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The DarkWorld SkinWalker Series Box Set Vol II: The SkinWalker Series Books 4, 5 & 6: Blood Promise, Scorched Fury, & Fate's Edge (DarkWorld: SkinWalker)

Page 53

by T. G. Ayer

  “Tell me what to do. I want to help you,” she whispered.

  “I’m not sure what you need to do. Maybe start by trying to use your fire.”

  “Firstly, I’m not sure I can do it again, and secondly, do you really think that’s wise?”

  Logan frowned. “Why would you think it’s not wise?”

  “You certainly don’t want to burn the Odel family home down to the ground.”

  Logan wanted to laugh. “I wouldn’t want to do that, that much is true. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. My fire is well and truly stuck inside me. I’m not sure what I can do to release it.”

  Sienna shifted beside him, her body tilting back and forth, and he could picture her shaking her head. “I’ve only used my fire for one day. The last thing I want to do is to burn the Odel house down.”

  They were silent for a few moments before Logan said, “Maybe instead of trying to generate fire, you can try taking mine out of me.”

  “How in the world would I do that?” she asked, puzzled.

  “Clear your mind, and concentrate. Then take hold of my hand, and use the energy in your fingers to reach into my body and look for the fire.”

  “You make it sound easy.”

  “That’s because it is easy. You’re a fire mage, and using your power to create magic and manipulate fire is in your blood. You should be able to do it in your sleep, and even while you’re unconscious.”

  “Guess I won’t be able to do it in a coma though would I?”


  Sienna cleared her throat. Gripping his hand tighter, she said “And what do I do next?”

  “Close your eyes and think of what fire feels like, then use your mind and your nerves to find anything in my hand that feels like fire. My energy is within my body. I feel it surging beneath my skin all the time. So it shouldn’t be all that hard for you to find it and pry it from me.”

  “Won’t that be dangerous?”

  “The buildup of the fire within my body and my mind is enough to cause spontaneous combustion. And that’s more dangerous.”

  “Okay, let me try.” The silence lengthened and a few minutes later, she said, “I can feel the rushing heat inside you, as if your blood is on fire.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel.” Logan smiled wryly.

  “Okay. I’m going to try and draw some of that heat toward me.”

  Another few moments passed and Logan could feel the heat inside his arm begin to travel toward the surface of his skin, seeming to seek out Syn’s energy. It was working, he had no doubt of it

  “Ow,” Sienna shrieked, jumping up and patting something solid. She groaned and Logan could smell scorched fabric, and wanted to smile.

  She’d managed to set his bedclothes alight.

  “You really should try not to set me on fire,” he said dryly.

  “Shut up. You told me to pull the fire from you. Not my fault that it jumped out before I could catch it.”

  If Logan could smile he would have. She was just as he remembered. Exactly as he remembered, even the smart mouth too.

  For the next half hour, she continued to drain the buildup of fire from inside his body, giving him a peace that he hadn’t felt in weeks.

  At last she sighed and sat back. “How does it feel? Is it any better?”

  Logan smiled and knew she’d feel his happiness. “Much better. And see, I told you you could do it.”

  “Now you sound just like Kai.” Her tone was annoyed and dry, making Logan smile more.

  “What did she do?” he asked, knowing Kai would have had to do something impressive to deserve this reaction from his sister.

  Logan listened as Sienna replayed the events on the glacier, her reluctance to believe she had it in her to create fire, the distraction of being soaking wet and ice cold and the fury induced in her by the woman he loved with all his heart. Kai was impressive, and despite her tactics he was grateful she’d taken the chance.

  But beneath his sister’s words he sensed something else, something that was worrying her.

  “What’s wrong? There’s something bugging you, Sienna. You can tell me.”

  She got to her feet and began to pace. “There was something that happened. I couldn’t believe it at first because it made absolutely no sense. But now . . . After the whole making fire thing, and this . . . Helping you? It’s made me understand that there is so much I don’t understand.” She sighed and stopped moving.

