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by Leila Bryce Sin


  Chapter Five in the Taryn Malloy Fantasies


  Leila Bryce Sin

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2012 by Leila Bryce Sin

  Cover art by Leila Bryce Sin

  Lying in bed, the covers pooled around me and the pillows mounded behind me, I lifted the charm from my neck, letting it hang above my face. The fairy floss chain felt as thin as a thread of silk between my fingers as I watched the charm spin in slow circles, the amethyst chips glinting in the dim light in my room. A breeze fluttered through the room, slipping under the covers and sliding up my body like a cool, caressing hand. I closed my eyes and squirmed into the bed, enjoying the sensation.

  When I opened my eyes again, I could see the dark shadow of Andre the vampire in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame, his arms crossed over his chest, one foot up, braced against the frame. He stood in that exact same pose when we first met and he knew it always made me smile.

  “That’s a pretty little trinket,” he said by way of greeting.

  “Yes, it is,” I agreed before rolling to my side, the covers twisting around me as I leaned to drop the necklace on my bedside table. When I rolled back, Andre was already on the bed, looming over me. I gasped in surprise and then laughed; taking an elf by surprise is difficult, but if any creature can do it, it is a vampire. His arms were on either side of me, making the sheet press tightly across my bare chest, trapping me.

  Andre dipped his head forward, making his inky, thick curls swing forward and surround my face. His breath was cool against my skin, making me shiver just as his magic had, and then his lips were on the hollow of my collarbone, pressing a kiss to my skin. My mouth curled up into a smile and I let my eyes fall closed again, concentrating on the feel of his lips on my body. I ran my hands up his arms, feeling the cool silk shirt under my fingers before I reached up and slipped my fingers into his thick mane of hair. Everything about him was cool to the touch tonight, telling me he had waited to feed until he could see me. My blood would make him warm again; my blood would make him hard again.

  I shifted my hips, rubbing my thighs together, thinking about Andre biting me, his fangs piercing me, my blood rushing into him as he filled me. Andre dragged his lips up the curve of my neck, his tongue darting out to taste my skin, before he nipped at the muscle, making me moan quietly.

  “Oh, that isn’t nearly loud enough,” he purred into my ear.

  “Then you’ll have to try much harder,” I whispered back. He lifted his face, brushing his smooth cheek against mine until his lips were hovering close to my mouth. I tilted my chin up, my lips parted, reaching for him, wanting his kiss. It had been too long since I had replenished my stores of magic, and even longer since I had seen Andre. After the Solstice Massacre, many of our community had decided to lay low for a time, letting the humans calm down. For whatever reason, they blamed us for the Moon Madness, so the supernatural community went to ground for a few weeks, only now starting to come back out, assimilating with the world again. Andre had even closed the club and taken an extended vacation.

  He had invited me to go with him, promising to show me the real Paris, whatever that was, but I declined. It just seemed like a very big thing for such a casual relationship, and that’s all I was interested in having right now. If I had gone off with him for nearly a month, I would be leaving Daniel and Corbin, and I just couldn’t bear to be away from any of them for that long. Daniel leaving for training when he had a big fight coming up was bad enough, but I always knew when he would be back. Corbin still never left his apartment, depending on me to come to him when I wanted to see him. It was kind of nice having someone need me as much as that, but never seeming desperate or demanding about it. And Andre, well, Andre did just fine whether I was around or not.

  Andre had far more partners than I did, which was fine by me. After all, I couldn’t hope to be his only source of blood and sex. Elves weren’t immortal and his needs could definitely kill me. But if I went with him on some extended vacation, away from my other men, the other sources of my power and magic, I would’ve had to depend solely on him. Oh, I could’ve probably found other willing partners, but after my last tryst with a complete stranger ended with me nearly bound to him for life, I was a little more cautious with my choices. Call me old fashioned, but I liked to know a guy’s name before we danced now.

