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True Calling: The Short Story Collection

Page 1

by Siobhan Davis

  Table of Contents

  Torn Apart

  Endings and Beginnings

  Perfect Moment

  Under the Mistletoe

  Lily’s Redemption Offer (The Skyee Siblings #1)

  Saven Deception Sample

  About the Author

  Books by Siobhan Davis



  This short story depicts the events from the last few pages of True Calling and it’s narrated from Cal Remus’ point of view. Do not read this unless you have already read True Calling!

  “I’ll take him,” I say, hoisting Zane fully up over my shoulders. A heavy pressure settles over me, and it’s not just from the weight of carrying my arch-nemesis. Tension prickles under the surface of my skin, and I know I won’t be able to even attempt to relax until we’ve gotten out of NSAF in one piece. And I won’t fully relax until we are rocketing Earth-bound.

  Honestly, I can’t get off this damned planet fast enough.

  Agent Dale comes to an abrupt halt in front of us, and I skid on the floor in my haste to avoid body slamming him, nearly losing my balance in the process. Ariana places a steadying hand across my lower back, and a gentle warmth feathers tissue deep.

  One touch from her, that’s all it takes, and I’m drunk on love.

  Shaking my head, I try to focus on what’s important. Like getting the love of my life the hell out of here before either one of us comes to any harm. Though it’s damned hard to be in her company and think of anything else but her. She lights up my life in so many ways. I never thought I would ever feel this much for a girl, but she is everything to me and more.

  If she ever finds out what I’ve done …

  I shudder as an icy tremor coasts up and down my spine and my heart thunders wildly in my chest. She is all I’ve ever wanted, and I swore I’d go to hell and back to make her mine. Little did I realize that in making a deal with the devil, I almost lost her, forever. That I came this close to messing everything up still destroys me inside, but I force myself to dismiss my errant thoughts. Now isn’t the time for this. She needs me at the top of my game, and I won’t let her down again.

  Agent Dale discharges his weapon and rips a large hole in the silver metal grid over our heads. “Quick, everyone up,” he says.

  Zane moans low on his breath as I slide him carefully to the ground. Grasping Ariana at the waist, I lift her up, placing a strategic hand on her shapely butt as I help her into the tunnel.

  I know; I’m a dog.

  Or an opportunist.

  Maybe a bit of both.

  Zane has managed to haul himself to his feet, but he’s swaying precariously. Agent Dale helps me shunt him up, and I hoist myself into the tunnel after him. Ariana’s face visibly relaxes when she sees me, and that does all kinds of funny things to my insides. That she reciprocates my love still blows me away. I spent so long pining for her from the shadows that my head sometimes can’t grasp the fact that she now returns my feelings. Reaching around, I extend a hand to Agent Dale. Advancing footsteps don’t sound too far away, and we both exchange worried expressions.

  Neither one of us needs to say it. We both understand the criticality of the situation.

  The tunnel is wide but low, so we all hunch down and inch forward as quickly as we can. Zane is clearly struggling in front of me, but he raises no complaint as he drags himself forward. Begrudging admiration rises to the surface until I slap it back down. No part of me wants to feel anything even close to admiration for the dude who is trying to take away my very reason for breathing.

  Though I can hardly blame him.

  If I were in his shoes, I’d do the exact same thing. To have Ariana’s love and then to have lost it in such a cruel manner must have almost killed him. A part of me—a teeny-weeny tiny part of me—feels for the guy. I think I’d die if that happened to me.

  “Clear,” one of the soldiers says from outside.

  Ariana dangles her legs over the edge, ready to take flight. I dart around Zane and grab her hands as she flings herself forward. I carefully lower her to the ground and wait until the soldier has a firm grip on her waist before I divert my attention to Zane.

  A loud thud behind me scares me half to death, and I grab Zane and thrust him toward the opening. I grip his wrists as I push him forward. A hand fists in my shirt and I’m yanked back with force. Zane slides from my grasp and slithers out of the tunnel. I hear an anguished cry from outside.

