Falling Down
Page 20
"You are a king, Spenser."
"Yes, yes, I know. Let's go out by the windows, natural light and all that."
I nod and carefully take a seat by the windows. Someone, likely Sera, put up a divider and I breathe a sigh of relief. I really don't want to be stared at right now. I'll get enough of that soon enough.
"This house is gorgeous. You lucky bitch."
"I don't care about the house."
"Oh I know, I wasn't just talking about the house," Spenser says and I see Jesse shift uncomfortably.
"Jesse Kingston your girlfriend has the most amazing rack," Spenser teases.
Jesse growls.
"If I were straight, I'd be feeling her up every chance I got which would be a lot. Amazing tits, Lucy."
"Thank you?" I say with a laugh.
Spenser begins working his magic after he drapes a cape over me and I close my eyes and relax.
Another knock on the door and Jesse answers. Simone and Carmen enter as well as Meggie, Trace, Jace, Xander, Ethan, and Kennedy.
"Open those pretty eyes," Spenser says. "Just liquid liner with cat edge on the top, a little shadow, and falsies."
"Okay." Honestly I don't care. I know Spenser will make me look amazing and that's all I care about.
"Party in Jesse's bed!" Meggie says with a laugh.
"Oh, I'm sure he's had more than enough of those," Sera says.
I sigh and Jesse cringes.
"Not a good topic if you're trying to keep her calm for… you know," Ethan says.
"Noted," Meggie replies.
Sera introduces Spenser and the girls to Meggie and Trace. Unsurprisingly they've met before.
"Okay, we're ready for hair," Spenser announces, and Carmen and Simone motion for me to enter the bathroom.
They give me large spiral curls and then work my hair up into a half up-do, strategically styling my bangs to fall in just the right places.
Sera comes in with my jewelry. She slips the necklace on and locks the clasp. I put in the large yellow and white hoop earrings, the yellow and white bangle bracelets, and then my usual selection of rings.
"I should put a ring on my left hand and have the media buzzing like fucking bees."
"Do it!" Meggie yells and I laugh. I swear that girl has bionic hearing.
"How do I look?"
Spenser finishes my lipstick then tells me, "Gorgeous, of course. You'll have those fucktards eating out of your hand."
"From your lips to God's ears."
"Amen, sister," Carmen says.
Simone shrugs. "You'll be great."
I laugh a nervously then exit the bedroom. Silence. I'm met with silence.
"Oh God, I look hideous. Spenser, I need to change," I say panicking.
"No, no!" Jace says, holding my arm. "You look so beautiful, Lucy. I never liked yellow but it's perfect for you."
"Of course it is," Spenser says rolling his eyes. "Wait until you see her in orange or fuchsia."
"The man knows his stuff," Jace says. He's leaning in to kiss my cheek and Spenser cuffs him on the back of his head.
"What the fuck?"
"No touching. No kissing. No licking." He looks to Jesse who's giving me a heated stare. "No fucking--of any kind!" he adds.
I laugh.
"Hold up," Carmen says. She hands me a pair of large white-framed sunglasses. "Retro baby," she says with a wink.
"Okay, I'm ready." Sera hands me a yellow and white polka dot purse and I just shake my head. Spenser is a genius.
"I don't think I'm paying them enough," I tell Sera and she laughs.
"You are too," Spenser scolds. "Now let's get moving."
"Wait, what?" You're going too?"
"We are part of the band, are we not? We're the Blush blushers," he says motioning to him, Carmen and Simone.
I nod. "You totally are."
"Let's go, baby. Can I hold her hand?" Jesse asks Spenser and I grin.
"That's all you'll be holding until this bullshit is over."
Jesse just smiles that sexy half-smile and his dimples wink at me.
I crook my finger at him and he leans in close. "I'm going to lick your dimples tonight."
"Cupcake, you can lick whatever you want," he replies with a wink.
Damn. Giving a press conference with wet panties. This will be a first.
So far, so good. I haven't tripped and fallen on my face.
"Good afternoon. I'd say it's nice to be here, but that'd be a lie." Everyone chuckles.
"I'd like to address the areas of speculation that have been making quite a few headlines without any real facts. First, I'm announcing, right here, right now, that I am on hiatus from the movie industry until further notice."
Murmurs rise from the crowd and I note the reports taking notes.
"Questions will be answered after I finish my statement so if I may continue?"
Everyone quiets down.
"If an amazing role were to be placed into my lap with my costar being Milo Ventimiglia and the script had us kissing and frolicking between the sheets, I'd come back for that." That gets a laugh from everyone. "But seriously, if an exceptional script were to come my way and I was drawn to the character, I'd definitely step up for that--and I really would prefer Milo. But…" I say leaving them hanging a moment, "for now I am going to focus on music. Serafina Manzini, my sister, and I both were in a band when we were in high school and we're resurrecting our old band, Blush. In addition to Sera and me, we're lucky to be joining up with Jace Warner, Megan Melody, and Trace Styx. In less than two weeks we'll be in the studio working on recording our first album with Cage Nichols of Nichols Records."
Sera, Meggie, Jace, and Trace step forward.
I take a sip of my water.
