Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart) Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  With hard, short jabs, Bobby pounded into her soft pussy. Cecile arched her hips, anticipating and welcoming every thrust. She couldn’t help it – she would never get enough of him! She clutched at him with her vaginal muscles, hungry to hold onto every feeling, every sensation. Mindless with passion, she covered her own breasts and began to pull and rub at her nipples – a move she would never have made earlier. This was a whole new world for her – a world created and sustained by Bobby Stewart.

  With simultaneous shouts of release that echoed off the walls of the parking garage, Cecile and Bobby gave themselves over to a pleasure more intense and satisfying than they had ever felt before.


  “What’s going on?” Bobby was confused. This was supposed to be Ethan and Annalise’s wedding.

  Ethan and Alex pulled Bobby to one side, managing to shush him. “I’m marrying Scarlet at the wedding rehearsal.” Alex whispered – though Alex’s voice was not conducive to a low volume.

  Bobby stared disbelievingly at his brothers. “What the hell are you talking about?” Had he misomething? He knew that he was totally engrossed in Cecile – but this was the most outlandish thing he had ever heard.

  Ethan put his arm around Bobby. “Alex told you that Scarlet was sick.” Bobby nodded – he guessed his own happiness had made him insensitive to what was going on right under his nose. “Yeah, and I am so sorry about that.”

  Alex ran his hand raggedly through his own hair. She needs insurance – hell, she needs dialysis and eventually a transplant. I can’t make any of that happen unless I marry her.”

  Bobby shook his head. “Isn’t that a drastic step?” He knew that Alex was a tissue match for Scarlet, he and Ethan had gone with him for the tests. But marriage?

  Alex’s face darkened with steely resolve. “No, it’s not a drastic step, damnit! It’s what I want! I love her, Bobby. Shit! I don’t just love her. She’s the sweetest, most unspoiled treasure that I have ever found, and I do not intend to lose her.”

  Bobby listened with a mixture of awe and sadness. His brother’s love for this woman and his pain at the thought of losing her was so strong that it was amazing to see. “How’s this going to work?” Bobby asked. “What does Annalise and Scarlet think about this? Doesn’t Scarlet want her own wedding?”

  Again, Alex shushed Bobby. “Neither Scarlet or Annalise can know anything.” At Bobby’s surprised expression, Alex explained. “Scarlet and I are going to stand in for ‘Lise and Ethan during the rehearsal ceremony. But the preacher is in on it, of course, and he is going to actually marry us. By the time Scarlet realizes what has happened, I’ll have a ring on her finger and my arms wrapped so tightly around her that nothing will ever harm her again.”

  Bobby was still skeptical, “Is this even legal?”

  Alex had the good grace to look a tad guilty. “Well, mostly. Ethan got a special license for me, and I will coerce her into signing it by telling her that as a witness to the wedding, she has to sign the marriage license. I’ll just neglect to point out that it is our marriage license instead of ‘Lise and Ethan’s.

  “Incredible,” Bobby was indeed taken aback. “If you pull this off, you deserve an Oscar. I can’t believe that you’d expect Scarlet to be happy that you tricked her into marrying you.”

  Ethan couldn’t stay silent. “That’s not going to be a problem, Bobby.” He seemed convinced what he said was fact. “Scarlet loves Alex as much as he loves her. She’s going to think it’s the most romantic thing in the world.”

  nI’m doing it not only because I want to – I’m doing it to save her life.” Alex said, his voice impassioned. “Will you go with me and Ethan to the doctor tomorrow? I’ve got to find out exactly what I’m facing.”

  Bobby shoved both hands in his front pockets and looked over at the three women in their lives. Each one of them was uniquely beautiful and precious to the men whose hearts they held in their hands. “Of course, I’ll go. I know how you feel about Scarlet; I feel exactly the same way about Ceelee Fairchild.”


  The Night Before The Wedding Rehearsal

  Bobby lay next to Cecile on his side – his palm cupping her neck – his thumbs rubbing the soft velvet skin under her ear. “I love being with you like this,” he watched her closely, aware of every of every emotion that crossed her face.

