Book Read Free

The Brigade

Page 95

by H. A. Covington

  The TV was turned on to CNN, and Hatfield clicked the sound on. The first thing they saw was the ebony face of Paulus Ingram, a well-known network talking head who had the distinction of being one of the ugliest men of any race on television. His hair was artificially straightened, adding to the grotesque appearance of his round head and bubble-lipped face. Ingram had successfully defended his job as the lone African-American male commentator of any stature at CNN against a white woman, a male Hispanic, and the network itself; his last federal lawsuit had resulted in the famous “Ingram Injunction” from the United States Supreme Court, forbidding CNN to dismiss him, demote him, or discipline him in any way, and had been hailed as a model for 21st century civil rights law. “We’re still waiting for the hookup from the Oval Office to begin,” said Ingram, addressing a white female talking head, a Barbie doll blonde whose face appeared in the lower right hand of the television screen. The White House was behind her, illuminated in the muggy darkness of a summer night.

  “I notice they don’t show the Bremer walls and the sandbags,” chuckled Coyle.

  “I gather the Brat is a bit jumpy since the bit with the exploding cigar at her dinner table,” said Rick Parmenter. “They’ve supposedly sandbagged her bedroom now.”

  “Pity nobody sandbagged her mother years ago,” growled Hatfield.

  Ingram gibbered on. “Apropos of what you were saying just a minute ago, Jenny, the President’s announcement is definitely unexpected. We didn’t get word ourselves until this morning. CNN has been informed that she and the Vice President, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of Homeland Security met with a delegation of senior legislators from both Houses of Congress this afternoon and apparently what they had to say took these Congressional VIPs by complete surprise. I have heard described to me that their faces leaving the White House were in some cases angry and in some cases simply baffled. It’s also unexpected in that this is Chelsea Clinton’s first nationwide address devoted entirely to the subject of domestic terrorism, outside of what might be considered the standard and obligatory references and expressions of our national determination to win the war on domestic terror during her State of the Union addresses. Ms. Clinton has in fact devoted most of her term so far to the social agenda that has always been her family’s strongest point whenever the Clintons have been in office, as opposed to the Bushes, who are generally regarded as more prominent in foreign affairs and security issues, although it has to be said Clinton Three has continued Bush Two’s strong line in the War on Terror to the satisfaction of both parties. She’s taken a firm stand on both Islamic terrorism in the Middle East and throughout the world, and she’s been just as firm on racist terror in the Pacific Northwest. But this President has so far been content to leave security issues to the professionals, and in order to further professionalize the struggle against domestic terrorism, at the beginning of her term she signed off on the strengthening of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Police Organization both manpower and budget-wise without hesitation, as well as the section allowing the relocation of local populations in the Northwest who are deemed by the Attorney General to be insufficiently cooperative with federal authority. A notable bipartisan effort that won her a lot of points on both sides of the aisle.”

  “Yes indeed, Paulus,” said Jenny brightly, “That was to be expected in view of the fact that the FATPO bill received bipartisan backing at the time of passage, notably from her mother, former President Hillary Clinton, in return for the Republicans’ concession regarding the suspension of the Twenty-Fourth Amendment, allowed Hillary herself one more shot at the gold ring and which will actually enable her to succeed her own daughter for an unprecedented fourth term. That would be one for the books, eh Paulus? But Washington is a goldfish bowl. Surely we must by now have at least some inkling of what the President intends to say?”

  Ingram replied, “Well, Jenny, there is some speculation that she finally intends to declare at least three Pacific Northwest states and parts of several others to be in a state of insurrection against the United States, which is a step that Congressional conservatives and liberals alike have been calling on the executive branch to perform for many years, and if I may say so, if this is the reason for the President’s address tonight, then it’s not before time, Jenny. I simply don’t know what else the level of terrorism and racist intimidation that exists in Washington and Oregon and Idaho could possibly be called, if not an armed insurrection. The official reason that this hasn’t been done is that to do so would concede that the United States has in effect lost control over the Pacific Northwest and thus hand the terrorists a moral victory, but a lot of people have never really bought into that. I asked about that very issue earlier tonight when I had NAACP president Jamal Watkins on my show. Kenneth, we seem to have a little time, can we roll that one clip while we wait for the President to make her appearance?”