  A mouth presses close to my ear, as a strong arm wraps around my chest, pinning me to a solid wall of muscle. “What the hell are you playing at?” Dad says. “Have you no sense of self-preservation?”

  “Screw you.” I inject as much venom as I can into those two words.

  “I told you to stay away from that girl, that she was nothing but trouble. Would it have killed you for once to listen to me?” His voice has that hard, steely edge to it that I’m more than familiar with.

  “Cal!” Ariana’s troubled voice calls out to me. “Help him!” she screams at someone.

  “Forget her,” Dad commands.

  To hell with this.

  Lowering my head, I bite down hard on his hand, and he yells out in pain. As he loosens his hold, I maneuver out of his grip and ram my elbow back into his stomach. He topples backward with a groan. Seizing the opportunity, I slide forward on my belly and pull myself up. Swinging my legs over the edge, I get ready to fling myself out.

  Ariana is standing below me with Agent Dale flush to her side. He is tugging on her elbow, trying to draw her away, but she stands resolute.

  That’s my girl.

  I move to push off my hands when Dad wraps his arms tightly around my neck, cutting off my air supply. He grabs me back as I claw at his firm grip, my legs thrashing about

  “No, Cal!” Ariana shrieks.

  I only have one concern now: ensuring her safety. “Can’t breathe.” I just about manage to squeeze the words out of my constricted throat.

  Dad relaxes his hold ever so slightly. “Don’t try anything again. I’m warning you.”

  “Get her out of here now!” I shout. My throat works extra hard to sound normal. All the while, Dad is dragging me farther into the tunnel, and I understand clearly that my fate is sealed. But there’s still a chance for my baby. Intense pain winds its way skin deep, and my gut twists in agony, as my heart feels like it’s shattering into a million pieces.

  We can’t be separated again. It’ll kill me this time.

  The thought of not being with her horrifies me, but the thought that she’s with him terrifies me even more. “I love you, Ariana,” I yell, praying that she can hear me. And that it’s enough. That she’ll hold out for me until I can find a way to reunite us. Because I will find a way back to her, no matter what.

  Dad continues to drag me backward through the tunnel. Heartsick, I have no fight left in me. But try telling that to my body. Blood surges through my veins, and every part of my body is pumped and fit to explode, as if I’ve just overdosed on adrenaline or taken a hit from a ten-thousand-volt electrical charge. Dad grabs me down into the corridor. The minute my feet hit the ground, I go into full on Rambo mode.

  I’ve taken out three soldiers before Dad places a small square metal device to my temple. My head whips back as my entire body jerks and shudders under the intensity of whatever he shocked me with. Feeling my knees go out from under me, I drop to the floor as darkness crowds out all the light.

  When I come to, my tongue feels like it’s stuck to the side of my cheek, and there’s a sour taste in my mouth. Though that could just be the effect of seeing my dad sitting ramrod straight in a chair by my bed. His lips are
drawn tight, and I can tell there will be hell to pay.

  A cool hand touches my neck, and the nurse lifts my head to allow me take a sip of water. I eyeball my dad the entire time. Once the nurse has vacated the room, I pin him with my most malevolent look. “I despise you.” My voice sounds coarse and raw, and it feels like someone has taken a sheet of sandpaper to my throat. I attempt to sit up, and white dots blur my vision. “What the hell did you do to me?” The words fly out of my mouth, and how I wish they had the power to slap him upside the head.

  A familiar surge of aggression builds momentum inside me, and though I feel weak, I fling my legs over the side of the bed and lunge for him. Caught unawares, he stumbles back, but not before my left fist slams satisfyingly into his jaw. Two soldiers swoop into the room and restrain my arms behind my back. I try to knock them off, but I’m weakened from my little gung-ho charge, and they easily hold me at bay.

  Dad puts his face in mine and he’s furious. I can’t help the smirk that spreads over my lips. It usually comes naturally every time I look at my father. “Do I have to shock you into submission again?”

