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ABANDONED: Elkridge Series, Book 3, A novel

Page 13

by Lyz Kelley

  “Really? And what do you think?”

  Think fast. Think fast. Think fast. Ummm. “I think you need to take a shower.” She eyed his surprisingly rumpled clothes. Thank goodness she had reconnaissance, so she already knew he hadn’t been with Rachelle. The jealousy bug could really take a bite out of a person.

  He took a step closer, placing his hands on either side of her head on the front door, effectively trapping her. “Interesting idea. You want to join me? You could light that match we’ve been discussing. Might be fun.”

  “Me? No.” She ducked under his arm. “I’ve got stuff to do.” No matches. Lighting matches is dangerous.

  She swore she could hear a slight chuckle. She didn’t dare turn around or look back. ’Cause if she did, she forecasted showers in the near future.

  Ashley hammered away her vexation on dozens of silver forks. Feeling good about making progress, she decided to spend the rest of the night looking at stars and making plans for the next day. While staring into the fireplace on the back deck, she went through her mental checklists made earlier in the day.

  The sleeping dog beside her twitched, and she inched the wool blanket over a few inches to cover Lucky’s feet. Above the treetops, the stars covered the horizon. Soft winter air nipping at her skin prompted her to haul the goose down comforter out of the storage bin before settling again into the Adirondack chair.

  Jenna’s weird quips replayed in her mind. She’d laughed until she had tears streaming down her cheeks, and their bantering while playing Boggle reminded her of other good times. She recalled telling Chase he should laugh more. Maybe the same applied to her.

  As if fate had summoned him, Chase opened the back door, flooding the deck with light from the kitchen. Even in the house’s shadow, his masculine, sculpted form gave her heart a kick-start.

  “Aren’t you cold?” He closed the sliding glass door to keep the warmth inside.

  “Not really. Not with the blanket. Why don’t you join me?”

  All afternoon, she’d wondered what to say when he returned, but nothing seemed adequate or fitting. She could only point at a chair and hope her brain would come up with something to say that might help him understand. But her mouth was too dry to speak. She reached for her wine glass to bolster her courage. She had to say something, but what? She took several big gulps and hoped for the best.

  She tilted her chin up, looking behind her. “After you left, I did some thinking.”

  “The good type or the bad type? Because thinking isn’t always healthy.”

  There was a tinge of sarcasm and humor, but what he said gave her the courage to continue.

  “Ha. Funny guy.” She rolled her eyes, and then waited for him to settle. “I came to the conclusion that I’ve been so fixated on making money and finding a place to stay, I haven’t found time to enjoy what I have. I forgot how beautiful the night sky is here, the smell of the evergreens, the crickets chirping. Digging through the antiques, I remembered how much I loved old stuff, and finding a way to make it fit with the new. I’ve been so angry about the past, I’ve missed enjoying the simple things life offers. Also, I realized my anger hurts those around me. I’m sorry for that.”

  Chase moved his chair closer to hers. A giddy sense of relief made her toes tingle. She liked Chase. Liked him a lot, and didn’t want to lose one of the few people with whom she’d ever found a comfortable rhythm. She pushed the edges of the comforter toward him to share the warmth. In the process, her hand brushed his thigh and sent a tingling sensation up her arm. The combined body heat and the intimacy of sharing a small space melted her apprehension about their earlier conversation.

  He leaned closer, but she couldn’t see his face or guess what he was thinking. After a moment, he pointed toward the sky. “When we patrolled at night, stars covered the sky. The lack of city lights made the sky intense. It was truly amazing.”

  “It’s pretty here, too. Don’t you think?”

  In the pitch-black night, she couldn’t see much, but she could see he wasn’t looking at the sky when he said, “It’s perfect.”

  The heat from his perceptions further melted the ice cream in her stomach. She tilted her head toward his. “What else is there to know about Chase Daniels?”

  “There’s not much to know.”

  “Sure there is. Like where you grew up, what’s happened in your life, your dreams for the future?”

  He sat back into the chair, clearly uncomfortable with having the flashlight directed at him.

  “I grew up in New Jersey, joined the military out of high school, went through Marine boot camp, and that’s pretty much it. fills in the blanks. You should know the rest.”

  She did know. However, she’d read another bundle of her father’s letters and realized she’d only seen the Marine, not the cherishing, providing husband, or the man.

  “Chase, I’m working hard to separate the man and the Marine in my mind. Who is Chase Daniels? What does he want from life?”

  The military had a way of tearing a person down to their fundamental strengths and weaknesses and building them back up from there. But in every soldier she’d met, a little part—the best part—remained.

  “You sure you want to go there?”

  “Yes, I really do.”

  He stretched his legs out in front of him like he wanted to stretch time. “I joined the Marines for a couple of reasons. I needed something to focus on. Plus, I wanted to get out of Jersey and find something to push my body and mind to the limits. I figured the Marines would do the job for me. After a few deserved ass-kicking sessions, I learned a Marine isn’t about going the distance as much as it is about developing self-respect and confidence. Something I sorely lacked as a teen. The Marines made me a better person. I learned accountability, and how to be a leader and a good, solid team member. The Corps uncovered my best qualities and made me realize I had the potential to become the man I wanted to be.”

