Falling Down
Page 18
Ben whistles. "Damn bro."
"No shit," Ethan says with a shake of his head.
Kennedy's mouth is hanging open.
"Dude, close your mouth. I don't want to see your chewed up fucking pizza."
Jace snorts. "I've gotta say, it seems so unreal, you know?"
"What do you mean?" Ethan asks.
"Just last week I was working in accounting wearing a fucking suit and tie and today I'm sitting on the patio of Casa Falling Down with the best fucking band ever and Lucy's sitting on the lap of the guy she majorly crushed on since she was twelve."
"Well, fuck," Ben says. "When you put it that way. But we're just guys who worked our asses off to get where we are. We caught a lucky break with Cage just as you all did."
"Mostly Lucy worked her ass off to get us here," Sera says.
"No thanks to her mom," Jace replies.
I squeeze her hip and she sighs. "It wasn't what I wanted to do, we all know this, but I did it. It wasn't exactly a hard job. I got on the set and pretended to be someone else and got paid a butt load of money to do it."
"But--" Sera starts.
Lucy cuts her off. "Stop. We've been through this a million times. Mom got her way from sixteen to now, but now it's us. Let's let the past stay there and be grateful because if we hadn't met Cage, like Ben said, we wouldn't be here."
Sera snickers. "You wouldn't be sitting on Jesse Kingston's lap and sleeping in his bed."
"Uh-uh. Our bed," I correct.
"Yeah, that," Sera says with a sigh.
"I gotta pee," Lucy says. I pull her down for a quick kiss before she heads inside.
"You know this is a dream come true for her, right?" Sera asks.
I shrug. Talking about the crush thing makes me uncomfortable. I don't mind being a crush or whatever chicks turn me into in their fantasies, but I don't want to be that for Lucy. Not anymore.
"I guess."
"Could be for him too," Ethan says.
Sera nods.
"She's definitely a dream," Xander says winking at me.
"Shut up, fucker." I throw my bottle cap at him.
"What? I could've said wet dream, but I was respectful," he says, putting his hand over his heart.
I can see it, he's thinking about her, trying to imagine my woman naked.
"Knock it the fuck off or I'll beat your ass."
Xander laughs. "I can strip her down in my head anytime I want to."
I nod. "You can, but you don't know what it really looks like under those clothes and it's so much more than your imagination."
"Well, fuck," he says and takes a drink of his beer. I smirk.
Lucy comes back out and slides back onto my lap. I kiss the side of her neck and she smiles. She slams down the other half of her drink and holds out her empty glass to Ethan who grins and takes it to make another.
"Wow, Lucy," Sera says. "Who would have thought?"
"I mean, all from a crush."
"Then the chance meeting."
"Then the video."
"Toss in a weekend of fabulous sex and now you're living together."
"Yup," she says around my bite of pizza then takes the drink Ethan hands her.
"But he's not just a crush," she tells Sera and I pull her back for a kiss.
"Oh, I know it," Sera says with a wink. "Trust me, I know."
I'm trying very hard not to hyperventilate right now with the phrase "living together" that Sera just used. I prefer "sharing a room" to "living together". It sounds less serious. It may have been my idea, but fuck if I know what the hell I'm doing.
Lucy takes a gulp of her drink and I'm pretty sure she's feeling the same way I am right now. I pull her close with one arm in a kind of open hug.
"Don't freak her out, Sera."
She just grins. "Why not? It's so fun. Look at her face."
I watch as Lucy purposefully wipes all expression from her face as she picks up another slice of pizza. She raises a brow. I think she's starting to feel a buzz from the very lethal Ethan drink. Lucy flips Sera the bird.
"Fucking actress," Ben says with a wink and Lucy grins.
I take a drink of my beer as she takes another drink of her rum (may as well call it what it is). Lucy burps really fucking loud and murmurs, "Excuse me," and pops the last bite of pizza in her mouth.
I freeze with my beer half way to my lips. When I look up everyone's staring at her.
"What? I said excuse me," she says.