  “What was it that you couldn’t believe?” Logan asked, not wanting to push her. Whatever troubled her, it didn’t seem like it was something she’d easily accept.

  She sat again, shifting rhythmically and he could almost picture her crossing one leg over the other and swinging it back and forth as she frowned.

  “So there was this incident.” She hesitated. “With a dragon.”

  “What happened? Did it hurt you?”

  “No. Actually it saved Kai. One of our Counsels was attempting to kill her when I walked into the room-”


  “Don’t worry. She’s fine. It’s one of the reasons we got out of there fast. Things were getting dangerous.” She spoke quickly. “Anyway, I ran toward her. I’m not sure what the hell I expected to do but when I grabbed him I could have sworn we both fell over the balustrade.”

  “As in over the side of the building. Like, plunging-to-your-death falling?” Logan asked, his heart thudding faster now. He tried to assure himself that Kai was fine because had anything happened to her he would have felt it in Sienna’s emotions. She’d never been one to hide her feelings and it already seemed like she liked Kai. So he breathed slowly and waited.

  Sienna laughed. “Yes. We should both be dead. But we were saved by a dragon.”

  “Sounds cool.”

  “Maybe.” She sucked in a breath. “I don’t remember anything about the fall. I fell, then I woke up on the floor of the balcony. That’s the extent of my recollection.”

  “And the dragon?”

  “That’s the freak-show part of the story. Kai said the dragon was me.”

  Blood rushed through Logan’s ears, loud enough to color his thoughts. “Why would she think that?”

  “Because she said she saw me transform from a dragon into me before I passed out.”

  “And you can’t remember any of this?”

  She shifted in the seat, probably shaking her head.

  “If Kai says she saw it, then she saw it.”

  “I’m not doubting her words. What I am wondering is how this is possible. How can I be a fire mage and not know it? How can I be a Drakyr and not remember shifting into one?”

  Logan swallowed then took a deep breath. “There is something else we need to consider.”

  “Which is?” she asked, sounding disinterested. He didn’t need to probe her feelings to know she was exhausted, from the events of the last few hours and from the conversation.

  “If you are a dragon, and we are twins…”

  “Holy Goddess.”

  Chapter 49

  Sienna returned to the living room, her expression revealing her uncertainty. She looked like a woman hovering somewhere between excitement and disappointment. I wanted to drag any information from her that I could get, but I controlled the urge.

  We’d been waiting patiently for Sienna to come downstairs. Darcy wanted to test Logan’s mind to see if Sienna’s arrival and interaction with him had helped.

  I cleared my throat. “So?”

  Sienna shrugged. “We talked about what happened in Drakys. And about my fire.”

  “Did you try using it with him?” I asked, still unsure what she was meant to do.

  But Sienna nodded and I felt a lilt of hope. “He guided me, and I tried pulling some of his energy from him. It was easier than I expected.”

  “It would be,” responded Darcy. “The magic of a mage lies in their spirit, their essence. It’s a totally natural thing, easily accessed once the bearer of the powe
r accepts it. And you have accepted your abilities. Perhaps that is why it wasn’t difficult.”

  Sienna nodded, looking relieved at Darcy’s explanation. “I think it helped. He said he felt less stressed with the constant buildup of energy.”

  Darcy let out an audible exhalation. “Thank God for that. I was so hoping you could help him enough that his body stops laboring under the strain.”

  “Is that why he couldn’t recover?”

  Darcy nodded. “Yes. His fire was in constant flux, unable to dissipate. So his body had to spend far too much energy to fight to recover as well as fight to contain the energy in case it explodes.”

  “And this will help?”

  Darcy nodded, her eyes exuding a confidence which made me breathe easy. “Definitely. I’ll go in a bit and have a look at him, but I’m sure I know what I’ll see. Even if you helped him only a little, it still means you’ve given his body a chance to fight back. You may need to repeat the process a few times.”

  Sienna nodded vigorously. “However much it takes, I’ll do it. I’m not going anywhere until he is well.”

