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Harts of Arizona Series

Page 62

by Yahrah St. John

  Addison chuckled. He was probably right. Although her father knew she understood his business like no one else, she suspected that he hoped her future husband might help her run it someday. “My father appears to know your uncle also.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Told me your uncle is quite the ladies’ man.”

  “And that I might be like him?” Caleb offered.

  Addison nodded. “But I make my own choices.”

  “That’s good to know. And we’re here,” Caleb said, pulling into a parking space in front of the rodeo.

  “A rodeo?” Addison looked blankly at Caleb. Of all the places she’d expected him to take her, this wasn’t one of them.

  “C’mon, it’ll be fun,” he said, hopping out of the pickup. He walked behind it to come around and open her door.

  “I don’t know,” Addison said as she stepped out.

  Caleb reached across and grabbed her hand. When he did, a scorching current passed between them. He must have felt it because he looked into her eyes seconds before he pushed her backward against the truck and kissed her.

  It wasn’t the slow, languorous kisses he’d given her in Vegas when he thought he had all night to make love to her. This kiss was heat and passion and fire all balled up into one. He grasped the sides of her face, crushed her against him and claimed her lips. Addison was shattered by the hunger behind his kiss and gave herself over to the ripple of excitement that was churning inside her.

  One of his thighs pressed forward, eager to be closer to her while his tongue coaxed her lips apart. Addison opened her mouth to his seeking full lips and succumbed to their domination. He thoroughly explored every inch of her tongue, stroking his back and forth against hers. Desire zoomed straight through her as he continued his ravishing. He sucked her tongue, and she moaned. Then one of his hands slid under her tunic and upward to caress one of her breasts. When he found his target, he caressed it with the pad of his thumb, and Addison felt her nipple harden underneath the tank top. She also felt herself becoming slick and her panties starting to moisten. Dear God, is he going to make me come in the parking lot?!

  She’d never been kissed so completely, so passionately since, since that night in Vegas! It was thrilling, heady and intoxicating. Caleb must have felt the same way because the lower half of him had awakened and was pressing against her womanhood. Even in her jeans, there was no doubt of Caleb’s obvious arousal. She was excited to know that she could make a man like him lose control and make out with her in the middle of the parking lot.

  Eventually, he separated from her and took a jagged breath. “Wow! I, uh, didn’t mean for that to happen so soon.”

  So he meant it to happen later? Addison wondered. Exactly what did he have in store for her? She was nervous and excited to find out.

  “I think we should go inside,” she murmured softly, righting herself.

  “Good idea.” Caleb offered her his arm instead of his hand. Was he too afraid that by touching her he’d lose control again?

  Inside, the rodeo was in full swing. Fans were milling about the stadium, either chatting in groups or getting beer and popcorn at the concession.

  “Wanna beer?” Caleb asked. He needed to get control of his equilibrium. He hadn’t meant to kiss her like that in the parking lot with no warning, but she’d looked so delectable standing there all sweet and innocent. She had to have felt the crackling of attraction that had sparked between them when they’d touched. Kissing her had just been the beginning. He wanted more, and he intended to have it. Tonight.

  “Love one.”

  “C’mon.” He led her to the concession stand and ordered two beers along with a bucket of popcorn. Then they headed toward the steps and climbed them until they reached the view of an enormous arena. He was sure Addison was probably surprised at just how many folks came out to the rodeos. The arena was packed to the rafters.

  There were half-a-dozen stalls that would have bulls coming through them any second. Caleb looked forward to showing Addison his world.

  Once they sat down, Addison leaned over to grab a handful of popcorn and toss it into her mouth. “So why did you bring me to a rodeo?”

  Caleb turned sideways. “Because ... it’s what I do.”

  A blank expression registered on Addison’s face. “I don’t understand.”

  Caleb smiled affectionately. “I’m a bull rider.”

  “A what?” Addison nearly choked on a popcorn kernel.

  “You heard right. I ride bulls for a living. It’s one of my favorite pastimes.”

  Addison’s eyes widened. “And are you riding tonight?”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Caleb replied, taking a swig of his beer. “Tonight is about you and me. I just wanted you to see this place. It’s a big part of my life.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “What did you think I did?”

  “I don’t know. In Vegas, we didn’t actually get around to talking ...” Her voice trailed off, and her mind instantly wandered back to being in that master suite when Caleb had slowly bunched up her mini-dress to her waist and removed her thong. She began to feel hot, and she blinked several times at the memory.

  Caleb knew where her mind had drifted to because in that moment, he’d been right back there with her in that room. But there would be enough time for a replay of that later.

  “How long have you been bull riding?” Addison asked, reaching for the popcorn bucket again.

  “About four years now.”

  “That long?” She couldn’t imagine willingly deciding to get on a bull each and every night knowing you could get thrown off and potentially injured.

  “Yeah. You sound surprised.”

  “Can’t you get hurt?”

  “Sure, if you don’t know what you’re doing, but I’ve been on horses all my life. Riding is second nature.”

  “Being bucked off a bull is altogether different from riding a horse.”

