Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart) Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  Bobby had called 911 and LeBeau had been arrested for trespassing and for assault and battery. Scarlet had been cooperative, but Alex could tell that something had changed. She was saying all the right things, but her heart wasn’t reaching her voice. He hovered near her, touching her at every opportunity. She never flinched from his touch, but she offered none of her own. The timing was piss-poor. There was no place and no opportunity to talk to her, he would just have to wait until after the wedding and reception to get her alone and get to the bottom of this mess.

  The wedding was mere hours away. Bobby, Ethan and Alex were already in their tuxes and waiting outside – out of the way – trying to stay out of trouble. “I can’t believe that LeBeau idiot. What was his problem?” Bobby asked his brothers.

  Alex shook his head, “I don’t really understand it all. Rick grew up in the same town as Scarlet – bullied her all through school. And today she found out that he was her half brother. He had built up a life time of resentment against her and her family because her dad never publicly acknowledged him. But little Scarlet had nothing to do with her father’s decisions. She never deserved his abuse, that’s for sure.”

  “How was the honeymoon?” Ethan asked with a sly grin.

  “Too short,” Alex gave an arrogant smirk that told more than it hid.

  “Scarlet have a good time?” Ethan just kept on with the egging. Actually, he was trying to cheer Alex up – he knew that the idea of that idiot attacking Scarlet had Alex up in arms and feeling helpless. He understood. It had only been a few weeks before when Annalise’s first husband had attacked her. It made them wonder what could possibly be next.

  Alex had to smile. ’I believe that she did.” He sighed, “I know I did. She’s the sweetest thing, guys. I love her so much. Being with her is the closest thing to paradise that I’ll ever know. Now, if I can just get her some help. I’m gonna count on all of your support.”

  “You’ve got it,” they both assurep; Bobby’s cell phone vibrated against his leg. He started to ignore it, but – knowing it might be the coach, he checked. It wasn’t. It was Mary Alice Solice. Shit! He hadn’t seen or talked to her since he had slept with her in Mesquite. “I guess I’d better take this.” He stepped to one side and answered the phone.


  Bobby’s cell phone vibrated against his leg. He started to ignore it, but – knowing it might be the coach, he checked. It wasn’t. It was Mary Alice Solice. Shit! He hadn’t seen or talked to her since he had slept with her in Mesquite. “I guess I’d better take this.” He stepped to one side and answered the phone.


  “Bobby?” A tearful voice sounded in his ear.

  Crap! Nothing good ever came from a crying woman. “Mary Alice, is that you?”

  “Yes,” she sobbed. “I need to talk to you, Bobby. It’s important.” Bobby didn’t like the sounds of that.

  “What kind of problem?” He probably didn’t want to hear this.

  “I don’t want to talk about it over the phone. Can I come over?”

  “I‘m a little busy right now, Mary. My brother is about to get married in a couple of hours.”

  “Please, Bobby. I need to talk to you. How about tomorrow?”

  Bobby let out a mile-long sigh. “Sure, I’ll meet you . . .” he had started to say at his condo, but changed his mind; “at the rodeo arena near my house at four tomorrow.” Ceelee was due to leave at noon and he wasn’t taking one minute away from his time with her. “Wanna give me a hint as to what this is all about?”

  “No, I need to talk to you in person.”

  Shit! That couldn’t be good. “All right. I’ll see you then.”

  “What was that all about?” Alex saw Bobby’s worried expression.

  “That was Mary Alice Solice – buckle bunny extraordinaire.” Bobby said dryly.

  “Isn’t that the one you. . . . ?” Ethan dropped his voice.

  Bobby answered anyway. “Yes, that’s the one.”

  “What did she want?” Alex asked.

  “She wants to talk to me.”

  Ethan looked at Bobby man to man – ready to give advice. “What about Cecile?”

  Cecile saw Bobby standing with the other guys. She needed to see him for just a moment. Her pink panties would have been perfect with this bridesmaid dress and she couldn’t find them anywhere – she had a sneaky suspicion that he had confiscated them. The thought made her smile. If he would let her use them – she’d be happy to give them back to him. They didn’t see her and as she got closer. She could they were discussing something – seriously.

