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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  Bobby didn't need to be asked twice, he wanted to ram into her with the force of a pile-driver but he was alwayconscious of being too rough – she was so little and he was so big. But Ceelee's hunger was a rival to his own, he had done good when he chose this sweet angel. She was a compliment to him in every way. Thank God her sexual appetites were as strong as his. He could always tell when she was really getting into it, her little body betrayed her. He watched the pink flush of excitement climb her chest – her nipples grew larger and her feminine muscles started clenching on his dick like a hot, little sex machine. Ceelee was so responsive; if he weren't so damned excited, he could make his little doll come three times… but it wasn't to be. When he felt the beginnings of her release, he couldn't hold back. He was so much in love, so attracted to her, so happy with her that he exploded sending streams of his cum deep within her. "Sorry, baby. I couldn't hold back," he apologized.

  Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, she crooned to him. "Hush! You're perfect. You please me every time. And even better, you let me know that I please you. I wouldn't change one moment of our time together. You make me the happiest woman in the world." With that declaration, she relaxed completely in his arms and he carried his sweet burden back to bed and held her all night long.


  "The last time I was on stage was a high school performance of Steve Martin's 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile'. I played Elvis." It was obvious that Andrea wasn't familiar with the comedian’s controversial play. That surprised Bobby; he had thought she was in the know about such things.

  "It doesn't matter, you're a natural," she waved a well-manicured hand in dismissal. "This is the address for the reading. Frankly, the movie producers aren't looking at anybody else. They say you're perfect for the role."

  Bobby didn't know if he was perfect for any role. In fact, he wasn't even sure he wanted to act. Wasn't his life too full now? He wanted to have more time for Ceelee and Jaidon – not less. "What kind of movie is it? What would be my role?" He wouldn't dismiss it out of hand – he would listen.

  Smiling, she gave what she thought was the piece de resistance. "It's about a bull rider who's trying to make it big. There's a romance and he gets hurt. It's sort of a tear-jerker movie."

  Bobby had to admit, it did sound good. "All right, I'll go hear what they have to say."

  Word got out fast. Bobby Stewart, darling of Dallas, was up for a Hollywood movie role. Bobby fumed. Andrea knew this would happen. All of a sudden his demand shot up from three appearances a week to six – some he had to turn down. He refused to work so much that he had no time for his family. Ceelee hadn't complained, but he could see the little flickers of doubt in her eyes. She never made demands and she never complained, but hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do.

  When he met with the producers, he was surprised to meet his leading lady. She was a beautiful actress, but several years older than he was. When he got the script – he saw why. The whole scenario of the story was a younger man/older woman romance. Only the movie didn't have a happy ending. The cowboy got injured and met this younger woman in rehab who nursed him back to health. At the end of the movie he had to choose between the young nurse and his older girlfriend and the cowboy went with youth over substance. Bobby didn't like it. It hit too close to home. If Ceelee got hurt by this shit, it wouldn't be worth it.

  Andrea was stacking the deck. Bobby would never be the success he could be unless they got rid of the albatross around his neck. When she had seen this script, it was like manna from heaven. A few well placed phone calls and she had a plan set into motion that would bring Bobby publicity and get rid of the thorns in her side – Cecile Fairchild and that sniveling little brat of hers. Then Bobby would belong to her and the city of Dallas that loved him so well.


  What was happening? Cecile didn't know which way to turn first. Her cell phone was ringing, her land line was buzzing, her computer was telling her that she had mail and her doorbell was pealing. She literally spun in a circle and then Jaidon started crying. Being the good mother that she was, she ignored everything and went to her baby. And it was a good thing she did. As she rocked her baby, she finally let her eyes focus on the local news program that was playing on the set. Her eyes widened. It was about Bobby! Not that seeing Bobby on the local news, or national news for that matter, was unusual – it wasn't. Bobby Stewart was fast becoming a household name. It was obvious that he would go down in the annals of football with the likes of Joe Namath and Terry Bradshaw – he was just that good. But what she heard coming out of the reporter’s mouth made the blood in her veins turn to ice water.

