Travkin, Capt. Ivan V.
Tributs, Adm. Vladimir F.
counteroffensive proposal of (July 1941)
defense of Baltic Fleet and
in defense of Leningrad
in defense of Tallinn
May Day (1943) an
Russian summer offensive (1942) and
scuttling of Baltic Fleet and
unreliability of Baltic states and
evacuation of ships
indefensibility of Libau and, invasion threat and
Tripolsky, Capt. A. V.
Trofimov, Fyodor
Trushkin, Gen. N. A.
Tsekhnovitser, Orest
Tsiganov, Lavrenti
Tsiklon (mine layer)
Tsirlin, Commandant A. D.
Tsvetayeva, Marina
Tsybuklin, Capt. V. A.
Tukhachevsky, Marshal M. N.
Tupikov, Gen
Turgenev, Ivan
Tutcheva, Vera N.
Tverdokhleb, Maksim
Twain, Mark
Tyrsa, N. A.
Tyulenev, Gen. I. V.
Tyulyagin, Vasya
Uborevich, I. P., in
Uchitel, Yerlm
Ukhtomsky, Aleksei A.
Ulanova, Galina
Ulyanov, Aleksandr
Umansky, Konstantin
Uspensky, A. A.
Uspensky, Lev
Utyosov, Leonid
Vaganova, Agrippina
Vagner, N.
Valdman, V. S.
Valov (writer)
Vandel, K. K.
Vandel, Mikki
Vannikov, B. L.
Varvara, Countess
Vashugin, Nikolai N.
Vasilevsky, Marshal A. M.
defense of Leningrad and
Volkhov offensive and (Jan. 1942)
Vasileyeva, Anna
Vasilyev, Misha
Vasyutina, Yevgeniya
anniversary of Revolution and (1941)
Vatunin, Marshal N. F.
VechernayaMoskva (newspaper)
Velter, Nadezhda
Verbitsky, A. D.
Vereisky, G. S.
Veresov, A.
Victory, To (newspaper)
Viktorov, Adm. M. V., i n
Vilm, Ada
Vinogradov, A. I.w
Virona (transport)
Vishinsky, Andrei Y.
invasion threat and
Vishnevsky, Vsevolod
anniversary of Revolution and
on clean-up of city (Mar. 1942)
defense of Baltic Fleet and
defense of Tallinn and
electric power failure and
exhortation of
fuel famine and
on German prisoners
German troop strength and (summer
hint of purges by
on his daily life
jokes recorded byJ
on Leningrad
liberation of Leningrad and
May Day (1942) and
May Day shelling (1943) and
medal given to
New Year's party and (1943)
optimism of
panic noted by
pets and
play of presence of death and, proposed trip to U.S. of,
proposed trip to U.S. of
rats and
recapture of Shlisselburg and
on resumption of life in city (Apr. 1942)
rumors of war's end and (1943)
scenario of (Mar. 1942)
Solyany Park exhibition and
traitorous writers and
Vladimirovna, Anastasiya
Vlasov, Lt. Gen. Andrei A.
background of
encirclement of Second Shock Army
(June 1942) and
Vodopyanov, Georgi V.
VolkischerBeobachter (newspaper)
Voikov, Gen. Nikolai I.
Volodarsky (mine layer)
Volkhonsky, Grigori V.
Volkhov, Capt.
defense of (Nov. 1941)
Iskra operation in
Russian offensive on (Jan. 1942)
Volzhenin, Vladimir
Voronov, Marshal Nikolai N., no
anniversary of Revolution and (1941)
defense of Baltic Fleet and
in defense of Leningrad
invasion and
Kulik and
liberation of Leningrad and
siege of Leningrad and
Stalin and
Volkhov offensive (Jan. 1942) and
on war plans
Vorontsov, Adm. M. A.
Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment
animosity between Bychevsky and
in defense of Leningrad
failure of
replacement of
Stalin and
State Defense Committee and
drain of Northern Front by
invasion threat and
in Iskra operation
in Luga line
named commander
D. G. Pavlov's removal and
Volkhov front and
Vorozheikina, Zina
Voznesensky, A. A.
Voznesensky, N. A.
