me worry about the house and your medical bills and I’ll keep my mouth shut about this to Kate.”

  * * * *

  “Kate, this is Thomas Davenport. I think we need to talk.” The sound of her attorney’s voice reminding her of the upcoming divorce was the last thing Kate wanted to hear the next day.

  The previous night she had berated herself for giving in to Alex so easily and then cried herself to sleep.

  It had been barely breaking dawn when Kate sat up in bed. Once again, the nausea of the previous morning threatened to overcome her.

  As much as Kate hated to admit, there was a very real possibility she might be pregnant, which only reminded her of her own foolishness. Remembering things she couldn’t forget, no matter how hard she tried.

  She’d gone back to bed and then overslept. When she faced her reflection in the mirror, she looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

  The moment she walked into the bookstore, she knew Brandy was dying to know what was going on with her, but Kate barely acknowledged her ‘good morning’ before making a direct path to the coffee machine, followed by her office. She closed the door and hoped Brandy took the hint.

  “Talk about what, Mr. Davenport.” Kate swallowed back the nausea.

  “It’s Tom, remember? Your husband called me yesterday and informed me he will be contesting the divorce. He was very adamant.” He paused for a second, waiting for Kate to say something.

  She couldn’t. She was still fighting back nausea.

  “Kate, do you still want to move ahead with this?” His question took her by surprise. She couldn’t answer right away.

  Did she? She loved Alex. Was he right? Was she giving up on their marriage without trying? Was there anything really to try and save? Could they make the marriage work under such circumstances?


  “Why wouldn’t I?” she managed.

  “Well, I just need you to be certain. This will make things more difficult. When one party contests a divorce it will be harder for a judge to grant.”

  “But not impossible?”

  “Well, no, but there may be more complications.”

  “What are you talking about? What complications. I just want this over with, Tom.”

  “I understand, but you should know I was told we’ve drawn Judge Edward Ludlow to hear the divorce petition.”

  “And?” Kate closed her eyes and put her hand over her mouth.

  I am not going to be sick...

  “Well, he’s ultra conservative and known to be a bit eccentric when it comes to dishing out justice.”

  “Oh, God. What does that mean?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll have to get back with you. I just wanted to make sure you were still interested in going ahead with this.”

  “I am. I want this to be over so I can get on with my life.” The sooner the better before she gave in to Alex completely.

  * * * *

  At least that’s what Kate thought until Tom called her a few days later at home. He sounded upset.

  “I just received a call from Judge Ludlow’s clerk. He wants to see both you and Mr. Bradshaw in his chambers first thing tomorrow morning. This isn’t good.”

  “What do you mean?” Kate sank slowly down to the sofa.

  “Well, I don’t know, but I don’t like the sound of it. He asked that there be no attorneys present.”

  “So what do you think it means?” She held her breath and remembered her mother’s favorite saying when Kate did something wrong: Some mistakes you pay for the rest of your life.

  “That means dress conservatively and whatever you do, don’t be late.”

  * * * *

  Kate dressed as conservatively as she could manage. Her wardrobe didn’t really consist of conservative, but she found one solitary somber black dress and matching pumps she’d worn years earlier to a funeral. She layered on the makeup to cover the fact that she’d spent the last hour before getting dressed in the bathroom being sick.

  Alex was there waiting when she arrived. He told her the judge hadn’t called them yet.

  “Are you feeling okay? You look terrible.”

  Kate glared at him, but before she could say a word, the clerk stepped out into the hallway and told them the judge was waiting.

  Judge Ludlow was everything Tom had said. Even though he appeared to be close to the same age as Alex, the somber expression on his face told her he didn’t find much amusing about their predicament.

  Once she and Alex took their seats, Kate couldn’t suppress a small nervous giggle. It felt as if they were being sent to the principal’s office at school. The judge did not see the humor in the situation.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, I cannot tell you how many people I see in court each year asking for a divorce without ever really trying to work out their differences. Most have been married for a number of years, some a few months, but I don’t think I have ever run across two people as irresponsible as the two of you.” He leveled them both with a disapproving scowl before continuing.

  “You have been married barely a week and yet here you are, seeking a divorce, Mrs. Bradshaw. In today’s no fault society, this is unacceptable. And I, for one, will not be party to condoning your behavior.”

  Kate glanced at Alex and saw he was fighting to keep from laughing.

  “I assure you, Mr. Bradshaw—I find nothing amusing about divorce.”

  “I’m sorry, Your Honor. You’re right. Please go on.” But Alex couldn’t hold the judge’s stern gaze for long. His eyes slid to Kate then down to his hands.

  “I’ve asked you two here today without your attorneys being present to offer my suggestion. There will be no divorce until you two have at least lived together for six months and made a conscious effort to work out your differences.”