  Her eyes sparkled and held no trace of her more recent fury with me. When she met my gaze she was smiling, the look of someone filled with joy. It amazed me that she’d feel this way despite risking her life to run from Elan and the queen of Drakys.

  “Kai. I need to thank you for what you did.”

  “What? I didn’t do anything except royally piss you off.”

  Sienna laughed, the sound tinkling and echoing around the living room. “That you certainly did. And it worked. But you realize it was extremely dangerous. I could have killed you if my fire had been volatile.”

  I shrugged. I’d expected that and was grateful at the time that she hadn’t incinerated me on the spot.

  “How did you know I wouldn’t kill you?”

  “I didn’t,” I replied, lifting my chin. “But I’d do anything if it meant giving Logan a chance at surviving.”

  Sienna studied me, tipping her head to the side. “You’ll make a good sister-in-law.”

  I choked on my laughter. “Now, don’t get ahead of yourself. Let the man get well first before you start pressuring him to propose.”

  She stilled. “And you’d say yes?” she asked eagerly, as if all I had to do was to nod and she’d be flying up the stairs to convince him of that.

  “Of course I would,” I said, finding my words echoing deep within my heart. Despite my feelings for Justin, and I’d be a fool to deny them, what I had with Logan was just as strong, if not stronger. I was his as long as he wanted me.

  I smiled and got to my feet. “Speaking of which, I have a date with Sleeping Handsome.”

  Sienna giggled as I hurried up the stairs to Logan’s room, a bundle of nerves.

  Just before I entered my cell phone began to buzz in my hand. The screen announced Horner and I headed back into the hallway and swiped to accept.

  “Yes, Boss.”

  “I hear you’ve returned. Sorry I wasn’t able to check in on you earlier.”

  I assured him I was fine and filled him in on much of what happened in Drakys, except for Sienna going all scales and wings on me. That he didn’t need to know yet. Like me, Horner was concerned about the toxic pollution, and the potential to use the Black Lily’s for bio-terrorism. Ash was probably testing the lilies right this minute.

  “And you’re certain Counsel Andyr is really Elan?”

  “Absolutely no doubt in my mind.”

  “Fine. I’ll speak to the Elders.”

  I hesitated, then decided I had nothing to lose. “Could you hold off contacting the Fae regarding our suspicions?”

  Horner fell silent. “Why?”

  “Because I’d like to tell Tara this myself. I don’t want her surprised when the Elders contact her. Whatever Elan was up to, it wasn’t done at her behest, nor was it actioned with her knowledge.”

  Horner cleared his throat. “I hardly think either of us are in a position to make assumptions-”

  I cut him off. “I’m not making assumptions. Trust me. I know Tara. And she’d already been investigating the poison. She was the one who suspected the Winter Court of having a hand in the killing of the trees. At least now we know how they’re doing it, and why they find Drakys so valuable.”

  “Fine. You have twenty-four hours. In the interim I shall speak to the Elders and we will decide where to go from here.”

  I took what I could, thanked him and rang off.

  My stomach was tight, and I suspected I needed food or something stronger. Maybe a brandy. But alcohol didn’t work for me which totally sucked.

  I pocketed my cellphone and took a deep breath. Things were all happening too fast. But I’d knocked a few things off my list. Anjelo was sorted, and Logan and Sienna were together.

  As I turned to enter the room and check on Logan, a cloud of golden light appeared down the hall. Tara materialized and beckoned me to Greer’s room.

  I followed in silence, and closed the door as softly as I could.

  “How did it go? Did you find anything?” Tara asked. She’d pulled a glamor around us, hiding our conversation which was good thinking considering our hacker-vamp who may hear what we said. I nodded and dug into my pocket for the second lily I’d plucked. “I brought this. I sent a sample to our lab but this one is for you.”

  She nodded, glowering at the black petals.

  “It’s a poisonous plant from Drakys.” She was nodding again, now with recognition. “I use a powdered form of Black Erish to amplify the toxins in your ammo.”


