loss of husband and
Lebedeva, A. P.
Leeb, Field Marshal WilhelmRitter von
offensive of (1941)
crossing of Neva (Sept.)
on Leningrad (Sept.),
Luga line falls (Aug.)
replacement of
Leipzig (cruiser)
Lelyushenko, Gen. D. D.
counter offensive of (July 1941)
Lenin, Vladimir I.
coup d'etat of (Oct. 1917)
operation Iskra and
opinion of Leningrad of
on socialist order
background of
postrevolutionary past of
revolutionary past of
Baltic Fleet and
artillery support by
marine units of
black market in, see Black Market
bombing of
beginning of
as support of German assault
Bychevsky and, see Bychevsky, Lt. Gen.
B. V.cats and birds in
cleaning of (March 1942)
condition of (Dec. 1941-Jan. 1942)
continued pressure on (1943)
convalescent stations in
corridor of death to
crimes for food in
deaths in
corpse disposal
daily toll
hospitals and
Markevich on
of scholars and artists
statistics on over-ail
statistics (Nov. 1941-Feb. 1942)
defense of
Baltic states and
Beria's role in
fortifications for
German decision to raze
panic and uncertainty
police force in
preparations for
Russian plans to destroy
stabilization of front and
State Defense Committee and
diseases in, see Diseases
electric power failure in (Jan. 1942)
power return (Mar. 1942)
radio silenced by
evacuations from
June 1941
statistics (Jan.-Apr. 1942)
food supplies for
dwindling (Nov. 1941)
loss of ration cards and
organization of; see also Ladoga
Lake supply route
shipment of; see also Ladoga
Lake supply route
tonnage available (Jan. 1942)
fuel famine in
fires as result of
Haider on starvation of
Haymarket as crime center in
Hitler and, see Hitler—Leningrad and
hunger in
importance in Operation Barbarossa of
as industrial center
Iskra operation and (1943)
Kuznetsov and, see Kuznetsov, Aleksei A. liberation of (1944)
mobilization in (June 1941)
morale in
easing of tension
June 1941
Sept. 1941
New Year's celebration in (1942)
news of invasion in
confusion in
hoarding in
mixed feelings about
patriotic reaction
"open city" proposal for
opinions on quality of
police of; see also NKVD
Pushkin on
rebuilding of (1943)
restoration of (1943)
return of political intrigue to
shelling of
July-Aug. 1943
May Day 1942
Sept.-Nov. 1941
siege of
encirclement of
October 1941 attempt to break
Stalin and, see Stalin, Iosif
suppression of data on blockade of
Voronov, see Voronov, Marshal N. N.
Voroshilov and, see Voroshilov, Marshal
Zhdanov and, see Zhdanov, Andrei
Zhdanovshchina and
Zhukov and, see Zhukov, Marshal Georgi
K.Leningrad (destroyer)
Leningrad (magazine)
Leningrad Communist Party
death of members of (1942)
in defense of Leningrad
guerrilla warfare of
meeting of (June 21)
members of, in armed service
purge of (1948)
Leningrad Military District
area under
armies under
combat alert of
command problems in
commanders of
drain of Northern Front by
preparations against invasion by
war with Finland and
LeningradskayaPravda (newspaper)
Lermontov, Mikhail
Lesnik (writer)
Lesueur, Larry
Levin, Boris
Levinson-Lessing, Vladimir T.
Levitan, Yuri
Lewis, Sinclair
Likharev, Boris
Lindemann, Col. Gen. Georg
liberation of Leningrad and
Liskof, Alfred
Lisovsky, Lt. Col. S. I.
Litvinov (editor)
Loginov, Sergei
Lokshina (thief)
Loman, Yuri
Lomonosov, Mikhail
London, Jack
Lopatin, Maj. Gen. A. I., i66n
Lopatin, Capt. N. G.
Lozin (writer)
Lozovsky, Solomon
L-2 (submarine)
L-5 (submarine)
Lucerne (transport)
blitz of England by (1940-41)
bombings by
on anniversary of Revolution (1941)
of Baltic Fleet
of Kronstadt
of Ladoga supply route
of Leningrad
of Luga line
of Mga
of supply barges for Leningrad-support of assault on Leningrad
of 21st Armored Corps
of Zhikharevo
forces on Northwest Front of
invasion threat and overflights by
strafing by
See also German air units
Luga (transport)
Luga line (Aug. 1941)
commander of
creation of
crumbling of
forces on
holding of
size of
Lukin, Lt. Gen. M. F.
