All We Know: Three Lives
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McKenna, Margaret
McKinley, William
McMullin, Johnny
Mead, Margaret
Meher Baba
Mellon, Andrew
Melville, Herman
Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man (Sassoon)
Mencken, H. L.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Metropolitan Museum of Art; Costume Institute of
Metternich, Prince Klemens von
Meyer, Baron de
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, J. Duncan
Miller, Lee
Mills, Florence
Miner, The
Ministry of Education, British
Missouri Compromise
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitford, Nancy
Mizener, Arthur
Moby Dick (Melville)
Mocatta, Christine “Kitty” Salmond Pringle
Mocatta, Edgar
Moffat, Curtis
Molnár, Ferenc
Molyneux, Edward
Monroe, Harriet
Monsanto Chemical Works
Montagu, Edward
Montague, Lady Mary Wortley
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de
Montespan, Madame de
Moods (de Acosta)
Moore, Marianne
More Women Than Men (Compton-Burnett)
Morgan, J. P.
Morris, Cedric
Morris, Lloyd
Mortimer, Raymond
Morton, Digby
Mosca, Bianca
Mosley, Oswald
Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf)
Munich Pact
Munson, Ona
Muray, Nickolas
Murdoch, Iris
Murphy, Anna Ryan; character and personality of; EM and; illness and death of
Murphy, Baoth
Murphy, Doris
Murphy, Esther; attachments to women of; awkwardness of; birth of; on celibacy; childhood and adolescence of; critical writing of; death of; depressions of; domesticity lacking in; drinking and smoking of; education of; energy and compulsion of; eye problems of; fictional images of; financial concerns of; first marriage and divorce of; funeral and cremation of; illnesses of; insecurity of; intellect and erudition of; Irish Catholic background of; kindness and generosity of; literary friends of; loneliness of; on MdA; Mexican trip of; MG and; nonstop talking of; physical appearance of; poetry of; portraits of; pregnancies and miscarriages of; privileged upbringing of; public speaking of; published works of; sartorial style of; second marriage and divorce of; self-criticism of; social entertaining of; work habits of; unfinished works of; women as literary focus of
Murphy, Frederic; army service and heroism of; death of; illnesses and injuries of; marriage of; Patrick Murphy and
Murphy, Gerald; attraction to men of; business career of; correspondence of EM and; depression of; EM and; marriage of, see Murphy, Sara Wiborg; painting of; Patrick Murphy and
Murphy, Noel Haskins; EM and; Janet Flanner and
Murphy, Patrick; business career of; character and personality of; death and funeral of; last will of; mistress of; physical appearance of; political life of; professional and social rise of; public speaking of; relationship of EM and
Murphy, Sara Wiborg
Murray, Natalia Danesi
Museum of Costume Art
Museum of Modern Art
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Napoleon III, Emperor of Fance
Nast, Condé; changes made at British Vogue by
Nation, The
National Gallery of Ireland
National Horse Show Association
Nazimova, Alla
Neuillant, Madame
Neutrality Act
New Deal
“New Dress, The” (Woolf)
New Interior Decoration, The: An Introduction to its Principles, and International Survey of its Methods
New Party, British
New Republic, The
New Statesman
New York American
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times, The
New York Tribune
Nicolson, Harold
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Nijinska, Bronislava
Nijinsky, Vaslav
“Notes on ‘Camp’” (Sontag)
Novel of Thank You, A (Stein)
Odets, Clifford
O’Hara, Frank
Omega Workshop
O’Neill, Olive
“On Great Men Recognizing Greatness” (de Acosta)
Orlando (Woolf)
Orwell, George
O’Shaughnessy, Edith
Oxford University; St. Hilda’s College; Somerville College
Paderewski, Ignacy
Palmer, Samuel
Paramount Pictures
Parker, Dorothy; EM and
Parsons, Elizabeth
Partisan Review, The
Pascal, Blaise
Patou, Jean
Payson and Clarke
Peace Pledge Union
Pell, Isabel
Pemberton, Muriel
Penrose, Betty
Penrose, Roland
Pensées (Pascal)
Père Lachaise Cemetery
Perriand, Charlotte
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Phillips, David Graham
Picasso, Pablo
Picot, Mademoiselle
Pilgrims Club
Pitt-Rivers, Michael
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poiret, Paul
Pompadour, Madame de; EM’s planned biography of
Poole, Abram
Porter, Cole
Porter, Katherine Anne
Portrait of a Lady, The (James)
“Portrait of Mabel Dodge at Villa Curiona” (Stein)
Port-Royal (Sainte-Beuve)
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Anthony
Powell, Dawn
Powell, Violet
Pride and Prejudice (Austen)
Princeton University
Pringle, Colombe
Professor’s House, The (Cather)
Proust, Marcel
Provincetown Players
Queen Mary
Queeny, John Francis
Queeny, Olga Mendez Monsanto
Queeny, Olguita; death of; marriage of; MG’s relationship with
Quest for Corvo, The: An Experiment in Biography (Symons)
Quicksands (Bedford)
“Quotation and Originality” (Emerson)
Racine, Jean
Radiguet, Raymond
Rambova, Natacha
Rawlings, Margaret
Ray, Man
Redfern Gallery
Reed, John
Reform Club
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Representative Men (Emerson)
Republican Party
Restaurant Boulestin
Reynolds, Graham
Ricardo, Halsey
Rice, Elmer
Richardson, Samuel
Ritz Hotel
RKO Pictures
Robeson, Eslanda
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Alice
Rodin, Auguste
Roger, Neil “Bunny,”
Rolfe, Frederick
Rolls House Publishing
Room of One’s Own, A (Woolf)
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano; administration of; death of; EM on; opposition to
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Aida de Acosta
Root, Elihu
Root, Oren
bach, Abraham S. W.