"How can something so loud come from such a small body?" Xander asks with a laugh.
She shrugs. "It's a gift and not one I share very often. That one kind of slipped out," she says with a blush, looking at me.
I chuckle. "Don't even worry about it, Luce. It's good to know you're human." And it really is because she's so fucking perfect in every way it's nice to see a bit of imperfection in her.
She nods. "Very human and very, very full." She leans back into my lap as I continue to eat my pizza.
"Make me a drink, bitches!" Meggie shouts as she comes walking out on the patio and I chuckle. This girl is nuts with her turquoise and pink colored hair, nose and lip rings, more ear piercings than I can count, and really kick ass tattoos.
"Dude," Trace says as he takes a seat. "Meat lovers plus." He reaches over and fist bumps me.
"Mrs. Martinez let you in?"
"Yeah," Meggie answers. "She's really kick ass. I like her."
"Me too," I say with a chuckle.
"Cage coming?" Lucy asks Sera who shrugs.
"I didn't even know these two were coming."
"Did you expect us not to party on the night Blush is formed? Get the fuck on with yourselves, bitches!" Ethan hands her a drink and passes a beer to Trace. They murmur their thanks.
I watch and Meggie takes a big gulp of her drink. "Holy fuck, Ethan. You're my favorite bartender ever. You're fucking hired!"
Lucy laughs. "Just like old times."
"No," Jace says. "Much better."
"True that," Sera says and raises her glass. We all raise our bottles and glasses. "To Blush, may we rock their asses off and to Falling Down for inspiring us to follow our passion."
"Here, here," Lucy says and taps her glass to my bottle. "Jesse," she whispers.
"I'm a little drunk I think," she slurs and flops back onto my chest.
"It's not surprising seeing as Ethan's drinks contain the equivalent of five or six shots and you've downed two of them in less than two hours."
She nods. "I like Ethan's drinks."
"Happy to serve," Ethan says chuckling.
"She's a light-weight," Sera says.
"Well, she's so tiny and weighs next to nothing."
"I'd take some of Sera's tallness if I could. Being short isn't fun sometimes, 'specially when you're acting and you have to stand on a stool when you kiss the hero."
Trace busts out laughing. "Really?"
She nods. "It's really shitty. We have to stop filming, someone brings in a stool, I get up on it, then the cameras start rolling again, the hero walks toward me and then we kiss. Then when the kiss is over, cut!, remove the stool, and carry on about our business."
I chuckle. I don't know if she's telling the truth or making this up but it's funny as hell. "With everyone you acted with?"
"The ones over six feet. I'm only five-three so it's really difficult for the guy to kiss me without having to bend down, and when they bend down, the camera shot is skewed and they don't get both of us in the shot correctly. When I'm more even with the hero's mouth, they get the money shot of our lips pressing together, you know what I mean?"
I growl. I don't want to think about her kissing some other fucking guy, acting or not.
"Oh Jesse," she says patting my face. "You're the best kisser ever. Oh my God, Sera." Lucy shakes her head. "You just can't know."
"I could--" Sera says with a
"Try it and die," Lucy slurs pointing at Sera.
"Jesse..." she whispers.
"What's up, Cupcake?"
She sighs. "Do you think I'm too judgmental? I mean, I feel kinda bad for how I feel about the groupie whores. Some of them are probably very nice ladies and girls. And they might have reasons for being the way they are, you know? Looking for love in all the wrong places--as the song goes," she says with a snort. "I think maybe I'm being too harsh."
"Lucy," Kennedy says. "You can feel any way you like about people. It everyone's right, and just knowing you're taking their reasoning into consideration, well, it just shows everyone you're thinking outside your comfort zone which tells us all you're trying to be fair."
Her jaw drops. "I think that's the most he's ever spoke."
"Probably," I laugh.
"Well, I'm glad to know that you don't think I'm a judgmental bitch. I'd hate that you know? You're all so great and I love you guys."
"She's a chatty drunk," Meggie interjects.
"She is that," Jace agrees.
