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The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1)

Page 14

by Blaire Hammond

  ‘Come on we have to keep moving,’ Drew said, he Caspian and Logan drawing their blades.

  Taking the lead, Leo led them through the bathroom door and into the passageway.

  ‘Okay, each person take a door, open it on the count of three, and do not step through, look inside for the exit then call for the rest of us to come if you see it.’

  Logan, Grace and Leo took the three doors along the wall in front of them. Caspian turned to find the bathroom door suddenly closed, and placed his hand on the knob, frowning as he did so. Laura and Stella took the two doors either side of Caspian, and Gemma took the passageway door that was meant to lead to the kitchen.

  ‘Are you all ready?’ Leo called. There were a series of ‘yeses’ as they each tightened their grip on their door-handles.

  ‘One,’ he twisted the handle. ‘Two,’ he tensed his arm, ready to pull, ‘Three!’

  In that instant everyone yanked their doors open, standing their ground. Leo was now faced with the bathroom, Grace and Logan glared into empty bedrooms, Caspian was looking at the kitchen, Stella the lounge room, and Laura found herself staring into the laundry. There was a shout from Gemma and they all turned. Sun was streaming through the exit. And then the house began to shake and groan with such force that they were all nearly knocked to the ground. Gemma squealed as the door tugged at her grip, wanting to close itself.

  ‘Hurry!’ Leo yelled, everyone letting go of their shuddering doors and sprinting for the exit.

  The doors were slamming shut behind them as they dashed down the passageway. Gemma was almost on the ground, feet planted firmly into the carpet as she wrestled with the door. She gritted her teeth and pushed her heals in further as the door continued to drag her forward.

  She was shouting at them to hurry, ‘I can’t hold it!’

  They each ran as fast as they could past her and into the front yard.

  ‘Gemma!’ Caspian cried as she attempted to stand so she could pass through the door.

  ‘Gemma, let go!’ Stella was yelling, ‘Let go and run!’

  Laura was closest to the door and she didn’t hesitate. She leapt forward and slammed against the door. She dug her feet into the ground and, using her shoulders, pushed against the wood. The amount of force coming from it was unbelievable and Laura was now gritting her own teeth as she held it open.

  ‘Gemma, get out!’ She barked and quickly, Gemma let go of the handle, scrambling up.

  She grabbed Laura’s arm and the two of them dove through the doorframe, landing face down in the dirt.

  The door slammed shut with colossal force, rattling the cottage, causing dust to rain down over them. A scream like the sound of an overheating boiler tore through the house. Steam poured from the chimney and the screaming escalated to a low rumbling. Then, all of a sudden, everything came to a halt and the air was filled with an eerie silence.

  Stella and Leo helped Gemma and Laura clamber up from the ground. Gemma sent Laura a little smile. Laura smiled back, nodding. That was all she needed.

  ‘You two okay?’ Stella asked, looking from one girl to the other.

  They both insisted that they were.

  ‘Then let’s get the hell out of this place.’

  The eight companions slid into the red leather booth at the back of the Rogue Café. Leo pulled the riddle from his pocked, smoothing it out on the cool marble surface.

  They glanced it over again, then each fell quiet as they thought through the possible answers. A waitress appeared at their table, dropping off their drinks.

  ‘So, the only places I can think of are Museums. Where else would a place have pieces of history other than history centres?’ Caspian finally said.

  Laura shook her head, bothered by the whole riddle. A thought struck her, ‘what if it has something to do with the name of the place? Something with history in it? Or Nations?’

  ‘Some place that is still like a museum maybe?’ Gemma added, ‘but like… a bit different then a museum at the same time. Like, it has a different aspect to it.’

  Drew was nodding, sipping from his coke, ‘yeah like a museum about the Nation.’

  Leo settled back in the seat, thinking this idea through, ‘hanging among the history of our Nation...’

  ‘It’s the ‘hanging’ part that stumps me,’ admitted Grace taking a sip from her own coke.

  Logan piped up, ‘hanging among things that are a part of this Nation’s past. What could that be? Like pictures hanging from the wall?’

