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Bells & The Bandit (A Willow Crossing Mystery Book 1)

Page 6

by Leona Fox

  She went back over everything she could remember, and the only other person acting strangely was Whitney. It didn’t seem realistic that the wife of the woman’s great-nephew would be the one to assault and rob the woman, but nothing else seemed to fit. As she thought about the expression on Whitney’s face, trying to figure out where she had seen it before, she instantly remembered.

  When she was a kid, Ru and her sister were playing in their mother’s closet, trying on her clothes and shoes. Her sister, Anna, decided to put on some of their mother’s jewelry, and accidentally broke the clasp on their mom’s favorite necklace. Instead of admitting what had happened, Anna took the necklace and hid it. The look on her face every time she would make eye contact with her mother was the same look that Whitney had on her face at the reception. Ruby knew exactly what she would have to do. She called her husband and told him she would be a little longer.

  “What’s going on, Mama?”

  “Oh, nothing, dear. I just want to stop by Michael and Whitney’s house. I won’t be long.”

  Esteban knew his wife was on to something, but didn’t want to keep her. He was aware that when Ru was determined to figure out something, there was no stopping her, so he said, “Okay. I’ll see you in a little while. Be nice!”


  With an orchid in hand, Ru walked up to Michael and Whitney’s door. They had just moved into their new house a week before the wedding, and she thought this would be a great time to bring them a housewarming present. She rang the bell and waited.

  “Ruby! Hi!” Michael said enthusiastically.

  “Hi, Michael.”

  “Come on in,” he said and stepped aside.

  “Oh, I have Opal with me. I just came by to bring you a little housewarming gift,” she said, holding out the orchid.

  “Don’t be silly! Opal is always welcome! Come inside.” He went out onto the porch and picked up the dog and carried her inside.

  “Whitney, come here, we have visitors.”

  Whitney came out from the kitchen and the moment she saw Ru, the color drained from her face. She tried to cover up her sudden concern by saying, “Hi, Ruby. What brings you by?”

  “I picked up an orchid for you. I just love them, and thought maybe you would have a spot for it in your new home.”

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” Wanting to be polite, Whitney then asked, “Would you like to stay for some iced tea?”

  “Thank you. That would be nice.” Ru looked around and saw they had made quick work of unpacking.

  “I see you are done emptying boxes! I’m impressed.”

  “Oh,” Michael starts, “we still have a bit more work to do. I was just about to run to the store real quick. It was nice seeing you, Ru. I shouldn’t be long.” He made his exit and the two women were alone.

  Before she even could get that glass of iced tea, Whitney said, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m still trying to get some of the gifts put away and figure out how to organize the kitchen. Maybe we could visit again soon?”

  Ru could tell Whitney was trying to get rid of her, but she had a purpose for this encounter and she wasn’t going to leave without saying what needed to be said.

  “I would love to help you! Besides, Opal has been out in the heat for a while now. It would be nice to let her cool off a bit before heading out.”

  Knowing she wasn’t going to get rid of Ru, Whitney led her to the kitchen. Ru could see by the boxes everywhere that while Whitney was a sweet and loving girl, she definitely was not comfortable in the kitchen.

  “I love my kitchen, but yours is incredible,” Ru said.

  “Thanks. I’m not much of a chef, so I just really don’t know where to go with everything in here.”

  Ruby focused on helping to ease Whitney’s nerves by explaining where everything should go to make a nice, flowing workspace. She even offered to help her learn some recipes guaranteed to make Michael fall even deeper in love with her. After a while, Whitney seemed to relax, and it was then that Ru decided to drop the bomb.

  “Can I ask you something, Whitney?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “Why did you steal Hannah’s bracelet?”

  With a shocked look on her face, Whitney answered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Come on, Whitney, you know exactly what I’m talking about. What I don’t understand is why you would do that to one of your new family members.”

  Whitney stared at Ru for what seemed like an eternity and then broke down in tears.


  When Michael returned from the store, he walked toward the swinging door of the kitchen. He heard what sounded like crying, but before he could push through the door, he heard his wife’s voice, “It’s all my fault!” He stood there, not wanting to spy, but not wanting to barge in either.

  “What happened?” Ru asked, sounding very concerned.

  “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Just talk to me, Whitney. Whatever it is, it’s obviously weighing heavily on your heart. You need to get it out of your system.”

  “It was me,” Whitney blurted out.

  “What was you?” Ru asked. Michael stood on the other side of the door, listening, wondering what his new wife was talking about.

  “I was so excited about the wedding. I was getting impatient waiting for the wedding party to be announced at the reception, so I went for a little walk. I was giddy with happiness, and I was being silly, dancing around like a little girl. I came to a door in the hallway and pushed it open.”