  "Bobby Stewart has hit the big time. The Championship Bull Rider turned pro-football player is now going to be a movie star. And 'Dallas Digs For The Truth' has learned that the movie 'Cowboy Heat' is somewhat autobiographical. It seems that Bobby's love interest in the movie is an older woman and DDT has the scoop that our beautiful Bobby is involved with a woman that is nine years his senior. Nine years, folks! Does that make this Cougar Country? DDT has also found out that Bobby has a child with this woman of advanced years. Her name is Cecile Fairchild and she’s an editor with Passion Publishing, the erotic romance house. Maybe that’s the appeal for Bobby – she probably has sexual experience that puts the rest of us to shame. We're making every effort to contact her – she does deserve equal time. After all, a woman that is 'doing' Bobby-Does-Dallas, must have a little fire left in the furnace. We'll have more on this story, tomorrow, I promise."

  Cecile sat there – stunned, mortified, humiliated and crying like a baby. She clasped her own baby to her breast and let the tears flow. How in the world was she ever going to face her coworkers again? Her boss would probably let her go – this wasn't just publicity – this was bad publicity. And Bobby! Poor Bobby! How was he going to hold his head up long enough to catch a football? What was she going to do? She had to do something – but what?

  Bobby was livid. This was Andrea's doing. When he got to Ceelee's there were reporters parked nine deep in the driveway. He fought through the mire of humanity without saying a word – right now, they didn't want to hear what he had to say. Opening the door, he shut it fast behind him, almost taking off one reporter's hand. Good! Right now, they were a low form of humanity as far as he was concerned. "Ceelee! Ceelee! Honey, where are you?" He knew there was no chance that she didn't know what was going on – it was everywhere. And he knew, also, that nothing could have happened that would hurt her more than this. This was her sensitive issue, and he would have cut off his right arm rather than have her experience one shred of doubt about how he felt about her. Hell! The people that were talking about her had never seen her, didn't know her – hadn't taken the time to research their lives – they were just a pile of rabid dogs going after a story – uncaring who they hurt in the process. "Ceelee!"

  Rushing through the house, it fast became apparent that she wasn't home. But how had she got out without the school of piranhas in the front spotting her? The back! She had to have escaped through the back yard and through the neighbor's yard to the adjacent street. Looking hastily around, he searched for a note. Surely, she would have left him some hint at where she was going. Ah! He found it!


  I love you. Don't think for one moment that I don't. This is so hard. I'm not running away this time because of a misunderstanding. This time I'm walking away, because I understand only too well. I'll come back home when the feeding frenzy dies down, but until then – could you do something for me?

  ‘Anything for you baby’, he thought…until he read her impossible request.

  Please explain to everyone that our situation is unusual. Yes, we do have a child together – and we are friends – but that you have no intention of tying yourself to 'the older woman.' Please assure them that I have always understood this and have made no demands. Perhaps it would be better if we put some distance between us for a while. I would never ever withhold Jaidon from you –
so call me on my cell and I can arrange to meet you anywhere, anytime for you to take him for some Daddy time. Again, I am so sorry for cluttering your world. You never understand how wrong something is until you see it through someone else’s eyes..


  Damn! He wadded up the note and threw it across the room. Didn't she understand that she was everything to him? Looking out the window at what passed for Texas paparazzi; Bobby knew he could cheerfully wring every one of their necks and just tell God they died.

  There was one thing for certain; he wasn't going to put up with this. He was going to get his family back if it was the last thing he ever did. After this, 'Don't Mess With Texas' wouldn't be the battle cry – it would be 'Don't Fuck with Bobby Stewart'.

  Ceelee sat in the hotel room and rocked her crying baby. Jaidon knew something was wrong. He sensed her distress and he missed his daddy. She understood the sentiment. She missed him too. Her cell phone continued to beep every few seconds and some of the calls had been from Bobby. She had let them go to voice-mail. It would hurt too much right at this moment to hear his voice.

