Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart) Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  “All right, we won’t let it matter.” She felt his whole body relax, tension that she hadn’t even realized he was feeling – was let go.

  He soothed his hands down her hair, holding her head – making her look at him. “Thank you, Ceelee. You won’t be sorry. I promise before God that you’ll never be sorry.” He rubbed his nose against hers and Cecile felt like it was more intimate than a kiss. “Now, come on. I can’t wait to show you the forty acres.”

  He never turned loose of her hand. Cecile was pleasantly surprised at the beauty of the UT campus. The infamous tower loomed over the campus, where a shooter killed 16 and wounded 32 in 1966. It was a place that Cecile had always wanted to see. A memorial had been built nearby to honor those who had died – it was a place of such sadness – yet a place of such pride. “Anytime UT wins a game they light up the whole tower in lights that are colored our signature burnt orange.” Bobby explained. As they walked over campus, Cecile was self conscious about how young everyone looked. She would look at Bobby every few seconds and wonder at his poise and maturity. She never would have guessed in a million years that he was still in college. He was a man – full grown – there was no doubt about that – one that was comfortable in his sexuality and knew how to please a woman within an inch of her life. And he was nice and kind – to boot, a catch in anybody’s estimation.

  He led her through the maze of dorms and class buildings. The campus was graced with huge trees and squirrels played and scampered down the sidewalk. “Look!” Bobby pointed. “There’s the albino squirrel, if I were on my way to take a test – I’d ace it!”

  A pale colored squirrel dashed in front of them on its way to a nearby pecan tree. “He’s cute.”

  “He’s the most popular guy on campus – if you spy Blondie on your way to take a test, you’re assured of an ’A’.” As he held her hand, his thumb caressed her palm.&nbs “Since, I don’t have a test today – this must mean that I’m gonna score with you later.”

  Looking at him, she saw that he was grinning at her, confidently – he knew how sexy he was.

  “You think so? You seem to be pretty confident.”

  He let go of her hand and cupped the back of her neck instead, still guiding her as she walked, keeping her close. “You may not realize it, babe. But you have me completely at your mercy. I’m smitten. Confident is not the word,” his fingers tightened slightly. “Desperate is a much better term.”

  Cecile was saved from having to respond when Bobby opened the doors to the looming Darrell K Royal stadium player’s entrance. He was immediately hailed by a chorus of greetings and a few whistles that made Cecile blush. At the attention of the buff young athletes, Bobby pulled her close, staking his claim. Rourke O’Malley came sauntering over, raking his eyes slowly from Cecile’s toes up her body – lingering on her breasts – and finally making it up to her eyes. Behind her, she heard a distinctive growl. Bobby was jealous. The next heartbeat, he had wrapped an arm possessively around her waist. “O’Malley, this is my girlfriend, Ceelee Fairchild.” He slid one hand over her throat and tilted her head back, kissing her on the cheek. “Baby, this clown is Rourke O’Malley – our tight end.”

  Bobby watched the guys – they weren't doing anything that they hadn't done before. They were ogling a pretty girl. The only problem with that was that this time it wasn't just any attractive woman – it was his woman. And he didn't like it one damn bit.

  "Miss Fairchild," Ladon held out his hand, trying to be the gentleman in the group. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Making a motion that included the other players, he apologized for their behavior. "You’ll have to excuse these mannerless morons for staring. It's just that we've never seen Stewart act possessive about a woman before. It's something to see! We kinda enjoy seeing him tied up in knots over a girl – he's been foot-loose and fancy free for too long!"

  "Yeah, if you lasso Stewart – the rest of us might stand a chance with the fillies around here," O’Malley said.

  Cecile didn't know what to think. "It's nice to meet all of you." Her relationship with Bobby was so new and so precarious – nothing she could think to say in response seemed right – so she didn't say anything. "I can't wait to watch the Cotton Bowl this year – I'll be there rooting for you."

  "If you kangaroos will step back, I want to show Ceelee around the stadium." The crowd parted like the Red Sea as Bobby led her on a guided tour. She was duly impressed with the huge complex that could seat over one hundred and ten thousand people.