  “The Drakyr name,” she supplied. “What does it–”

  “The magic of the Life’s Blood has leeched into the lilies. Together with the toxins from the Erulite mining, this is a particularly potent poison that works in a way that I’ve only seen recently.”

  Tara’s eyes widened as she stared at me, slowly putting pieces together. “This is what they used to poison the Ash trees?”

  “That’s what I suspect. The lab should verify it.”

  “Thanks, Kai. I’d better get this back- “

  “Tara?” She stopped, a little startled at my second interruption. “There is something else. Or rather someone else that I met in Dyr that would be of interest to you.”


  “Councilmen Andyr Dar-ys, Royal Solicitor, fiancée to Sienna, and attempted murderer.” I held out my fisted hand, and Tara hesitated, glancing at it, then back at my face. She raised her palm and I dropped the diamond clasp onto her pale skin.

  Her mouth hung opened in shock as she stared at the shimmering jewel. “I . . . Elan. I should have known he’d be capable of something like this.” Fury and disgust raged on her face and finally she took a deep breath and regained some calm. Then she looked up at me with concern. “Who did he murder?”

  “Attempted murder.” I smiled, still furious at the attempt he’d made. I pointed at my chest. “Me.”

  “What?” Tara was paler than I’d have thought possible. About as pale as the opalescent gown she wore today.

  She staggered to the bed and sat heavily on it. Then she stared up at me. “I knew I should have stayed away from you. Now he’s going to go after you.”

  I shrugged. “He tried. And he failed.”

  “He’s relentless. Nothing will stop him, Kai.” She gave me a sad look, then her features hardened and she got to her feet. “Let me deal with this. I won’t alert him just yet. But I will try to uncover his plan.”

  I said, “Why would he want to kill the tree?”

  She shrugged. “Destabilize supernatural faith. Absorb power from the tree?” She sighed. “Some of the Fae live off the power of the ash trees. The much older ones for whom the Elements are not sufficient. Maybe he wants to eliminate the Ancient Council of the Fae? Who the hell knows what’s going on in his psychotic head?”

  I sighed and beckoned her. “I have to go. At any rate, that’s as much as I know. I only managed
to buy you a day. I’m sorry, I tried but all I got was twenty-four hours. Then the Elders will be paying the Fae Court a visit.” Tara got to her feet and drew me into a crushing hug. “Thank you, Kai.” Then she squeezed me harder. “And I’m so glad you’re okay. I’m going to get that bastard.”

  “Not if I get him first.”

  Chapter 50

  At last I entered Logan’s room a little preoccupied.

  My part in the case was closed now, of course. Elan was behind the poisoning of the trees though his end game was still supposition. Even if he wanted me dead, I wasn’t about to live in fear of him. I’d wipe him off the face of the DarkWorld if I had to.

  Besides, the next move in this hideous game would be more political, and that was the Elder’s problem. And so was their mining effort in Drakys. They’d have come up with a good explanation for their missing emissary and the queen’s vanished handmaiden. I was only too happy to give the Elders the task of smoothing over that political disaster job.

  And I wasn’t blind to the fact that the Elders would soon come to me for an explanation. Soon enough, we’d have to come clean about hiding Sienna and Logan in my father’s house.

  Our ice prince was likely already back at the Fae Court, probably pretending he hadn’t just tried to kill me, totally oblivious to the fact that we were on to him. And to the fact that he’d almost married the true Dragon Queen.

  I smiled.

  He’d known me, beneath the goth makeup. I had no doubt of it. Why else would he have attempted to murder me? And he’d know that he’d failed. I could only imagine his fury. I felt a rush of pity for the people in his vicinity. Things would be mighty cold for them for a while.

  Of course, I hadn’t forgotten the shadows. I’d killed the Shadowman, but whoever sent him was still out there. And I’d soon be able to verify if my shadow stalkers were in league with the shadow Mage.

  Life was definitely going to be interesting what with princes wanting me dead, shadows stalking me, and dragon queens probably wanting my head for stealing her slave.


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