True Calling: The Short Story Collection

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True Calling: The Short Story Collection Page 2

by Siobhan Davis

  “Growing up is overrated. Besides, there’s going to be plenty of time for that soon enough,” Nate replies, rubbing his palm against his jaw.

  “Apparently, they’re posting our mission assignments next month,” Malcolm admits.

  “Hell yeah! About time. I wonder if we’ll be posted together?” Malcolm shrugs.

  Just then, the band starts up. “Excuse us,” Nate says, gripping me by the elbow. “We’ve a date with the dance-floor.”

  His body is flush against mine as we sway to the beat of the music. It’s old-school, but in some ways this rhythm suits Nate, as he expertly twirls me around before dipping me so low my hair trails the ground. Reclaiming my posture, I squirm as the band starts a slow number. Nate stares into my eyes. They ask what his lips won’t, or can’t, say. Trying to look everywhere but straight at him, I can’t avoid his inquisitive gaze. As he opens his mouth to speak, he looks up, instantly distracted.

  “I apologize for the intrusion. Anneka, my dear, may I steal your beau for a few minutes?” Command Sergeant Calavero says. And though it sounds like he’s asking my permission, I know I can’t refuse. He’s taken a real shine to Nate, and I’ve noticed how he’s blossomed under his mentorship. That Nate has a rosy future career in the military is in no doubt. Nor is the fact that he’ll provide adequately for me, or that he loves me whole-heartedly. When we first hooked up in high-school, I had to endure months of envious stares and outright blatant resentment. Capturing Nate’s heart, in the midst of such fierce competition for his affection, had been an award-worthy feat. And he’d quickly won me over with his sharp wit, swoon-worthy movie-star good looks, and the intensity of his love.

  I can’t pinpoint when that stopped being enough.

  Forcing back a sigh, I drop my arms to my waist. “Of course, Command Sergeant, he’s all yours.”

  Nate’s lips sweep over mine lightning fast. “I won’t be long. Love you.”

  I smile and quell the nausea rising in my throat as I pivot and walk steadily toward the bathroom.

  Plonking down on the toilet seat, I rest my head in my hands. What the hell is wrong with me? My childhood sweetheart worships me, and he has pledged to spend the rest of his life with me. And I know it would be a good life, yet my mind is entranced by Malcolm. I can’t recall the specific moment when Malcolm turned from a friend into the object of my romantic dreams, but I can’t stop thinking about him. Perhaps I’d get over it if it weren’t reciprocal, but I know he feels the same way about me.

  Neurotically washing my hands repeatedly in the sink, I inspect my reflection in the mirror. Outwardly, I’m the epitome of composure, but inner turmoil rages wildly within. Understanding full well the importance of keeping up appearances, I plant my game-face on and head back out.

  The minute I exit the bathroom, a hand snakes out and tows me urgently around the corner. Gasping, I twist around, my face level with Malcolm’s. “We need to talk.” I nod, and follow him through successive corridors and endless back passages until we’re outside.

  Cool air swirls around me, raising tiny goose bumps on my arms. I wish I’d thought to bring my shawl. Tilting my head, I look up. The navy blue night skyline hosts a smattering of sparkling stars, and I’m momentarily dazzled by the view. Malcolm’s fingers lace through mine, his larger hand smothering my smaller one. Rounding the corner, he pulls me down beside him on the nearest wooden bench.

  “I can’t do this anymore, Anneka. I won’t stand idly by and watch you marry Nate, because that isn’t fair to him or me. You can’t deny what’s transpired between us.” His eyes penetrate mine when he leans in. My heart rate accelerates wildly as the warmth of his breath dances over my skin. “I can’t get you out of my head. The last time was perfect, amazingly perfect, and you know we belong together.”

  My face flushes as the memory resurfaces in vivid detail. “Malcolm, how can we do this to him? It’ll destroy him.” My spine is wedged tight against the arm of the bench as I scoot back.

  “So you’d live a lie? Doesn’t he deserve to share his future with someone who returns his love?”

  Closing the gap, Malcolm’s leg brushes mine, and my body jolts involuntarily. “Don’t pretend like this is all in his best interests.” I shiver as a blast of icy wind rushes past me.

