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The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1)

Page 10

by Blaire Hammond

  Everyone replied with a nod, but Laura froze in her seat.

  ‘Whoa, wait. What is Alast? It’s not the legendary vanishing island?’ She asked in disbelief.

  ‘That’s the one,’ Stella grinned.

  ‘Our race over ruled those that lived on the island, claiming it as our own,’ Caspian told Laura.

  She was rendered speechless. Finally she managed to ask, ‘how?’

  Leo stepped forward, ‘the Gods desired an island of their own so hid it from the Human World, harbouring it for themselves and their people to live upon.’ He paused for a moment, watching Laura take in the information, then continued, ‘not long before Erebus’ death, we realised that we had an ability to see the island, and, believing it was the perfect place to keep our race hidden from the Human World, we challenged the Gods for the land. The challenge was to find the Red Ruby of Garan. And, Laura, your ancestor, William Westmill, found the ruby for our race first and brought it to Alast.’

  Laura jumped in her seat, shocked. Westmill was indeed her mother’s maiden name. She had never heard of William or much about the Westmill family, but that name did belong to her mother, there was no doubt about that.

  Leo turned to his wife, encouraging her to continue on for him.

  ‘The Gods were so impressed, for it had been a treacherous quest, that they not only passed the land onto the Enchanted, but they also vowed to ally themselves with us, thus allowing our souls to take the form of an Angel when we died. Their Charms were offered to us, and we agreed that three of the God’s charms would become ours, invisibility, truth and memory. They were imbedded within those of Grand Courts by the Gods. All other Charms became Dark Magic; illegal to possess.’

  Laura shook her head and whispered with confusion, ‘what about the Wicked?’

  Stella just smiled as she continued to explain, ‘the Wicked answer to the Devils. When we made the alliance with the Gods, the Devils received wind of it and extended a hand to the Wicked. The Gods and the Enchanted created the Identity Mark, deciding that, due to gold’s effect on the Enchanted and silvers effect on Wicked, if your mark was gold, you would be immediately given to the Devils, and if it was silver, you would stay. From then we grew in numbers and the Gods continue to watch over us.’

  Laura stared at Stella with wide eyes, utterly astonishment by what she was hearing. She managed to muster up the power to speak the only thing she could think to say, ‘Good God.’

  Before dinner Leo lead Laura to the weapons room, asking to speak with her for a moment.

  ‘I wanted to give you something,’ he said, heading over to a chest that stood against the back wall and carefully opening it. ‘When your mother left the manor, she was not only forced to give up her mark, but her weapons as well.’ He paused as he lifted something from the chest. ‘This was hers and now, it belongs to you.’

  As he turned, Laura saw what it was.

  A sword.

  Laura’s eyes widened as she took in the silver blade. She reached out and took it from Leo. Her hand fit perfectly into the groves of the handle. She examined the black hilt, the crisscross indentations in it, and the large oval shaped ruby sitting at the top of the handle, blazing a deep red in the light.

  ‘This is incredible,’ Laura whispered, ‘but, are you sure it is mine?’

  Leo grinned at her, ‘it has been passed down the generations of the Westmill family since the start of their time, when the first Westmill had it hand made for him,’ he paused, and Laura could see the distinct W carved into the blade of the sword.

  Leo continued, ‘It was made for your family’s hands and holds the colour of red within the rhinestone, rubies being your family stone due to the courageous quest William Westmill set out upon. It was made for you to have by your side in battle.’

  He passed her the swords scabbard, allowing her to cover the blade back up.

  ‘Thank you, Leo. Really. Not only for this, but for taking me in, helping me with my mother, being so kind. Both you and Stella. I am so grateful.’

  Leo placed his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, ‘Laura, your mother was a part of this family, and so are you. We will do anything to help you, and her, okay? Never forget that.’

  Laura could see he was sincere, and smiled appreciatively at him, ‘I won’t.’

  Everything after that happened quickly.

