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The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1)

Page 17

by Blaire Hammond

  Laura’s heart contracted at his words, for she realised what he was saying hit close to home. She had never had a friend she trusted enough to relay her deepest, darkest thoughts to. She had never known anyone she truly connected with and related to, someone she felt comfortable around.

  Caspian had rapidly become her closest friend, whom she turned to when she desperately needed to talk or had questions she wanted to ask, because she didn’t feel stupid asking him. He understood.

  ‘Let’s make a promise.’ She said to him.

  He turned to her, listening intently.

  ‘From this day forward, we will be there for one another. To talk, to listen, to do late night food runs, the lot of it.’

  His dimpled smile appeared, ‘I like the sound of that.’

  She extended her pinkie finger and he let loose a laugh, grasping it in his own.

  ‘Here you go,’ Delilah said passing two steaming mugs of hot chocolate to them.

  They broke away, taking their drinks gratefully, the cup warming their hands.

  The sound of thud, thud, thudding echoed around the room and Grimilda appeared at the bottom of the stairs, ‘the guest rooms are ready, miss,’ she said, giving a little curtsy before scooping up everyone’s bags and returning to the second floor.

  ‘Hey, be careful with that!’ Gemma called, jumping up and following the maid.

  Grace stood also, taking her and Gemma’s hot chocolates with her, and Stella followed, insisting on dressing her burn before bed. Leo and Logan followed not long after, and before they knew it, nine had become four.

  ‘You three are welcome to stay up as long as you like, but I suggest getting some rest. This island is a big one, and will take a lot of energy to explore,’ Delilah said kindly before climbing the stairs to her own room.

  Laura rose to her feet and stretched, suddenly grasping just how tired she was. She bid Caspian and Drew goodnight, and made her way to bed.

  Drew’s eyes flickered to Caspian’s and he was overwhelmed with an unexpected wave of jealously. What had they been talking about before?

  The two boys remained quiet for a moment before Drew couldn’t stand the silence any longer and stood, readying to leave.

  ‘You like her.’ Caspian said, shifting to his feet.

  ‘So do you.’

  Caspian bowed his head, a smile on his lips, ‘I do. However I suspect my liking for her is not similar to your own.’

  Drew’s gaze hardened, ‘What?’

  ‘I mean to say that we are friends.’

  ‘That’s not what it looked like before, you two holding hands and all.’

  Caspian laughed, and Drew was horrified. ‘What’s so funny?’

  ‘You.’ Caspian shook his head. ‘Drew, I care for Laura, but as a friend. I don’t think there is any clearer a way I can put it.’

  Drew’s body relaxed, ‘truly?’

  ‘Yes. Although, if you feel so strongly as to almost take on your best friend, perhaps you should do something about it.’

  Avoiding eye contact, Drew said, ‘I didn’t realise how I felt until now.’ He paused, the familiar look of contemplation altering his features. ‘I mean, I think I knew from the beginning, but, well this is still only the beginning isn’t it? We barely know each other. I’m being stupid. I don’t know,’

  ‘I think you do know,’ Caspian insisted.

  Drew groaned, ‘how can I say anything though? She is still grieving for her father, and who knows what will happen with her mum. I can’t dump this on her, after knowing her for, what - a week? A week and a half? Mind you, she was out of it for a number of those days. - and expect her to return my sentiments.’

  ‘I get that. But after we find her mum, I think you need to talk to her. See where she is at. You never know. It’s only the beginning, but it may be the beginning of something great.’

  ‘But if I do, and she is taken-‘

  Caspian was quick to cut in, ‘we have to live for here and now.’

  Drew shook his head, ‘when did you become so wise?’

  Caspian shrugged, ‘it comes naturally.’

  Laura was woken by muffled voices floating down the hall. She propped herself up on her elbows, observing that it was still dark out. Confused, she peered over at the two neighbouring beds to find Grace and Gemma still sound asleep. Pulling back the rug, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and padded across the carpeted floor, peeking through the open door. A light was on downstairs. She crept down the hall, pausing at the stairwell, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the light.