  Drew was frowning, ‘a picture museum?’

  Laura almost spat out her coke with excitement, ‘what about art?!’

  ‘An art museum!’ Grace exclaimed.

  ‘Yes that fits,’ Caspian agreed, ‘and art is often transferred around which can explain why the riddle changes!’

  ‘Wait!’ Stella said abruptly, whipping a brochure from her bag, ‘I think this is just the place we are looking for.’

  Laura grinned, ‘The Historical National Gallery of Bran. Fits the riddle perfectly.’

  ‘This is probably the only time I will be thankful for a brochure.’ Drew said.

  ‘The Historical National Gallery is an art museum founded in the early 1800s and houses a collection of over 2,300 works,’ Stella read gleefully from her brochure from the front of the taxi bus.

  ‘I said I was thankful for the brochure, not to read it,’ Drew grumbled as they pulled up out the front of the gallery.

  The building was incredible, stone pillars standing out the front, a domed roof over the top, an enormous cement stairway leading to the front entrance, and people bustling about taking photos and reading brochures of their own.

  ‘God I hope it’s here,’ Grace pleaded, as they weaved through the people and ascended the stairs, ‘we can’t afford any more holdups. These people don’t want to be found yet for a reason, and that’s why we need to find them as soon as we can.’

  Laura suddenly noticed how on edge Grace appeared, ‘are you okay Grace?’ She asked softly.

  She brushed it off and deepened her smile, ‘I’m absolutely fine. Just shaken up after those attacks.’

  Laura didn’t know if she should push her or not, but decided against it.

  ‘Let’s go in,’ Drew urged them and together, they entered the building.

  There were security guards leaning against the reception desks, talking to one another. They glanced at the group for a moment before returning to their discussion. In the opposite direction there was a guide talking to a group of tourists who were gripping bags full of gifts in one hand and cameras in the other.

  ‘We should probably buy a ticket and join one of the tours,’ Grace said eyeing the reception.

  Laura chanced a look at her and could see her face was paling.

  They agreed and made their way to the counter. Stella payed the money required and the clerk ushered them quickly towards the tour group about to leave.

  ‘…and on our left is our recent addition to the Colonial collection…’ the tour guide was directing the group into a large open room with bright lights and a polished wooden floor. At least thirty artworks ranging in sizes hung from the walls, small annotations about the piece and its artist underneath.

  The groups set off to study the artworks, meeting back in the centre of the room not long after.

  ‘Anything?’ Leo asked hopefully.

  They each shook their heads.

  ‘There’s like, a million more rooms. We can still find it,’ Gemma said.

  The tour guide talked for a while longer, before moving along to the next room, taking them to each painting and discussing them in detail. Again, they were let down.

  ‘Maybe we were wrong,’ Caspian said doubtfully.

  ‘There’s 999, 999 rooms to go, I think we will find it,’ Drew replied.

  Gemma glared at him, flipped her hair over her shoulder, turned dramatically and followed the group to the next painting.

  Drew grinned, turning to Laura. He had managed to amuse
her numerous times since their argument, but each time she had been quick to hide her smile. She was annoyed at him. Sure she was a somewhat oblivious to the dangers of this new world, but it didn’t mean she was dumb enough to purposely endanger herself. She saw Drew in danger and helped him.

  She turned on her heal and followed Gemma, ignoring the knowledge that his eyes were burning into the back of her head. The strange thing was, she liked it. She liked the small thrill it gave her to know he was watching her. And that made the smile even harder to hide.

  The next painting provided no help and so did all those within the next two rooms. By the time they had made it to the fifth exhibit they had convinced themselves that they had read the clue wrong.

  And then they saw it. Hanging in the centre of the back wall, in between two 1890 paintings. Laura couldn’t believe it.

  ‘It’s here,’ she whispered so to not alert the other tourists.

  ‘I see it,’ Stella whispered back, and Laura could hear the relief in her voice.

  Laura realised the tourist around her probably couldn’t see the map, just an ordinary painting of some sort. But what made her happy was that she could see it. She possessed the sight to see objects of the Spirit World.