  “I’m not pretending anything, Anneka.” Removing his suit jacket, he places it gently around my shoulders, and my skin sizzles where his fingertips brush my collarbone. “I love you, and I want to be with you. But if you don’t feel the same way, then I’ll walk away.” He leans back and stares at me.

  I’m a swirling mass of confusion. Every cell in my body cries out in tortured anguish, but trying to avoid the truth isn’t going to make things any easier. Far from it. Though I still feel love for Nate, my heart no longer calls out to him. Exhaling deeply, I attempt to steady my trembling nerves. Malcolm is waiting patiently, though his look is one of steely determination. “I love you too,” I whisper. “I can’t pretend otherwise.”

  Then he’s on me, his arms wrapping around my waist as his lips find mine. The urgency of his kiss catches me off guard, and I’m consumed by him. My whole body comes alive, and I’m crushed into him, my body shuddering at every touch. As his jacket falls from my shoulders, he traces a line down my spine and lithe fingers rest on my lower back, drawing me in further. His other hand reaches the nape of my neck, easing my head back as his lips trail seductively lower. Potent desire swamps me, and my hands are tugging at his shirt, my fingers discovering the firm, flatness of his stomach as I reach for the band of his pants. Jerking up, he rests his forehead against mine. My heart is hammering against my ribcage. “We can’t do this here,” he says, his voice ragged and breathless.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” a voice says behind us. I shriek. Yanking Malcolm by the shirt, Nate pulls him to his feet, and his hand smashes into his jaw. Malcolm staggers back, and Nate stalks forward.

  Malcolm raises his palms in front of him. “I don’t want to fight you.”

  “Oh no? You’d rather I give you my blessing? Permission to steal my very reason for existing?” Launching himself forward, Nate knocks Malcolm to the ground, landing a savage blow to his gut. Malcolm lifts his knee and pushes Nate off with a forceful shove. Nate lands on his back but wastes no time straightening up just as Malcolm scrambles to his feet. Finally coming to my senses, I hop up and plant myself in between them both, hands extended in restraint. My gaze flits from one to the other, and the extent of Nate’s suffering is blatantly transparent.

  I despise myself. But what’s done can’t be undone. “I’m sorry you had to find out like this, Nate. It was never my intention to hurt you. I should’ve found the courage to tell you before now.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t blame you,” he says through gritted teeth.

  “What? No, Nate. I’m equally to blame; you’re not going to put all this on Malcolm.” Nate’s arm drops possessively over my shoulder.

  “Neither one of us planned for this to happen. I know you’re hurting right now, but in time, you’ll find someone else,” Malcolm says, cupping his jaw.

  Eye-balling Malcolm, Nate’s whole body tenses at my side. “Come on, Anneka, we’re done with this conversation.”

  My eyes widen as realization dawns. Oh God, I’m going to have to spell it out for him. “Nate, I want to be with Malcolm. I’m so sorry, but I can’t deny how I feel. I love him.” I ease out of his embrace and slide the diamond ring off my finger. Opening his hand, I drop the ring in, closing his fingers around it. As he looks at me, his eyes register disbelief, and the enormity of what I’ve done slices through me, cutting me to shreds.

  Nate reaches out and takes my hand in his. “I can’t breathe without you. We’ll get over this. Please, baby, don’t leave me. I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you.”

  My heart splinters, and tears roll rapidly down my cheeks. “I’m so very sorry, Nate. Truly I am. But my future lies with Malcolm. Know that a part of me will always love you, an
d I cherish the time we’ve spent together. But it has to be this way.” Releasing my hand, I step sideways as Malcolm approaches. Nate stares incomprehensively at me, a broken man. “Goodbye, Nate, I’m so sorry.”

  Taking one last look at him, I turn and face my future.


  The Connecticut Wedding

  This short story takes place two years after Saoirse won the battle for control of Earth and Novo. That is, it pre-dates the Epilogue in Destiny Rising by two years.


  “Don’t cry!” Ruby and Mel yell at me in perfect unison.

  Lily stands beside me, firmly clutching my hand. Sniffling back tears, I stare through blurry eyes at my reflection in the mirror. Wow. Is that really me? Tilting my head to the side, I take in every tiny detail, every perfect enhancement.

  My bridesmaids have really outdone themselves.

