Dangerous Beauty: Part Three: This is War
Page 70
To my Boombers, Aydan and Ethan. What can say about you two little tricksters? You two are the coolest one year olds I’ve ever met. Thank you for the laughs, the cries, the cuddle, and for always eating enough snacks to make sure that you both remain the appropriate weights to be Aunties little Chubble-bubbles (or my little Ma-chunkins). I love you like crazy my chubby little Boomer-Doops. Keep it cool punks.
To my Grandma. I know that there will never be a day that you read one of my books (lol), but I want to thank you for still being one of my #1 fans, even though you haven’t seen my work. I love you Grammykins!
To Queen Patrice. Thank you for always letting me bug you with my latest manuscript. You are hands down the coolest person I have EVER met, like ever! *sigh* I’m honored to share my first and middle name with you. Patrice Michelles 4 life!
To Sandra. What can I say…. Best beta-reader ever! I love ya chica! Thank you for reading for me once again. You’re the bestess.