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with Cecile.” Bobby was emphatic. What didn’t have anything to do with her? She stopped.

  “Do you plan on seeing her after this weekend?” Alex asked.

  Of course he did, they had plans. Cecile started to walk on up to them and then the bottom fell out of her world. “No, one way or the other – after this weekend it will be over. I may have to let her down easy, but I definitely do not have plans to see her after tomorrow.”

  No plans to see her? She froze in place, trying to make what she heard mean anything other than what he said. “No, please, no,” she whispered. What had happened? She fumbled with her dress, stepped sideways, almost fell – tears were blinding her so she couldn’t see how to avoid the larger rocks on the drive way in her spike heels. She had thought that Bobby loved her. Wasn’t that what he had said? Self-doubt and confusion hammered at her soul. How was she going to get through the wedding? This was going to be one of the hardest things she had ever done.

  “Women like Mary Alice can latch on to you like one of them crabs at the beach that pinch like shit.” Alex was in a mood.

  “Believe me, I know.” Bobby knew what he had. “I don’t want anything to come between me and Ceelee. When you’ve got the best – there’s no use shopping around.”

  The wedding went off without a hitch – except something was wrong. Bobby could feel it in his bones. Alex felt the same way. “Look at them. Neither one of them will even look this way. What did you do?”

  Shades of his teenage years washed over him. “What do you mean, what did I do? I’ve been with you all morning – ever since the fiasco with LeBeau. I haven’t had a chance to do anything. What did you do?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” Alex took off after Scarlet, who was headed toward the house.

  Bobby looked around for Cecile and she was gone, too.

  Cecile packed as quickly as she could. She had to get out of here. Annalise was married and all was well with her. She had slipped in to her room and helped her take off her wedding dress so she could visit with her guests in something more comfortable. They had originally planned to go to Hawaii, but Scarlet’s looming operation had called a halt to those plans. A couple of nights in Austin would have to do for now. Even that sounded like heaven to Cecile – after all, she had nothing to look forward to. All she was hoping for was to get off of Lost Maples property without seeing Bobby. Right now, she was totally numb. In an hour or two, it would hit her and she would feel the true extent of her loss. She loved Bobby Stewart – and she had lost him. Forever.

  Bobby took the four steps up the verandah in one leap and met Cecile coming out the door. She had been crying. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  ‘Baby? Who was he kidding? Stop, breathe, think. Be careful. You can do this. Just say what you have to say and get out. Play it cool. “I’ve got to leave a little early. Something’s come up.”

  “What’s wrong? I can come with you; what can I do to help?” Mary Alice would just have to wait. When Ceelee didn’t respond – he tried another tactic. He was desperate. “When will I see you again?” Bobby held Cecile in his arms, his chin resting on her head.

  “It’s not that far to Dallas, Bobby. We’ll see each other.” She tried to put on a brave face. The worst thing she could do was cry. What had she been thinking?

  “When?” He was d
etermined to tie down specifics. “How about next weekend?”

  Cecile refused to meet his direct gaze. “I don’t know, Bobby. But, I want you to know,” she stopped, almost unable to continue. ”I want to straighten something out – I never told you how old I am. You came up with a number and I led you to believe it was true. I’m not twenty-seven, I’m thirty-one.” To give him credit, he didn’t blink an eye. But why would he care – he had no plans to see her after this weekend anyway. ”And, I also want to thank you before I go – for everything.”

  “Everything?” Bobby couldn’t believe it. “Are you thanking me for loving you or are you thanking me for letting you go?” He didn’t mention her damn age – it wasn’t important enough. He loved her, damnit – not some idyllic idea of the perfect age.

  “Don’t make this so hard, Bobby.” she pleaded. Why was he fighting it – after all – this was what he wanted. Wasn’t it?

  “Are you giving me the brush-off, Ms. Fairchild?” Bobby’s tone was light, but his heart was breaking. He didn’t understand what had happened. It had been so good.