  He laughed. “True, but the same technique applies.”

  “Wait a sec, you just said you’ve been around horses your whole life. Where’d you grow up?”

  “My family owns a dude ranch in Tucson. It’s not too far from that famous Canyon Ranch place.”

  “Oh, yes, I’ve heard of that.” Several of Addison’s girlfriends had gone there once for the weekend for a detox and quick weight loss program. “A dude ranch, huh? You don’t strike me as the type to wanna deal with family and their kids wanting to go horseback riding or feed the rabbits.”

  “I’m here, ain’t I?” Caleb asked, glancing her way.

  She nodded. “It’s like we talked about, going against the grain and not doing what’s expected of you. Have you always been this contrary?”

  “Always, but it’s what makes me ‘me.’”

  “And I like you.” The words slipped out of Addison’s mouth before she could retrieve them.

  “I like you too, Addison Walker. What do folks call you for short?”


  “Addy.” Caleb let the name roll off his lips. “I like it.”

  “I prefer Addison.”

  “Because it sounds more mature?”

  “And what’s wrong with that?”

  “Because when I use it, it’ll be an intimate moment and will sound completely different.”

  Addison swallowed hard and blushed. It happened whenever Caleb looked at her with those dark-brown smoldering eyes of his and spoke to her that way. She turned her head away and forced herself to watch the show, which was just starting as the announcer was riding his horse into the center of the ring.

  “Just so you know, these events aren’t just about the bull riding—there’s bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, saddle bronc riding, tie-down roping and barrel racing. We cowboys take the sport very seriously.”

p; She glanced sideways at him. “I had no idea.”

  “I know most folks think I’m crazy for what I do, but I do take what I do seriously. I’m part of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, known as the PRCA.”

  “There’s an association?”


  They watched the cowboys ride and fall off the bulls while Caleb explained their techniques; but all Addison was noticing was Caleb’s thigh casually brushing against hers and the masculine scent of his cologne.

  “That about does it,” Caleb said, rising to his feet.

  “What?” Addison blinked several times.

  “C’mon.” Caleb grabbed her hand and hauled her up. “Let’s get out of here and go have some fun.”

  Before they made it out of the arena, a Caucasian man in Wranglers, Justin Boots and a plaid shirt came ambling toward them.

  “Caleb, man.” He grabbed one of Caleb’s hands and pulled him into a one-armed hug. “What the heck are you doing here on your night off?”

  “Good to see you too, Josh,” Caleb replied as he pulled away.

  “You know I mean no offense.”

  Caleb laughed. “And none taken. I just want to show my lady here where I work.”

  “And you brought her here? Guess you didn’t want to impress her.” Josh laughed. “No seriously, you have yourself a good man here.” Josh directed his attention toward Addison. “Known him for four years now, and if you ever need him in a pinch, he’ll be there.”

  Addison smiled. “That’s good to know. It’s great to meet you, Josh.”

  “You guys take it easy.” He tipped his cowboy hat at Addison, nodded to Caleb and walked away.

  Once he’d gone, Addison turned to Caleb. “Your lady?”

  “You have a problem with me claiming you as mine for tonight?”

  Addison didn’t mind a damn bit, but she would never say that to him. Instead she began walking backward, in the direction of the door. “Just for tonight?” she asked with a flirtatious smile.

  Caleb laughed. He sure hoped not. He had a feeling that once he’d had Addison, she might become an addiction he couldn’t shake.

  Chapter 5

  The rodeo didn’t signal the end to their evening. Caleb had a lot more in store for Addison Walker. He pulled the pickup into the driveway of a cowboy bar, known not just for the best steaks but also for the occasional woman dancing atop the bar table.

  Caleb noticed Addison’s wide-eyed look when they walked inside only to be immediately face to face with a large mechanical bull. Several women and men were standing in line ready to take a spin. He intended for Addison to take one too if he had anything to say about it.

  The hostess led them to one of the many wooden booths surrounding the extra-large dancefloor that pretty soon would be filled with cowboys and cowgirls alike dancing the two-step and every other line dance imaginable.

  A waitress came over several minutes later and asked them what they wanted to drink. Caleb looked at Addison.

  “Umm ...” She paused.

  “Two Coronas,” Caleb filled in for her.

  “Sure thing,” the waitress said. “Be back with your beers.”

  Caleb noticed Addison looking around her. “Feeling out of your element?” he inquired.

  She turned back around to face him. “Why would you say that?”

  He shrugged. “I doubt your father would approve of you coming to a place like this. I bet you go to those martini bars that the rest of the yuppies go to.”

  Addison huffed. “If you must know, my friends and I frequent bars like this. We’re not that square.”

  “Really?” The disbelief in Caleb’s voice was evident, and he didn’t try to hide it. He knew Addison was putting on airs.

  “Yes, really and to prove it,” she said, pointing behind her toward the doorway, “I’ll get on that mechanical bull.” She began pulling off her leather jacket.

  “Really?” He hadn’t seen that one coming. He’d thought he’d have to dare her to do it, but Addison was a spitfire and wouldn’t go down without a fight. He liked that.

