Book Read Free

Raising Landry

Page 13

by Andee Michelle

  Landry and Kyler stroll into the kitchen just as I start to pour the pancake batter onto the griddle pan.

  “What’cha makin, Car?” Kyler asks as he opens the fridge and pulls out the milk and orange juice.

  “Just thought I’d make y’all some pancakes before you head off to work and school,” I respond without looking up.

  “Eager to see the property today?” he inquires.

  I look up and over to where he and Landry are sitting at the breakfast bar. She is smiling up at him as he signs to her, asking if she wants milk or juice with breakfast. He has learned to sign a lot of everyday words and is able to communicate pretty well with Landry.

  “Eager, and nervous. I just have a feeling about this place.” I smile as I respond, my heart happy to see the love between the two of them.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with? I can totally take the whole day off,” he says with a smile.

  “Nah, I’m good. If it’s everything I hope it is, I’ll definitely be taking you both to see it soon,” I tell him as I turn back to the stove to flip the pancakes.

  I finish up the pancakes, pull out the fruit I cut up earlier and place it all on the breakfast bar before taking a seat to join them.

  We eat in silence and then Kyler and Landry get up to leave for work/school. I kiss Landry and tell her to have a good day before waving to Kyler as they walk out the door. I grab my bags, my cell and a bottle of water and head to my car.

  As I drive to the realtor’s office, I see a dark-colored car behind me that seems to be turning every time I do. I swear I remember that vehicle from a few days ago, but I’m probably just being paranoid. I know Jerrod is still out there, and although he has been really quiet since the day he came to my apartment, I’m still a little freaked-out and on edge most of the time.

  I pull into a parking spot not far from the entrance to the realtor’s building. As I get out of the car, I look around and notice the vehicle I thought was following me at the other end of the parking lot, idling. Now I’m definitely freaking out.

  I walk quickly to the office building and as soon as I get inside, I pull my cell phone out and hit Detective Lopez’s number.

  “Lopez,” I hear on the other end.

  “Detective Lopez, it’s Carson Breaux. Hey, I may just be a paranoid freak, but I’m pretty sure there is a car that has been following me,” I blurt out quickly.

  “Where are you Carson?” he asks with a bit of agitation.

  “I’m at my realtor’s office. It’s Harper Realty on the west side. I can still see the car out there. I have an appointment to go see some commercial property with my realtor, but I don’t want to leave with her and then him follow us. How far are you from me?” I ask.

  “I’m a ways away, Carson, but I’m sending an officer who’s closer to you over to check it out. Don’t leave the building until an officer is there,” he demands. I can hear commotion in the background so I know he’s at the precinct.

  “Okay. We’ll stay put,” I reply before hanging up.

  I walk over to the receptionist and let her know I have an appointment with Karen. She calls in to Karen and lets her know I’ve arrived. I keep my eyes on the front door to ensure whoever it is out there isn’t coming inside. From what I’ve heard, if it is Jerrod, he’s crazy and there is no telling if he’ll freak-out and come in guns a-blazin’!

  A few minutes, which feels like a few hours, later, Karen comes out.

  “Hi, Ms. Breaux. Glad you could make it,” she greets in an extremely professional voice.

  “Hi, Karen. Please call me, Carson.” I stop for a second and then continue, “I know our appointment has us leaving to go see the property right now, and I don’t want to alarm you, but I need to wait here until a police officer arrives before we can leave,” I inform her while looking directly at her face so I can judge her reaction.

  “Police officer? What’s going on?” she asks hesitantly.

  Karen knows I missed our first and only appointment because I was in a car accident, but she didn’t know any details. I explain about the accident, quickly with as little of the extra details as possible. I tell her about the vehicle I think is following me and about the investigation with Jerrod. She is shocked to say the least, but says she understands and agrees to wait until the officer arrives to make sure things are clear before we leave.

  Just minutes later, an officer arrives, asking me to come out to the parking lot to see if I can identify the vehicle that was following me. As we walk out of the building, my stomach drops when I look to the back of the lot and see the car is gone. There is no sign of it anywhere.

  I give the officer my statement about what the car looked like and tell him about the feeling I got a few days ago when I saw what I believed to be the same vehicle. Just minutes into my discussion with the officer, Detective Lopez shows up.

  “Carson, are you okay?” he asks as he rushes up.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. A little shaken up that he’s still out there, but I’m fine. He hasn’t tried to make contact with me since that day at my apartment,” I reply.

  “We’re gonna catch him. I promise you that. We are still following up on leads and my gut tells me we’re getting close,” Lopez states proudly.

  “Okay, well, if things are clear here, I’d like to continue with my appointment with Karen. If that’s all right with y’all,” I tell Lopez.

  “Yes, ma’am. We have your statement and have secured the area. He’s not within a mile radius of this place,” he responds affirmatively.

  “Thanks, Detective Lopez. I think we’ll head out.” I look back toward Karen. She nods quickly with wide eyes.

  When we get out to the parking lot, Karen suggests that she drives since Jerrod doesn’t know her vehicle, and she knows the way to the property we are going out to view. I agree without argument.