  “Bobby . . . . It’s time for me to go. ” He loosened his embrace and let her back up a couple of feet.

  “Fine.” His voice was flat, he wasn’t going to beg. “You go back to Dallas. See your friends. But when you turn out the light at night and lay down in your bed, remember what it felt like when I pushed deep inside you. Remember what it felt like when I made you come apart in my arms.” Bobby jerked her suitcase up and strode off to her car. If she wanted to get away from him that bad, he would help her.

  Tears clamored in Cecile’s throat. She would have no trouble remembering how it felt to love Bobby. No trouble at all.

  ~ Chapter Eight ~

  Cecile cried all the way to Dallas. This was the second time she had made this journey with her heart broken – only this trip was a million times worse. Carl had only done what she had expected, but Bobby had devastated her. What made it worse was how he had tried to pretend that he still wanted to see her – talk to her. She went back over the conversation she had overheard. No, there was no doubt about it. He had made it plain as day – he had said that he didn’t want to see her anymore after this weekend. And he wouldn’t. She’d make sure of that.

  The only thing that bothered her was how sad he had looked as she drove away. It didn’t make sense.

  Bobby hadn’t known what a broken heart felt like – until today. What had gone wrong? He stood there for a good ten minutes after her car had disappeared. Every instinct he had in him told him to follow her – make her talk – find out what had gone wrong. But he didn’t. She couldn’t have made it any clearer – she didn’t want to see him again.

  It was his age – that was it. She had decided that she couldn’t be serious about someone so young. After all, he didn’t have a job. He didn’t have a way to support her in the manner she deserved, but he would one day. Shit! It wasn’t over – he refused to believe it. He’d give her an hour or two to get to Dallas and then he would launch his campaign to get her back.


  Bobby’s good intentions didn’t get off the ground. He and Cecile weren’t the only ones to have a misunderstanding – and that’s all he could let himself call it – a misunderstanding. Apparently, that psycho Lebeau had fed Scarlet some lies and she was trying to come to terms with the truth – whatever that was. Anyway, she had disappeared. Alex was beside himself with worry.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Alex wanted to punch a hall in the wall. He didn’t have a clue where to look for her. He had tried her cell phone a dozen times, but she had it turned off. For the last hour or so, he had driven to the nearby towns and checked every hotel and motel. Nothing. Where in the hell could she be? She was sick. She was sad and she was lonely. And by God, she was his. And if he didn’t find her soon, he would lose his mind.

  “Ethan! Ethan!” He knew that the love birds were getting a head start on their honeymoon, but damn it, this was an emergency!! “Bobby! Bobby!” Alex was bringing down the roof.


  Chaos reigned supreme at the county jail. Rick LeBeau didn’t look dangerous, but madness brings with it a surprising strength. One moment of inattention and LeBeau had taken the guard’s gun. He let out a loud yell and started shooting. Before he was through there was one dead and three wounded. And he was gone.


  Alex threw his cell phone against the wall. If he couldn’t call Scarlet with it, it was a useless piece of crap. The phone in the office rang and Alex sprinted for it, hoping against hope that it was his sweetheart. He never made it to the phone. From out of nowhere, a cold piece of steel stopped him in his tracks. The end of a gun barrel was being held securely to his right temple. Rick LeBeau’s tone was cold, “I’ve killed one man today, Stewart. It wouldn’t bother me a bit to make it two.”

  “You piece of shit! You don’t know what your lies have done.” Fear wasn’t even in Alex’s vocabulary. The only reason he hesitated at all was because he wanted to live to make things right with Scarlet.

  “I know exactly what I’ve done. And I’ve come to finish the job. Where is she?” He pushed the gun into Alex’s skull. Alex never flinched.

  And if she was, do you really think that I’d let you have her?” Alex glanced around, looking for anything that he could use to bash this monster’s head in.

  “Look, I’ll get out of your life. I can live without your crappy job. But I want the church mouse. I want my sister. We’ve got a lot of time to make up for. If you’ll turn her over to me, I’ll let you live.” Alex’s blood ran cold. This man was truly crazy. And he wanted Scarlet. There wasn’t a doubt in Alex’s mind that Rick would kill Scarlet at the first opportunity.