  “Have you found your calling?”

  “Not sure. I’ve moved around a lot. I look around this place, and it’s filled with a lifetime of memories. There are photographs on the walls and glass lamps on side tables. There’s some great stuff here. The old leather chair in your living room is fantastic. It must be a hundred years old.”

  “It was my great-great-grandfather’s, and you’re right, it’s a relic.” Too bad I haven’t been able to sell it.

  “My point. The things I own fit into the bed of a pickup truck.” He chuckled. “That’s why I came in your store. I like looking at old stuff. Antiques have a history. My stuff is Ikea vintage, purchased current day.”

  “If you like antiques, I have a shop full of stuff you can buy at a real good price.”

  “And where would I put it? Naw. Sure, I’d like to own a French musket or a German beer stein, but to me, it’s more about the history—who made it or who owned it, where it’s been. History fascinates me. I like finding an object and learning its history.” He nudged her with his elbow. “I thought you liked antiques.”

  “It’s not that I can’t appreciate a finely crafted silver set or hand-painted dish. You saw my tea set collection. But I think I lost interest once the excitement of the hunt ended with the Internet. My mom would get so excited when she found something rare, or a particular piece to complete a collection.

  “The day I showed her three exactly like it on eBay, she got really mad and told me I didn’t get it. And I didn’t…get it, that is. In high school I begged my parents to let me go to art school, but they insisted on me going to business school. I think in their minds, a business degree provided a good foundation for any career path.”

  “Business? Not nursing or a medical degree?”

  She shifted uneasily in the chair. “Health care? I don’t think so.”

  “Why not? You’re smart enough.”

  She’d considered the medical field, but she liked the caring side of nursing better than the technical side. Even thinking about chemistry and biology cla
sses gave her hives. Plus, back then she’d considered creating masterpieces on canvas a perfect choice. Now she wasn’t so sure. Eating tuna fish and rice crackers for the past four months kinda took the romance out of the starving artist gig.

  She tilted her head toward the sky. “Something to think about. My immediate goal is to find a decent-paying job and a place to live.”

  “I get priorities, but it’s never too late to work toward something you’re passionate about. Caring for others is a gift, and you’re good at it. If you want, I can put you in touch with a few of my buddies in the medical corps.”

  “Medical corps. Military. No thanks.”

  “Come on. The military isn’t as bad as you make it seem.”

  He had a point, but she didn’t want to go there.

  Chase saw her, not the persona she’d created for her mom. His insights scared, yet thrilled her. In only a few days, he’d come to understand what her parents never had. He accepted her without questioning or trying to change her, only trying to help her see a better path.

  She reached out to find his arm. “You’re right. I’ll think about it.”

  His warm fingers circled her neck and guided her toward the welcoming heat. The night’s cool air brought a chill, but his breath warmed her cheeks. Fingers tightened on her arm, and he held her close. His lips touched hers, his tongue tickling until she opened to him. Hot embers ignited inside her. His tongue retreated and she chased the sensation, wanting more. He met her halfway and deepened the kiss, both fighting for a breath until the connection ended. He slid his hand from her neck, his thumb brushing her cheek, and said, “I’ve wanted to do that all day.”

  This kiss felt different, and took her places she wanted to explore. It had been too long since she’d seen intense desire on a man’s face, and she wondered when she would again. She didn’t want to what-if anymore.

  Chase’s kiss delivered an all-out warning. If they continued the foreplay, it would lead straight to the bedroom, and nothing or no one could stop the forward motion once they started. The wine consumed during the girls’ night with Jenna encouraged her to lean closer, seeking a connection. She reached for his hand, lacing her fingers with his. “Does this mean you’ve forgiven me for my temper tantrum this morning?”

  “I told you then, there was nothing to worry about.” The huskiness in his voice spread across her skin like soft, silky lotion.

  She leaned back, wishing she could see into his heart. “I like you, Chase. I like you a lot, but I’m afraid.”

  “Tell me what you’re afraid of.”

  “We get each other. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t felt free to speak the truth for a long time. I want to find the authentic me, and I’m not willing to give up whatever this is for one night of bliss.”

  “There’s nothing more authentic than getting naked and exposing yourself to another person. Besides, bliss sounds like a lot of fun.”

  She laughed. “Tell me about it. Three years is a long time. Not that I’m counting or anything. And that’s my other concern. Disappointing you.”

  He scratched his head and chuckled. “You can’t disappoint me. Not possible.”

  “How do you know?” She shivered and goose bumps covered her arms, even though between the fire and the down blanket, she should be sweating. She gave him a tentative smile.

  “Don’t be afraid.”

  “Me? Afraid?” You bet your sweet ass, I’m afraid.

  And her white cotton underwear, the type sold five pairs to the pack, reminded her why there should be no intimacy.

  “Let me in, Ash.” He stood and held out his hand.

  He waited patiently, quietly. Unlike her mind, where a bomb had gone off, and fragments of thoughts were running around in a panic.

  The way he looked at her was pure, tantalizing temptation, and made her mouth water. “I need to settle Lucky,” she replied with a kick of pleasure for managing to say something at least half intelligent.