  ‘I want everyone to be up at sunrise tomorrow morning with your bags packed and ready to leave. We will begin our search in the country of Istha. Bran, Istha’s capital, is said to hold the map. Make sure you have everything you need because we will not be coming back here until we have found Laura’s mother. Now everyone off to bed and get a good night’s rest,’ Stella said as Casey cleared the table of the dinner dishes and everyone rose from their chairs. ‘And Casey?’

  The cook paused, ‘yes Miss?’

  ‘You are all relieved from duty until we return, so take a well-deserved holiday.’

  Laura found some things had been dropped off in her room to pack for the trip, including a small silver dagger and another set of gear, however the padding was thicker and a strange metal was in the vest. It was battle gear, she concluded.

  She packed quickly, finding her father’s old Pocket knife in her bag, before settling into bed.

  That night, she didn’t dream, and she welcomed the blissful darkness as she drifted into a deep sleep.

  Laura woke to shouts echoing down the hall. It was Stella and she was making it very clear that it was time to get up. She chuckled quietly to herself. In the short time she had known Stella, she had grown to like her very much.

  As she rose from bed, she understood exactly what the word ‘stiff’ meant. Her muscles ached in places she didn’t know existed and her arm throbbed slightly under the bandage. She regretted not following Logan’s advice, Drew’s training had been brutal.

  She dressed as quickly as she could, dropped her bag off in the entrance, and made her way to the dining room. Stella sat at the head of the table, chirping happily to Leo. Everyone else sat with their faces almost in their food and their eyes glued shut.

  ‘Good morning Laura. Quickly eat, we need to get going very soon. I have booked the plane tickets for 6 on the dot,’ Stella said happily.

  They ate fast – well as fast as they could manage – and then all met in the entrance. Laura shrugged on Stella’s spare coat and followed everyone down the cobblestone path to the road. Two taxies were making their way up the road that wound across the land and around the Lake before them. Laura finally had the chance to glance back at the Manor, and was surprised by the charm and beauty of their two story cream coloured brick home.

  The taxies took them to the heart of Corin, where the City’s airport was located. Stella did a quick head count as they piled out of the cabs and then called for everyone’s attention.

  ‘Okay everybody, I don’t know where this journey will take us or what is going to happen, but I want to thank you all for being so willing to help assist in this quest. Be careful and stay close. So, is everyone ready?’

  There were nods and cheers of excitement. Laura felt good as she stood there, watching Stella speak. She couldn’t believe that she was finally going to search for her mother. She was actually making herself useful and with the help of the people around her, she assured herself that she would have her mum back in no time.

  Stella beamed, ‘let's bring those Wicked down!’

  Part Two:

  The Spirit World

  To fall is to require being caught,

  Don’t be afraid to put your faith in others,

  Trust that they will catch you.

  Chapter Nine

  The City Of Bran

  ‘Everyone keep close please,’ Stella said to the group as they gathered out the front of the Bran International Airport, bags slung like dead weights over their shoulders.

  Each of them had slept for a least 10 hours of the 15 hour flight, but the jetlag was still setting in fast.
  Laura removed her coat and scarf, shoving them into her bag. It was exceptionally warmer in Bran.

  She yawned loudly as she adjusted the strap of her bag and watched Leo attempt to flag down a taxi. She still wasn’t sure how she had made it onto the plane, through the flight and out past the metal detector without so much as a question about the sword pocking out of, and dagger in, her bag.

  ‘Don’t worry Stell, I don’t plan on leaving your side,’ Drew said through a yawn of his own, waking Laura from her thoughts.

  Stella raised an eyebrow, clearly the only one who was not, in the slightest, effected by the jetlag, ‘whys that Drew?’

  ‘You have the money,’ Drew retorted, drawing out a few scoffs from the others.

  It was then that Leo managed to flag down a taxi bus, big enough to fit all eight of them. They each clambered aboard, Stella taking the front seat so she could direct the driver to the correct destination. Laura took the window seat in the middle and was surprised when Drew dropped down beside her.