  The razor sharp tip of Andre’s canine on my neck brought me out of my thoughts and back to the present moment. Andre still loomed over me, pressing me into the bed with the sheet strapping me down under the weight of his arms. I wasn’t ready for his bite though, so I slid one hand between his mouth and my neck, the other twisting into his hair and pulling his head back. He growled against the pain and the refusal, but I only smiled up at him. He wasn’t really angry with me anyway. As strong as I was, he was stronger still, and he could’ve forced his bite on me if he wanted. But he wanted to play my game instead.

  He lifted one hand from the bed and grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand away from his mouth. He placed my hand above my head, trapping it and holding it down with his fingers wrapped around my wrist. When I tried to squirm free, he only pressed my arm harder into the bed, letting me know it wasn’t going anywhere. With his other, free hand, he gripped the covers and ripped them away from my body, using his grace and strength to rip them from the bed and throw them to the ground. I laid bare under him, only his silken shirt and black leather pants separating our bodies.

  His eyes swept down my body, and everywhere his gaze went, I felt a cool caress sliding over my skin. Andre’s magic never ceased to amaze me. I coiled my fingers tighter into his hair and tugged, pulling his face back up to mine. One fine, dark eyebrow arched in answer to my demands before his other hand came up and forcibly pulled my hand out of his hair and placed it above my head with the other. Crossing my arms at the wrists, he was able to hold them both down with one of his large hands, pressing them almost painfully into the bed.

  He placed one finger under my chin, tilting it up so I could only look at his face, and with his hair hanging around me, it was all I could see.

  “So, she wants to play games, does she?” he whispered to me, a faint threatening note curling in his words. I swallowed hard, feeling my heartbeat speed up as his eyes bored into mine. Hearing my heartbeat made his pupils dilate, the blue shrinking to black. He pushed one knee between my legs, pushing them apart before he climbed on top of me, both his legs between mine now. He pushed his hips forward, urging my legs up and open around his waist.

  The soft leather of his pants pressed against my opening. The corded lacings holding them closed were rough against me, but I was so desperate for attention, for a touch, for anything, that it felt wonderful. My body throbbed and I felt myself becoming wet already. Shifting my hips, I rubbed against the lacings, my swollen clit responding immediately. Andre responded in kind, rocking his hips back and forth in a steady rhythm, but keeping himself far enough away that I couldn’t fully press myself against him and I knew this would never bring me over that delicious edge. I whimpered in frustration, pulling against his grip until I felt my skin burn. The pain and pleasure awakened the magic inside of me, swirling around my belly before flooding my body, reaching for the points where our bodies met, making my pussy throb harder, hungrier.

  “Answer me,” Andre demanded, his voice hard. “Do you want to play games?”

  “No,” I managed, my voice catching as the magic rebounded inside of me, looking for a source, wanting to drink in the power
Andre’s lust offered. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “No,” he said as he shook his head, the tips of his soft curls brushing the tops of my breasts, tickling me and making my magic reach for that sensation, making my nipples pucker and tingle with need. “No,” he said again, “I think she wants to play.”

  I looked into his eyes and saw the determination there. He was a predator used to taking what he wanted, when he wanted, and when I had pulled his hungry mouth away from my neck, I had challenged him. I had opened this floodgate; now I would have to ride the wave. I felt his free hand go between us and his hips shifted to the right, and a moment later, I heard the sound of leather sliding along leather and I knew he had pulled his belt free of his pants.

  With movements too fast for even my elfin eyes to follow, Andre had the belt around my wrists and through the railing of my headboard, cinched tight. I tried to flatten my hands and pull them free, but this clearly wasn’t the first time Andre had tied a woman to a bed. The edges of the belt bit into my arms, just painful enough to keep me in place.

  Andre sat back on his heels, keeping any part of his body from touching mine except for my legs draped lazily around his hips. It wasn’t nearly enough contact; my magic swirled madly through my body, reaching for anything, anyone, but with his clothing on, I couldn’t draw power from what little of his body my skin touched.

  “Andre, please,” I begged.