  It’s almost appealing. At least when I’m out cold, I can’t think about the fact that Ariana and I have been torn apart. That I don’t know when, or if, I’ll ever see her again. And … oh, God … Mel. I forgot that my sister was part of the plan. I really hope they got her out in time. Because she’s much safer away from this planet and away from the pathetic excuse of a man—a father—that stands in front of me.

  “That depends,” I growl.

  “On what?” Dad growls back.

  “On what I have to submit to.” I resist the urge to say duh!

  “There is much we need to discuss.” He drags a hand through his blond hair as he eyeballs me. Straightening up, he dismisses the soldiers with a wave of his hand. “Get dressed and follow me.”

  I can barely summon the strength to pull on my shirt and pants, but somehow I manage. Dad tries to wait patiently, but he must have drained his contingency reserve. Pacing the room, he almost appears anxious. If I didn’t know better.

  I trail behind him as he exits the room and walks through a succession of sterile white-walled corridors. He eventually stops at a door with a central glass panel and motions for me to step inside. The square space is small. A rectangular table and three chairs are the only furniture in the room. As I plonk down on one of the seats, I notice the long glass panel on the opposite wall.

  “Am I under arrest?” I arch a brow as I wait for his reply.

  “That depends.” He scoots forward in his chair across from me and places his elbows on the tabletop.

  “On what?” I cock my head to the side, ignoring the dull ache in my neck that the motion produces.

  “On your cooperation.”

  “Did the others get away?” My breath hitches in my throat while I await his reply.

  “I assume so.”

  He doesn’t look mad and I don’t understand for a minute. Then it dawns on me. “You haven’t been home yet, have you?”

  He shakes his head and frowns. Seconds later, understanding slowly creeps over his face. “What have you done?” he demands.

  “You really didn’t think I would leave Mel here alone with you?” I point a finger at him, and I’m sure my face betrays my incredulity.

  “No!” he yells, jumping up in his seat. The depth of his outburst both alarms and surprises me. “Goddamn it, Cal! You have no idea what you’ve done!” He slams his hands down on the table, and I jerk in my seat.

  “Commander? Is everything okay?” a dark-haired soldier asks, popping his head through the door.

  Dad hurriedly composes himself. “Can you send a vehicle to my house please and locate my daughter, Melandra. If she’s there, please bring her to me.”

  “As you wish, Commander,” the soldier says, before ducking out of the room.

  “How long was I out?” I ask, rapidly trying to commute timelines in my muddled brain.

  “Five hours or thereabouts.”

  I release the breath I was holding. “Then it’s too late. She’s already gone.”

  “If anything happens to her,” he says, glaring at me, “I’m holding you personally responsible.” A muscle pops in his jaw as his fists clench tightly.

  Strike me down dead. He always gives off the impression that he couldn’t care less about any of his children. And he’s barely spared Mel the time of day growing up. But is what I’m seeing true? Is his horror-struck expression genuine? Does he really care, in a warped messed-up kind of way? “Ariana will look after her,” I say with the utmost conviction. I’m certain she will look out for Mel. “Or you could just let me escape, and I’ll find her and keep her safe myself.” I know it’s more than a long shot but I’m putting it out there anyway.

  “That …” He looks me directly in the eye and I see his anguish, plain as day. “That isn’t part of the deal.”

  My brow furrows as I struggle to comprehend his meaning. There was an ill-thought-out deal—at one time—but that’s behind me now, so I’ve no clue what he’s referring to. Panic rears its ugly head, and tiny goose bumps lift on the exposed skin of my arms. “What deal?” I grit out. “I made no deal.”

  “You didn’t. I did.” He sits up straighter in his chair.

  “What deal, Dad?” I lean forward and level a stern look his way. “Hasn’t there been enough interference already?”

  “You are not apprised of all the facts, Cal. And before you go off on one, you need to hear me out. But know this much, everything I have done was to protect you. I told you to stay away from that girl, and if you had listened to me, then we might not be in this mess. There was no other way.”

  As he outlines what action he has taken to protect me, I slide further and further into deep depression. Though part of me is relieved to finally have an explanation for certain things, the other part, now fully aware of how little control I have over my future, is in full-blown panic mode.