  She turned to face him, kissing him on the chin and then on the nose. “I love being with you, too. I’m going to miss you.” There. She had said it and the roof didn’t collapse.

  “Baby, you’re not going to get a chance to miss me. Instead of coming here, I’ll drive to Dallas. It’s not that much further – and you’ll come to my games, won’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t miss them.” Cecile threaded her fingers through his hair. It was so thick and soft. “You’re beautiful. Did you know that?” He didn’t answer her, but rather, just kissed the inside of her wrist. “Can I ask you something and you’ll tell me the honest to God, truth?” Maybe she didn’t want to hear this, but she was going to ask it anyway.

  “I’m an open book, sweetheart. What do you want to know?”

  “You can have any woman you want – I’ve heard Alex, Ethan and ‘Lise talk about rodeo groupies – the buckle bunnies – and the college girls. You have literally hundreds – if not thousands of women to choose from. Why me? What do I have that would turn your eye from all of those young, beautiful women?

  “That’s easy.” He tapped her on the end of her nose, kissed each eyelid before tracing her plump, pouty lips with the pad of his thumb. “From the moment I saw you, my heart recognized you. You are meant to be mine. It’s as if our spirits have been intertwined since time began I know it’s too soon, but it has to be said – I love you, Ceelee. You are the most beautiful, sexy woman in the world, and you belong to me.”

  Her heart contracted with sheer unadulterated joy.

  /div> “I love you, too,” she breathed as their lips melded together midst the heat of their longing. Even as she reveled in the declaration of their love, Ceelee was haunted by the truth that Bobby had a greater capacity to hurt her than Carl ever had.

  ~ Chapter Seven ~

  “I want to be on top,” Cecile announced out of the blue.

  Bobby knew exactly what she meant, but she was so cute. They had just declared their love for one another and he was on top of the world. He felt like having fun. “On top of what? On top of Old Smoky? On top of spaghetti?”

  “You know what I mean,” she playfully swatted him on the shoulder. Cecile lay cuddled up to Bobby’s side. His arm was around her back and her head lay cradled on his shoulder. She couldn’t believe that she was laying here like this. How wonderful it was to be able to touch him – however and wherever she wanted. Just because she could – Cecile ran her hand over his chest, loving the feel of his skin, the soft hair on his chest, the rippled ridges of his abs. He was magnificent. “I want to be on top of you.”

  “Hell yeah!” he pulled her over on top of him. “Sit up baby, and hold up your arms.” She did as he asked, and he skimmed the short silky black gown over her head. Instantly he was on fire. If he lived to be a thousand, and he saw them every day, he would never get tired of looking and touching her gorgeous tits. “Lean over. Hold on to the headboard. I wanna suck.”

  Just his words made her sex twitch. Bobby scooted up in the bed, so he’d be at a better angle to play with her tits all he wanted. Cecile took hold of the headboard and leaned over, desperate to feel the tug of his lips on her nipples. She wanted him so much her whole vagina was quivering, swelling – opening like a flower that was ready to receive the gift of the sun.

  He took her hips in his hands and pulled her forward. Thank God, she hadn’t put on underwear, for she was spread out over his – her sex open and touching him – he could feel her excitement. She was soft, and warm and wet and he couldn’t wet to push his cock as deep inside of her as he could get. “Do you know what you do to me?” he looked up at her face. Her dee
p green eyes were glazed over with passion and she was breathing in tight, excited pants.

  “No – but I know what you do to me. I’ve never felt like this before. You make me feel like a desirable woman.”

  As she lowered her breasts to his face, the nipples tightened before his eyes. “Lord, love – you are a desirable woman. See?” Laughing he nudged her in the back with his erection.

  “You are so big – AH!” Her tribute to his manhood was cut short by the delicious rapture of his mouth on her breast. Bobby didn’t just lick or kiss – which was good – he opened his mouth wide, and enveloped as much of her breast as he could get in his mouth. Cecile felt her juices begin to flow, for he suckled and chewed, applying exquisite pressure and suction.