  “What? Are you kidding? You can’t do that!” Kate blurted out only to suffer the full force of the judge’s anger.

  “I assure you, Mrs. Bradshaw, I am perfectly within my power as a judge to make this ruling. I sentence you and Mr. Bradshaw to reside as husband and wife in either living quarters for the length of six months. At that time, if you two still desire to divorce, I will consider granting it. But I will not be a part of any marriage dissolving in a week. You two will accept responsibility for your actions. The sentence begins tonight at six o’clock. And I’d suggest you both take this ruling very seriously, as I will be checking in on your progress from time to time.”

  “No—wait, judge, you can’t be serious,” Kate exclaimed, but Alex reached for her hand.

  “Kate, shut up,” he whispered under his breath.

  “No, he can’t force us to live together, surely.”

  “Would you care to try for a year, Mrs. Bradshaw?”

  “What? No.”

  “Then I suggest you take your punishment and live with it.” The judge stood and walked out of the room without another word.

  Kate was too stunned to move. He couldn’t be serious, could he? There was no way a judge could force them to remain married. They’d just go to another judge. Get the ruling overturned. There had to be a way.

  Alex all but lifted her to her feet and dragged her from the judge’s chambers.

  “He can’t do that, can he?” she kept repeating all the way to Alex’s car.
  “I think he can. In fact, I think he just did,” he said with the emergence of a tiny little grin.

  “Don’t. Don’t you dare look so happy about this. This doesn’t mean anything. There has to be some mistake.” She pulled her hand out of his grasp and tried to remember where she’d parked her car.

  Kate turned to Alex and said, “This doesn’t change a thing, Alex Bradshaw. I’m calling my attorney the second I get back to the office. He can’t do this.”

  She walked away from Alex to the seductive sound of his laughter.

  “Face it Kate, you’re stuck with me! This has to be a sign. We were meant to be together. Not even a judge will give us a divorce!”

  When she ignored him entirely he added, “I’ll see you at home tonight, baby. Don’t be late. I wouldn’t make the judge any angrier than he is already. You didn’t exactly win him over in there, you know, and I’d hate to have to bail you out of jail!” Alex called after her but Kate refused to look at him. She held up her middle finger and made it very clear what her reaction to his taunting remarks was.

  Kate was so angry it took her longer than necessary to find her car and the mid-morning traffic made the trip back to the bookstore seem twice as long.

  She headed straight for her office to call the attorney. There must be something he could do to the get the judge’s ridiculous orders reversed.

  “Hey, how’d it go?” Brandy asked when Kate walked in.

  “Don’t ask. I have to make some calls. I’ll be a while. Can you handle things on your own for a little bit?” Kate removed her coat, hoping her cousin wouldn’t question her any further, but Brandy followed her into the office.

  “Sure.” There was just enough hesitation in her voice to make Kate glance up.

  “What is it?” This day was going to get worse. She could feel it.

  “Elise called,” Brandy told her quietly. She hadn’t spoken to Elise since she and Alex were married. She was hoping never to have to explain to her friend what a stupid mistake she’d made in rushing into marriage with him. Now, with the judge’s ruling she wasn’t sure how to explain their living arrangements.

  “What did she say?” It occurred to her then Brandy looked uneasy. “What did she say, Brandy.”

  “She said to tell you congratulations on your wedding.”

  “What? Oh my God. How did she find out?” Kate closed her eyes then opened them. “You didn’t…”

  “No! No way. How can you even think I’d rat you out like that.”

  Kate trusted Brandy, so how did Elise find out about the marriage from way down in Florida, where she’d been visiting her sister for the last couple of months?

  “I know. I’m sorry. I’m just so rattled right now.”

  “I take it the meeting with the judge didn’t go so well.”

  “No, it went horrible. The man is insane. He’s insisting Alex and I try to work our marriage out. What right does he have to tell us we must stay married?”

  “Apparently a lot...he is a judge.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m going to talk to my attorney and see what recourse I have. I can’t live with Alex for six months. I just can’t.”

  “Why not. I mean…” Brandy’s voice faltered when she spotted Kate’s glare. “Sorry.”

  Kate drew a deep breath and apologized. “No, none of this is your fault. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be so nasty. I’m just so upset right now!”

  “How did Alex take the news?”

  Kate let out a nasty little snort. “Him, oh he was thrilled. I don’t know what game he’s playing but if he thinks I’m just going to go along with this without a fight and meekly jump into bed with him then he’s in for a very rude awakening.”

  “The judge ordered you to sleep with him?” Brandy asked in surprise.

  “No. Well no of course not,” she admitted reluctantly and looked away from Brandy’s amusement.

  “Then what’s the problem. Separate rooms. You get to live in that palace he calls a home for six months. I don’t see a down side here, cousin.”

