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Stolen Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Book 2)

Page 8

by Sterling, Ginny

  Jacob shut his eyes in exquisite pleasure and to keep from laughing at her expression.“Nothing but pleasure now, I promise,” he said. He held her hips and slid himself in and out of her slowly. “Ah God, you feel so damn good,” he gasped and pushed her backwards a bit so he could see her lovely breasts. He was fascinated with how they each bounced with every stroke. Her lovely nipples called to him and he wanted to come so hard with her nipples on his tongue.

  Millie felt the heat and excitement building inside of her. She braced herself against the counter/backsplash as Jacob continued to impale himself inside of her, causing her to gasp with each thrust. She could feel herself ready to explode, giving a small shout as she felt herself climax and her body clamp down on his shaft.

  Jacob thrust himself over and over again, feeling his own ending near. “Are you on the pill?” he asked heatedly, reaching down and grasping her breasts like a starved man. He suckled harshly one tight nipple as he felt himself losing control.

  Millie shook her head negatively. She had not even considered that! She watched as he pulled himself out of her body and surged his cock forward, clenching it in his hand and spilling himself on her soft stomach with a loud groan. Millie watched in fascination and felt like Eve in the garden of knowledge. She knew what he could do to her and wanted more of him. Both felt wobbly from the experience, and clung to each other lovingly.

  Jacob opened his eyes slowly, coming back down from his explosion.“Thank you, baby,” he said softly. His eyes memorized her face in this moment. He loved the way she looked at him. He felt like he could do anything in her eyes.

  They separated a short while later; Millie slipped off her undergarments and wiped away the evidence of their love from her body. She redressed, blushing and turned away from him.

  Jacob laughed, and spun her back around to face him. “After what we just did you are shy now?” he said teasing her. He watched her straighten her gown with a contented smile.

  “Hush!” Millie said swatting at him playfully. Jacob attempted to raise her skirt again, giving her a lecherous look and telling her that he missed a spot that needed a kiss. Millie’s laughter rang out like a bell. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Jacob picked her up and spun her about, swirling up more dust in the process. She was amazing. Jacob adored her personality and her smile. He loved her desperately and every time she looked at him, the feeling grew stronger. Oh he was buying this place, most definitely. This would be their home, together. She just didn't know it.


  They drove back into town, holding hands the entire time in the car. Millie was in heaven. They talked about little things on the ride back, making small talk, and he invited her over to his apartment for dinner. Millie wanted nothing more. She groaned as she saw lights flip on behind her car in the rearview mirror. “Dammit!” she exclaimed frustrated. “I swear, Jacob, I was not speeding!” she said looking at him beseechingly. Jacob smirked and was curious himself as to what had happened.

  Millie rolled down her window as an officer walked up to the car. “Good afternoon officer, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked annoyed. This was getting ridiculous and she was seriously considering getting rid of the car at this point. Repeated citations were eventually going to cost her more than her car, her driver’s license, or her sanity.

  “License and registra- oh hey, Jacob! What are you up to, man?” the tall man’s demeanor changed dramatically when he spotted his coworker in the passenger seat. Jacob grinned and leaned forward to shake hands over Millie’s body. “Hey, Max! We were out looking at houses today. You on patrol this weekend?” he said amicably.

  Max snapped his citation book closed and relaxed. “Yep, I got stuck with this weekend shift with Graham and Pete. Been slow though, this is the most I have done all day. It makes for a very long day. Is this your lady?” he asked curiously.

  Jacob said proudly “Yes, this is my girlfriend. Max Jones meet Millicent Clark. Millie, this is Max.” Max’s jaw dropped and a surprised look registered on his face. “Millicent Clark? THE Millicent Clark?” He started laughing and slapped his thigh.

  Millie’s head whipped around toward Jacob looking at him questioningly. Jacob’s expression was like stone. “Yes, Max. We’ll be going now if that is okay with you?” he said forcibly with a calm that was eerie. Jacob was not amused at all.