Rosenbach, Philip
Rosenbach Museum & Library; Garbo Unsealed exhibit at; MdA Papers in
Ross, Harold
Rothenstein, John
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Royal Flying Corps
Royal Society of Arts
Rubinstein, Arthur
Runciman, Steven
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Jane
Russell, Peter
Russian Revolution
Rylands, George “Dadie,”
Sackville-West, Vita
Sacred Heart Academy
Sainsbury, Lord and Lady
St. Augustine, Order of
St. Denis, Ruth
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
St. Joan (Shaw)
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church
St. Mary’s Church
Saint-Mihiel, Battle of
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Saint-Simon, Duc de
Salmond, Felix
Salon d’Automne
Salon des Artistes Décorateurs
Sandage, Scott
San Francisco Chronicle
San Quentin prison
Sargent, Andrew R.
Sargent, John Singer
Sartoris, Cecile
Sassoon, David
Sassoon, Siegfried
Savoy Hotel
Scarron, Paul
Schiaparelli, Elsa
Schrijver, Herman
Scott-James, Anne
Scudéry, Mademoiselle de
Seebohm, Carolyn
Sekers, Miki (Sir Nicholas)
Seldes, Amanda (Alice Hall)
Seldes, Gilbert
Seldes, Marian
Settle, Alison
Seven Ages of Fashion
Seven Years’ War
Sévigné, Madame de
sexual liberation
sexual politics
sexual studies
sexual subcultures, in Hollywood; in New York City; see also lesbian networks
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Irwin
Sheean, Vincent
Sheppard, Dick
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Simpson, Celia
Sinclair, Upton
Sitwell, Edith
Sitwell, Osbert
Sitwell, Sacheverell
Six Red Months in Russia (Bryant)
$64,000 Question
Small, Susan
Small Garden in the City, The (Garland)
Smith, Al
Snow, Carmel
Snowden, Philip
Socialist Review
Solano, Solita
Somme, Battle of the
Sonnets to Duse and Other Poems (Teasdale)
Sontag, Susan
Sorel, Albert
Soustelle, Jacques
Southampton Club
Spanish Civil War
Spectator, The
Spectre de la Rose, Le
Speyer, Leonora
Spinoza, Baruch
Spry, Constance
Spurling, Hilary
Stanhope, Lady Hester
Stark, Frederick
Steffens, Lincoln
Steichen, Edward
Stein, Gertrude; works of
Stiebel, Victor
Stokes, William
Strachey, Amabel, see Williams-Ellis, Amabel
Strachey, Amy
Strachey, John; background and education of; death of; marriage and divorce of EM and; political career of
Strachey, Lytton
Strauss, George
Stravinsky, Igor
Streets and Shadows (de Acosta)
style, definitions of
Sur les Quatre Routes (Corbusier)
Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise (Phillips)
Suzy (milliner)
Swenson, Karen
Symons, A.J.A.
Symons, Julian
Syndicat de la Soie
Taft, William Howard
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de
Tammany Hall
Tanqueray, Paul
Taylor, Jeremy
Taylor, Laurette
Tchelichew, Pavel
Teasdale, Sara
temperance movement
Temptress, The (film)
Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed)
Tender Buttons (Stein)
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald)
Teresa of Avila, Saint
Thaarup, Aage
Thalberg, Irving
Theatre Union
Thesiger, Ernest
Thesiger, Janette
Thirty Years’ War
This Circle of Flesh (Morris)
“This Fashion Business” (Garland)
Thomas, Edna
Thompson, Dorothy
Thomson, Virgil
Times (London)
Times Literary Supplement Time to Be Born, A (Powell)
“To a Picture of Eleonora Duse as
‘Francesca da Rimini’” (Teasdale)
“Toccata of Galuppi’s, A” (Browning)
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Todd, Alfred Guy Eric; death of; education of
Todd, Christopher
Todd, Dorothy “Dody,”; alcoholism of; bankruptcy of; as British
editor; character and personality of; childhood and adolescence of; death of; education of; family background of; illegitimate daughter of; MdA on; MG’s personal and professional relationship with; notoriety of; personal problems of; stylish appearance of
Todd, Dorothy Helen
Todd, Olivier
Todd, Ruthella Hetherington
“To Eleonora Duse in ‘The Dead City’” (Teasdale)
Toklas, Alice B.