  Delilah, still dressed in her nightgown, standing with her arms crossed, came into focus at the bottom of the staircase.

  ‘I told you, no one is staying here. If they were, I would call to them right now to come talk to you, but they aren’t. So if you could please leave, it would be greatly appreciated.’

  A black figure came into view, and suddenly a dagger was in Delilah’s hands. She wasn’t fast enough.

  Laura gasped, her hand flew to her mouth and she staggered backwards. She couldn’t pull her eyes away as she watched Delilah double over, clutching her stomach where the blade had pierced her skin, unable to scream.

  The man moved to stand over Delilah, grasping the blood smeared blade in his right hand.

  Delilah fell to her knees, and the man placed the tip of his sword to her chin, tilting her head back until her eyes met his. Laura could only see his back as he pressed the blade harder to Delilah’s throat, drawing blood. Delilah let out a screech as he whipped the sword back and sliced it straight through her neck.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Faced With Horror

  Delilah thumped to the ground and the black figure left the room.

  Laura smothered her mouth with her hand, muffling her screams as she fell backwards into the wall. Her companions rushed into the hall, Leo moving quickly to her side. She was breathless, bile rising in her throat at the image that was before her. One look down the stairs was enough to make even Leo turn away, pulling Laura with him down the hall.

  ‘There is someone down there. He hasn’t heard us yet but we need to get out, now.’

  Laura was vaguely aware of someone shoving her bag onto her back, before stumbling down the hall. Leo led them into another bedroom, sealing the door shut just as the sound of footsteps could be heard ascending the stairs.

  ‘Over here,’ he whispered, hands searching the wall for something. He found it and pressed hard.

  A panel slid sideways in the wall, revealing a dark tunnel and Stella ushered everyone inside, Leo taking up the rear. He pulled the panel shut after them, and all was quiet.

  Stella moved to the front, pulling a torch from her bag, and led them down into the dirty abyss below. Laura’s body shook uncontrollably, and she could barely concentrate. She was grateful when she felt Caspian’s arm rest around her shoulders, guiding her through the tunnel.

  ‘Every house in Alast has an escape route like this. Unless you know exactly where to press, it could take days to find.’

  Laura knew he was trying to reassure her of their safety. However, it wasn’t helping. Not after what she had witnessed. She was rattled to the core, and still felt sick. Death. She had seen too much for such a young age, and all in such a short amount of time.

  Soon, the tunnel opened into a large room, with twenty odd similar tunnels leading out of it. In the torchlight, Laura could see a mound of supplies in the centre. Water, ration packs, rugs and batteries for their torches, were all among the pile.

  ‘We shouldn’t stop,’ Leo said firmly as they rushed to the supplies. ‘Grab what you need, then keep moving.’

  They filled their arms with bottles of water and food before Leo led them down another tunnel. It wasn’t until half an hour later that they finally reached the end. Leo pressed his hand into the dirt wall and the wooden panel before them opened up to reveal daylight and bush. They left the stale darkness of the tunnel and Laura inhaled deep breaths of fresh air, fe
eling calmer now. Leo pushed the door back into its place, watching the grass knit back together.

  Now that they were safe, Stella drew Laura into a hug.

  ‘Oh you poor girl,’ she whispered, and Laura could feel Stella shaking in her arms. Remembering that Delilah was Stella’s close friend, she tightened her hug.

  ‘I’ll be okay,’ Laura insisted, ‘Delilah was hiding us to protect us from that man. I assume he was one of the Wicked.’

  ‘She was always the type to put everyone before herself.’ Stella released Laura to wipe the tears from her face.

  ‘What do we do now?’ Gemma was looking at Leo expectantly.

  Leo regarded each of their worried faces, before resting his eyes on his wife’s. ‘We find out what it is they want. Then we find it first. We use that as a bargaining chip to get Laura’s mother back peacefully.’

  ‘What about their plan for Laura?’ Drew asked.