  Max continued to chuckle, oblivious to the tone of Jacob’s voice. “So what did you win, other than her company? Cause man, she sure is a prize!” he said looking her over. Jacob said nothing, his expression gave nothing away.

  Millie could have died from embarrassment. “Win?” she said hurt registering in her voice. “I was a contest? A bet?” she said quietly, shock registering. How could he do this? He had her fooled completely and she had just given herself to him at a home she was showing him! She was mortified. She knew better than to do something like that at a house, much less with a client. It was seedy and slutty- and she felt like both descriptions by the way Max was eyeing her. How much had Jacob told them? Did she want to know details or did she want to leave with her pride in shambles.

  Millie pulled her hand from Jacobs.“Get out of my car,” she said with an unearthly calm betraying her emotions rolling through her. She could feel tears coming and she would be damned if she cried in front of either of them.

  Jacob looked at her sharply as she pulled back. He could see the‘walls’coming down on her expression.“Millie, let me explain baby,” Jacob started.

  Millie, without looking, reached for the window switch and rolled up the driver’s window in Max’s surprised face. “I am only going to say it one more time-get out of my car,” she said angrily, her words increasing in volume.

  Jacob reached for her hand again. He saw she jerked it back away from him, staring straight ahead, not meeting his eyes.

  Millie ground her teeth together. “Now,” she said forcefully and put the car in gear. She did not even acknowledge the officer tapping on the window glass next to her.

  Jacob could take a hint. He got out of the car and walked towards the back of the SUV. Millie pealed out from the side of the road.

  Max looked at Jacob sheepishly “Hey, man, I am so sorry. She is one cold one though; I may have done you a favor. You know?”

  Jacob punched him square in the face in front of the patrol car, still flashing the lights. It felt good to get some of his frustration of the situation out of his system; problem was he wanted to hit him again for good measure. Then he wanted to find Millie fast and fix the misunderstanding.

  Max shook his head. “I ought to bring you up on assaulting a police officer,” he said stretching his jaw “but if she means that much to you? I may have had it coming. I hope I didn't ruin things for you too badly.” Max rubbed his jaw and eyed Jacob’s visage warily.

  “I don't really want to talk about it,” Jacob said heatedly. “But I am going to need a ride back to my car, and not from the backseat if you get my drift.”

  Max nodded and got in the car with Jacob. The guys were going to have a field day with this! Max almost hoped it left a black eye so there was no hiding it.

  Jacob whipped out his cell phone and emailed Millie, guessing she would not respond to a phone call and he didn't really want to have her yelling at him.



  Please call me so I can explain to you…


  Millie cried the whole way back to the apartment complex and stayed in her car for quite some time, hiding from the world. She didn't want anyone to see her red eyes and red nose on the way to her door. She certainly didn't want Jacob to see her. When she finally stopped crying, she turned off the car and ran up the stairs, slamming the apartment door behind her with a satisfying thud. Millie opened her laptop and saw the email from Jacob.

  Officer Hunter,

  There is nothing to explain. It was perfectly clear.

  Millicent Clark

  PS-I quit. Fin
d another realtor.

  Jacob banged on her door later that night when he got home from the station. Millie did not reply. Jacob knew she was home because he saw her vehicle parked outside. “Millie! Open up so we can talk!” he shouted at the door and banged again. Silence still greeted him. He tried again before her neighbor across the walkway asked him to lower his voice. Frustrated, Jacob left but was not giving up.

  The next morning, Millie was very terse in the office and could have sworn she heard Danielle mutter “well that didn't last long” but chose not to respond to the quip. Millie went throughout her day like normal, not leaving the office for lunch nor returning any emails from Jacob. Millie was tense and hurt. She felt betrayed, toyed with, and humiliated. She had opened up and given herself to him- and to him it was a game to win. Millie felt like she was the one who had lost though.