  If what Dad is saying is true, then the prospects of reuniting with Ariana are unlikely unless I can somehow manipulate the situation to my advantage. Now-familiar aggression simmers enticingly in my veins but I quash it. I need to keep my wits about me if I’m to devise a strategy that will lead me back to her.

  And make no bones about it—I’ll destroy everything and anything in my path to find a way back to my love.

  For Ariana, I’d tear the world apart and then some.


  This short story is narrated by Anneka Skyee (Ariana’s mom) and relays events from twenty years prior to True Calling. I recommend reading this after Beyond Reach to maximize reading enjoyment, though technically it can be read at any time or as a stand-alone story.

  I feel two things at once; penetrating eyes boring a hole in the side of my head, and the intense pressure of Nate’s fingers as they tighten in mine. I’ve been both anxiously dreading and excitedly anticipating this night for weeks. Now that I’m in the moment, I have a clear sense that everything is changing, and nothing is going to be the same in the morning.

  My eyes seek his out unconsciously. Across the table, steely silvery blue eyes lock on mine, and there’s a devilish glint in his gaze. Knots form in my stomach, and desire—sweet and hot—coils and twists inside me. Flashes of our last time together flit through my mind, and I feel the warm blush as it creeps over my chest and up my neck, resting conspicuously on both cheeks. He bites down on his lip, and my skin flushes beet-red. Shifting uncomfortably in the chair, I divert my gaze and try to concentrate on the Commander’s presentation.

  “These things get more mind-numbingly boring every year,” Nate whispers.

  I don’t disagree. The novelty of attending the annual military gala ball wore off pretty quick. It’s chock-a-block full of pomp and ceremony, with little opportunity for actual real fun. Though, to be fair to Nate, he always finds ways to entertain me. Smiling, I recall some of his riskier antics over the years. But those happy memori
es are tainted now, because of what I’ve done and what I fear I’m about to do. A sharp pain pierces my heart, and if it were possible, I’d swear it was ripping apart.

  He stretches his arms out over his head and bows his back as he stands. Bending down, Nate helps me up from my seat. He circles his arms around my waist, pulling me toward him, and lowers his mouth to mine. The familiar scent of musk assaults my self-control, and I inhale deeply. It doesn’t help that he always smells so great. As his fingers knead the skin that’s exposed on my lower back, his lips caress mine possessively. When the kiss deepens, a low, guttural sound rises from his throat. Embarrassed, I break away, placing warning hands on his firm chest. Amused smirks combine with disgusted expressions around the table, and I feel the heat crawling back up my skin. “Nate! Everyone’s watching.”

  “It’s hardly my fault that you’re so irresistible. Besides, they know how I feel about you, and that we’re engaged. Chill, baby,” he says, running fingers through his tousled blond hair. His normally twinkling blue eyes lack sparkle tonight.

  Sensing his presence behind me, I feel my breath hitch in my throat as raw panic courses through my veins. Nate tucks me into his side and turns to face Malcolm. Nervously, I twiddle the glinting ring on my finger and focus on my feet. “Hey, man,” Nate greets him, reaching over and slapping him loudly on the back. I peek up at Malcolm and note how his lips are drawn in a tight line. “Who rained on your parade?” Nate asks.

  “These events are getting harder to stomach. I’m sure I feel asleep at one point.” Then his eyes lock on mine. “Anneka, you look beautiful, as always.”

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I gulp anxiously. Nate stiffens at my side. “Knock it off, jerk-face; find your own woman to drool over.”

  Nate’s tone is teasing, but I sense an undercurrent and fear grips me. Does he know? No, he can’t. There’s no way; it only happened a couple of times, and I haven’t breathed a word to anyone. And I’m positive Malcolm hasn’t mentioned it to a soul. Forcing myself to calm down, I try to act naturally. “Are you two ever going to grow up?” I roll my eyes toward the ceiling. Not that I need an answer. I’ve been around both guys for the last six years, and their mocking banter is what defines their close friendship. They’ve always seemed more like brothers than friends, which only makes the betrayal even more sordid.


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