  The screen flashed to another negroid countenance. He was seated in a plush studio swivel chair. “I would verra much hope dat tonight President Clinton shall indeed finally take de necessar-ray steps to address de problem ob racist terror in ah so-ci-eh-tay. De peeple ob dis cuntry hab long awaited some sign dat dose in powuh ah red-day to make a commitment to human decency and crush, extoimenate, and cut off from de oith dese white racist moiderers who hab defiled . . .”

  Ingram broke in. “Wait, I have been informed that President Clinton has entered the Oval Office.” The scene suddenly cut to the sad and rather confused-looking, camel-like face of Chelsea Clinton. She was wearing a prim, almost dowdy tweed suit, and she was seated behind a large mahogany desk in the Oval Office, American and Israeli flags prominently displayed behind her.

  “God, every time I see her I wait for her to flap her flippers together and bark so some tourist will throw her a fish,” said Christina Ekstrom.

  Chelsea was still staring silently at the camera, almost in a trance. “Come on, start the damned teleprompter!” jeered Rick Parmenter.

  Someone must have done so, because the President began to speak. “Good evening,” she said. “Tonight I wish to speak to the United States of America, and to the world, about something I understand and accept will be very much misunderstood, and which will cause deep feeling throughout the country. But what I must discuss with you tonight is an idea whose time has come, and it may well prove to be the beginning of a new era in this nation’s long war on terrorism. For many years during the last century, terrorism was something that was restricted to foreign countries, mostly in the Middle East as the result of Muslim refusal to accept the sudden existence of a Jewish state in their midst where none had been before, and the Muslim world’s subsequent abandonment of all civilized and humane standards of behavior in their effort to drive that Jewish state out of existence. As both the foremost ally of Israel, and the standard bearer of democracy and enlightenment, it was perhaps inevitable that the United States would be eventually dragged into that terrorist conflict.

  “Then came the cataclysmic events of September 11th, 2001. Ever since then, the United States has followed a policy of bringing democracy and freedom directly to the Muslim world, by persuasion and diplomacy where possible, by compulsory régime change where necessary. It is in the interest of all of humanity that Islam be required to embrace values and systems of government that will enable the state of Israel to survive and prosper, and thereby bring about the ultimate goal of all world history, a Brotherhood of Man. This administration, like previous ones, has continued this benevolent policy of imposing civilized thoughts and behaviors on those within the Islamic world who are unwilling to recognize the need to modernize their faith and bring it into conformity with twenty-first century human values, specifically rendering Islam inclusive of women, religious and racial minorities, and those of different sexual orientations. We will not falter in this sacred trust. Israel is intended by God to be a Light Unto The Nations, and America was created to be the torchbearer of that light.”

  “That doesn’t sou
nd like they’re throwing in the towel to me,” growled Hatfield in disgust. “Christ, what are Grendel and her mother planning on doing now?”

  “Wait for it,” said Oscar.

  “But closer to home, tragic events have taken shape,” Chelsea went on. “Our own country throughout its long history has never been free of the curse of racism, of intolerance, of hatred and bigotry, of contempt for minorities and women and gays on the part of the heterosexual and patriarchal white males who controlled America and its resources for so long a part of our national existence. Within the past three generations, to our eternal credit, America has begun to step forward, out of the fever swamp of racial hatred, and into the green and pleasant meadows of brotherhood and tolerance. Beginning with the civil rights movement, led by the immortal and beloved Doctor Martin Luther King, and continuing on with the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 1960s in which my own beloved parents grew to political and personal maturity . . .”

  “Your father never did grow to maturity, and your mother is an ageless being, neither young nor old, an immortal spirit of evil,” muttered Billy Jackson.

  “It was inevitable that there would be bitter and stubborn resistance to the march of the New World Order,” said Chelsea, changing tone. “Sometimes even violent and criminal resistance by men with closed minds and closed hearts. For many years hatecrime was dealt with swiftly and efficiently by law enforcement and the courts, and many white males paid the price for their refusal to turn their back on the past and accept the coming of a bright new day of tolerance and diversity where the black man, the brown man, women and gays of all colors walked proudly at his side as his equals and, more often than not, his betters. Up until a certain day in October, four years and nine months ago, we thought that ordinary criminal procedures were enough to deal with this cancer of racism and hatred in our society. Unfortunately, we were wrong. On that October 22nd, evil men who had spent years creating and perfecting a diabolical criminal conspiracy, elected to use a child custody case involving the Singer family of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, as an excuse to launch what can only be termed an insurrection against the United States.”