Luknitsky, Pavel
on Akhmatova
anniversary of Revolution (1941) and
barred from front (Jan. 1943)
bombing of Leningrad and
city life (July 1942) and
corpses and
hunger and
V. Ketlinskaya and
Ladoga route and
on Leningrad
May Day (1942) and
New Year's feast (1942) of
presence of death and
on preservation of Peterhof
rationing and
recapture of Shlisselburg and
rumors and
Solyany Park exhibition and
on Tikhvin victory
view on estimates of deaths
war failures and
as witness to revival of hope (1943)
Lukom, Ye. M.
Lunacharsky (steamer)
Liitzow (cruiser)
Lyapin, Gen.
Lyudnikov, Col. Gen. I.
Madarik, Yuhan (Johannes Lauristan)
Magnitogorsk (freighter)
Maisky, Ivan M.
invasion warning by
Makarenko (poet)
Makhanov, A. I.
Makogonenko, Georgi
Malandin, Lt. Gen. G. K.
Malenkov, Georgi M.
ambitions of
nbsp; in defense of Leningrad
invasion and
as irritation to
misinterpretation of
opposed to propaganda about
Leningrad front and
orders of Stalin and
power of
vicissitudes in
purges and
shifting responsibility on others by
Vlasov and
Volkhov front and
Malinnikov, Brigadier Commander
Malinovsky, Marshal RodionYa., no
Malkov (composer)
Malyshev, Vyacheslav A.
Mannerheim, Marshal Baron Gustaf
Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von
as commander
counterattack of (Sept. 1942)
driven back (July 1941)
on invasion
Russian counteroffensive (June 1941) on
Marat (battleship)
Mardus (tug)
Marinesko, Capt. A. I.
Markevich, Nikolai
Marshak, Samuil
Maslennikov, Col. Gen. I. I.
Mate, Militsa
Matsuoka, Yosuke
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Maxim Gorky (cruiser)
Meero (transport)
MeinKampf (Hitler)
Mekhlis, Gen. L. Z.
Iskra operation and
opinions on
Volkhov front and
Mendeleyev, Dmitri I.
Meretskov, Marshal Kirill A.
background of
conference with Stalin (Dec. 1941)
encirclement of Second Shock Army and
(Mar.-Apr. 1942)
fall of Tikhvin and
hopes of (Dec. 1941)
invasion threat and
in Iskra operation (1943)
liberation of Leningrad and
replacement of
on Gen. Sokolov
Tikhvin offensive of (Nov.-Dec. 1941)
Vlasov and
on Volkhov front
Russian summer offensive (1942) and
Russian winter operations (1942) and
bombing of
fall of
hopes to recapture (Dec. 1941)
orders to recapture
recapture of (1944)
Mikhailovsky, Nikolai
defense of Tallinn and
mail delivery and
as war correspondent
in Leningrad
on Luga line
Mikhalkov, Sergei
Miklashevsky, I.
Mikoyan, Anastas A.
Milman, Vera
Minsk, bombing of
Minsk (destroyer)
Mironov, V. M.
Mironova, A. N.
Miroshnichenko, Grisha
Mishchenko, L. K.
M-96 (submarine)
Modigliani, Amedeo
Mokhov, Vasily
Mblchanov, Nikolai
Moldavsky, Dmitri
Molotov, Vyacheslav M.
diplomatic efforts of
conversations with Hitler
Russian concessions and
Schulenburg and
as Foreign Commissar
Leningrad defense and
naval responsibilities of
Nazi-Soviet pact and (1939)
speech announcing war (June 22)
in State Defense Committee
Morozov, Capt. Aleksei
Morozov, Col. D. A.
Morozov, Lt. Gen. Vasily I.
as commander
counteroffensive of (June 1941)
preparations of
Battle of
Russian offensive in (Dec. 1941)
defense of
state of siege ordered (Oct. 1941)
Moscow Military District; see also
Moskalenko, Vice Adm. Mikhail
Moskalenko, Maj. Gen. Mitrofan I.
in defense of Tallinn
Moskva (gunboat)
Mozhayev, Maj. A. S.
Mukha, Nikolai
Mukhin, Col. G. V.
in Luga line
Murov, Capt. Mikhail
Mussorgsky, Modest
Mzhavanadze, V. P.
Napoleon I (Emperor)
Nationalist organizations (in Baltic countries), opposed to Russia
Naumova, Varvara
Navoi, Alisher
Nazarov, Gen.
Nazi-Soviet pact (1939)
Negrin, Juan
Nekrasov, Nikolai
Nekrich, A. M.
Nesvitsky, N. N.
Nevsky, Alexander (Alexander Yaroslavovich)
Nicholas I (Czar)
Nicholas II (Czar)
Nijinsky, Vaslav
Nikishev, Gen. D. N.
in defense of Leningrad
invasion and
on reserves for Luga line
Nikitin (soldier)
Nikitin, N. N.
Nikolayev, A. A.
Nikolayev, Gen.
Nikolayev, Kurakin
Nikolayev, Leonid V.