  As we cruise through the city, headed toward what very well could be my new future, I can’t help but feel a little down. Lu should be here with me for this. She had been a part of my big plan/picture for the past several years. Not only was she my best friend, but we had discussed her being my manager at the restaurant. Knowing that I’m that much closer to finally making my dream come true makes me miss her even more. She was supposed to be a big part of this.

  As we drive down toward the coast, I can see the ocean off in the distance. I’ve always loved the ocean. Yeah, we had the Gulf in Louisiana, but it wasn’t the same. I’d had an obsession with lighthouses for as long as I can remember, so when Karen pulls to a stop on an open space that has a lighthouse off in the distance, I pray that she stopped because this is the property…MY property.

  “Please tell me this is it,” I whisper.

  Karen’s face lights up when she looks over and sees my face. “Why, yes it is, and by the look on your face, I can tell you love it.” She chuckles.

  I step out of the car and walk toward the shore. This is literally what I dreamed of as a child. It is a strip of land, fairly close to the water, with a lighthouse off in the distance. There are trees everywhere, and everything about this spot makes my heart flutter. I know this is it. I feel it down in my soul that this is where I’m supposed to be. This is my new beginning, and I’m so ready to get started.

  I turn to look at Karen but stop when I see Kyler walking toward me with a huge smile on his face. I run to him, unable to stop the amazing feeling brewing in my chest. Happiness. I can’t remember the last time I had this much happiness flowing through me. I found it. I found the place I get to start my new life. I throw myself into his arms, knowing he’ll catch me and he does. He pulls me into him and hugs me so tight I can hardly breathe.

  “This is it, huh, Car?” he asks with a chuckle. I pull back and look at his amused face.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask quickly.

  “Something told me I needed to be here for this, for you, so I decided to meet you over at the realtor’s office to come with. You guys were pulling out of the p
arking lot just as I got there, so I followed,” he replies.

  “Thank you. I didn’t realize how emotional this was going to be. I’m glad you’re here,” I say quickly, untangling myself from him and grabbing his hand to pull him along with me as I turn back toward Karen.

  “I’ll take it!” I say to her as we walk over. She just smiles and nods.

  “Well, let’s head back to the office and get some paperwork in. We’ll put in your offer and make sure things are on the right track.” Karen smiles over at me.

  “Sure, but can you give me another minute? I need to take it all in just a little longer,” I tell her quietly, my voice slowly giving out on me. I can feel the lump rising in my throat. I am so happy I can barely contain it, and for some reason that feels wrong. How can I be this happy when my best friend is gone and she should’ve been there sharing this moment with me? I just keep reminding myself over and over that Lu would love this place, and she would want me to be happy and move on with my life. It’s been almost six months since the accident, but it still feels so fresh in my mind. I know part of me not being able to move on is that Jerrod is still out there somewhere, living his life, and apparently continuing to try to make mine miserable. I push the thoughts of Jerrod and Lu out of my mind. This is my day, and I deserve to feel this happiness. I need to let go of my guilt over Lu’s death or I’ll never move forward.

  Focusing on the good of what’s happening, I let my eyes scan my surroundings. I can’t believe this is it. It’s surreal that I’ve found the absolute perfect spot for my restaurant. I feel like I can finally start my life. I take off my shoes and hold them in my hand as I walk along the sand, digging my toes into it. I know the next few years are going to be busy and tough, but I realize in that moment how grateful I am to Kyler for being here and a part of our lives. I let go of his hand and make my way toward the water’s edge. I know he is following me, but I just need a minute to get my emotions under control. I stop a few feet away from the water and just look out at the vast open ocean. I can’t believe I finally have my land.

  I feel Kyler come up behind me and when he places his hands on my shoulders, I feel my body relax. I turn and look up at his beautiful face and he smiles. Kyler reaches up, pushes the hair away from my face and cups my cheeks. He leans his face down and places his cheek against mine with his mouth near my ear.

  “This place is beautiful, Carson. It’s perfect,” he whispers quietly into my ear. I’m so surprised by the intimacy in his voice that I can’t respond and just nod, leaning my face against his.

  “She would be happy for you, Carson. She would be so damn proud of you for continuing on with your dream,” he says as he pulls his face back from mine and looks into my eyes.

  That’s all it takes for the tears to finally break free. I am so overwhelmed with feelings for him that I don’t know what to say or do. He has been a great friend to me since the accident, not to mention an amazing dad to Landry. We need him in our lives. I need his support and friendship. But I also know that my feelings for him go beyond friendship. Maybe someday things will change but for now, I need to let him focus on his relationship with Landry, and I need to focus on my dream.

  I pull Kyler to me and hug him for all I’m worth. “Thank you, Kyler. Thank you for saying that, and thank you for being here,” I tell him, my voice thick with emotion.

  “You don’t have to thank me, Car,” he says quietly. He looks into my eyes and his next words shock me, because it’s like he can read my mind.