  Flowers arrived shortly after 3:00 PM. Millie said not a word and didn't open the card, however, she did put them on her desk. They were lovely orchids and red roses. Another bunch of red flowers arrived shortly after, followed by a third grouping of pink and red roses combined. Each card went unopened, tossed in a drawer.

  Danielle teased her; “Red roses mean passion and love …you know? ” she said with a wink and was shocked when Millie began to cry. “Oh my gosh, Millie! What is going on?” Danielle exclaimed and rushed to her coworker. No wonder she had been cold and stiff all day long. She was falling apart!

  Millie was close to Danielle and they had been friends since middle school. Danielle had always been there and truly got a kick out of Millie’s frosty temperament. Danielle always told Millie she had “thick walls to protect herself” and saw now that her statements were very much true. Someone had broken through those walls and had hurt Millie deeply.

  Millie poured out everything to her friend, holding back nothing. Danielle took over at the computer while Millie got some coffee to calm down and read the emails from Jacob. Danielle hugged Millie, suggested she go home and pull herself together. “And take a big ‘ol bottle of booze with you, my friend,” she ordered.

  Millie wanted to work but felt distracted, so she took the advice and went home to ‘lick her wounds’ like an injured animal. She was no use at work in the mental condition she was in. She jumped each time the door opened, jumpy when the phone rang and so very on edge.

  Danielle sat back stunned. Millie was in love with Jacob and had basically admitted so. Jacob’s last email begged her for another chance to explain the situation. It sounded to her like someone had gotten more than they bargained for … maybe both of them? Danielle was tempted to read the cards on the bouquets; however, she did not open them. It was different if Millie let her, she didn't want to take advantage of her friend and snoop where she wasn't invited.

  Danielle wrapped up things at the office they shared and groaned when the police car pulled in front and parked. She really did not want to have to deal with being a go-between between the two lovers.

  She saw Jacob get out of the car and he was followed by a very contrite looking police officer sporting a heck of a bruise on his right eye. “I hope Millie put that there?” Danielle said wryly. She flipped off the open sign in the window and said, “We are closing. What I can I do for you boys?” asking pointedly.

  “How is she doing?” Jacob said quietly. “Is she here?” He did not expect to find her here, much less for her to talk to him after all the attempts to contact her had been ignored.

  Danielle scoffed and continued to put away things to close up the office. She strode over to Jacob, upset.“No. She left crying. You did that, just so you know,” she said as she jabbed him in the chest with her finger, enunciating the “you” in her statement. She poked him again, “You did this to her, now find a way to fix it,” she said - attempting to close the door on Jacob and Max.

  Jacob held the door firmly.“I am trying to, Danielle. But I can’t if she won’t even talk to me,” he said forlornly. “I need her to listen for a minute while I explain. It was a huge misunderstanding,” he said stubbornly.

  Danielle rolled her eyes at the look he was giving her.“Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…” Danielle said snidely and turned to walk back to her desk, allowing the officers into the entryway.

  Jacob sighed.“Then it's a duck. I get it and I probably deserved that. Danielle, my duck isn't a duck, she’s a swan and I love her. I need help getting her to listen to me. I need her to give me a chance, to give us a chance.” Jacob beseeched and slumped down in a chair, looking at Millie’s empty desk seeing his flowers still present.

  The other officer chimed in, patting his friend on the back. “I’m Max and I messed it all up. I didn't realize things were so involved between the two. I pulled Millie over.”

  Danielle’s laughter interrupted him. No surprise there, she thought. She motioned for him to continue.

  Max continued,“I pulled Millie over, saw Jacob in the front seat with her and began teasing him. Only he didn't laugh, she didn't laugh either. In fact, Millicent got really angry and kicked Jacob out of the car. There was a bet going around, it was more like a ‘pissing contest’ but it was never a serious bet. No one put money down. No one intended there to be a winner or loser. No one kept tabs on them until Graham said one day “I will be damned, I saw Millicent Clark laughing with Jacob in the park”-oh we teased him a bit, but let it go. Jacob is like a brother to us all. We didn't want to hurt him,” he explained. “None of us knew how badly he had it for Millicent cause he never discussed her at work. When the boys found out, he still wouldn't talk. This is the first time I have heard him say anything about her.”

