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Learning to Trust

Page 17

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  He took the bracelet from my hand and closed it around my wrist. It looked like he was about to say more, but there was a knock at the door.

  A muffled voice came from the hallway. “Room service!”

  Garrett let them set up our breakfast in the other room while I finished putting on my earrings, necklace and heels.

  I was surprised to see a quick meal of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, fresh fruit and coffee. He was halfway done with his food when I sat down to join him.

  “Thank you for breakfast,” I said cordially.

  He took the last bites of his breakfast, finished his coffee and stood. As he passed by my chair, he laid his hands on my shoulders and squeezed them. “You’re welcome.”

  He was about to step away when I felt his hands sweep through my hair, making quick work of the pins and finger-combing it down against my back. “I prefer your hair down,” he admonished before heading to the bedroom to collect his things.

  My appetite was non-existent. I only managed to eat a couple bites of eggs, a bite or two of bacon and a little toast before giving up. My nerves couldn’t handle a full day like this. I knew I was the one who rattled his cage, but the desire to protect my heart won out over the need to be held.

  I walked back into the bedroom to find my suitcase open on the bed, with the recent purchases laid out beside it, to pack. I hadn’t realized how many items he had managed to secure for my wardrobe, and all in my size. I couldn’t accept the items, but rather than cause any further issues, I opted to pack them for now. I’d insist on giving them back later.

  He walked out of the bathroom with both our vanity cases. “You ready to go?”

  I nodded as I watched him pull out his cell phone and text something, presumably to have Thompson pull the car around. I watched as he put his phone back in his pocket before picking up the hotel phone and dialing down to the front desk. “Please send a bellhop to the Penthouse. We’re ready to check out. Thank you.”

  I checked my vanity case for the clips to my hair, hoping I could put my hair back up, only to find all my hair accessories missing with exception of my brush. I couldn’t believe he would try to keep me from wearing my hair the way I wanted.

  He looked up at me. “Problem?” he wondered with a bemused smile on his face.

  “No, just looking for my toothbrush.” I grabbed it and my toothpaste and headed off towards the bathroom to brush my teeth, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset.

  I finished my packing right as the bellhop arrived at our room. I grabbed my purse and laptop and waited by the front door for Garrett. He gave me an intimidating stare as he passed by the dining table, noticing my breakfast was hardly touched.

  “Do you have a smoothie bar here?” he asked the bellhop, the muscles in his neck constricting with tension.

  “Yes, sir. Did you want anything particular? I can order for you and have it waiting when we reach the lobby.”

  “That would be wonderful. I’d like a small strawberry smoothie, with extra protein powder added.”

  I started to object to the smoothie, but his hardened look told me I should keep my tongue for now.

  He grabbed hold of my hand, interlocking our fingers, and pulled me with him towards the elevators. When we reached the lobby, he headed towards the Concierge desk and instructed me to go to outside, where Thompson was waiting with the car.

  “Good morning, Miss Hart,” Thompson greeted me with a warm smile as he held the backdoor of the Town Car open for me.

  “Good morning, Thompson.” I smiled, giving Thompson my laptop as I scooted into the backseat.

  Garrett arrived and handed me the smoothie. “I want you to drink this before we reach the airport and I don’t want any argument, since you haven’t eaten breakfast. We don’t need you fainting on an airplane.”

  He sat beside me and watched as I took a tentative sip of the smoothie. It was delicious, better than any I’d ever tasted before. The food may not have sat well with me this morning, but I handled the drink easily enough. It wasn’t long before I hit the bottom of the cup. He reached over and took the empty cup from my hands.

  I decided to look out the window and take in some of the scenery, when suddenly I found myself being pulled next to him. He grabbed one of my hands and placed it tightly against his crotch, letting me feel how hard he was underneath his pants. “You may think this little game you’re playing is going to turn me away,” he hissed in my ear. “How wrong you are; this just fuels my fire for you.”