  My brunette locks are swept up in an elegant chignon and a small plaited border lines the top of my head from ear to ear. Tiny diamante stones glisten brightly between the strands of my hair. My makeup is subtle but stunning nonetheless. The beige and nude tones covering my eyelids draw out the blue in my eyes, making them appear larger, brighter, and more startling.

  Though that could be the result of the emotion building behind them.

  My lips are lined and glossy and my cheeks colored with a faint pink blush. No doubt, they’ll be fire engine red at some point during the day.

  Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll most likely be blushing non-stop all day.

  Shivering briefly, I try to deflect my anxiety as it rises to the surface. Ugh. I just hate being the center of attention but there’s no getting away from it today.

  All eyes will be on the bride.

  A confident knock on the door drags me out of my daze. Clasping my robe tightly around me, I swivel in my chair. Mel strides to the door and opens it carefully, keeping her body wedged between the door and the doorjamb. “What do you want?” she shrieks, her tone rising an octave. I can almost taste her mounting panic. “It’s bad luck to see your bride before the wedding.”

  My heart instantly quickens and my feet move of their own accord. We chose to run with tradition and spent the night apart last night. But any length of time spent away from Cal kills me. It’s as if I’ve lopped off a body part and every corner of my being craves the phantom limb. “Cal!” I call out, approaching Mel from behind.

  “Nuh-uh,” Ruby says, tugging me back. “This ain’t gonna happen, Ari. Not on my watch.”

  Mel attempts to close the door, but Cal plants his foot down in time and pushes forward into the room. Mel scowls. “Relax, girls,” he says, stalking toward me. “In case you’ve forgotten, we’re already married. Besides, it’s only a flying visit.” Reaching out, he yanks me from Ruby’s grasp. My arms wrap around his waist, and I lean in to rest my head on his chest when Mel and Ruby scream loudly. Startled, I jump back and peek at them curiously.

  “Seriously, Ari?” Ruby says, resting her hands on her hips and throwing a scathing look my way. “We’ve just spent the last hour creating a masterpiece, and you’re going to rub our hard work all over his dress shirt?”

  Damn. She has a point. “Sorry,” I mumble, instantly reprimanded.

  “You two are like the freaking makeup Gestapo,” Cal says, shaking his head.

  Mel glares at him. “Fine,” he relents, raising his palms. “I won’t mess up her makeup. But we need some privacy, so O.U.T.” He points toward the door. “Both of you.” He drills a look at Ruby.

  “Ha!” she replies. “Nice try. You think I don’t know what you’re up to? That the minute we leave this room you won’t go all usual grabby hands and try to have your wicked way?” She purses her lips and smirks. “Not a chance in hell, Romeo.”

  “God, you’re bossy,” Cal moans. “No wonder you and my brother broke up.”

  “Cal!” I gasp shocked that he would say such a thing to my best friend. Ruby’s lip wobbles, and I feel like slapping him upside the head. Today is going to be difficult enough for her, without my clueless husband putting his foot in his mouth. It’s only been six weeks since Ruby ended things with Jaden, and I know she’s nervous as hell about seeing him today.

  “Shit,” Cal says, scrubbing a hand over his taut jaw. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. Just that you’re too independent, too headstrong, for Jaden. He doesn’t have a clue how to handle you.” Cal risks a peek at Ruby, but she’s still staring numbly into space. “I meant it as a compliment,” he adds, desperately trying to backtrack.

  “Ruby,” I say, moving in front of her.

  “It’s okay,” she admits, snapping out of her somber mood. Facing Cal, she says, “I know what you meant. I’m just a little on edge about seeing him today. We’ll give you a few moments alone if you promise to behave.”

  “Scout’s honor,” Cal says, placing his hand on his heart.

  Ruby rolls her eyes to the ceiling before she drags Mel out of the room.

  “You look stunning,” Cal says when I turn my eyes to him. His gaze is soft as he looks at me in his usual adoring manner. Butterflies flutter wildly in my chest, and I’m still amazed at how one look, one touch, or one word out of his mouth can turn me into a puddle of goo in a nanosecond. Tilting up on my tiptoes, I brush my lips against his. He doesn’t move an inch and that emboldens me. I flick my tongue over his lips, and he moans low in his throat. “Ariana,” he whispers. “I promised I’d behave.”