V tor ay a Pyatiletka (transport)
Walther, Gebhardt von
Warlimont, Gen. Walter
Wehrmacht (German Army)
area controlled by (1943)
Army Group Center of
offensive of (June 1941)
depth of penetration
Russian winter offensive (1942) and
Army Group Nord of
Baltic nationalists and
counteroffensive proposed against
(Aug. 1941)
depth of penetration (June 1941)
Luga line falls to (Aug. 1941)
Mga falls to
Neva crossing of
offensive of (June 1941)
Wehrmacht (German Army): Army
Group Nord of (cont'd)
order to capture Leningrad (June
Russian winter 1942 offensive and
Shlisselburg falls to (Sept. 1941)
strength of (June 1941)
Tallinn falls to (July 1941)
Tikhvin and (Oct. 1941)
Army Group Slid of
concentration of (1941)
Fifth Column preceding
Iskra operation and (1943)
Leningrad and
losses in Stalingrad
1941 campaigns of
retreat of Red Army and
shelling by
siege guns of
summer offensive of (1942)
See also German Army units
Weizsacker, Baron Ernst von
Welles, Sumner
Werth, Alexander
West Siberia Military District
Western Military District
combat alert of
destruction of air force of
See also Western Front
Wilhelm II (Kaiser)
Willkie, Wendell
Winter Palace
Witte, Maj.
Wormann, Ernst
Yagoda, Genrikh G.
Yakir, I. E., in
YakovSverdlov (mine layer)
Yakovlenko, M. G.
Yakovlev, A.
Yakovlev, Gen. N. D.
Yakovlev, Pavel
Yakovlev, Lt. Gen. V. F.
Yakovlevich, Aleksandr
Yakushin, Peter
Yamaguchi (military attache)
Yankevich, Aleksandr
Yarvamaa (transport)
Yefremov, V. S.
Yegorov, Marshal A. I.
Yeremenko, Marshal A. I.
Yermakov, Gen. F. A.
Yesenin, Sergei A.
Yevstigneyev, Gen. Pyotr P.
Yezersky, Sergei
Yezhov, Nikolai
Yudenich, Gen. N. N.
r /> Yushkevich, Adolf
Zabelina, Nadezhda
Zagursky, Boris I.
Zagurslko, L. N.
Zaitsev, Maj. Gen. P. A.
Zakharikov, Leonid
Zaltsman, I. M.
Zamirovsky, Col.
Zeltser, Johann
Zhdanov, Andrei A.
anniversary of Revolution and
Baltic defenses and
city-wide order and
code names for
conference with Stalin (Dec. 1941)
convalescent stations and
crimes for food and
death of
decisions of, and death toll
in defense of Leningrad
departure of
fall of Shlisselburg and
food rations (Nov. 1941) and
losses of supply barges and
replacement of Voroshilov and
sacrificing Leningrad and
shipping out of factories
Stalin and
Stalin's criticism of
State Defense Committee and
Zhdanov opposed
in defense of Volkhov
departure of (Apr. 1944)
drain on Northern Front by
evacuations and
exhaustion of
Fedyuninsky and
foreign policy mistakes of
fortifications work of
friendship with Adm. Kuznetsov
fuel famine and
German summer (1942) offensive and
Gusev and
hopes of (Dec. 1941)
increase in rations and (Dec. 1941),
invasion threat and
in Iskra operation
Ladoga supply route and
leadership of
liberation of Leningrad and
lost ration cards and
in Luga line
May Day (1943) and
measures taken by (Jan. 1942)
named co-commander
"open city" proposal and
power position of
loss of (June 1941)
return to power of (Apr. 1944)
role in purges
on restoration of city
Russian summer (1942) offensive and
source materials on
Stavka and
use of artillery and
view of Hitler
Vlasov and
war with Finland and
war efforts of
winter 1942 Russian offensive and
Zhdanov, Col. N. N.
Zhdanov, Yuri
Zhebelev, Sergei
Zhelesnodorozhnik (tanker)
Zhemchuzhnikov, I. F.
Zhigarev, Marshal P. F.
Zhilin, Lt. I. S.
Zhilo, Yevgeny
Zhukov, Marshal Georgi K.
banishment of
as commander of Leningrad
in defense of Leningrad
attempt to break siege (Sept. 1941)
in command
stabilization of front (late 1941)
Govorov and
invasion threat and
defensive preparations and
on invasion day
misinterpretation of
offensive on Moscow front of (Nov.
Dec. 1941)
Stavka and
as subordinate
Zimin, G. L.
Zinovyev, Grigori
Zolotukhin, P. V.
Zonin, Aleksandr I.
Zoshchenko, Mikhail
Zhdanovshchina and
Zotov, Gen. Aleksandr
Zotov, Maj. Gen. V. F.
Zozulya, Capt. F. V.
Zubkov, I. G.
Zubkovsky, N. A.
Zuyev, Ivan V.
Zverev, V. Z.
Zvezda (magazine)
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