  I tried to move out of his grasp but he held me tight against him, my hand still pressed against his manhood as his other arm encircled me, rubbing tender circles up and down my arm.

  Do I give in and follow my emotions, allowing my heart and desires to guide me, or do I stay strong and push him away before he gets the chance to do it to me? It scares me that I feel something for him and in such a short time. I wish I knew what to do.

  When Thompson made it to the airport, I was surprised that he didn’t stop to drop us off at the Departures entrance. Instead, he drove over to a secured area, passed through a guard tower and was told to proceed to hanger 5.

  I watched as the car pulled up to a large, private, commercial-sized aircraft that was white with “WMI” emblazoned in blue letters on its side. I looked over to Garrett, but before I could ask, he answered.

  “We’re taking Mr. Waters’ private airplane. Your boxes have already been loaded in the holding area. Our suitcases will be stowed in the bedroom and we will be traveling in the seating up front.”

  Did he just say bedroom? How the heck does a plane have a bedroom?!

  He exited the car, turning for my hand to help me out and pulling me up against his chest. “I wish you would tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours, Laurel,” he whispered in my ear. “I feel you trying to pull away from me and I don’t know why.”

  I felt a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat. Unable to answer, I just looked down at the ground and followed his footsteps onto the aircraft. Thompson took care of our belongings before handing over the keys to another gentleman.

  The seating on the aircraft was designed to accommodate businesspeople on the go. There were several seats facing the cockpit with computer docking stations at the front of the plane, a few seats with tables in between them in the center, and a few reclining seats that looked more like loveseats in the back behind a partial wall, offering a bit of privacy; for what, I didn’t know.

  I watched as Thompson took a seat at the front of the craft and buckled himself in.

  Garrett steered me towards the back, pointing out the bathroom and small kitchenette, which were both located right outside the bedroom. My eyes grew big at the mention of the bed.

  He pressed his hard length against my stomach. “Something we may do the next time we fly.” His eyes were alight and lascivious.

  I swallowed hard at his words. Why must he make it so hard to pull away?

  “Here, these seats are the most comfortable and offer the most privacy short of the bedroom.” He motioned to the reclining loveseats.

  He sat in the aisle seat, forcing me to take the one by the window. I buckled my seat belt, making sure the grip was firm.

  His fingers grasped my chin lightly, forcing me to look in his eyes. “Have you flown much, Laurel?” he asked.

  I was too nervous to answer, only shaking my head in response.

  A small laugh escaped his lips and he leaned over to place a chaste kiss on my lips. “We’ll have to change that, darling.”

  We were both quiet as we listened to the engines come to life with their thunderous roar. I watched in fascination as the pilot checked all the flaps and then announced our travel itinerary over the speaker system. My stomach leapt to my throat as the plane began to taxi to the runway. He held onto my hand as I gripped his tightly, fearing the plane’s takeoff.

  “Relax. Takeoffs are the most fun.”

  “That’s easy for you to say; you fl
y all over the country, Garrett. You’re used to this kind of travel; I’m not.” My voice was shaky and strained.

  He turned sideways in his seat; his gaze locking onto mine. “You’re right. I do love flying both as the passenger and as the pilot.”

  “You know how to fly this thing?”

  His face lit up with a warm expression. “How do you think I got here? I’m not used to someone else doing the flying for me; it’s actually a little frustrating. But, today, you get all my attention. We should both take the time to relax.”

  “Mr. Waters allowed you to fly his plane? You must have a very trusting relationship with one another.” They must be closer than the traditional employer/employee association. Maybe they were friends?

  “We have a unique understanding of one another. With me having a pilot’s license, it makes for more cost-efficient travel. Plus, I like to be in control,” he admitted.

  His admission made sense, especially in today’s economy. I glanced out the window; we were fourth in line to take off, behind some major commercial airlines. I jumped as I suddenly felt his hand on the skin of my knee. His fingers began to trace circles around my knee cap, making me close my eyes and give in to the sensations he stirred inside me.