  Exhaustion made sitting up impossible, so she crawled under the covers and pulled Jaidon to her breast. Tonight, they would take comfort in one another.

  Bobby had made statements. He had insisted upon retractions. He had told people to go 'fuck themselves' and threatened Andrea within an inch of her life. The only reason that he hadn't fired her was because he was making her clean up this mess. There would be no movie. He told Andrea to pare down his public appearances to two a week and refused to be seen on the arm of another woman – for any reason. This was all his fault; he should have made these changes immediately. But between the excitement of a winning season, the headiness of the media attention and the sponsorships he was still dealing with from the rodeo world – his life was mass havoc. But Ceelee and Jaidon had to be his priority. So Bobby had been cleaning house.

  Now he had to get Ceelee to listen to him.


  She had to take his call. It was only right. He was Jaidon's dad and no matter what their relationship ended up being – that fact would not change. "Hello?"

  Her voice sounded so small. Bobby wanted to crush her to him and fight any bastard that threatened to come between them.

  "Sweetheart? We've got to stop playing tag, baby." He heard a hitch in her voice. She had been crying. "Don't you know I can't sleep without you?"

  "Yes, you can." She didn't say anything else – although her silence spoke volumes.

  "I don't want to live without you, Ceelee. You are my life, baby. Tell me where you are and I'll come get you. I can't believe you and my baby wandered around the neighborhood in the dark. What if something had happened to you? How would I go on living?" He was pleading his case the best he knew how.

  "Are the reporters gone?"

  "Yes, they are." She didn't know? "Haven't you been watching the news?"

  He actually heard her shudder. "No, I haven't turned it on since I heard what ‘Dallas Digs For The Truth’ had to say. They made me feel pretty worthless, Bobby."

  God, he could kill somebody. "Listen to me, baby. I've taken care of everything. There will be no movie. I have made a lot of changes and all of them are geared to making you and Jaidon the center of my universe. Look, I've got to head to the stadium. I've got you tickets – season tickets – by the way. Alex and Ethan are going to be there along with their blushing brides and there's a special family part of the game tonight. It wouldn't be the same if you and Jaidon weren't there for me. Please?"

  "Can I be anonymous? I don't think I could stand it if I got singled out or anything." Ceelee wanted to see him, she wanted to be held; she was aching to be loved. She didn’t know if that would ever happen again. But one thing was certain – she didn't want to be the brunt of jokes, either.

  Hell! How was he going to lie his way out of this one? She didn't want to be singled out? Whew! She might scalp him before the night was over. "Come on, baby. I'll take care of you." There, maybe that would do it.

  "All right. So, I'll be sitting with Annalise?" She felt safe with Annalise.

  "Right in between Alex and Ethan if that will make you feel better. They'll beat the snot out of anyone that looks at you crooked." He had his fingers crossed.

  "Okay. So you want me to bring Jaidon? Won't he get cold?"

  "No, this time you'll be in the family boxes – they have their own temperature controls." She was gonna do it.

  "Okay, we'll be there. And Bobby?"

  He closed his eyes in thankful prayer. "Yes, sweetheart?"

  "I love you. Despite everything, I love you. Everything will be all right, won't it?"

  "Yes, baby. Everything is going to be just fine." Before the night was over the whole world would know how much he loved Ceelee Fairchild. He just hoped that she didn't kill him afterwards.


  "I can't believe they're playing that song!" Annalise was tickled to death at how the massive one hundred ten thousand strong stadium came to their feet and cheered when Bobby came on the field.

  Frankly, it made Ceelee nervous.

  “Can I hold the baby?” Annalise looked at her with such hope, that she knew she was thinking about her own inability to have children. As she handed him over, she knew that she would have to make sure Jaidon spent many happy days with Bobby’s family – it would benefit them all.

  "Our boy's made something of himself, hasn't he?" Ethan spoke with pride. "Cecile, has Bobby ever talked to you about his childhood?"