  "I can't believe that I didn't make the connection, Bobby. I've watched Longhorn games, faithfully for years. I’ve watched you play. The commentators call you ‘The Bull’, don't they?"

  Laughing, Bobby nudged up against her – letting his groin press into her hips. "That's because of my penchant for rodeo, of course – and the fact that I'm overly endowed -" he whispered the rest in her ear. "Hung like a bull. You ought to know." She blushed so prettily that he couldn't resist picking her hair up and kissing her neck. "I could just eat you up – you are the sweetest thing."

  Cecile trembled; turning in his arms, she relaxed against him. Determined to enjoy whatever time she had left with him, she ran her hands over his chest, enjoying how turned on she got just from touching him. Rubbing her cheek on his shirt, she spoke almost in a whisper – really for her ears alone. “I can’t wait to make love to you, again.” The words were so foreign to her that Cecile was amazed that she had managed to enunciate them. She felt his body go still, and she wondered if she had crossed the line. Holding her breath, she prepared to move back.

  “What did you say?”

  Drawing into herself, Cecile tried to make her whole being as small as possible. “I said . . . I said,” she stammered, afraid she had gone too far. Flashes of Carl appeared in her mind and her mouth went dry.

  “Say it again, baby.” Bobby held his head down close to hers. “Say those beautiful words again.”

  “I want to make love with you, Bobby.” With renewed confidence, she let her arms settle around his waist, and did something she had never done before – she kissed a man on the neck and then nipped, catching a little of his flesh in her mouth and then sucking on it with a steady, erotic pressure. For now – he was hers – and she wanted everyone to know it.

  Bobby felt desire rush into his loins. Instantly, his cock was like a steel spike. His dream girl was placing her mark on him. It was one of the most exciting things that had ever happened to him. When she moaned a little moan, he thought he was going to lose total control. Her little tongue soothed the place she had bit and Bobby's heart bucked in his chest like an unridden bronc. "I'll give you everything I've got baby. Let's get outta here."

  After picking up the information he needed for the next couple of weeks practices and games, Bobby and Cecile left campus and headed to the mall. "Tell me about your life in Dallas? I want to know every detail."

  Cecile held his right hand in her lap between both of hers. It was so strong and capable; she rubbed her thumbs over the prominent veins on the back and raised it to her lips. He was the most important person in the world to her. How had that happened so quickly? It wasn't that she was just starved for attention – it was Bobby himself. He was so possessive and attentive – he made her blood pressure shoot sky high.

  "Talk baby, or we're gonna have to pull over and let me ravish you." Bobby was teasing her, sort-of. Out of necessity, he was learning new ways to control his libido – without knowing it, Ceelee was testing his mettle.

  Giving him a sweet smile, she cradled his hand to her breast and just held it there like it was the most precious thing in the world.

  A thought hit him like a ton of bricks. Bobby had fallen in love.

  He ran off the road momentarily, before bringing the truck back in his lane. "Sorry, baby."

  "Are you okay?" Cecile was concerned. He had a startled look on his face like he had remembered something he needed to do.

  Gathering his wits, Bobby winked at her. "Righter
than rain, Honeybun." He wasn't ready to tell her – because he knew she wasn't ready to hear it. He tried to focus on the traffic and the passing landscape. The skyline of Austin was so familiar and the traffic on I35 was something he could maneuver in his sleep – but knowing how to handle this incredible woman sitting beside him was unknown territory.

  "I'm moving out of the apartment as soon as I get back," Cecile began slowly. She was so much happier being here with Bobby. Going back to Dallas was something she hadn't really wanted to think about. "Carl has been staying in a motel, but I'm going to let him have the apartment. I don't want it; I was never happy there."

  Bobby exited off of the interstate and headed toward Barton Creek Mall. Taking advantage of a red light, he looked over at Ceelee. She held his hand so tight to her breast that he could feel every breath she took, every beat of her heart. He savored the moment. "This is a new start for you, baby. For both of us. Where do you think you'll move?" He wanted to keep tabs on her this time, for sure. Losing track of her again was not an option.