  The plane moved forward, infinitesimally, as his hand moved up to my inner thigh, grasping it and causing me to let out a rush of air I didn’t know I was holding. His fingers swept up and down my inner thigh in light and hard touches with an occasional finger dancing over the lace edges of my panties.

  I didn’t want this to happen; I couldn’t give in to Garrett’s desire, but the closer he got to my center, the more my body betrayed me, causing my legs to go lax and open to his advances.

  “I can see you trying to fight your feelings, Laurel, but your body is already hot, needy and wet for my attention.” His voice was laced thick with seduction as he nibbled on my ear and his fingers moved my thong to the side and sank into my folds.

  My mind was scattered as the plane’s engines began to rev up. Without warning, the plane surged forward, catapulting me back into my seat and two of his fingers deep inside me.

  “Give in to the temptation,” he cooed, his words a whisper in my ear over the roar of the engines. His fingers began to move inside me, rubbing hard against the spot he knew would make me explode as his tongue and lips continued to tease my ear and neck.

  As the plane continued to ascend towards the sky, my body began to climb to a release that would leave me craving more.

  “Let go of your mind, Laurel.” He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and gently bit down on the edges, sending desire right to my core.

  I found myself pushing against Garrett’s hand, wanting more friction. He must have sensed my need for release; his thumb began to press harder and circle my clit. I tried moving my legs in an attempt to stave off the release, but he quickly grabbed my chin with his free hand and pulled my mouth over to his. His lips hovered over mine. “Come for me,” he said as the wave broke and his mouth crashed against mine, silencing my moans. He kept his hands in place, continuing to rub out all of my release, his mouth sealed against mine, absorbing my passionate wails.

  The captain’s voice came out over the intercom, announcing we had reached our traveling altitude and were now free to move about the cabin, jarring me out of my post-orgasm daze. Garrett gently removed his fingers and placed the fabric of my thong back in place. There was a satisfied smirk on his face as he lifted his fingers to his lips and began to lick them clean. “Mmm…now that’s what I call a delicious takeoff.”

  I’m not sure my face could’ve turned redder. Within minutes, Thompson was by our side asking if we would like anything to drink or eat while we were in flight. I politely declined, attempting to bury my face in the safety booklet. Lord, Laurel, when did you turn into such a minx? Does this mean I’m a member of the mile-high club?

  “We should be good for the flight,” Garrett told Thompson, patting my knee. “Feel free to take this time to yourself.”

  “Thank you, sir, I think I’ll listen to some tunes on my I-pod and relax.” Thompson turned on his heels and headed towards the front of the plane.

  I was still completely embarrassed at almost being caught by Thompson that I turned towards the window, trying to give Garrett the cold shoulder. Unfortunately, I was anything but cold and more pent up and frustrated than ever.

  Some rustling of fabric came from behind me, making me wonder what he was up to. Before I even knew what was happening, he had my seat belt undone and pulled me on top of him so I was straddling his lap.

  His hands held my face firmly, pulling it to his lips. I could feel his breath on my face and see his green eyes filled with hurt. He shook his head. “Why are you being so distant today?” he finally asked. “Your mind is pushing me away, but your body responds to my every movement.”

  I tried to move to get up, but his lips came down hard on mine. His tongue began tracing circles around my lower lip, before his teeth nipped lightly on it, causing me to gasp and his tongue to plunge deep into my mouth.

  He knew I wouldn’t be able to think when he unleashed his romantic prowess against me. His tongue ravaged my mouth until my tongue gave up the fight and sought out his attention, beginning to dance into his. He pulled away, only to take in a much needed breath of air. We were both gasping when he leaned his forehead against mine. “Why, Laurel?” his voice sounded strangled, like he was worried and upset and aroused all at once.