  ‘Hey there Ace! Logan and Caspian ditched me which means I’ll have to settle with you,’ he flashed her a smile.

  ‘Gee, thanks,’ Laura chortled.

  Laura suppressed a smile as she realised that she had only known these people for barely four days, having been knocked out for the other days, and she had come to rely on them so much already. She had never had many friends, apart from Beth, and she had to be honest with herself, in the past few years Beth had been lacking in the friendship department. She was overwhelmed to be surrounded by such kind people.

  A pang of gilt hit her. How could she be sitting there, thinking about her own problems, when her mother was missing and her father was… gone? She took a few deep, calming breaths and reminded herself that she was doing this all for her father. She was finding her mother for him, she was staying strong for him, but most of all, she was living for him. And if living included thinking of herself now and again, and if it included smiling, then that was what she was going to do, because she knew that he would be happy to see her smiling, wherever he was now. So, she allowed a smile to seep onto her face as the taxi pulled away from the curb, making its way out of the city.

  ‘Looks like we will be missing our training lessons,’ Laura said, pretending to wipe a tear from her cheek.

  ‘Glad to see you’re torn up about it. Actually, we won’t be. I will continue to train you for two or three hours each day, only it will be early in the morning when no one is up. At day break,’ again, Drew flashed a grin at Laura.

  ‘Oh.. uh yay!’ Laura said, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. The ach in her muscles seemed to worsen at the thought of more training.

  Their accommodation was situated 7 miles north from the city, nestled on the edge of the national park.

  Stella held a brochure in her hand and read aloud to her fellow passengers, ‘located near the historical Lake of Bran, Murray Bran Hotel brings peace and serenity to its customers. I’m hopeful that the hotel will be quiet during our stay, which should allow us the privacy we need,’ Stella said as the taxi driver took a sharp left, following a dirt road with rows upon rows of grape vines along each side.

  Darkness was setting in, and the last of the sun’s light glistened over a lake they passed as they made their way down the hotel’s drive. Well pruned hedges lined the driveway and wooden signs stood at the end, directing them to the car park and reception. The two story building before them took on the shape of a square, two rectangular buildings leading off from each side. Arched windows lined the cream brick walls and lit lamps stood by the set of double doors leading to the reception.

  The taxi parked, allowing the group to pile out and collect their luggage. Laura wished her father could be here to see Bran. He had always wanted to travel, but had never had the chance.

  But I am here with you. She heard his voice say in her head, and she believed him.

  Stella paid the driver and the group stumbled through the entrance, exhausted. Large pendants hung from the ceiling illuminating the room and the white marble floor was polished to a shine.

  Stella made a right, moving quickly towards the reception desks.

  ‘Hello, I’m Henry and welcome. Did you have a reservation?’ A kind, dark skinned man with little hair on his head asked politely.

  He straightened his grey suit and smiled straight at Stella as she explained that they had reserved three rooms for the next two nights.

  ‘Of course, we have your details right here and all payments have already been cleared so here are your keys. You are in room eight, ten and sixteen.’

  ‘Wonderful, thank you!’ Stella said, taking the keys from Henry.

  ‘I will have Maraz take you to your rooms. The reception is open from 6am until 8pm every day. Checkout is at 12 and we serve complimentary breakfasts for our guests from 8 every morning. Dinner service ends at 10pm and the restaurant is down the hall. We hope you enjoy your stay!’

  Maraz arrived, tugging a trolley along behind him to pile the luggage on. He led the group down the left wing of the building, stopping first at room eight.

  ‘This is our room,’ Stella said, passing the keys onto Grace and Caspian. ‘The boys are in room ten and girls, room sixteen.’

  Leo took their bags and Stella unlocked the door, ‘everyone meet in the restaurant for dinner at 8.’

  They disappeared behind the door as Maraz continued on down the hall.

  ‘Room ten,’ he said.

  Drew snatched the key from Caspian and grinned, ‘I will be taking care of this I think.’

  ‘Because you’re so responsible.’ Logan chortled.

  ‘Excuse me, but I am.’