  “Oh, you can do better than that,” he said with a Cheshire cat smile. “And you will do better than that.”

  He vaulted from the bed, landing on his feet as quietly as a cat, and I watched, almost in fear, wondering if he was going to leave me bound to the bed. Thankfully, he remained where he was and methodically started to unbutton his shirt. He started with the French cuffs, moving slowly, almost lazily, to the buttons at his chest, trailing down until he had to pull the shirttails out of the waistband of his pants. When the shirt hung open, I traced the lines of his chest and stomach with my eyes, wishing I was doing it with my tongue.

  As if feeling the heat of my gaze on him, Andre lifted his eyes to meet my stare, one corner of his red, red mouth turned up in a sly smile. He peeled the shirt off of his shoulders, letting it flutter to the ground behind him. I expected him to go for the lacings of his pants next, but he didn’t. Instead, he pulled a black ribbon from his pocket and reached behind him to gather and bind his hair in a loose ponytail to keep it out of the way.

  Andre walked out of the room then, disappearing into my closet. When he came back, I wasn’t surprised to see one of my silk scarves in his hands. Kneeling on one knee, he bent over me and placed the scarf over my eyes and tied it behind my head. He trailed one fingertip along my cheek, down my neck, and over the swell of my breast. I bit down on my lip, bowing my back, my body moving in a wave following his finger. Down the valley between my breasts and over the soft skin of my stomach he trailed, and I braced myself to feel him reach between my legs, but he didn’t.

  I gasped in surprise when his finger lifted away from my body. The bed shifted as he pushed away. I found myself straining to hear where he was, what he was doing, but no one could be silent like a vampire; he could be floating for all I knew. So when I felt his cool lips on the curve of my hip, I jolted against my binds. He kissed me slowly, the tip of his tongue tracing the line of my hip, down to the curling hair between my legs. I squirmed in anticipation, but again he moved away just before he actually touched me where I longed to be touched.

  The bed shifted again and I felt him crawling up from the foot of the bed. His shoulders hit my feet, urging my legs open as he crawled up, and I prayed he’d discarded those damn pants, but as he moved up between my legs, I felt the soft leather around his waist. I sighed in frustration, but if he heard me, he ignored it. His hands slid along my calves and up the insides of my thighs, pushing them further open until his thumbs brushed along the silky folds of my pussy, but he continued up, over my thighs and up my stomach. My body twisted and squirmed at the teasing, desperate for him to thrust his cock inside of me and just pound into me until I screamed. Every nerve ending in my body was screaming, pressing against my skin, and the hungry power inside of me grew hot with need. The seeking magic inside of me followed the flow of his hands, sipping from what little contact he offered.

  His hands slid up to my breasts, and his hips settled between my thighs and once again the rough lacings of his pants pressed against me. It was the only hard thing touching me since he still hadn’t fed. Now I was cursing myself for stopping his bite; had I let him, he would be hard and thick now and inside of me, raising my magic, feeding my power as I clawed at his back and screamed for him. I would know better next time.

  I curled my fingers around the railing I was strapped to as Andre mounded my breasts, his thumbs brushing over my nipples, making them hard and puckered. I shifted my hips to rub myself against him, feeling the sweet pain growing in my clit. His lips surrounded one nipple as his fingers toyed with the other; he suckled me gently, teasing the tip with his lips and tongue. I moaned gratefully, arching my back, pressing my breasts into him as my hips worked faster and faster. It had been weeks since I had another feed my magic. The orgasm was rising inside of me quickly. Andre pushed his hips into me as he shifted his mouth to my other breast; this time he sucked me hard until I knew my nipple was red and throbbing just like my clit.

  I started to say his name, begging him for more, not to stop as I bucked under him. I was so close, so damn close my magic swirled happily in me, drinking in the power from his hands on my soft breasts and his hungry mouth on me.

  And then he was gone. I screamed in frustration, feeling the magic crash inside of me, the wave losing its power, and my pussy throbbed painfully.