"Makes for a fun time," Xander says with a grin that says he's up to no good. "Hey Lucy?"
"What's up Xan my man?" she snorts and I can't help but laugh. She's so fucking cute.
"What's the one thing about Jesse that you like the most?" he asks her.
"Hmm. If you'd asked me this when I was twelve or even seventeen I'd have said his looks or his body because, hello! he's hella hot."
"You said it girl," Meggie cheers.
"And now?" Xander asks.
"I like that he's more than what everyone thinks he is."
"What do you mean?" Ben asks.
"Well," she flits a hand and sits up straight, "watching him in videos or on TV doing interviews or even on stage he seems kind of superficial, you know? I understand it's part of who he is, he keeps his private self private. He lets you see how kind and fun he is, but he hides a lot. But being able to see more of who he is has shown how deep and complex he is. He's a good guy. A manwhore, but a good guy."
"Awww, Cupcake, you had me up until 'manwhore' and you went and ruined it," I say laughing with everyone else.
She pegged me straight on. She doesn't know everything about me yet. She may change her mind as she finds out.
I take another beer from Ethan and Lucy takes a bottled water.
"Thanks man."
Ethan nods and smiles at Lucy then shakes his head.
Yeah, she's definitely something else. I've got a feeling there's much more to Lucy than I've seen this past week. We've already seen her crumble at the thought of the press conference, a vulnerability and task that she hates with a passion. I'm really looking forward to seeing just who she is under that cool exterior now that I'm not on the outside looking in.
"Jesse," Lucy whispers loudly and Trace chuckles next to me.
"Yeah, babe."
"I'm getting sleepy."
"Okay." I stand up with Lucy. "It's ni-ni time for Lucy."
"Good, she needs to sleep that off or Irene will kick her ass," Sera says.
"Whatever," Lucy says flitting a hand, nearly smacking me in the face. I chuckle and watch her nearly fall down.
"Come here, woman." I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.
"You're so tall and strong. You're just so sexy, Jesse," she says before kissing my nose.
I grin.
"She's a cute drunk," Xander says with a smile.
"That she is."
"You really should keep her."
"I plan to. Goodnight everyone."
Chapter Fifteen
Everyone murmurs their 'goodnight' as we head up the stairs and to my room. I walk Lucy into the bathroom and sit her on the counter.
"What're you doing?"
"I'm going to brush your teeth," I tell her putting toothpaste on her toothbrush. "Open." She opens her mouth and stares at me as I brush her teeth. "Spit." She does and I continue brushing her teeth clean. I fill a cup with water and hand it to her. "Rinse." She does. She's pretty good at following directions, even as trashed as she is. I hand her a full glass of water. "Drink up."
I brush my teeth and down a couple glasses of water.
"Need to take my makeup off," she says reaching for a bottle of makeup remover and some cotton balls. She stands up, ties her hair up in a ponytail, and removes her makeup. Then she washes her face and stumbles as she's drying it. She's so fucking cute.
"Grab on." She rewraps herself around me.
"I'm a monkey, I'm a little monkey," she starts to sing. "I cling to Jesseeeee when he carries meeeee."
I chuckle at her half-assed attempt at rhyming.
"I am a monkey. I can prove it like I proved it the other night on the patio, remember?"
"I remember really hot fucking sex on the patio where you blew my mind."
"Yeah, mmm. Wait. Monkey!"
I laugh.
"Okay, take your pants off."
I raise my brow. "Not even here twenty-four hours and already she starts with the bossiness," I tsk.
"No, no. I just want to show you. Pleeeeeeease Jesse?"
"You're an incredibly cute drunk, Lucy, and because you are, I'll do this for you." Hell, I'd do anything for her.
Bending forward, I unlace my boots and Lucy starts singing.
"I'm a monkey, hugging my Jesse. See?" her arms tight around my neck and her ankles hooked at the base of my back.
I chuckle and toe off my boots. "I see. Clever little monkey," I sing as remove my pants and bend over again to pull them off.
"Monkey!" she sings.