  That made her question why she had never noticed anything weird or different growing up. The thought of her mother wiping her memory entered her mind and she put the question to rest.

  ‘How do we study it with all these people around?’ Caspian asked, eyes resting on Leo expectantly.

  Leo thought for a moment, scratching his chin, before turning to Estella and eyeing her.

  She sighed, but gave in to his request that was still very much unknown to the others surrounding the two.

  ‘All right, Gemma, Logan, come with me. We are going to distract the guide with questions.’

  They followed Stella obediently and the others crossed the room, stopping in front of the map.

  ‘We won’t be able to take it down so Drew, Caspian, keep watch and tell us when it is one hundred percent clear and Laura, ask for Cara. Don’t be too disappointed if nothing happens. We have plenty of other countries to visit. But if you see her ask again quickly to ensure she is no longer traveling or if she is, where too.’

  They all nodded, Caspian and Drew turning to eye the tourists. Laura observed the map thoughtfully. It was much like the other map, with its frayed edges and strange symbols.

  ‘Okay Ace, coast is clear. Go for it,’ Drew whispered giving her a little nudge on the shoulder.

  Laura took a deep breath and steadied herself, ‘please show me Cara Harmer.’

  She watched the map closely, eyes searching for the green flicker.

  ‘Please.’ She begged quietly.

  She was sure nothing was going to happen. Sure that this had been a waste, and was about to turn away, when she saw it. She saw the flash of a green light on the left edge of Istha. Overwhelmed with joy, she asked for her mother again. This time when the green light appeared, it was hovering over the ocean.

  ‘Did you see it?’ She gasped, ‘she is there! She is not far from us!’

  ‘Are they travelling?’ Caspian asked, back still turned to them.

  ‘Must be,’ Laura answered, and then looked at Leo.

  His face was dark and his forehead creased into a frown. He asked for Cara again, and her light flickered further out over the ocean.

  ‘How are they moving at such speeds?’ Laura asked him.

  ‘I have no idea,’ he finally answered, ‘but we need to show the map to someone who can help us.’

  ‘How do we do that?’ Drew inquired.

  ‘Surround me. Quickly, hide me from view. When I have activated the Charm, head back to the group. The second the alarm sounds, get out as fast as you can but not enough to make yourselves look suspicious.’

  They obeyed his request and hid him from view. Quietly, Laura heard him whisper invisato under his breath. It took less than a second, but he tapped them on the shoulders indicating it was done. They re-joined the tourists, explaining the situation in hushed whispers to Stella, Gemma and Logan. Stella turned to Leo and he have her a quick nod, before reaching up and pulling the map from the wall.

  Alarms screeched over head as he turned and sprinted from the room, the framed map in hand.

  The guide and tourists glanced around in shock.

  ‘If you could all follow me out to the reception please, security will come and check the situation out. We will resume the tour as soon as possible,’ she led everyone back to the entrance, security rushing past them towards the room. Stella quietly made her way over to the tour guide to speak with her before returning and ushering the group through the doors.

  ‘Slowly,’ she whispered as they exited the building.

  Only when they were down the steps did they dare to run. The taxi was still waiting by the road side, and the engine started as they climbed aboard, Leo darting out from hiding and in after them, map now frameless and rolled up under his arm. The taxi pulled away from the curb and Stella directed the driver back to their hotel.

  Twenty minutes later, they pulled up at the hotels entrance. They stepped out of the taxi and Laura turned to ask Grace if she was feeling any better, only to have the pale girl collapse into her arms.

  ‘Grace?’ Laura repeated, laying the girl gently on the ground. Stella was by her side in an instant, begging Grace to wake up. Drew pushed past the others, and Laura could see her own fear reflecting in his face as he lifted his twin up into his arms, ‘Grace, come on Grace. It’s going to be all right.’

  ‘Stella,’ Leo murmured, directing his gaze to the flaming red skin peeking out from under Grace’s sleeve.