  “Andre!” I called out, my arms pulling at my binds until my arms protested in pain. I heard him chuckling softly. “Please,” I begged, spreading my legs for him, arching my back. “Please, please come fuck me! Please, Andre!”

  “Much better,” he purred against my ear. His tongue darted out, swirling inside my ear as two fingers suddenly plunged inside of me. I cried out for him, his tongue in my ear and his fingers inside of me, and all I could think about was his cock filling me. My walls swelled with need, clenching around his fingers, and he forced a third inside of me as his thumb pressed into my clit, rubbing against me.

  Heat and power rose inside of me as the lost orgasm rose again and I was terrified he would stop if he knew I was about to come again. I bit down on my lip, holding in my screams, refusing to beg for more. But my hips betrayed me and I bucked on the bed, thrusting into his hand. He chuckled against my ear and withdrew his tongue. I started crying out for him, begging him not to stop, and nearly fainted with relief when he continued to finger me. I knew he was moving, but I couldn’t concentrate on what he might be doing because his fingers were bringing me closer and closer, my thighs trembling and my toes curled into the bed, gripping the sheet.

  I felt his fingers sliding out of me, but before I could beg for him to come back, his mouth was on me, sucking on my wet lips, pulling them into his mouth to be rolled and licked. My body went limp so suddenly that the leather belt bit into my wrists, but the pain only added another layer of sensation. He parted my lips, pushing his tongue inside of me before he shook his face violently against me, making my pussy vibrate deliciously. I moaned for him, unable to form intelligent words. He licked a long, deep, penetrating line up my opening until his now warm lips found my throbbing and swollen clit. He lapped at it with the flat of his tongue as his wet fingers slid back into me. I wanted to grip his hair, I wanted to stare down the curves of my body and watch him eat me, but unable to do either, all I could do was feel, feel his fingers inside of me, pushing my swollen walls open, feel his tongue on my clit, and feel my body filling with pleasure and power.

  When his fangs slid down, piercing my clit, the white hot pain flared through me just seconds before the orgasm finally, painfully, wonderfully crashed through me. I screamed
and thrashed on the bed, pushing my pussy into his mouth as he drank my blood and juices and his fingers pumped in and out of me, harder and faster. When my body went limp and the waves of the orgasm washed through me, I felt him pull his fingers out of me ever so slowly as his fangs retreated. He lapped at me, cleaning every little drop, making my body spasm as his tongue continued to roll over my abused and happy clit.

  Andre reached up and pulled the blindfold off of my eyes. I blinked in surprise, my eyes adjusting to the light quickly as they shone with power, having gone quick-silver as the magic rushed through me. I glanced down and saw that he was swollen and hard, bulging against the ties of his pants. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my lips. Andre chuckled again, louder this time as he watched my face and saw where I was looking.

  “I can help you with that,” I offered, tilting my head to the side.

  “Yes, I suppose you could, if I let you,” he said, one eye brow arching. With one hand, he untied the belt, and my wrists were suddenly free. My hands tingled as the blood rushed back into them, but I was already reaching for those lacings. Andre stopped me easily, grabbing me with one arm around my waist and lifting me off the bed. He walked over to the end of the bed and set me down. He turned me around and bent me over slightly, placing my hands on the railing of the footboard.

  “Don’t you move,” he threatened, his lips against my ear again, his warm breath washing down my neck, making me shiver.

  “And what if I do?” I dared, looking at him over my shoulder.

  “You’ll find out what,” he said cryptically. I bit my lip again, realizing it was sore and tender from earlier. Andre watched me for a moment more to make sure I didn’t move before he dropped his eyes and hands to his pants. I didn’t want him to stop, desperate for those damn pants to come off, but I couldn’t help my curiosity. I turned towards him, taking one hand off the railing. He was next to me in a split second, one hand on my wrist, putting my hand back, and the other reached out and swatted me on the ass. The sound was a snap and my rear tingled with the sharp pain. I yelped in surprise, turning wide eyes to him.


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