Pshennikov, Lt. Gen. P. S.
Pushkin, Alexander
as legend
on Leningrad
on Peter the Great
on statue of Peter the Great
Puzerov, Nikolai
Pyadyshev, Lt. Gen. K. P.
in Luga line
Rabinovich, A.
Radchenko, Lt. Aleksandr
Railroad Commissariat
Rakhmanov, Leonid
Ketlinskaya and
view of Leningrad
Rakov, Maj.
Rail, Vice Adm. Yu. F.
Rashid Ali (premier of Iraq)
Rastikis, Gen.
Rastrelli, Bartolomeo Count
Razina, Maria
Red Army
armies of Baltic countries in
Baltic nationalists opposed to
deployment of (1941)
expected collapse of (1941)
Ladoga route built by
on Luga line, see Luga line
October 1941 attempt to break siege of
planned offensive of (Dec. 1941)
police infiltration of
political seminars in
purges of (1937-38)
retreat of (summer 1941)
on Northern Front
panic in
at Tikhvin
workers' complaint of
Stalin's evaluation of (1941)
tanks of (1941)
Tikhvin offensive of (Nov.-Dec. 1941)
understrength of (Dec. 1941)
war with Finland
winter 1942 operations of
See also People's Volunteers; Russian
army units
Red Fleet (newspaper)
Red Star (newspaper)
Reichardt, Kseniya
Reichardt, Sergei
Reid, Mayne
Reinhardt, Gen. Georg-Hans
Remizov, Gen. F. N.
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Ribkovsky, N. M.
Rimsky-Korsakov, Vsevolod
Robin Moore (freighter)
Rodimtsev, Gen. A. I., no
Rodin, Maj. Gen. F. P.
Rodionov, Col.
Rodionov, M. I.
Rogov, Col. A. S.
Rogov, Ivan (the Terrible)
invasion threat and
propaganda on
Rokossovsky, Marshal Konstantin
code name for
invasion threat and, i6w
return from exile of, in
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenberg (German agent)
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosenberg, Mikhail
Rossi (architect)
Rovno, bombing of
Rozen, Aleksandr, Rozenman, B.
Rozhdestvensky, Vsevolod-Rozner, Eddie
Rubstov, F.
Rubstov, Mikhail
Rudchuk, Pyotr L.
Rudny, Vladimir
Rukhno (Estonian steamer)
Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von, Rusalka (cruiser)
Russian air units
Thirteenth Air Army
6th Fighter Corps
7th Air Corps
10th Bomber Group
Russian Army units
Second Shock
Seventh (Special)
Twenty-sixth; see also Second
Fifty-first (Special)
2nd Infantry
3rd Mechanized
4th Guards Rifle
5 th Paratroop
6th Guards Rifle
7th Mechanized
10th Mechanized
12th Mechanized
15th Rifle
16th Rifle
21 st Armored
25th Rifle
56th Motorized
1 st Guards Volunteers
1st NKVD
2nd Guards Volunteers
2nd Tank
3rd Guards Volunteers
4th Guards Volunteers
5th Guards Volunteers
5th Rifle
5 th Tank
6th Guards Volunteers
6th Infantry
10th Rifle
ith Rifle
21st NKVD
21st Tank
23rd Rifle
28th Tank
33rd Rifle
34th Cavalry
41st Tank
42nd Tank
46th Rifle
46th Tank
48th Infantry
55th Infantry
67th Infantry
70th Rifle
86th Infantry
87th Infantry
90th Infantry
109th Infantry
118th Rifle
125th Rifle
126th Rifle
128th Rifle
136th Infantry
163rd Infantry
168th Rifle (Bondarev)
177th Rifle
181st Rifle
183rd Rifle
185th Motorized
188th Rifle
191st Rifle
198th Motorized
200th Rifle
220th Motorized
237th Rifle
265th Rifle
268th Rifle
281st Rifle
310th Infantry
1 st Marine
1 st Mountain
5th Marine
34th Ski
123rd Rifle
10th Border
12th Border Guards
29th Corps
51st Corps
55th Tank
90th Border Guards
142nd Rifle
168th Rifle
367th Rifle
500th Rifle
708th Rifle
2nd Reserve Pontoon
10th Sappers
guerrilla battalions
Special Corps of Antiaircraft Artillery
Special Engine Column No. 48
21st Armored group
Workers Battalions
Russian Navy
deployment of (1941)
plans to destroy
strength of (Sept. 1941)
See also Baltic Fleet; Black Sea Fleet;
Danube Flotilla; Northern Fleet
Rybalchenko, Lt. Gen. S. D.