  With both hands he plumped her breasts. Squeezing and molding, entranced by the sounds that she made. Heaven! Ceelee was such a sensual woman. She responded to every touch and kiss he gave her. She probably didn’t even realize it, but even now she was making little movements of her hips, scrubbing her pussy on his abdomen. Her enjoyment only fueled his own. Switching breasts, he chewed on her nipple loving the groans of bliss she returned to him. As much as he was enjoying this, he needed more. Before, he could release her breast and continue with his quest for her to ride him like a bronc – she gave him the sweetest gift.

  With a gasp, Cecile felt an orgasm building. The pleasure bombarded her – Bobby was just too much – his mouth on her breast, his strong body between her legs. It felt so good! She was swamped with pleasure. Wanting it all, she released the headboard and wrapped her hands around his head instead – grinding her breast into his mouth and her pussy on to his hard stomach muscles. “God! Baby!” she screamed.

  Bobby caressed her back, encouraging her. With his other hand, he soothed her clit – it was swollen and hot. She had come so hard, so sweet. How could she ever have thought she was frigid? After a few moments, he couldn’t stand it anymore – his dick was demanding to be let in on the fun. “Baby, I’ve got to have you. I can’t wait.” Taking her by the waist, he lifted her. “Guide me in. I’m dying here.”

  “Yes, I need you.” With a shaking hand, she enclosed his cock in her fist and held it steady as she lowered her body down onto it. “Bobby!” Impaled! She was so full! Her tissues were swollen and engorged from her orgasm and now she was stretched and invaded – filled and desperate to be fucked. He held up his hands and she entwined her fingers with his.

  “Now ride me, baby. Move anyway you want to. Make us both feel good.” He was so in love. She pushed on his hands, using them to gain leverage. Rising up on her knees, she drug her vagina up his stalk till only the tip end remained encased in her warmth. With her eyes closed in ecstasy, she lowered herself once more. He caught his breath – it was like his dick was being massaged by hot silk. “That’s it baby. Let me feel your squeeze-box.” A little smile of mystery crossed her lips. Pulling her hands from his, she moved them to cover his pec – a palm over each of his nipples. Then, she blew his nd.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this. Read it in one of my books.” As she massaged his nipples, she moved her pelvis back and forth – rocking, rolling. At the same time, she rippled her vagina muscles, giving his cock a working over like he had never felt before. He felt it over every square inch of his dick – she had amazing control and there was no way in hell he was going to live through this.

  Bucking his hips up, he felt lust boil up from his scrotal sac – filling his world with flaming bursts of volcanic bliss. “Lord have mercy, honey,” he groaned. So this was the difference. He finally understood. It was like an earth-shattering revelation. He now understood one of the great mysteries of the universe. He now knew the difference between having sex and making love. And the key ingredient – love. Love made all the difference. And he never, ever wanted to go back to just having sex again.


  “You look beautiful,” Bobby’s eyes ate her up. She was a vision in a pink sheath dress than showed off every luscious curve. Her sable hair hung in enchanting curls to just below his shoulder and he couldn’t resist burying his head in the fragrant tresses and inhaling the fresh scent of sweet woman and some tantalizing hint of jasmine. The combination made him think of sex. But, everything about this woman made him think of sex. He literally could not keep his hands off of her.

  “Thank you,” she looked up at him happily. “I was looking online and saw the foundation that you and some others had set up in memory of your friend Shaun. If it is okay with you, I’d like to include it in the causes that our publishing house supports. That is, if you wouldn’t mind. Does rodeo and erotic romance mix?”

  Whispering in her ear. “I think they go together as well as you and I – and we fit together perfectly.”

  He watched her melt. She turned to him – took him at his word and fitted herself to him – every part of her was touching a part of him. Lord, he never wanted to let her go! “Don’t say things like that, Bobby. Not when we can’t do anything about it,” she moaned into his neck. “Now you have me tingling all over. I want you all the time,” she moaned. His whole chest vibrated with amusement. Leaning back, she wasn’t surprised to see that he looked like a strutting peacock. She had just told him what everyman wanted to hear. “It’s true – but you don’t have to look so cocksure about it.”