  “Never mind.” Kate waved a dismissive hand in the air. “It doesn’t matter because it’s not happening. I’m not staying with him. End of story.”

  “But if the judge ordered it.” Brandy stopped when she spotted the return of Kate’s anger. “Got it—not happening. Okay, I’ll be on the floor if you need me.” Brandy made a hasty escape.

  Kate felt terrible about behaving so horribly to her cousin. She shouldn’t be taking her anger and frustration out on Brandy. Brandy tried to be supportive. Kate owed her a huge apology. Maybe once she sorted everything out, she’d take her out to dinner to show her appreciation.

  The minute she reached her attorney’s assistant, she knew he’d been expecting her call.

  “I take it you’ve heard the news?” Tom asked quietly.

  “You knew?” Kate said, astonished. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “I was told not to. Judge Ludlow isn’t someone you want to anger. Stay off his bad side, Kate. He can be quite a force to reckon with.”

  “Well, please tell me there’s something you can do about this order.” When Tom didn’t say anything she added, “He can’t order me to stay married, can he?”

  “I’m afraid he can do anything he wants, Kate. He is the judge. And his record of keeping marriages together, even using these slightly unusual tactics, is high. He has lots of support. I’m afraid you will be forced to abide by his ruling.”

  “You’re kidding. This is barbaric, this is middle ages.”

  “But legally binding none the same.”

  “You’re telling me I have to live with my husband for six more months.”

  “I’m afraid so. You’re lucky. I’ve seen him order even longer sentences.”

  “But I can’t do it! I won’t!”

  “Then you’ll be in contempt and you could face jail time.”

  At Kate’s unflattering snort he continued, “It’s really easier just to go along, Kate. I mean it is only six months. Surely you and your husband can get along for six months.”

  “Well, that’s the whole problem,” Kate muttered.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.” She wasn’t worried about her and Alex getting along. They seemed to be getting along a little too well—at least in bed. She just wasn’t sure she could survive leaving him in six months.

  “You’ll check and see if there are any options available?” she asked without any real hope.

  “I will. But I suggest you get comfortable with the arrangements. I don’t think you have any real options here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Kate, your...Alex is holding for you,” Brandy announced over the intercom system. Kate hadn’t emerged from her office since she’d ended the call with her attorney. Alex was the last person she wanted to talk to, even if she hadn’t been able to get him off her mind in hours.

  “Tell him I stepped away, ran away, joined the pick one,” Kate said without any enthusiasm.

  “I tried that already. He’s not buying it. He says he needs to talk to you about tonight,” Brandy added quietly.

  “Oh God. Okay. I’ll take it. Thanks Brandy.”

  “Sorry,” her cousin added again before disconnecting.

  Just pick up the phone and get it over with, Kate told herself, but found picking up the phone harder than she imagined. Her fingers actually shook as she reached for the receiver once more.

  “What do you want, Alex?” She didn’t bother with hello.

  “I didn’t call to harass you, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Alex never sounded so humble before.

  “Really? Did you call to gloat?”

  “No, I thought we’d better discuss some things before tonight.”

  Kate swallowed hard. “What things?”

  “Well we didn’t actually decide where we’re going to living for the next six months, so I thought I’d better confirm it before we’re both in conte

  “Oh.” Did she really sound so disappointed? What had she been hoping he would say?

  “I was thinking it would probably be easier if you moved into my house, if that’s okay with you?”

  Kate wasn’t sure why his question surprised her. It was after all a legitimate one.

  “What about Earl?” she stalled, knowing it was the only real solution. Her apartment was far too tiny. They’d be bumping into each other all the time.

  “There’s plenty of room for Earl...and you.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you, Alex,” Kate announced and wondered why exactly she felt the need to state this particular thing.

  “I don’t recall asking you. I asked about our living arrangements. Trust me, there’s plenty of room in my house. I’ll never even know you two are there.” For some reason, Alex’s reassurances stung.

  “Oh, well, yes. Okay, I guess you’re right.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll see you at six,” he added, ready to end the call. He sounded as if he were merely confirming a business meeting.

  “Yes.” She felt like crying again and wanted to kick herself. What did she care if Alex didn’t want a constant reminder of their marriage?

  Without so much as goodbye, Alex hung up the phone. Kate breathed a heavy sigh, then covered her face and cried.

  What was the matter with her anyway? This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? She didn’t want to remain tied to Alex a moment longer than necessary. She’d just been overly emotional lately. Who wouldn’t—what with getting married one day and finding out the man of your dreams was a louse the next. This would all be over and done with soon enough, even if six months did feel like an eternity right now. She’d just take it day by day. With any luck, she wouldn’t have to see him every single day. This was just for the judge, nothing more. She could do six months with the devil himself if it meant getting out of this mess. Surely, she could survive a few run-ins with Alex Bradshaw.


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