  “I didn’t.” I wink at him, my eyes shining with devilment. Reeling me in, he claims my lips quickly, and I melt into him, as familiar feelings and sensations flood every crevice of my body with urgent need. The door flips open and slams against the wall and I scream. Ruby storms into the room, and I dart out of Cal’s embrace, blatantly terrified. Cal chuckles loudly.

  “You’re worse than he is!” she exclaims. “How you two manage to stay dressed all day is beyond me.”

  “We don’t,” Cal replies, smirking suggestively.

  “Ugh. Stop right there, Cal,” Mel says, appearing behind Ruby. “Not an image I want in my head right now. Or any other time.”

  “Enough time wasting,” Ruby says, taking control. “The ceremony is starting soon, and we still have to help Ari into her dress.”

  “Okay, okay,” Cal says, his tone bordering on exasperation. “This is for you, gorgeous.” Placing a slim, square black box in my hand, he smiles widely at me. “Open it.”

  My fingers pry open the lid and I gasp at the beautiful ruby and diamond necklace lying within. Carefully teasing it out, I run my fingers lightly over the jewels. “It’s beautiful,” I whisper, looking up at him through glistening eyes. I’ve no idea how he managed to get his hands on something like this.

  Reconstruction work is still ongoing on both Earth and Planet Novo, and retail stores—especially ones that sell exquisite jewelry like this—are bottom on the list of priorities. I’ve always known Cal was resourceful but this …

  Wow. I couldn’t love him any more if I tried.

  As if he’s capable of reading my mind, Cal presses his mouth to my ear and whispers, “I picked it up on Novo at the time I purchased your engagement ring. I always intended on giving you this on our wedding day, but I didn’t have it with me in Greece.” Of course, he wouldn’t have thought to bring it to Greece because as far as he knew he was just visiting me on my eighteenth birthday. It had been my suggestion to get married before we left the island. One that Cal quickly latched onto. I can’t believe it’s been two years since we committed ourselves to each other in the little hilltop chapel in Kos.

  Easily two of the best years of my life.

  Ignoring the wedding police on my right, I reach up and kiss him softly. “Thank you. I love it. And you.”

  “Let me put it on,” he commands, twisting me around in front of him. I feel his lips brush my neck as he closes the necklace around my neck.

  “Wow, Ari. That is stunning,” Mel admits, coming over to admire it.

  “Right,” Ruby says to Cal. “You done?”

  “Yes, Ms. Bossy Boots,” Cal replies, jabbing his finger in her arm. Pivoting around, he grabs me into his arms and kisses me passionately. Mel and Ruby sigh loudly. When Cal releases me, Ruby frog-marches him out of the room and slams the door shut behind him. We can hear his loud laughter as he walks down the corridor.

  An hour later and I’m ready, totally good to go, but I’m stalling, my nerves frayed to the point of insanity. I stare in the freestanding mirror while Mel, Lily, and Ruby gush over the dress.

  “What about you, Ari?” Erin asks. “Are you happy with it?”

  “Oh gosh, Erin,” I say, turning to face her. “I love it. You’re a genius. Thank you so much for making it for me.” I hug her tightly, the material of my dress swishing all around me. Zane’s mom was always a sweetheart but never more so than over the last couple of years. While she would never intentionally try to replace our mom, she has been a rock for Deacon, Lily, and me since she reappeared in our lives.

  “If your mom was here today, she’d be so proud of you, Ari. You’re a great mother to those two boys, and I can see how much you love Cal and he adores you, worships you. You’re a very lucky girl. Today’s a happy day, sweetheart. And you deserve every bit of happiness,” she says, wiping a tear from my eye. “Be happy always.” She smiles warmly at me, and in that moment, all my anxiety evaporates.

  I’m ready to do this. To strengthen our bond, to reinforce the love we already share.

  Taking one last glance in the mirror, I admire how effortlessly the strapless white wedding gown fits my body. Erin has sewn tiny diamante crystals into the fitted bodice of the dress, and they twinkle under the bright lights in the room. The lower part of the dress is a plain white A-line skirt made up of layers and layers of floating chiffon. I truly feel like a princess.


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