  “What happened next?” Ru asked.

  “I felt it stop really fast and then I heard something hit the ground. I stuck my head into the room and saw Aunt Hannah lying on the floor. I was mortified.”

  “Go on,” Ru urged.

  Michael couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but kept listening.

  “I didn’t know anyone was standing on the other side of the door, and when I saw her on the floor I panicked. I was so embarrassed and didn’t know what to do. I saw the antique bracelet and thought that if I took it, people would think someone knocked her out to get it.”

  She paused for a minute to catch her breath and then continued, “I know it was stupid, but I don’t think Michael’s family likes me, and if they knew that I knocked her out, they would hate me even more!”

  “But the doctor said she was hit with something small…not a door.”

  “I think the lock on the door hit her in the head. I feel just horrible!”

  “So it was you that brought the bracelet to our house?”

  “Yes. I figured you were my safest bet. I told Michael I needed to run and get some milk and eggs for the next morning’s breakfast, and I stopped at your house to drop off the box.”

  Michael had heard enough and walked into the kitchen. He went to Whitney and said, “My family doesn’t hate you, Whit, they love you.”

  Whitney looked startled by her husband’s appearance. “I’m so sorry!” She suddenly became hysterical.

  “Sweetie, it was just an accident. You never should feel like you can’t tell me something. You always should feel comfortable telling me the truth. I love you, Whit.”

  Ru felt it was time to make her exit, so in a soothing voice she said, “I’m going to leave you two alone to talk. I never will tell Hannah what happened…I’ll let you decide if you want to tell her. To be honest, I think she is enjoying telling her story to people, so you may just want to let it be.”

  “Thank you, Ruby,” Whitney said through her tears. “I’m so sorry for everything.”

  “No need to apologize. I’m just happy everything worked out.”

  As Ru walked home, she felt a sense of relief come over her. At least she now knew Griffin was telling the truth. She wished she could tell him everything that happened, but instead she would just have to figure out a way to convince him that she believes in him and his innocence. She hurried home to tell Esteban the whole story.

apter 11

  “You mean to tell me Whitney is the one who stole the bracelet? I can’t believe it!”

  “I know!”

  Ru sounded just as shocked telling Esteban the story as she felt when she first was told about what happened.

  “I knew she was acting a little too weird at the reception!”

  “I guess your instincts were right, Mama.”

  “Aren’t they usually?”

  Laughing, Esteban said, “They always are.”

  “Now I have to figure out how to convince Griffin that we know he didn’t do it. I can’t exactly tell him what really happened.”

  “I’m sure you’ll figure out a way.”

  “Yeah. Well, maybe I should just go over and talk to him.”

  “Well, just be careful. Hopefully Carlin won’t be there.”

  Ruby drove over to the camp area and knocked on the door to the camper. When Griffin opened the door he rolled his eyes and Ru could tell he wasn’t happy to see her.

  “What?” He asked, his voice low and annoyed.

  “I just wanted to let you know they found Hannah’s bracelet.”

  “Who took it?”

  “It seems she just misplaced it.”

  “Good. I gotta get back to my homework.”

  “Griffin, we both know you’re not doing your homework.”

  Just then, Mr. Carlin walked up behind Ru and said, “What are you doing here now? I told you he didn’t do it.”

  “I know that, Mr. Carlin. I was just stopping by to let him know that they found the bracelet.”

  “Good. Now maybe this town can get off our backs. You can leave now.”

  “Dad, stop it.” Griffin stepped out of the camper and pushed past his father. “Come on, Mrs. Delgado. I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Together, they walked to the car and when he was sure he was out of earshot of his father, Griffin said, “I’m sorry about him.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. I’m the one who owes you an apology. I should have known you wouldn’t harm a lady and steal from her.”

  “It’s okay. I know why you doubted me.”

  He looked down at the ground and it was obvious to Ru that he had something more pressing on his mind.

  “What’s wrong, Griffin?”

  “Summer vacation starts next week.”

  “I know, I thought you’d be happy about it.”

  “That means I’ll be with him all day, every day.”

  “With who, your father?”

  “Yeah. I’ll go crazy, Mrs. Delgado.”

  “I’m sure it won’t be too bad.”

  “Yes it will be.” He paused for a minute and then looked at Ruby with the most desperate look on his face.

  “Can you help me?”

  “I’ll do whatever I can, Griffin, you know that. What do you need?” He was hesitant; he didn’t like asking for help, and Ru knew that.

  “It’s alright, Griffin. You can ask me anything.”