  “That’s the thing about dogs, they like to sleep.” He stood and closed the grates on the fireplace, the embers outlining his body. He reached over his shoulders and in one motion pulled off his shirt.

  Oh. God. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting naked. Are you going to join me?”

  “Um,” she managed, while her mind still struggled to kick-start some brain matter.

  She swallowed hard when his hands went to the top button of his jeans. Lord help me. As his zipper descended, her body pooled with the desire to connect to his skin.


  “Tell me you want this, Ash.”

  Please want me, she heard, although he didn’t say it. In her mind, she responded, Yes, and thank you.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ashley made everything in his body go wild-ass crazy.

  He’d been careful to not move too fast, forcing himself to slow down, but seeing her in the firelight, the stars above…he couldn’t wait any longer.

  She had a way of sneaking behind his defenses and surprising him, leaving him completely disarmed.

  Until there he stood, vulnerable, scars and all.

  Something in her eyes flared. “You’re so…”

  “You’re so…what?”


  The breath he didn’t know he’d been holding whooshed out like a dam breaking.

  He’d worried about her reaction to the scars crisscrossing his body, but her lack of revulsion made him appreciate her more. An unexpected gift…which he should have expected because he’d seen her caring heart in action.

  A couple of his scars came from his time in the military, but the rest were from when one of his foster mother’s boyfriends held him down and stubbed cigarettes out on his chest. Some women got a deranged thrill when they saw his scars, fantasizing over how he’d gotten them and believing him to be a bull who’d give them the ride of a lifetime. Normally, he didn’t disappoint. This time, however, the trip was going to be different. This time, he didn’t feel like he had anything to prove.

  He lifted Ashley from the Adirondack chair. “Let’s go upstairs, Ash. I want to show you how perfect we can be,” he murmured, kissing the soft skin below her ear.


  “Shh, no buts. Not tonight. I want to make love to you, Ashley. I want us to explore. I want you to feel everything I’m feeling.”

  Her body stiffened. He expected her to say no. He expected her to kick his sorry butt out of the house. But then her eyes shifted and softened. Her body relaxed. “What are we waiting for?”

  He couldn’t get upstairs fast enough. He kissed her and filled his senses with her citrus shampoo and luscious curves. He considered the comfortable-looking couch, but decided she deserved better. And maybe she deserved better than him, but he pushed the idea aside.

  At the edge of the guest bed, he released her legs and gently lowered her to the floor. Her gaze lifted to his mouth and her tongue swiped over her lips.

  Not wanting to disappoint, he slanted his head and captured her mouth, seeking, pressing deeper. “I want to see you,” he said, his tone husky and a bit demanding.

  When he gripped the hem of her sweater, she lifted her arms. Then her hands paused over the waistband of her jeans.

  “Let me.” He unbuttoned and unzipped and slid his hands inside to feel her velvety skin.

  She released a soft groan, encouraging him and giving permission to slide her pants and cotton underwear down her smooth thighs. After she’d kicked out of her pants, taking her socks off at the same time, he cupped her face.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  He deepened the kiss and got completely lost, nibbling, kissing, sucking. She snuggled closer, naked, only a bra covering those luscious breasts. Removing the barrier became a must, but she beat him to it, letting the nude nylon slide down her arms.

  When she fully, freely connected to his body, she let out an erotic moan, and he went stiff.



  He leaned back and looked deep into her eyes, searching for regret or indecision. “Make sure this is what you want because I want you more than I’ve wanted anything. I want to show you how special you are. If you give me the go-ahead, I may not be able to stop later.”

  In response, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and climbed straight up his body. He leveraged her climb, but still wanted an answer.


  “For a guy, you sure talk a lot.” Her trembling fingers settled on his lips for a brief second.

  His mouth closed over hers, and he nibbled his way to her neck. “Tell me you want this.”

  “I want this.”

  He indulged in the roundness of her ass before letting his fingers skim her outer thighs. He wanted her to forget he was a Marine, forget about making any decisions about her future, forget everything. Just be. He made his way from her collarbone to her ear. “Tell me again.”

  “I want this,” she managed, even out of breath.

  With her clinging to him like a formfitting glove, he leaned over to retrieve a condom from his wallet sitting on the dresser, and then moved toward the bed. He lowered her to the mattress before pinning her sexy softness beneath him, hovering his weight above her.

  “I want you. I need this.” His words were daring, exposing his real need. Her. He needed her. “Tell me how I can please you.”

  He leaned in. Let his tongue play with her nipple before indulging and sucking the turgid flesh into his mouth.

  “Yes.” The word floated out of her mouth on a sigh.

  “Yes? You want more of this?” He switched breasts and provided the same tantalizing stimulation. He tugged and sucked hard on her flesh while he inched his fingers closer to her core. She wriggled beneath his hands, trying to get closer.

  “Chase, stop talking,” she pleaded against his skin, begging him with her body.

  He laughed and slid his fingers higher, and then between her thighs, making her bring out the claws. She sank her fingernails into his back, dragging him closer while biting the exact right places. He moaned at the mind-blowing pleasure.


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