  ‘Oh, are you? And what happened at the last hotel we stayed at?’

  ‘Hey, I told you it was that possum who shredded your pillow. There was proof.’

  The three boys collected their bags.

  Logan raised an eyebrow as they did so, ‘how is it that the proof you claimed to have was mysteriously stolen right before you went to collect it to show us?’

  ‘Uh, come on boys, we better get settled in,’ Drew said.

  Grace told Maraz to take them on to their room, and as they wandered along, Laura glanced back in time to catch Caspian gracefully snatch the key back from Drew.

  Logan slung his arms over the two boy’s shoulders. ‘You know boys, I think we are in for some serious bonding this trip,’ she heard him say as the door shut behind them.

  ‘He has quite a sense of humour,’ Laura remarked as Maraz paused in front of room sixteen and nodded to the girls, giving them a moment to grab their bags. Then he left, taking the trolley with him.

  ‘Don’t let him fool you. He uses humour as a defence mechanism. He is really a big old softy,’ Grace said as she opened the door to their room.

  Their eyes studied the open room, a couch, fire place, and TV directly in front of them, two single beds and a double lining the left wall, and a door to the bathroom on the right.

  ‘Well, this is cosy,’ Grace said.

  ‘Won’t feel that way much longer when we have to decide who gets the double bed,’ Gemma said, lightly bumping Grace with her shoulder and laughing. ‘Remember last time!’

  Grace laughed, ‘yes!’ She turned to Laura, ‘we ended up sharing because we couldn’t decide.’

  Laura smiled to herself. That was the first time she had seen Gemma make a joke, or laugh even. She suddenly felt like she had seen just a small piece of the real Gemma. But for some reason, she was hiding this piece of herself from Laura. Why?

  ‘I vote for scissors, paper, rock!’ Laura said with a grin.

  Gemma turned to her, and for a moment, Laura thought she was going to yell at her. But then her mouth curved into a smile. ‘You’re on.’

  Laura did in fact loose, and she happily took the single bed by the window.

  Grace and Gemma played four rounds, continuously resulting in draws, before Gemma finally gave up, ‘you take it. I don’t mind. I’m
going to shower before dinner, we have half an hour to settle in,’ she said, and pulled an outfit from her bag before crossing the room and shutting the door to the bathroom behind her.

  Grace smiled sympathetically at Laura, ‘she’s usually a lot more upbeat, I promise.’

  Laura heard the water of the shower begin to run, so decided that it was now or never.

  ‘Why doesn’t she like me?’ Laura avoided eye contact as she lay back on her bed.

  Grace sat on the edge of her own bed. Choosing her words carefully, she said, ‘Gemma is in a bad place. She was the last to arrive at the manor before you. Only a bit over nine months ago, and she has been through quite a lot. She is still trying to get over her own loss and I guess the sudden change of having someone new at the manor has shaken things up for her. I don’t think it’s that she doesn’t like you, I think she just isn’t sure she can trust anyone after the things she has seen. It took a long time before she would let any of us in.’

  Laura rolled over, locking eyes with Grace, ‘I understand now. It would be hard to let someone in, especially someone she doesn’t know.’

  ‘I’m sure she will come around. The rest of us are on your side, Laura. And she is too, I’m sure. She just needs time to realise that you pose no threat.’

  Laura laughed, ‘me, a threat? Gosh those two words don’t even belong in a sentence together. If you had seen me yesterday in training with Drew then I think you would agree.’

  Grace laughed too and began rummaging through her clothes, searching for something to wear to dinner.

  ‘Aren’t you going to get changed?’

  Laura looked down at her rumpled grey sweat pants and black long-sleeve shirt.

  ‘Yeah maybe that’s a good idea,’ she said.

  ‘There they are.’ Grace said, weaving through the tables and chairs, Laura and Gemma hot on her heals.

  The sound of chatter surrounded them, and Laura took a seat by Caspian.

  ‘Here are the menus,’ he said passing one to each of the girls, ‘the specials are on the board over there.’


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