Rybalko, Capt. N. G.
Rychagov, Lt. Gen. P. V.
Ryss, Yevgeny
Sadikov, P. S.
Safronov, Nikolai
St. Petersburg, see Leningrad
Samokhoin, Gen. M. I.
Sandalov, Col. Gen. Leonid M.
Sanin, Leonid
Sapozhnikov, Filipp
br /> Saturn (rescue ship)
Saule (transport)
Savichev, Mikhail
Savicheva, Nina
Savicheva, Tanya
Savinov, A. I.
Sayanov, Vissarion
aid to children and
anniversary of Revolution and (1942)
Asafyev and
children's games and
defense of Leningrad and
disillusionment of
fall of Mga and
Iskra operation and
jokes recorded by
on Oreshek
Vishnevsky's play and
view of Russian use of tactics
Sbytov, Col. N. A.
Schacht, Mark
Schmidt, Gen Rudolf
Schulenburg, Count Friedrich Werner von
Schultz, Lt.
Sechenov (scientist)
Secret police, see NKVD
Selemdzha (gunboat)
Semashko, Maj. Gen. V. V.
Semenov (commissar)
Semenov, A. M.
Semenov, S. A.
Semenov, Gen. V. Ya.
Serebrennikov, L. V.
Serebryakova, Galina
Sevastyanov, Aleksei
S-5 (submarine)
Shakova, Anna I.
Shanikhin (hotel director)
Shapiro, Yevgeny
Shaposhnikov, Marshal Boris M.
Luga line and
D. G. Pavlov's removal and
scuttling of Baltic Fleet and
Stalin and
Sharkov, V. I.
Sharurin, B. I.
Sharypina, Pavel
Sharypina, Yelizaveta
aid to needy and
crimes for food and
on hunger and will to resist
New Year's celebration (1942) of
Shcheglov, Dmitri A.
ammunition shortage and
on the dead
German advance on Shlisselburg and
Luga line and
Russian codes and
Shcherbakov, A. S.
Shcherbakov, Maj. Gen. V. I.
ShefTer, P. N.
Shekhovtsev, N. M.
Shelepin, A. N.
Shevaldin, Maj. Gen. T. I.
Shevyrev, Pyotr
Shikin, Col. Gen I. V.
Shilov, Maj. Gen. Afanasy M.
Shirer, William
Shishkov, Vyacheslav
Shishova, Zinaida
Shkirpa, Col. Kazys
Shlemin, Maj. Gen. Ivan I.
German advance on
recapture of (Jan. 1943)
Shostakovich, Dmitri
Shtein, Aleksandr
evacuation of Leningrad and
Zhdanovshchina and
Shtein, Lyudmila
Shtemenko, Gen. Semyon M.
Shtern, Gen. Georgi M., no
Shtykov, Terenti F.
increase in rations guaranteed by
Ladoga supply route and
meals of
as member of defense committee
Shulgin, L. S.
Shulyatin, Georgi
Shvarts, Yevgeny
Shvernik, N. M.
Siberia (transport)
Silantyev (commissar)
Simoni, L.
Simonyak, Maj. Gen. N. P.
Simonov, Col.
Simonov, Konstantin
Sisovsky, Lt. Col. S. I.
Sivkov, Adm. A. K.
Skilyagin, Militia Maj. A. T.
Skorodumov, Maj. Sergei
Skory (mine layer)
Skrulev, Vasya
Skryabin, Dima
weakening of health of
Skryabin, Yuri
Skryabina, Yelena
bombings and
evacuation of (Feb. 1942)
fear for her son's life
food shortage and
hunger and
pets and
Skvor (Czech agent)
Slava (battleship)
Slavin, Lev
Smetlivy (destroyer)
Smetly (mine layer)
Smirnov, Vice Adm. N. K.
Smirnov, Valya
Smirnov, Vasily
Smirnov, Yakov
Smolny Institute
camouflage of
as defense hub
Sneg (mine layer)
Sobennikov, Lt. Gen. P. P.
counteroffensive of (June 1941)
German attack (June 1941) and
invasion threat and
Sobolevsky, Ye.
Sokolov, Lt. Gen. G. G.
Sokolov, Lt. Leonid N.
Sokolova, Shura
Solodunov, Aleksandr V.
Solovyev, N. V.
Sorge, Richard
Soshalsky, Lt. Col. Aleksei A.
Soviet Estonia (newspaper)
Spanish Civil War, no
Spassky, S.
Stafeyev, A. N.