  "I've got a real estate agent checking on a couple of places for me." Her eyes scanned his face, memorizing every feature. There was a tiny scar right at the corner of his eye – she would have to kiss that later. She also noticed that even though it was only noon, he already had a shadow of a beard showing. How sexy was that? "I want to get a house this time – and a dog. That way, I won’t have to come home to an empty house all the time. Carl and I were th career centered. Looking back, we rarely spent evenings at home, together. It's no wonder that our marriage was a disaster. Do you have an apartment or do you live in a dorm?" That sounded so funny coming out of her mouth.

  Hell! He didn't like to think about that idiot. Carl should be strung up by his gonads for mistreating Ceelee. Of course, Bobby knew that he was the beneficiary of Carl's stupidity – but he still didn't like it. "I have a condo just off campus and if we didn't have to get these gifts back to Annalise, we'd go there and I would have my wicked way with you."

  “That sounds heavenly, but we have to be responsible.” Realizing how she had come across, Cecile laughed out loud.

  Totally entranced, Bobby watched her be happy – wanting to see her look that way over and over. “Playing the adult in our relationship?”

  “Somebody has to – and since I am the oldest . . .”

  Turning off Capital City Highway, he pulled into the parking lot and found a spot convenient to the boutique where Annalise had purchased her bridal party gifts. As soon as he put the truck in park, he moved in closer and nipped her on the cheek. This set off another round of giggles. “I’ll save all of my adult moves for the bedroom.”

  “Promises, promises,” she said in between her bursts of laughter, for Bobby was blowing raspberries on her neck, just to prolong her joy.

  “That’s one promise I plan on keeping.”

  They walked through the mall, his arm around her waist. Several people spoke to Bobby, apparently he was well known in town. Nobody acted like they thought she shouldn’t be with him, so Cecile finally relaxed. Maybe she didn’t have a three and a one tattooed on her forehead after all. “I’m going to make a lot of changes when I go back to Dallas.”

  “Like what?” He pulled her close as a group of junior high age boys almost ran over her.

  “I’m going to get out more and make friends. Except for work, I’ve been pretty isolated for the past few years.”

  Due to the level of noise, Bobby leaned in to catch every word. “That’s fine, just as long as you leave room in your life for me.” He said it lightly, but he meant every word.


  “Thanks for picking up the gifts.” Annalise sorted through them, giving her best friend furtive glances. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  “About what?” Cecile tried and failed to act innocent. When Annalise pinned her with a pointed stare she folded like a house of cards. “All right! Yes, we’re getting closer.” She lowered her voice, as if what she was saying was shameful. “I like him a lot. And I nearly died when I found out how old he was!. He's still in school!"

  “College; he’s a Senior. And no one could ever say that boy’s not a full grown man.”

  At Cecile's bug eyed expression, Annalise laughed. “Can't help but noticing. So he’s a little younger than you. So what?”

  “Don't you think I'm too old for him? Really?” Cecile pushed her friend to say exactly what she thought.

  “Too old? Are you about to start drawing Social Security? What are you – let's see, twenty-six, twenty-seven? You're not much older than I am – and I’m certainly not elderly.”

  Lies. Lies. "Uh, yeah that's right.” God forgive her, another lie.

  "I don't blame Bobby for being attracted to you – you're beautiful, sexy and smart as a whip. Are you going to continue seeing him after this week?”

  Cecile knew she was weak. "If he wants to; I don't think I'm capable of saying no to him."

  Annalise picked up one of the gifts." You know, I should've had these wrapped, it’s going to take forever."

  Cecile took it out of her hand, being glad for a topic change. "I’ll be glad to do it. I’m a bridesmaid, it's my job."

  Annalise smiled. “You talked me into it. What are your plans for tonight? Ethan is taking me into Austin – he says he's got something to show me."

  Cecile flushed hot, remembering what she and Bobby had planned for the next time they got the chance to be alone. "I'm not sure."