  “Do you think Mr. Delgado could give my father a job at the grocery store?”

  He paused and then said, “If he’s at work all day, then maybe he won’t be so angry all the time…and maybe then he’ll stop asking me to steal. I don’t like taking things from people.”

  Ruby’s heart broke for the boy, and she knew it was really hard for him to ask.

  “I will talk to him as soon as I get home. But do you think your dad will take the job?”

  “I hope so. I gotta get back inside before he comes looking for me.”

  “Okay. Just keep your nose clean and we will figure out something.”


  He turned to go back to the camper and then turned back toward Ruby, “Oh, he told me you had another event you needed me to work. I will be there, just let me know when and where.”

  “I’ll talk to you in school tomorrow.”

  Ruby got in her car and headed home. She knew that Esteban would be leery about hiring Mr. Carlin, but she also knew that he would be willing to do just about anything that she asked…if she had a good reason.

  “Papi, I’m home! Where are you?” Ru shouted as she walked through the door.

  Esteban popped his head out of the kitchen and said, “In here. How’d it go?”

  “It went pretty well. He understood why I asked him if he stole the bracelet. He’s not mad at me anymore.”

  “Was Carlin there?”

  “Yes, and he was his typical cheery self.”

  Esteban could see the expression change on his wife’s face and knew she was about to ask him for something.

  “Uh-oh. There’s the look. What do you want, Mama?”

  “I need you to do me a favor. Well, actually, it’s more a favor for Griffin.”

  “Okay, what do you need?” he asked, preparing himself for whatever it was she was about to ask of him.

  “Can you offer his father a job at the store?”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

  “Come on, for me? Griffin doesn’t want to spend the whole summer under his father’s thumb, being forced to steal from people so they can buy food.”

  When she put it that way, he couldn’t help but feel compassion for the boy. “I suppose I could hire him on a trial basis. That’s even if he’ll take the job.”

  Ruby hugged her husband tight and said, “Thank you, Papi. Thank you!”

  “Don’t get too excited. If he takes the job, it is only a trial. He will have to prove himself. If he thinks he’s going to be lazy and not work, or if I catch him stealing, he’s out…and I will have him arrested.”

  “Of course, babe. I will let Griffin know tomorrow. He’s gonna be so happy!”


  After a lot of convincing from both Griffin and Esteban, Mr. Carlin finally agreed to try his hand at working an actual job. It wasn’t anything glamorous; mostly cleaning up the store and some stocking, but it gave him a paycheck and got him out of the house. It was a rough start, and there were days where Esteban practically had to drag the man out of bed to get him to work; but after a few weeks, Mr. Carlin began coming in on time and even staying late to do extra work. After a few months, Esteban felt better about hiring him, even allowing him to train in other areas of the store as backup to the cashiers. He also found Mr. Carlin actually did quite well in the produce department.

  Griffin thrived, the extra time away from his father helping him to be more responsible. He did a lot of odd jobs for Ru and Esteban, and also worked hard for the catering business. Ruby was so happy to see the young man doing so well, and continued giving Esteban credit for hiring Mr. Carlin, even when he didn’t really want to.

  Whitney and Michael continued to be happy, and they never did tell Hannah what happened. They are expecting their first child and, because of how kind Ru was to Whitney when the truth came out, they decided if the baby is a girl, her middle name will be Ruby. Of course, that tickled Ru pink.

  Hannah went on as usual, telling her harrowing story of the time she got hit over the head and had her bracelet stolen. The incident didn’t stop her from wearing her expensive jewelry. Chief Putnam and Hannah began a cute relationship and they could be seen walking hand in hand at the park and around town. While she swears she never will marry again, everyone knows her love of weddings and figures that one day soon she will be planning her fifth ceremony. Ru secretly hopes they will ask Opal to be their flower girl and has already started training her to carry the basket!

  Since the great bracelet caper, Ru and Esteban have enjoyed watching their catering business grow. They have taken part in not only weddings and anniversary parties, but have catered some of the county’s most important fundraising events. Because of their growing business, Esteban has cut back his hours at work, and Ru has stopped teaching summer school. She isn’t ready to quit teaching all together because she just couldn’t see herself away from her students.

  They look forward to their next catering event, the local Crackerjack Canine evening dinner.
Since they are avid dog lovers, Opal being evidence of their dedication to dogs, they look forward to catering a dinner devoted to raising funds for shelters and rescue organizations around the county and the state.

  As they plan for the dinner, Ru and Esteban hope the good luck they’ve been having will continue and nothing bad will happen. Even though one of the major figures who will be present at the event is someone who is not liked by many, the cause is still worthy of their best work ever.


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