Nikolayevna, Lyubov
Nikolayevna, Vera
Nikolsky, Aleksandr
Nikolsky, Vera
NKGB (intelligence agency)
in Baltic states
invasion threat and intelligence
reports of
NKVD (secret police)
in defense of Leningrad
construction of defenses by
fortifications work and
forces of see also Russian
Army units—divisions
invasion threat and
German officials and
labor force of
purges and
army purges
in Baltic states
security maintained by
in Leningrad
in Riga
song-and-dance ensemble of
Tallinn and
well-fed members of
Northern Fleet
alert of (1941)
combat alert to
commander of
drain on
invasion threat and
reconnaissance by
retreat of
shifting troops to (Aug. 1941)
Northwest Front
aircraft on
change in command on
counteroffensive on (June 1941)
penetration into (June 25)
retreat from (July 1941)
Nosenko, Ivan I.
Novikov, Lt. Gen. A. A.
Niirnberg (cruiser)
October Revolution (battleship)
Odessa, bombing of
Odessa Military District, combat alert of
Odintsov, Gen. Georgi F.
on Govorov
in Iskra operation
liberation of Leningrad and
use of artillery and
Oka (mine layer)
Oktyabrsky, Fleet Commander F. S.
Oleinikov, Nikolai M.
On Guard of the Fatherland (newspaper)
Orbeli, Iosif
documents on blockade and
evacuation of art objects by
meeting with Zhebelev of
Navoi festival and
Nizami anniversary and
working habits of
Orlov, Count
Orlov, Adm. V. M.
Orlova, Edik
Osipanov, Vasily
Osipov, Ilyusha
Osipov, L.
Osipova, Dina
Osovsky, Anatoly
Ots, Karl M.
Ott, Hermann
Otto Schmidt (transport)
Pakulin, Vyacheslav
Panchenko, Col. M. D.
defense of Leningrad and
Panfllov, Yevgeny
Panteleyev, Aleksandr
Panteleyev, Leonid
Panteleyev, Vice Adm. Yuri
A.briefcase of, as food
in defense of Leningrad
breaking of siege and
scuttling of Baltic Fleet and
in defense of Tallinn
evacuation of ships and
invasion and
Baltic deployment and
operation to destroy Baltic Fleet and
Parafilo, Col. T. M.
Patterson, Jefferson
Paul, Prince (of Yugoslavia)
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich von
Pavlenko, Nikolai
Pavlov, Gen. Dmitri G.
execution of
experience of, no
reactions to German attack of
replacement of
Pavlov, Dmitri V.
defense of Volkhov and (Nov. 1941)
estimate of deaths by (Jan.-Feb. 1942)
food supplies and
dwindling (Nov. 1941)
increase in rations and (Dec. 1941),
measures taken by
rationing of
on scarcity
Ladoga route and
mood of population and
on museum of war (1957)
on recapture of Tikhvin
substitute ration cards and
Pavlov, Ivan P.
Pavlov, N. N.
Pavlov, Maj. Gen. V. F.
Pavlov, V. I.
Pavlova, Anna M.
Pavlovskaya, Klavdiya
Pavlovsky, Maj. Mikhail
Peisin, A.
Peltser, Nina
People's Volunteers
ability of
additional divisions of
on Luga line
origin of
Peter and Paul Fortress
Peter the Great
Peter III (Czar)
Petrograd, see Leningrad
Petropavlovsk (cruiser)
Petrov (writer)
Petrova, Mariya
Petrovsky, Aleksei
Pikker (packet)
Pilipets, Col. N. M.
Pilyugin (director of Bolshoi)
Piotrovsky, B. B.
Pitersky, Capt. N. A.
Piven, Andrei
Podlutsky, Col.
Pogorely, Andrei
attack on (1939)
German troop concentrations in
partitioning of (1939)
Polar Star (headquarters ship)
conflict within
meeting of (June 21)
State Defense Committee and
Ponomarenko, Panteleimon K., zion
Popkov, Peter S.
anniversary of Revolution and (1941)
crimes for food and
evacuation of writers and
inoculations and
Iskra operation and
May Day (1943) and
medals given by
purge of
reconstruction of city and
streetcar service and
supplies for Leningrad and
Popov, Gavriil
Popov, Lt. Gen. Markian M.
in defense of Leningrad
fortifications work and
invasion and
in Luga line
opposed to withdrawals from Northern
shifting of
Porchunov, Maj. V. A.
Portov, L.
Poskrebyshev, Gen. Aleksandr
purges and
Potapov, Gen. M. I.
Potekhin, Col. Ya. F.
Potopova, Valya
Pravda (newspaper)
Prekhner, Misha
Prokofyev, Aleksandr
Prokofyev, Sergei
Pruzhan (worker)
The 900 Days Page 93