  ‘We won’t let them get her, simple as that.’ Leo replied, once again observing the teenager’s standing before him, ‘I know you are all young, but you are warriors now. You’ve been training your whole life for this. Now, its time to fight. Are you sure you’re prepared to do that?’

  Not one Witch or Wizard stepped down. In fact, a new sense of determination settled upon them as they straightened at his words. In that moment, Laura knew that she could never leave the Spirit World. Not after all they were willing to risk to help her. Enchanted were dying for her. And so she, too, would stand tall and be brave. Like her father told her, she would stay strong.

  Proudness shone in Leo’s features, ‘let’s do this.’

  The hilt of Laura’s sword peeked out from her bag, and she pulled it free, securing it to her hip as her companions had. She felt safer, having it there.

  They made their way back to the city, and Laura noticed the Enchanted wore their weapons proudly. Cross-bows strapped to backs, swords hanging from belts, daggers secure in boots and leg holders, throwing stars sewn into jacket pockets, and even guns slung casually in holsters, despite the rarity of bullets.

  They passed inconspicuously through the streets, Laura peering into every store. Nearly every third shop was some form of weapons depot, a number of buildings had wooden signs issuing different fight classes, and looming up on their left, across from the fountain, was an enormous three story brick building with ‘Training Centre’ plastered across the wall. As they approached the cities centre, bakeries, supermarkets, hardware stores, and even a gift shop, came into view.

  ‘I want to ask about Delilah,’ Stella whispered to her husband, then hurried off. Leo led the rest of the group into a small hotel down an alleyway.

  ‘You have half an hour to freshen up, put your things in your rooms and get something to eat before we meet Stella,’ Leo told them as he passed out the keys, ‘I want everyone to stay close, and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.’

  Laura rushed to the showers, wanting to wash the mornings sickening events from her body. She scrubbed her skin raw while she tried to force Delilah’s decapitated body from her thoughts. She felt better once she had dressed in her battle gear, weapons secured to her body.

  The Enchanted wore this uniform on a daily basis, and she wanted to fit in. But it wasn’t just that. The feeling she received as she buckled her vest into place and secured her sword onto her hip was unlike anything she had ever felt before. At first, she couldn’t pinpoint it, but as she passed the mirror, glancing at her reflection, she paused, and suddenly knew what it was. For the first time in her life she felt truly brave. The black brought out the colour in her skin, and her wildly messy hair cascaded down her back, framing her face and bringing out the gold in her eyes. She looked older, somehow. She looked fierce. And as the horrible events of the past week flew through her mind on a continuous loop, she knew that she was ready to fight. Fight for her mother. Her father. The Flyer whose name she didn’t even know, and Delilah. Everyone who had died at the hand of a Wicked would finally receive their peace, and she was going to take part in bringing them that closure. She felt like a warrior. No. She was a warrior.

  Laura made her way out onto the street, and noticed a boy with his back to her, dressed head to toe in his own battle gear.

  Drew turned, and Laura held back a gasp. The black blended with his hair, but his emerald eyes shone as a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. She watched as his eyes rake over her own battle gear, coming to rest on her face.

  ‘You scrub up nice, Ace.’ He said

  ‘You don’t look so bad yourself, Jack.’


  She shrugged, ‘you call me by a card, so I shall do the same for you.’

  He let out a laugh, and Laura couldn’t help but smile. His laugh was nice.

  ‘I would have preferred King, but Jack will do. Hungry?’

  ‘Sure,’ she nodded and they crossed the road, entering the bakery. Drew paid the owner for two bread rolls and they sat out on the curb, nibbling at them.

  ‘How are you? After… this morning,’ Drew asked gently.

  ‘I still feel sick. I’ll never be able to get that image out of my head. But I will be all right,’ she answered, keeping her eyes on the ground.

  ‘It will get easier. Dealing with these things.’

  Laura looked at him, ‘you mean I will see more things like that? More murders?’

  ‘It’s a part of the job, as horrific as it is.’

  She didn’t reply. Killing was one thing, but watching innocent people being murdered while she watched helplessly was another. That was why she was going to fight back, she had to learn not to be so helpless. But did that mean she would have to kill, too? Good or bad, she didn’t know if she could live with blood on her hands.