"Thank you for being patient while I tell you the part of this press conference that is most important to me and now I'll tell you what is most important to you."
Jesse steps up and grabs my hand. "The rumors are true, Jesse Kingston and I are involved. Do we know what the future holds? No more than you do. It's new and we're trying to enjoy spending as much time as we can together. I'm not sure what else to say about this that I'd be comfortable sharing with you, so we'll move on to questions."
"Ah, my favorite. Mr. Leonard." The jackhole who made my life a misery at my first press conference.
"Are you leaving acting because of Jesse Kingston?"
Jesse chuckles next to me and wraps his arm around my waist.
"No, afraid it's nothing that exciting. It's something that I've wanted to do for a very long time and I'm going for it."
I point to the next reporter. "Are you going to be in Falling Down's newest video?"
"As a matter of fact, I am as is Sera. It's no secret that Sera and I enjoy being in music videos for Cage."
The band steps up behind us.
I point to another. "Is that how you met? Or is it true you met when you were a teenager?"
"I laugh. How do you all get this information?" Jesse shrugs. "It's true, when I was seventeen and making the big move out to LA, I saw Jesse in the Chicago airport. I fangirled all over him, got his autograph, and a photo with him. We walked to where my flight was delayed to find out he was on the same flight." I shake my head when they all start murmuring again.
"No, we didn't sit together on the plane. He was in first class as he should be. Can you imagine this six-foot-three-inch man sitting in coach? Where would he put his legs?"
That brings a few chuckles.
"That was the last time I saw Jesse until the first day on set and in all honesty I was surprised. No one told us who we were going to be doing the video for, only that it was a big name band. And suddenly there was Jesse Kingston."
"Okay, hold up," Jesse interrupts. "I've got to tell them the whole story or they'll be upset if they hear it somewhere else."
I roll my eyes. "By all means," I gesture to the microphone.
"The band and I were prepped for the vide
o, we'd gone over everything with Cage, and because we were so rushed that week, we didn't think to ask who the actress slash dancers were. It was rumored to be Lucy and Sera but we didn't know for sure. Not a big deal. We get along with chicks, right guys?" Jesse prompts the guys who all make leering faces and obscene noises.
"When we walked to the central part of the building where Cage had multiple sets worked up, we heard drums, guitar, and a voice that stopped us in our tracks. Okay, not right away because we were a little pissed that someone had the nerve to touch our equipment. Musicians are temperamental about sh--stuff like that. But the minute they started the next song, a ballad from a popular band," Jesse shakes his head. "we were stunned. When we finally moved forward, I turned the corner and was knocked on my ass. There was Luciana Russo sitting on a stool in front of a microphone, strumming my acoustic guitar, eyes closed, singing her soul out. We all just looked at each other, then over to Sera whaling on the drums like a pro, and that's when we decided to join in. Ben picked up his guitar and I stepped up to the mic. I've got to laugh here," and he does. "You should have seen the look on Lucy's face when she saw us. I thought she was going to either pass out or run away but she did neither. She finished the song with us and then she freaked out."
That brings about a bunch of laughs. "She hands me back my guitar and apologizes for touching my 'precious'. I knew who she was and she seemed kind of shocked about that. I'm not sure why. I mean she's a fu--freaking academy award winning actress, right?"
"Jesse," I say with a blush.
"Anyway, we did the video and we had a good time, even if Lucy did insist on keeping it professional while we worked together."
"No matter how hard you tried to make it otherwise," I add with a grin.
I point to the next reporter. "Then you're not joining up with Falling Down?"
"Nope. We've re-formed Blush."
I point to another reporter. "Is it true you're living with Jesse?"
"I'm not comfortable commenting on the intimate details of our relationship until we figure them out for ourselves."
I point to the next reporter. "What's going to happen when Falling Down goes out on tour in a couple months? It's common knowledge that Jesse enjoys groupies."
I raise a brow. "You know, that's a great question and one I don't have an answer to. We actually just talked about this last night, right Jesse?"
He nods.
"I guess all I can say is when we know, you'll know. Hell, you might know before we do," I say with a wink to my fave reporter. I love Margo Phelan.
More questions about Jesse and I, ones that require answers about the intimate details I won't answer so I give them the same answer that I've made my standard. "I'm not comfortable commenting on the intimate details of our relationship until we figure them out for ourselves."
"Last question, Dave," I say to one of my favorite reporters.
"Have you considered having Blush and Falling Down tour together?"
I heart drops into my stomach and I laugh. "While that would be an incredible opportunity for our band, we're nowhere near the caliber of Falling Down. No-name bands don't usually end up out on tour with big named ones like Falling Down."
"That's a shame," Dave says. "I'd have liked to have seen you two out on tour together."
I tilt my head in question.
Dave shrugs. "You seem happy together. Touring separately will likely screw that up."
I nod. "Likely." And that sucks ass. "I'll keep you updated. Thank you all for coming out this afternoon and listening as I tell you the facts of what's happening rather than continuing on with speculation. If something develops and you have questions regarding whatever it is, feel free to call my agent Irene McPherson. She'll set something up and I'll be as honest with you as I can."