  It got worse. Bobby roared with laughter. “Baby, the only thing my cock is sure about is that it wants to be buried inside of you – all the time,” he said the last three words slowly and with emphasis. If the music hadn’t started to get the rehearsal on the way, he would have drug her to the nearest storage shed and fucked her till she screamed. “Now; go take your pla. It’s time to get this show on the road.” He didn’t move as she walked off to find the other girls. God, the woman had a fine ass! Rubbing his eyes, he tried to concentrate on what was happening. Today was more than a rehearsal – Alex was about to marry Scarlet and it should prove to be one hell of a show.

  The music began and Alex, Ethan and Bobby walked from the right side of the rose bed to the front of the arbor. Alex was playing the part of the groom, a role that would be reversed the following day. As the music continued, Cecile stepped out to walk slowly down the aisle. Bobby caught her eye – for he had captured her heart. Instantly, his eyes sought hers and they never wavered. As she began to move slowly down the aisle, she felt like she was walking to him. For a moment, she let herself imagine that this was their wedding day and he would hold out his hand and draw her to him – exchange vows and promise to love and cherish one another – forever. Just before she reached the front, he winked at her and her heart leapt in her chest like a gazelle. As she stepped up on the dais, their gaze never faltered.

  Cecile’s insides were fluttering like butterflies were dancing around her heart. The only niggling doubt in her mind was the reality that this wonderful interlude in her life was about to be over and she was going to have to return to the real world of moving, divesting her life of Carl and making a new start. Would Bobby be a part of her new life? God, she hoped so.

  Annalise came next and she blushed like a school girl as Ethan let out a low and meaningful whistle. Knowing how much she had longed for this day, Cecile couldn’t help but shed a tear for her best friend. If anyone deserved to be happy, it was ‘Lise. In a stolen moment, Annalise had told her that Ethan had kissed her scars, told her that there was no part of her that was not beautiful and his lovemaking had banished every fear and dread that she had harbored for all of these years.

  After she and Cecile were in their places, the music swelled and Cecile looked up to watch Scarlet walk down the aisle towards Alex. Cecile smiled, feeling sure that Scarlet was probably having the same dreamy thoughts she was having – each wishing that this was really their own wedding day.

  When Scarlet drew close enough, Alex held out his hand to help her up on the dais.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here tonight to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.” Alex picked up
Scarlet’s right hand in his and brought it to his lips. The preacher continued. “A marriage ceremony like this is for one purpose only and that is to make one flesh from two people that love and cherish one another above all things. At this time, Alex and Scarlet wish to take this step. They have chosen one another out of all others in this life and now they stand before us ready to repeat their vows. Alex.”

  It was only a few minutes into the ceremony when Cecil knew for certain that there was more going on than a rehearsal. It seemed that Scarlet had figured it out, also. Cecile let her eyes rove from person to person – whatever it was – the men were in on it. And if she wasn’t badly mistaken, Alex and Scarlet were actually getting married.

  Scarlet’s eyes were darting around nervously; she had been to enough wedding rehearsals to know that this one was not proceeding as normal. Still, she did not bolt and run. Alex held on to her hand, looked into her eyes and began.

  “I, Phillip Alexander Stewart, take you, Scarlet Rose Evans, to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love, honor and cherish you,” he paused almost unable to go on. “Till death do us part. I promise to be true and faithful to you for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.” Scarlet’s eyes were big and focused on every syllable that was coming from his lips. “All of my worldly goods to thee I endow and with my body I will worship yours. I love you, Scarlet. To marry you is my greatest desire.” Alex became aware that Scarlet’s hand was shaking in his.

  “Scarlet.” The pastor indicated that it was her turn.

  Scarlet looked over at her sister, who had tears in her eyes. Then, she turned back to her beloved, who had the most sincere look of love on his face that she could ever have imagined.

  She only hesitated for a moment, but it was a lifetime for Alex. It felt as if his heart was about to escape from his chest. By now she must realize that this was more than just a rehearsal for Ethan and Annalise. By now she had to know.


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