  Laura and Drew finished their rolls in a comfortable silence, and Laura’s eyes began to wander. Enchanted mingled along the cobblestone path, some rushing past, others causally chatting. As she peered further down the road, she caught sight of a head of chocolate hair pushing through the crowd.

  She sucked in her breath, ‘mum?’

  Her jeans were torn and stained with blood. Her shirt hung loose on her body. Her hair was a tangled mess. But it was Cara.

  No one seemed to cast her, nor the hulky figure pushing her along from behind, a second glance. He was dressed in the Enchanted Guards uniform, Laura realised. To any of them, he was just doing his job. How had he got a hold of that uniform?

  It took every ounce of Laura’s being to hold herself back from charging through the crowd and collapsing into her mother’s arms. Without realising, she reached out and took a firm grip of Drew’s arm as she forced herself to remove her gaze from them and turn away. Once they had passed, Laura and Drew rose from the ground.

  ‘What are you going to do?’

  ‘Follow her,’ Laura said plunging into the crowd.

  Stella walked calmly towards the receptionist of the Force’s station, ‘hi there, I’m here for Delilah Fitzpatrick? I’m a close friend of hers and I heard she passed away this morning.’

  ‘Of course miss, we are very sorry for your loss. Delilah Fitzpatrick was found in her house early this morning after her neighbours heard screams coming from her home. The Forces are looking into the murder, but unfortunately we can’t reveal anything else until all witnesses have been interviewed. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more information.’

  Stella could feel the tears burning in the back of her throat, clouding her vision. Her childhood best friend was gone. She couldn’t even begin to comprehend it.

  She was overwhelmed by the grief that was consuming her as she stumbled from the office and into the trees. Her knees buckled and she buried her face in her jacket as she sobbed. She had lost people before, but never someone so close, and suddenly the realisation of what her students were really going through dawned on her.

  She had been in the house when her closest friend had died. She had been there, yet she hadn’t even known that as she slept, Delilah was
lying to keep her safe. The guilt over her inability to save her best friend set in as her shoulders heaved. Her throat was dry by the time she managed to calm herself down enough to raise her head. She knew now that whatever was happening around them was much bigger than they initially assumed. It was not just a kidnapping. It was something else entirely. And she would end those behind it.

  Drew trailed after Laura, his hand hovering over his sword as he cast his eyes around, searching for other Wicked. They followed Cara to a tiny cottage at the edge of the city and crouched in the bushes, watching as the Wicked threw her through the door, slamming her into the wall. Laura flinched and Drew rested his hand on her knee, hoping to reassure her.

  ‘We will get her back,’ Drew whispered as the door slammed shut.

  Her eyes settled on his face and she inhaled, ‘okay, how do we do that?’

  Drew led Laura around to the back of the house. They ducked down low and crossed the yard, taking cover under the kitchen window. They peeked over the sill, and Drew felt Laura shudder as they watched Cara wipe blood from her face. She dipped back below the window, and Drew heard her suck in a number of deep breaths.

  The only door was guarded, and Cara’s escort had her pinned to the chair by her shoulders as another Wicked bound her wrists and legs. She didn’t struggle. Then he turned his eyes to the Wizard leaning against the sink, grinning at Cara. Drew ducked below the windowsill, shock vibrating through his body.

  ‘What?’ Laura breathed.

  ‘James.’ He stuttered, taking a moment to steady himself enough to form a coherent sentence. ‘That was James, the guy who once trained at the manor. Oh god. My god. Damn it! He was probably the one who told the Wicked where you lived. He was there when Cara came to the manor. Damn, how could we be so stupid? We can’t trust anyone!’

  Laura stared at him for a moment, ‘okay, all right, calm down. There is nothing we can do about it at the moment. Let’s just listen.’

  They peered up over the sill again, listening closely.

  ‘Feel anything, Cara dear?’ James asked, his silvery eyes narrowing in on her. He crossed his bony arms over his chest, his dirty chestnut hair falling into his eyes.


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