Toscanini, Arturo
Towne, Charles Hanson
Townsend Warner, Sylvia
Tragedy of Fashion, A (ballet)
Treaty of Versailles
Tree, Herbert Beerbohm
Tree, Viola
Tribus Impostoribus, De
Turgenev, Ivan
Turgot, A.R.J.
Turing, Alan
Twain, Mark
Tyner, Chloe
Tyrrell, Anne
Ulysses (Joyce)
Union des Artistes Modernes
Until the Day Break (de Acosta)
Ursuline nuns
Utopian Society
Valentino, Rudolf
Vanderbilt, Emily
Vanderbilt family
Vanity Fair
Van Vechten, Carl
Vatican library
Vickers, Hugo
Victoria, Queen of England
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria Brewery
Victorian age; art and architecture of
Viertel, Salka
Visit to Don Otavio, A: A Traveller’s Tale from Mexico (Bedford)
Vivien, Renée
Vogue (American)
Vogue (British); Alison Settle as editor of; Audrey Withers as editor of; Dorothy Todd as editor of; Elizabeth Penrose as editor of; Elspeth Champcommunal as editor of; as forum for art, literature, fashion, and society; masthead lacking on; MG as fashion editor at; MG fired from; MG’s fashion journalism at; MG’s first job at; Ruth Anderson as editor of; staff of; Virginia Woolf and
Vreeland, Diana
Vuillard, Edouard
Wagner, Richard
Walker, June
Wallace, Henry
Wallace Collection
Wall Street crash of 1929
Walton, Allan
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
ackson, Peter
Ward-Jackson, Shaunagh
Warhol, Andy
War of 1812
Waterloo, Battle of
Watsons, The (Austen)
Watts, Alan
Watts, David
Waugh, Evelyn
Webb, Clifton
Wellington, Duke of
Well of Loneliness, The (Hall)
Wells, H. G.
West, Rebecca; H. G. Wells and; on MG
West Cumberland Silk Mills
Westminster Cathedral
Weston, Edward
Wharton, Edith; EM and; EM influenced by; German honorary degree rejected by
White, Katharine
White, Stanford
Whitehead, Alfred North
Whitfield, Emily Vanderbilt
Whitman, Walt
Wiborg, Frank
Widener, Harry Elkins
Wilde, Dorothy
Wilde, Oscar
Wildeblood, Peter
Wilder, Thornton
Willard, Frances
Williams, Hope
Williams, William Carlos
Williams-Ellis, Amabel
Williams-Ellis, Clough
Wilson, Edith Galt
Wilson, Edmund; on EM; EM and
Wilson, John
Wilson, Woodrow
Winchell, Walter
Winter, Ella
Withers, Audrey
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wolfe, Edward “Teddy,”
Wolfe, Thomas
woman suffrage
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Women’s Wear Daily
Wood, William
Woodcock, Patrick
Woolf, Leonard
Woolf, Virginia; British
Vogue and; MG and; on professional lives of women; works of
Woollcott, Alexander
Woolley, Monty
World War I; Allied casualties of; Armistice signed in; Arras offensive in; English war effort in; German submarine attacks in; women freed to enter workforce by
World War II; England in
Worth, London
Wyld, Evelyn
Wylie, Elinor
Wyndham, Olivia
Wyndham, Francis
Yale University
Yantorny, Pietro
Young, Marguerite
Yoxall, Harry
Zadkine, Ossip
Ziegfeld Follies
A Note About the Author
Lisa Cohen’s writing has appeared in Fashion Theory, Bookforum, GLQ, Ploughshares, Boston Review, and other journals and anthologies. She teaches at Wesleyan University.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York 10011
Copyright © 2012 by Lisa Cohen
All rights reserved
Distributed in Canada by D&M Publishers, Inc.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Society of Authors for permission to print an unpublished excerpt from Virginia Woolf’s Diary and excerpts from “The New Dress” and to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company for permission to quote Woolf’s Diary and Letters; to the Estate of Edmund Wilson for permission to quote his letters, diaries, and essays; to Bruce Kellner and the Estate of Carl Van Vechten for permission to reproduce Van Vechten’s photographs of Esther Murphy and Muriel Draper; to the estate of Dawn Powell, with thanks to Peter Skolnik, for permission to quote excerpts from Powell’s diaries, published and unpublished correspondence, A Time to Be Born, and The Happy Island; and to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company for permission to quote Memories of a Catholic Girlhood by Mary McCarthy.