With that I wave and Jesse hugs me to him, lifting me beneath my armpits so my face is level with his and I grin.
He pulls me in for a kiss and I wrap my arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around my lower back, holding me up in the air. I hear cameras clicking like crazy as we devour each others' mouths. Jesse pulls back, gives me one last soft, lingering kiss, then sets me down. I straighten my skirt and look to the crowd and fan myself. They all laugh and the cameras are whirling like crazy.
We interlock our fingers and head into the building with our friends and family behind us.
Once inside I let out a long breath of air and collapse my upper half over the reception desk. The receptionist laughs. Her black hair is cropped in a cute and messy pixie cut, her face round and stunning. Her eyes, a brilliant green, are what draw me in.
"That bad?"
"Actually, not as bad as I anticipated."
"That's good. The media can be a total pain in the ass."
I look at her name tag. "Celeste. It's good to meet you."
"You as well Miss Russo."
"None of that. I'm just Lucy."
"What are you up to?" Jesse asks.
"Shush. So, Celeste, you know a lot about bands, the music industry, touring, making records, what's needed as far as PR and stuff are concerned right?"
"Yeah. I've been doing this job the last seven years."
I nod and Jesse chuckles. "How attached are you to your job here?"
"Why are you asking?"
"Say I offer you a job as an assistant and PR person with a starting salary of," I reach for a pen and a piece of paper writing the number down and handing it to her.
"Are you for real?"
I shrug.
"Cage is going to kick your ass," Sera says with a laugh.
Our gazes are still locked and I can see her thinking this over, turning over the possibilities.
She nods. "I'm in. When do I start?"
"God damn it, Lucy," Cage bellows.
I turn to him sheepishly, though it's not for real and he knows it. "I'm sorry, Cage, she's just so brilliant."
"I know, that's why she works for me."
"Worked," Sera says with a laugh.
Cage sighs.
"You have so many professional super-assistants. My taking this one for myself won't hurt you."
"The hell it won't. She's the best I've got."
I shrug. "I figured. It's why I picked her."
"You little shit," Cage says wrapping an arm around my waist and lifting me up in the air to give me a smacking kiss on the lips.
"You weirdo."
"No worries, Celeste. Lucy will take good care of you. If you'd like to start immediately," he sighs, "I'll work something out with Francine in personnel and get someone up here to try to fill your position."
"Never gonna happen," I say folding my arms over my chest and Celeste laughs.
"Quit while you're ahead, Cupcake."
"True, true. I better shut up now." I give Celeste my phone number and she puts it in her phone then gives me a call back.
"Digits exchanged."
"Yep," I say. "I'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know what's up and we can discuss whatever we should be doing and all that."
She laughs as she grabs her purse.
"Cage, it's been a pleasure."
He chuckles. "You're not rid of me just yet. I'm their acting manager for their first album and tour."
She raises her eyebrows. "No kidding. Lucky you," she says to me and Sera.
"I'm outta here. Talk to you tomorrow."
Jesse wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Why did you pick her?"
I shrug. "Instinct. She wasn't intimidated by me or you. Did you notice she didn't fangirl all over you? Sure she looked her fill but she didn't even ask for an introduction or autograph. She knows her shit, I could tell by the spread of folders she has out there, so I took a chance."
Jesse nods.
"Alright people," Cage says quieting everyone down. "The press conference went amazingly well. Great job Lucy. And Jesse, your filling in the rest of Lucy's story was perfect. Now we work on song choices and practicing together,
getting comfortable with one another, and a week from Monday we record. I'd like to get your album out as soon as possible and get you on tour in the next three months."
"Whoa," Trace says. "Fuckin' cool."
I blow out a breath. "It's moving fast but this is good. If we move slowly I'll have too much time to think and go into panic mode."
Cage nods. "I know. Don't worry, Lucy. I've got everything planned out and I think you'll be pleased with the results."
"I have no doubt."
Meggie bounces on her feet. "You're Cage fucking Nichols, of course we'll be pleased."
He just smiles, never one to get a big head over compliments.
"We're staying at Casa Falling Down," Jace tells him, "and the guys said we could use their studio."
"Good, that's more convenient."
"If you need us, that's where we'll be," Sera tells Cage running her tongue over her teeth.
"Alright. I'll be in touch. Stay out of trouble and out of the media if you can."
"Right," I say. "Now that they know Jesse and I are involved, they're going to be all over us."
He shrugs. "It'll die down when someone else does something gossip-worthy. Until then, play it cool but have fun."
"Okay. I'll call you tomorrow about the contracts. Irene got back to me earlier."
Cage nods. "Sounds good. Have a good day." He runs a hand over Sera's ass before he strides to the black elevators and promptly disappears.
"Oooh, the black elevator," I murmur.
"Do you think he's Batman?" Meggie asks.
I want to laugh but I can't.
"You know, I could see that," Ben says.
We all agree. Cage Nichols is Batman. Well, he certainly is one of my heroes.
"Let's go home," Jesse says steering me toward the door. "Your parents are coming over."
I groan. "Jesseeeee."
"If you're whining over that you're really going to whine when I tell you Joey's coming too."