  “Over my dead body, LeBeau.” Alex’s words were said with the truest conviction that Scarlet had ever heard.

  Scarlet had slipped in the front door, anxious to find her husband. Words of apology were on her lips, she never should have doubted him. He had never given her any reason to doubt, it had all been lies – lies perpetuated by a conniving maniac. Before she could call out his name, she heard a familiar voice. Rick LeBeau. Easing down the hall, she walked into the office area and saw a sight that made her blood run cold. LeBeau held a gun to Alex’s head and from what he was saying, she was the only one that could save him.

  “I’m here, Rick. You can let him go.” At that moment, everything fell into place for Scarlet. She understood why Alex would be willing to give her his kidney. She understood why her friends’ brother had never given a second thought to saving his sister’s life. Scarlet understood how much she was loved. For she loved him just as deeply. “I’ll gladly take his place. I love him. Just let him go.”

  “No, Scarlet.” Alex was in anguish. “No.”

  As Scarlet stood, every cell of her body was primed and ready to take Alex’s place.

  “Easy, Scarlet. I‘m right behind you.” Ethan’s whispered voice was the most welcome sound that she had ever heard. “Wait until I tell you, then walk forward, slowly. Bobby is going to come up behind LeBeau and when he turns Alex loose, our football player will take him out before he even knows what hit him. Are you with me?”

  “Absolutely,” she answered quietly, keeping a deadpanned look.

  “Please, Scarlet. Baby, just turn around and walk away. I’ll deal with this maniac.” Alex was at the end of his rope. To his horror, she began to move forward. He watched her sweet eyes as they locked onto his. Alex was prepared to ow backwards into LeBeau’s body as hard as he could and then try and twist around to wrench the gun from his grasp. He had to do something before the bastard got his hands on Scarlet.

  Before, he could do anything; there was a blur of activity. Rick grabbed for Scarlet. Alex reacted, but his brothers came out of nowhere. Bobby flew through the air and landed squarely on top of the smaller man. Ethan grabbed the gun and Alex grabbed Scarlet. ”Don’t you ever, ever, ever put yourself in danger like that again.” He wasn’t shouting, he w
as talking so low that only she could hear. He wasn’t holding her harshly, or roughly, he was holding her like she was made of spun glass.


  Cecile drug herself into her apartment and looked around at all she had to do. There wasn’t any use to unpack – she didn’t intend to stay in the apartment any longer than she had to. The buzz of the phone made her groan – if it was Bobby she didn’t think she could handle it. But it wasn’t; it was Annalise. She didn’t even get hello out of her mouth. “Where did you go?”

  “I thought you were on your honeymoon? Or at least a shortened version of it?” Just knowing she was talking to someone who was, perhaps, in the same house as the man she loved made her heart ache.

  “Everything went to hell after you left.”

  “What are you talking about? Is something wrong with Bobby?” She couldn’t have kept from voicing the question to save her life.

  “Ah-ha!” Annalise yelled in her ear. “I knew it! You care about him, I told him so.” Annalise was mumbling and grumbling so fast that Cecile couldn’t keep up.

  “Annalise. Stop!” Cecile tried to be forceful. “You don’t understand what’s happened.” Thinking about everything going to hell, she had to ask. “What’s going on at Lost Maples?”

  “LeBeau broke out of jail and came back to the B&B. He held Alex at gunpoint and Bobby had to tackle him.” Annalise paused. ’He could have been shot – even killed.”

  Cecile bit her tongue, controlling her response. “But he’s okay?”

  “Yes, and Scarlet and Alex worked everything out. Come to find out, Lebeau had been calling Scarlet and feeding her lies about Alex’s love for her.” Some noise in the background made Annalise put her hand over the receiver. “Anyway, Scarlet’s operation will be soon, and…” another pause and some noise. “Cecile, Bobby wants to talk to you. And I can’t fight him off.”


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