"You singing about monkeys reminds me of the Coal Chamber remake of Shock the Monkey."
"Ozzy!" she shouts.
She starts singing it and I sing with her.
Cover me when I run
Cover me through the fire
Something knocked me out' the trees
Now I'm on my knees
Cover me, darling please
I carry her to the bed. I pull her shirt over her head and take off her bra. I slip her shoes off. I reach up and unbutton and unzip her pants. I start to pull and she lifts her hips helping me get them off. I let her sing the monkey parts
Moooonkeeeeey, Moooonkeeeeey, Moooonkeeeeey
Don't you know you're going to shock the monkey
I quickly pull her peach lace boypants down her legs and there she is. Naked and beautiful and her tits are perfect.
"I like singing with you Jesse but I like it better when you're kissing me." She crawls up the bed on all fours and I groan at the sight of her naked ass, her pussy peeking at me from between her thighs. She pulls the covers down and flops back onto the pillows then wiggles her eyebrows.
I grin and pounce on her and she giggles. Best. Sound. Ever. Besides her moans, that is.
She rolls on top of me and presses her mouth to mine, not wasting any time before thrusting her tongue against mine.
"Mmm," she moans. "Jesse," she whispers as she kisses my neck.
She's straddling my lap, her breasts pressing against my chest, her nipples hard.
"I have a secret."
My hands drift down her body to cup her ass, pulling her pussy against my hard cock.
"Tell me," I say against her neck.
She tilts her head to the side, giving me better access and I take advantage, kissing and licking and gently sucking, careful not to leave marks that the media would use against her.
"I'm really horny when I drink," she whispers loudly.
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm." To prove her point she rubs her now wet pussy along the length of my dick.
"Damn, you're so wet."
"It's because you're so sexy and, oh yes, keep kissing there."
I chuckle and run a hand down her body, between her legs to cup her sex.
"Yes, touch me there, Jesse."
"Where do you want me to touch you, Luce
She doesn't respond and I don't move. She wiggles her hips in frustration.
"Tell me where you want me to touch you."
"I want your fingers inside pussy."
Well, damn. I wasn't expecting her to be so graphic and fuck if my dick didn't just twitch when she said that.
I run a finger between her folds, parting her, gently rubbing over her clit, then down, down to circle her opening.
"You're dripping."
"I know, do something about it already!" she says in frustration and I laugh.
"Jesse," she growls, it sounds more like a baby lion but it's cute as hell.
She reaches between her legs and grabs my cock, positions it to her opening, and slides down before I even have a chance to react.
"Jesus," I say, holding her hips as she sits up straight, slowly sinking down, taking my length inside her. My mind goes blank when she squeezes my cock with her pussy.
"You're so big, Jesse."
I grunt as she wiggles her hips, impaling herself on the last inch of my erection.
"You're so tight. You feel fucking amazing, Lucy."
"Mmm," she says as she starts lifting and lowering her hips. She throws in the occasional hip swivel and I groan.
"Christ woman, you can fuck," I tell her as she picks up the pace. She really can. Shit, that hip swivel thing is fucking incredible.
She leans forward pressing her lips to mine and I reach up for her nipples. I pinch and finger them in the way I've found she likes and then she reaches for mine.
"Fuuuuuuck," I say as she gently tugs on my nipple rings. She's moving faster now, so god damn wet.
"You're going to make me come before I get you there if you keep on doing that, baby."
"Nuh-uh. You've got this," she says, tugging again.
My cock jerks inside her and she moans loud.
"Oh God, Jesse. That feels so good." She tugs again and my cock gives her what she wants. Jesus. How am I supposed to last with her pussy so wet, clenching so tight, her tugging on my nipple rings, and on top of that her moans are out-of-this-world sexy.
"Oh yes, Jesse, right there," she shortens her movements, hitting just the right spot and I slide my hand between her legs, my thumb circling her clit.
"Yes, Jesse," she shouts, her hips moving fast and fucking me hard, taking me deep, so fucking deep inside her pussy I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her. She tugs my nipple rings one more time and I lose it.