  His hands reached under the skirt of my dress and massaged up my inner thighs towards my center. A soft moan escaped my lips as he touched me through my panties; I was still so sensitive. My moaning ceased as he yanked the thong aside and pulled me onto just the tip of his manhood.

  My eyes must have revealed my shock as I tried to figure out when he’d managed to lower his pants enough to free himself. Then it dawned on me what the rustling noise had been.

  I didn’t want to be kept poised at the tip and tried to move down his length, wanting to treasure the full feeling I’d come to crave. The moment I tried to sink onto him, a hand latched around my hip and held me off, the other grasping at the back of my neck, pulling me to him. “Don’t even think about, baby. Not until you tell me why you’re trying to pull away from me.”

  When I still refused, he moved ever so slightly, pushing himself all the way in and instantly against my g-spot, then moving back out, hovering just at my entrance. “You should know that I have enough control that I can keep doing this the entire time we’re in the air. I could even tell the pilot to circle until you finally tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “Ahh…” I moaned as he dipped inside me a second time. My body couldn’t take the teasing. I needed to feel the pleasure he could bring me.

  After a few more punishing attempts, I was strung tight and needed to feel some release. I tried moving my hand towards my clit in an attempt to unwind myself, but he stopped my every attempt.

  “Tell me, Laurel. I promised to be understanding of your feelings and to be as honest as I can with you.” His eyes sparkled as they met mine with an understanding smile. “I’m sorry for doing this, but it’s only during sex that you let your guard down and speak your mind.”

  Feeling frustrated beyond belief, the tears began to roll down my cheeks.

  “Don’t cry, darling. Just tell me what’s bothering you, so I can fix it.”

  I couldn’t take any more punishment. “How many women have you slept with?” I whispered through clenched teeth.

  He smiled and laughed a second. “That’s what’s bothering you?”

  “I need to know; how many?”

  He lifted my chin to where our eyes met. “In regards to sleeping with women, there have been several, though not a lot. My job doesn’t allow for relationships. Most women aren’t understanding of my job’s responsibilities.”

  Feeling depressed, I looked down. “Am I just another notch in your bedpost?”

  “Don’t ever turn away from m
e. I need to see your eyes.” He hovered over my lips, kissing them gently. “You didn’t let me finish. I’ve slept with women, but you are the first to ever stay the night and spend time in my bed. The moment that happened, you elevated to something I’ve never experienced before.”

  I let out a sigh of relief, but still needed more answers. “Why don’t you date?”

  Garrett stretched his neck upward, taking in a large breath before returning his gaze to my face. “I find dating a waste of time. I tried it when I was younger and quickly discovered how fake everyone is. Both parties are trying to put their best faces forward to attract the other, never fully revealing their true identities until there’s too much involvement.”

  He pushed his hips up, just once, and I groaned at the sweet friction of the tip of his cock moving within me. I wanted more. To learn more; to feel more; to be more with him.

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people date and discovering, almost too late, what the love of their life is truly about,” he continued, completely focused on answering my question and easily ignoring my attempts to grind myself against him. “Then the people are too invested in trying to make it work, only to end up hating one another and going their separate ways, having wasted a good chunk of their lives on someone they were never meant to be with.” His tone was cold, making me believe he was speaking from experience.

  My mind wrapped around his reasoning and saw some insight to the way his worked. I was about to respond when he held a finger to my lips, indicating his need to continue.

  “I prefer living in the here and now, with upfront honesty and boldness. I will never lie to anyone, unless it’s as a means of protection. Relationships do take time to develop, but I choose to dive into them headfirst, to seek out similar tastes, mindsets, compatibility, and desires. If none of those things are present, then I move on.”

  “Have you ever bedded your potential hires before?” I felt a little jealousy rise within me.

  He was quick to respond, flexing his hips again to punctuate his answer, his cock brushing against my sensitive skin yet again. “No, Laurel. You’re the only one that’s brought forth that desire.”


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