Stalin, Iosif
accession to premiership of (May 1941)
anniversary of Revolution and
code names for
counteroffensive on Tikhvin ordered
(Nov-Dec. 1941)
defense of Baltic Fleet and
Defense Commissariat as tool of
in defense of Leningrad
commanders criticized by
direct interventions of
doubts in possibility of
internal order in
liberation of Leningrad and
Russian plans for destruction of
sacrificing of Leningrad
scuttling of Baltic Fleet and
Stalin's orders on
supplies for Leningrad and
in defense of Moscow (Oct. 1941)
in defense of Tallinn
counteroffensive proposal
deployment of ships and
erratic command changes of
estimates on death toll in Leningrad and
Govorov and
A. A. Kuznetsov and
invasion and
attempt to reach Stalin
collapse of Stalin
disbelief in invasion
diplomatic protest and
order not to fire of (June 1941)
D. G. Pavlov's removal and
responsible for catastrophe of
invasion threat and
alert of troops and
conduct of German engineers and
hopes to stave off war
deployment of ships in Baltic and
intelligence reports and
Liskof's information on
realization of likelihood of
removal of Meretskov and
troop deployment prevented by
Iskra operation and (Dec. 1942)
May Day (1943) and
on Mekhlis
policy in Baltic states of (1940)
power of
as absolute ruler
assumes post of Defense Commissar
becomes Premier
death penalty and
power structure and
purges of
after Zhdanov's death
of Beluch
Kirov and
of military
scenarios for
Russian summer offensive (1942) and
Second Shock Army and
siege of Leningrad and (Oct. 1941)
State Defense Committee and
supply depots and
suspiciousness of
vacation retreat of
view of Hitler
Voronov on
on war
war with Finland and
in winter 1942 operations
Volkhov offensive (Jan.)
working habits of
Stasov, Yuri
State Defense Committee
in defense of L
food supply for
guerrilla units of
as junta
Ladoga route and
plants ordered moved by
reconstruction plans of
Stalin and
supply of Leningrad and
See also Defense Commissariat; Stavka
defense of Tallinn and
function of
unification of command on Leningrad
front and (Apr. 1942)
scuttling of Baltic Fleet and
siege of Leningrad and
Stalin assumes command of
winter 1942 operations and
See also Defense Commissariat; State Defense
Stepanov, Boris
Stepanov, Gen. G. A.
Stepanov, Volodya
Stepanov, Yuri
S-309 (submarine)
S-322 (submarine)
Stoiki (destroyer)
Strashenkov, M.
Strashun, Ilya D.
Streltsov (chief of transfer)
Strogy (gunboat)
Stroiny (gunboat)
Subbotin, Gen. A. I.
Sukharevskaya, Lydiya
Sukhomlin, Lt. Gen. A. V.
availability of (Jan. 1942)
of Baltic Military District
bombing of barges of
depots of, i66n
delivery of (Sept-Dec. 1941)
destruction of warehouses of
logistics (June 1941)
for People's Volunteers
production of
evacuation of plants and (June 1941)
increased output (Nov.-Dec. 1941)
shift to war production (June 1941)
shipment of
See also Food supplies; Ladoga Lake
supply route
Surovy (torpedo boat)
Surtyl (icebreaker)
Susloparov, Maj. Gen. I. A.
Susoyev, Vyacheslav
Suvorov, Gen. Aleksandr
Svetlov, Mikhail
Sviridov, Gen. V. P.
Sychev, V. A.
Tairov, Aleksandr
defense of (July 1941)
evacuation from
fall of
Tarasenkov, Anatoly
burials and
defense' of Tallinn and
mail delivery and
Tarle (writer)
Tebelev, S. A.
Telegin, K. F.
Tenin, Boris
Ter-Asaturov, M. Ye.
Tikhomirov, Nikolai G.
Tikhonov, Nikolai
anniversary of Revolution and (1941)
death in family of
on Leningrad in Battle
May Day (1942) and
Vishnevsky's play and
on war's end (1943)
fall of (Oct. 1941)
German offensive on (Oct. 1941)
Luknitsky on victory of
recapture of
Russian offensive on (Nov.-Dec. 1941)
Timoshenko, Marshal Semyon K.
counteroffensive ordered by (June 1941)
defensive preparations and
Govorov and
invasion and
combat alert ordered
disbelief in
order not to fire
removal of D. G. Pavlov and
purges and
as subordinate
war with Finland and
Tirpitz (battleship)
Tito, Marshal
Tobol (transport)
Tolstoy, Alexei
Tolstoy, Dmitri
Tolstoy, Leo
Tomilin, V. K.
Trakhachev, A. A.
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