  Ceelee knew that Ethan was about to tell her something important. She looked around to make sure no one else was listening. The last thing they needed was more family secrets being aired to the public. But there was no one near the Stewart family huddle. The men hovered protectively around them and their wives looked like poster girls for the well-loved women’s club. She was so glad to see Scarlet looking rosy cheeked and healthy and Annalise looked confident and content. If only she felt half as secure, she’d be happy.

  “No, we’ve never gotten around to that topic of conversation,” Cecile confessed.

  “There’s a reason for that,” Alex pointed out. “Bobby was rescued from a terrible situation. He was abused and abandoned; beat up by his father and left to starve by his mother. When we got him, he lived in constant fear that we would decide we didn’t want him. You’ve got to understand – that big man went through things that you and I can’t even begin to imagine. We all have our deep-seated hidden fears and Bobby is no different. Even though he’s as strong as an ox and would not hesitate to die for any one of us sitting here, he is a gentle soul and his one weakness is his fear that those he loves will turn their back on him and leave.”

  Cecile felt sick. She had done that. ‘Oh, God – forgive me,’ she thought.

  Ethan stepped in, used to coming behind Alex and smoothing things over. “Cecile, we know that you thought you overheard Bobby denying his love for you, so – believe me – we don’t blame you for what you did. But Bobby took it hard – harder than I’ve seen him take anything in years. And this mess with the press – that’s just all foolishness.”

  Annalise put her hand on her brother in law’s shoulder. “Cecile has been hurt, too. Her ex-husband abused her faith and her trust – almost crushed her sweet spirit. We’ve all been hurt.” She put her arm around her sister. “Ethan, your ex-wife put you through hell, convinced you that you were lacking in the very qualities that make you a man.” She put a hand to her own breast, “I was cruelly raped and scarred in such a way that I thought no one would ever love me again, and Scarlet suffered bullying and rejection; spent years thinking that her days were numbered.” She looked from one to the other and then at Alex and laughed. “Except you, bull-moose. You’ve always been cocky and confident.”

  Alex looked offended. “What are you talking about? I’ve suffered along with every one of you – and do you know why? Because I love you. I love you all. And I love Bobby – and I don�
��t ever want to see him or any of us hurt again.”

  Cecile knew it was her time to talk – “I love Bobby Stewart with the very last breath in my body.” She took Jaidon from Annalise, he was beginning to get fussy and wanted some mommy time. “I can’t be sure what the future holds for us, but I vow before all of you that I will never, ever willingly hurt him again.” Her declaration seemed to ease Alex and Ethan’s fears and when the kick-off started they were all glued to the action on the field.


  Today, Dallas was playing the Eagles and the Cowboys were favored to win – and Bobby Stewart was their go-to guy. He was fast, agile – yet big enough to plow through Philidelphia’s defensive line like it was butter. During the first half, he scored two touch downs and Dallas was ahead by seven. Cecile and the whole family had yelled until they were hoarse. Half-time came and she was going to take an opportunity to sneak out and feed Jaidon. “Wait” Alex grabbed her arm. “You can’t leave.”

  “What?” she was confused. The baby wasn’t fussing yet, but it wouldn’t be long and she didn’t want to risk missing any of the game. Besides, she had never been that into half-time shows. She knew Bobby wasn’t tempted by the cheerleaders, but it didn’t make her feel any better about watching them bump and grind.

  About that time, she heard his voice. Turning, she looked down to see Bobby standing on the 50 yard line. He was looking up at the area where she was standingy.&nbsstadium was eerily quiet; everyone was watching him …and her. She looked up at the big screen and it was divided in half. One camera was centered on Bobby’s sweet face and the other on her shocked one. “Ceelee, sweetheart? I see you standing up there looking like a little angel.” She blushed and she was afraid that the cameras lens would be strong enough for everyone to see. “You can talk to me, baby. They’ve turned on a microphone up there.”

  Yee-gads, she thought. What was he up to? What the heck. “You’re playing a good game, darling. I’m proud of you.” He did say this was family time. Maybe everybody’s loved ones were going to be introduced. She was just the unlucky one to go first.


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