  “I know you’re going to have sex with him. What else do you have planned?” Annalise laughed. "I can read you like a book. Speaking of a book and sex; I finished the cowboy story. Do you want it?"

  Knowing there wasn’t a chance in hell she would look at the manuscript, she chuckled. "You can send it, but my plate seems to be full right now."

  "Yeah, I bet your plate isn't the only thing that's being filled up; by something hot, long and hard.” As Annalise left the room, Cecile hit her in the ass with a sofa pillow.


  "I'm glad we came. You look beautiful." Cecile was so sexy. Bobby couldn't get enough of just looking at her. He even loved how his simple words had a sweet, pink glow creeping up her cheeks.

  "Thank you. I don't have to tell you how good looking you are. Do I?”

  "No, not unless you want to." Bobby teased. “Although, I’ll admit it – a guy likes to hear the words sometimes, too."

  Placing her hand over his, she rewarded him. “You are so sexy. Just sitting here with you has me literally quaking with desire.” Throwing all caution to the wind, she told him the unvarnished truth. “I still feel hungry and I know the only thing that can satisfy me is you.”

  Damn! Bobby threw down his napkin and motioned for the waiter to bring their check.” The French restaurant was one of the premier Austin establishments, and they had enjoyed the meal. The night had been perfect and romantic, but now all he could think about was getting her alone.

  Without making a scene, Bobby took care of everything and led Cecile to his truck. He opened the door, helped her in and made sure she was comfortable. Then, he pulled out on the highway and broke all speed records getting to his condo. Cecile was excited; her body was actually vibrating at the thought of making love with him again. Pulling into the small private parking garage, Bobby was out the door in a flash. Cecile started to move over to exit also, but Bobby stopped her. “I can’t wait.” With determined moves, he pulled her to the edge of the seat on the driver’s side, her knees facing out of the truck. “Lean back and lift your hips,” he directed in a tight, gruff voice. Cecile obeyed, recognizing the tone of voice for what it was – desperate desire. She trusted him; she’d do anything he said. Bobby threw up her skirt, and when she raised her hips, he pulled her panties down and off, stuffing them in his pocket. “Spread those pretty legs, baby. I’m starving to death.” Before she could get herself prepared, he used his big hands to open her thighs, exposing her pink wetness to his gaze. Using his thumbs, he spread h
er wide and pressed open mouth kisses all up and down her split. Cecile caught her breath at the absolute decadence of the act as Bobby Stewart buried his head between her legs and began to feast. She writhed at the pleasure. Bobby was voracious – eating her out with absolute abandon. Using lips and teeth and tonue, he licked and sucked her labia lips, until she thought she would die from wanting more.

  “Bobby,” she moaned. “Please, Bobby.” she begged. She didn’t know exactly what she was begging for – but she knew she wanted it all – everything he was willing to give her. With firm and deep thrusts, he pierced her pussy with his tongue – driving it in and out of her – lapping up the cream that flowed from her in response to his ravaging. “You taste so good, treasure. So good.” While he worked his magic with his mouth, his hands had moved up her body and he was steadily milking her nipples through her thin bra and dress. The combination of the dual sensual assault was overwhelming and Cecile began moaning and crying out at the wild rapture that was flowing through her veins.

  Bobby was beside himself with excitement. He could feel her orgasm began to build as she pressed her pussy hard into his face. Knowing his own level of need, he sought to give her all the pleasure that she could handle. Settling his lips over the hard button of her clitoris, he kissed it; massaging it, swirling his tongue around and around it, using the same motions that he would use if he were sucking on her nipples. Cecile went crazy at the rapturous sensations – arching her back – Bobby had to hold her down, forcing to accept all the attention he longed to lavish on her.

  “Bobby, I need you so!” she screamed as she bucked in the throes of a climax so intense that she saw explosions of white light in front of her eyes. Bobby stood, unzipped his pants with trembling hands and unleashed his engorged rod. With a mighty, swift thrust he drove his throbbing cock home and literally yelled at the instantaneous ecstasy. “God, yes baby!”


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