  “Carson, I know I’ve kind of been distant lately, but I also know you know why. There is something big between us. I know you feel it as much as I do, but we both know now is not our time. I know I’ve said that before, but we both have important things to focus on right now: Landry, and now making your dreams come true. We will have our time; I know it in my heart. For now, we’ll just have to see how things play out. I can’t lose your friendship. You are my best friend, Carson. I hope you know that.” He kisses my forehead and then looks into my eyes for my reaction. I swear, sometimes I wonder if this man can read my thoughts. It’s semi-creepy.

  “I know exactly what you are saying, Kyler.” I wrap my arms around his waist and put my head on his chest. “I know that if you feel for me just half of what I feel for you, we’ll find our time. I can’t imagine a day without you in my life. I need you in my life, Kyler.” I rest my hands on his cheeks, fighting like hell to stop myself from lifting up on my toes and pressing my lips against his. I lose the battle. The moment my lips touch his, I know I’m a goner. The kiss starts out gentle and loving but soon turns a little more passionate. Kyler weaves his fingers into my hair, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. It’s the most amazing kiss I’ve ever experienced, so full of passion and want.

  I pull away slowly and rest my head on his chest, looking out over the ocean in front of us. Kyler holds me against him for a few minutes before I hear Karen come up behind us.

  “Sorry, Carson, but I need to get back to the office to get this paperwork in. Are you going to ride with me, or are you going to ride with this gentleman and meet me back at office?” she asks.

  “She’ll ride with me,” Kyler states, still holding me to him.

  “Okay. It’ll take me about an hour to get the paperwork together, so take your time,” she says as she walks away.

  I hold on to Kyler until I hear Karen’s car pull away. Slowly untangling myself from his arms, I walk along the shore in the direction of the lighthouse. I start thinking of all the things I need to do now that I’ve found the perfect spot. A good contractor is step one. I try to envision what the place will look like. With the lighthouse in the distance, I know I want the main dining area to face that direction, with floor-to-ceiling windows so the diners will have this amazing view. I want there to be a covered deck for nicer weather and special events. As to not take away from the serenity of the wooded area, all the siding must be local wood to help it blend in. I have so many decisions to make.

  Kyler walks over and takes my hand. “Come on, Car. I’ll buy you lunch before I drop you back at the realtor’s office, and then I’ll head over and get Landry from school.” He smiles down at me.

  We drive back into the city and head to a little deli not far from the realtor’s office. We get our order and make our way outside to sit in the little seating area.

  “So, do you know any contractors, Ky, because I think that is my first big step. I need to find a contractor.” I ask between huge bites of the yummy prime rib sandwich I’m devouring. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until we walked into the yummy smells of the deli.

  “Actually, I do. I have a very good friend who is a commercial contractor. I’ll give you his contact information when we get home. He’ll definitely be able to help you,” Kyler replies with pride. I love hearing him call his house our home. I know we live there, but still. It’s his house, although he’s never made me feel like it’s anything but our home.

  “Great,” I exclaim with my mouth full, causing Kyler to shake his head and laugh.

  We finish our lunch in silence and then head to the car to get back over to Karen’s office. Kyler wishes me luck and kisses my cheek as I get out of the car.

  “I’ll see you at home, Car,” Kyler says as I close the door. I give him a little wave and head inside. My heart soars knowing Kyler feels the things I do and that he is being so supportive and helpful with my plans. It should make the process easier to have someone on my side.

  When I get inside, Karen is running around frantically and my heart drops. What is going on?

  “Karen, what’s wrong?” I ask her, a little more forcefully than I had intended.

  “Remember when I told you that someone had called about the property a while back but hadn’t put in an offer? Well, apparently he put in an offer today while we were out there,” she says quickly, my heart all but shattering.

  “What did he offer? I’ll offer more. I need that property, Karen!” I shout. My heart i
s going a million miles an hour and I feel like I’m going to puke. This can’t be happening.

  “Calm down, Carson. I’m doing everything I can to find out what is going on. Give me a few minutes to sort this.” She practically yells at me as she runs to the other room.

  I frantically dig through my purse looking for my cell. When I find it, I see I’ve missed a few calls from an unknown number and have a voicemail, but I’ll deal with that later. I dial Kyler’s number, praying he answers.

  “Hey, Car,” he greets cheerfully.

  “KYLER!! Someone put a bid on the property while we were out there. This can’t be happening. I have to have that property!” I yell into the phone, tears streaming down my face. I know I sound like a 2-year-old throwing a fit right now, but I don’t care. I know that property is supposed to be mine. That is my dream property, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna lose it. It’s mine!

  “Calm down, Carson. We’ll fix this. Give me a few minutes; I’m heading back your way,” he says quickly.

  “Okay. Please hurry,” I urge him before hanging up and going in search of Karen.

  My phone rings and when I look at the screen, it’s an unknown number again. I press reject and slip it back into my purse.

  I find Karen in her office and on her phone.

  “What do you mean the buyer wants to stay anonymous? That’s not possible!” Karen shouts into the phone. She continues, “Wait what?” She listens for a moment and then says, “Yes, Carson Breaux is the woman wanting to put in the full bid.” She stops again.

  I wave my hand at her, so she notices I’ve come into the room. She nods at me, and points to the chairs in front of her desk.


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