  Jacob put his head down in his hands. “Danielle, if I can’t talk to her, I can’t fix this misunderstanding and I need her.” He felt like he was talking to a wall. Danielle was his best bet, that he knew of, getting a hold of Millie and having someone on his side.

  Danielle said nothing and studied the two of them. Both looked sincere and with as upset as Millie was… maybe it was all true? It made sense and she could see how miffed her friend could be if she thought someone was toying with her. Millie never dated cause she didn't like the town gossip of the games people played when they dated in high school. That is what Danielle liked about Millie - she was very straightforward and told you like it was. No games, no sugarcoating.

  “How can I help?” Danielle finally asked. Jacob’s friend, Max, sat back and winked at her. Danielle whipped her eyes back to Jacob, who breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jacob said, hope lighting his face. “I just need a chance to explain,” he said quietly “where she will listen to me,” he added on, knowing there was a difference between listening and hearing. He wanted her to comprehend how bad he felt and how much of a misunderstanding it was. “Millie ‘fired’ me as a client. I need you to sell me a house and I need to find a way to pique her interest”.

  Danielle smiled at the idea, knowing which house he was buying from Millie’s telling of the situation. “I think that is a good start,” she said approvingly and pulled out her documents to get the process started.

  The next morning, Jacob arrived at the real estate office with two coffees in hand. Danielle was seated at the desk on the phone and motioned him in. As she hung up, Jacob asked, “Where is Millie?” he said motioning with the extra coffee cup.

  “She called in today,” Danielle said with a frown. “She has never done that. She must still be pretty upset.” Jacob gave Danielle the cup of coffee and sat down to discuss the house.

  Jacob had offered less than the asking price, due to the volume of repairs and remodeling that would have to be done. Danielle cautioned him to leave himself open for surprises due to the age and condition of the house. Jacob thanked her because she wouldn't be doing her job if she didn't tell him that. Both agreed that a home warranty would be a requirement on the purchase. Jacob left, thanking her again and waited eagerly to hear a response.

  The house would need a lot of work and Danielle said she wou
ld help him with details if needed to surprise Millie. Danielle had never heard of someone buying a house as an “I’m sorry” gift but maybe there was more to Jacob and Millie’s relationship than anyone knew.

  Millie returned to work the next day, very quiet. She did not say much but added water to the vases of roses on her desk. A good sign, Danielle thought, cause she was sure that Millie would throw them out if it was completely over between herself and Jacob. Millie did not bring up Jacob at all, and neither did Danielle. She asked her friend and coworker how she was doing today and Millie replied “I’m fine,” and that was the end of the conversation.

  As the day progressed, Danielle stepped out to call Jacob from her cell phone and tell him he news. “You got the house, Jacob, but it was conditional on you closing quickly. The seller has another property and they don't want to drag it out. I know you are pre-approved, any problem closing as early as two weeks from now? That means we need to get an inspector, surveyor, and property appraisal ASAP. Depending on what they say, you would only have five days to back out if things went south,” she cautioned.

  Jacob had no intention of backing out of the purchase. He stopped by the office later that afternoon to sign more paperwork and was dismayed that as he entered the office, Millie excused herself and left. He asked if she had said a word to Danielle regarding him or their relationship. Danielle only shook her head negatively.


  The next few weeks flew by quickly for Jacob, with little contact from Millie. He was very frustrated with the lack of communication from her and he was still putting forth effort but to little avail.

  Danielle suggested that he leave Millie alone, which went against everything in him. He felt a sense of horrible loss not hearing from her daily. Each day he checked his phone, his email and drove by her office. Sometimes he would stop in to see her, and each time she would excuse herself and leave without a word.


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