  “Yes. Right now!” She slid from the booth to her feet.

  “Are you sure?” Caleb said, standing up. “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Addison.”

  “Like hell I don’t,” she said, stalking toward the entrance. “You think I’m some rich debutante that’s led around the nose by her father and doesn’t have a mind of her own. Well I’m not.” When she reached the line and saw no one ahead of her, she asked, “How much?”

  “Five dollars.”

  Before she could reach into her jeans pocket, Caleb already had his wallet out. He pulled a five from his billfold and handed it to the attendant. “Here you go.” He started to follow Addison toward the bull, but the attendant put out his hand.

  “All nonriders need to stand behind the gate.”

  “Alright, alright.” Caleb walked behind the gate. “Addy, you don’t have to do this.” He was rethinking his great idea. What if something happened to her? He’d never forgive himself.

  Addison held up her hand. “I got this.”

  Addison wanted to wet her pants. Lord, if Collette could see her now, she would say Addison had lost her mind. But she really hadn’t; she didn’t know why it was so important, but she wanted Caleb to know she was a grown-ass woman capable of thinking for herself and making her own decisions.

  She knew what was on the menu for the end of the night. Caleb intended to take her to bed, and she was fully on board. She’d wanted him since the moment her eyes had connected with his in that club in Vegas. The fact that they’d had to wait this long felt sort of anticlimactic. She just hoped that it lived up to her expectations. She’d waited a lifetime to give her virginity to the right man. And although she wasn’t sure what would become of her and Caleb after tonight, she was sure of one thing: She wanted to be with him tonight. He was the one.

  It’s why she hopped onto the mat and hopped over to the mechanical bull to prove to him she was woman enough to take on whatever he had in store for her.

  Another attendant was waiting for her by the bull. He gave her a lift up. “So the object,” he said with a microphone to the crowd, “is to stay on the bull for as long as you can with one hand in the air. Ain’t that right, everybody?”

  Several cheers and whistles rang out.

  “Do I win anything?” Addison asked, looking down at the attendant.

  “Honey, this ain’t the fair,” he said. “Let’s get this party started.” He hyped up the crowd as he jumped off the mat and headed to push the start button.

  Addison looked at the audience that had suddenly amassed to see her debacle and spotted Caleb giving her a thumbs-up.

  “Oh, Lord,” she whispered seconds before the ride turned on and she began flailing.

  Caleb couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched Addison stay on the bull with one hand in the air. When the ride started, he thought she was going to be a casualty at the first buck, but Addison was a bulldog. She came close to falling off several times, but she would not give up. She stayed on the bull for the entire ride, making a believer out of him. Addison might appear sweet and soft to some, but she was hard as nails when pushed. Not to mention, she knew how to ride a bull. He couldn’t wait for her to ride him.

  She jumped from the machine and onto the mat without the assistance of the attendant and then sauntered toward Caleb. “Well?” Her hair was tousled, and her eyes were bright from excitement. She was sexy as hell.

  With one arm, he pulled her close to him and slanted his mouth over hers. The crowd around them went wild with cheers and catcalls. When he lifted his head, he wasn’t the only one glassy-eyed. “The show’s over, folks. Let’s go get some food.” He patted her behind and guided her toward the dining area.

  Addison slid into the booth, and Ca
leb followed behind to sit opposite her. “Don’t underestimate me,” Addison said.

  “I won’t make that mistake again.”

  She smiled broadly. “I’m ravenous and thirsty.” She reached for one of the two Coronas that had been placed on the table in their absence and took a long swig.

  “You’re back,” the waitress said.

  “Yeah, we had to go take a ride on the bull,” Caleb responded.

  “How’d you do?”

  Caleb pointed to Addison. “Wasn’t me. She was the victor. Stayed on the entire ride.”

  “Awesome! So what can I get you folks?”

  Not long after they placed their orders for cheeseburgers and fries, the food arrived and Caleb was learning a lot more about Addison. He found out she was an avid runner and usually ran several miles a day and had participated in several marathons for charity. He also discovered she had an aversion to hip-hop music, but a love of classical and country music, which were opposite ends of the spectrum. As they talked, they also shared a brownie sundae for dessert, which had both of them licking their lips.

  “Would you like to dance?” Caleb needed to move after that sinful dessert. He rarely ate sugar and usually stuck to protein and a low-carb diet, but tonight was the exception.

  “Let’s do it,” Addison said.

  In seconds they were on the floor, where an instructor was showing everyone the moves to the line dance. Addison picked it up a lot quicker than Caleb. He didn’t have two left feet, but he was usually in the corner talking to some curvy female when the dancing started. Tonight, however, he was enjoying being with Addison. They laughed as they stumbled through the steps, but soon they were both catching on and moving in rhythm to the music.

  “This is fun,” Addison said as she sashayed.

  “It is.” Caleb stared at her for several long moments. Their gazes locked.

  She glanced up at him, and she must have sensed his desire because she stopped midstride and looked him directly in the eye before saying, “You wanna get out of here?”


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