  Stella pulled back the material as carefully as she could. Laura almost cried out and even Drew had to look away from the injury. A deep, festering burn laced Grace’s forearm. Black charcoal sizzled at the edges of the burn and blood was gushing in thick slow waves. It was growing bigger before Laura’s eyes.

  Stella snapped into action, ‘quickly get her into our room. Hurry. Leo go open the door and get cold water onto it immediately,’ Stella ordered, and Laura watched as Drew and Leo hurried away, Gemma close behind. ‘Logan, did the Goblin attack Grace?’

  Laura could see that Logan was about to shake his head, when he paused, ‘Yes,’ he answered, his face paling. ‘Oh, god this is my fault. I didn’t jump between them in time. If she dies because of me-‘

  ‘Logan, she will not die. Don’t think like that. If you had gotten between them any earlier it would have been you hurt instead. Now, go to the lobby and ask for towels and bandages.’ Logan was already gone.

  ‘Why is it spreading so fast?’ Laura asked desperately as the three of them rushed to Stella and Leo’s room.

  ‘Goblin’s were Enchanted once too, the second they touch another Enchanted, their skin will begin to burn as the Goblin’s does.’ Caspian answered, concern distorting his features.

  Laura felt sick, the image of the Goblin, burnt strings of skin hanging from its body, fresh in her mind. If they didn’t heal her now, Grace’s would slowly end up like that monster. The bile was rising in her throat but she swallowed it down and dashed to Grace’s side, asking Stella if there was anything she could do.

  Grace’s arm was soaking in a tub of ice-cold water as she lay unconscious on the bed. Drew sat by her side, squeezing her hand tightly.

  ‘Re-fill the tub with ice, it will melt quickly so keep doing that until I have the cream ready. Leo I need some help,’ Stella was working fast, mixing together a number of different ingredients.

  Caspian passed Laura a bag of ice, and she hurried to pour some into the container, watching it melt away in a matter of seconds. She couldn’t look away from the burn. It was getting worse, burrowing deeper into the flesh. She tipped in more ice. Logan arrived then, towels and bandages in hand.

  ‘How is she?’ He asked, passing the items to Leo.

  ‘She will be fine, we need to get this salve on the burn no
w though. Pull her arm out and dry it carefully with one of the towels,’ Stella instructed.

  Laura moved out of Logan’s way and watched as he lifted Grace’s arm from the cold water and, with the utmost care, laid it down on a towel, dabbing the wound dry with another. Grace let loose a moan of pain. Drew spoke soothing words to her as he knelt down and brushed the hair from her face. Laura could feel tears stinging the back of her throat as she watched Drew with admiration. This was his sister. His twin. And despite Stella’s optimism, Grace’s wound had been left untreated for a long time. Was there a chance that they were too late? She wanted to comfort Drew, but she didn’t know how.

  Stella moved around the bed with a bowl in hand and began to apply salve to the wound.

  Laura suddenly noticed the absence of Gemma. Where was she? Her best friend was terribly injured, there was no way she wouldn’t want to be by her side. Then Laura remembered Grace’s own words from the night before.

  It took Gemma a long time to let people in. What if it wasn’t just because she wasn’t sure if she could trust them, but it was because she was afraid of losing them?

  ‘I’ll be back,’ she murmured to Caspian, and left, walking briskly down the hall. The door to her own room was slightly ajar, and she entered to the sound of muffled sobs. ‘Gemma?’

  At the sound of Laura’s voice, Gemma buried her face into her pillow.

  Laura sat on the side of the bed, resting a hand on Gemma’s shaking shoulder, ‘I wanted to see if you were okay.’

  Gemma raised her head, wiping the tears from her cheeks. ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘You don’t look fine.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Gemma, I don’t want to hurt you. I want to help you.’ Laura said in earnest, ‘I am happy to talk with you if you ever need. When you are ready, I will listen, and I will help you any way I can,’ with that, Laura rose from the bed, moving to leave.

  ‘Is she okay?’

  Laura’s hand rested on the doorknob, a sympathetic smile on her lips, ‘Stella says Grace will be fine. She could use her best friend by her side though.’

  She left, shutting the door quietly behind her.


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