  “It’s martial law!” said Hatfield.

  “Or maybe she’s just trying to sugar-coat a really bitter pill,” suggested Oscar.

  Chelsea continued to drone in a monotone. “That insurrection has gone on for almost five years now. It has claimed thousands of lives. This very hallowed and historic home of the nation’s chief executive, from which I address you tonight, has been attacked and damaged, and my own life and the lives of my family have been threatened. Some of my closest personal friends and political allies have been murdered. The terrorist campaign has destroyed billions of dollars worth of both government and private property, and not only in the Northwest. That destruction, combined with the lost revenue and the expense required to enforce the law and maintain security in the Pacific Northwest, and now in other parts of the country, is now literally beyond calculation, as I have been informed by the General Accounting Office.”

  “It’s never the generals who surrender, comrades,” said Hill with grim satisfaction. “It’s the accountants!”

  Chelsea went on. “Worst of all, the ongoing racial violence in the Pacific Northwest has distracted this great nation of ours both from America’s civilizing mission in the Muslim world, and from our domestic agenda of creating a true and inclusive paradise on earth, insofar as that is humanly possible, based on the ancient Jewish and yet also universal idea of a Brotherhood of Man. Assessing the developments in the Pacific Northwest over a lengthy period of time, I have come to the conclusion that if there is any chance of an immediate cessation of the violence and loss before the end of my term as President, then I have to investigate and assess it, regardless of my personal feelings in the matter and the deep-seated repugnance I feel in giving a vicarious legitimacy to terrorists, bombers, and murderers. But there are times when a leader’s duty to her country and to human civilization itself demand that she make difficult and controversial choices. I have never feared controversy. I know that my decision in this matter will cause alarm, despondency, and suspicion in many quarters. I will tell you all tonight that these fears are misplaced. When you elected me as your President, you gave me a sacred trust, and I will never betray that trust. In this crucial time in our country’s history I must ask for your faith in my intentions, your support in this vitally necessary development, and your prayers. I do not like doing this one bit. But if I can end the horrific violence that has poisoned our national life for so long, and that threatens to undermine and destroy everything which makes America great, then it is my duty to make the attempt. I can do no more or less.

  “Accordingly, I have today signed and issued two special executive orders. In my capacity as commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States, effective immediately, I hereby direct all American military units and law enforcement agencies in the Pacific Northwest to halt operations and observe a full ceasefire. I have received a reciprocal commitment to a full ceasefire from the . . .” Chelsea suddenly stopped and pursed her lips, almost like she was trying to repress a cough or sneeze.

  “Come on, baby, say it, say it!” prompted Parmenter.

  “From the Northwest Volunteer Army, who shall in turn cease all attacks against American military, law enforcement, and civilian personnel from this moment on,” she concluded, almost spitting out the sentence.

  “Did we agree to that?” demanded Hatfield.

  Chelsea hurried on. “Secondly, I am ordering that beginning on August the first of this year, a conference shall be convened at Longview, Washington, between representatives of the United States Government and the Northwest Volunteer Army, in order to bring about a negotiated settlement which shall permanently bring this conflict and its murderous violence to an end. My fellow Americans, thank you all, and good night.”

  The screen went momentarily blank and then returned to the news studio and the gawping negroid face of Paulus Ingram. His bubble-lipped jaw was down to his chest. “Mutha fukka!” he suddenly screamed. “Dat honky bitch done sold our black asses out! She gone surrender to those racist NVA muthafukkas!” Hill reached for the remote and hit the mute button. The people in the room looked at each other in stunned silence. There was no cheering, no laughter, no exultation, no joy. The realization hadn’t sunk in yet, and they were in shock.

  Finally Hatfield said the words out loud. “We won,” he said simply. “I don’t believe it. Dear God in Heaven. We won!”

  “Not yet, we haven’t,” said Hill crisply, standing up in front of them. “There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip, as the old saying goes.” He pulled a notebook out of his pocket and referred to it. “This isn’t victory yet, comrades. This is simply a very big opportunity that we can’t afford to bungle. I have been instructed by the Army Council to let you know how we intend to handle this, and what your own roles in these coming events must be.”

  “What’s all that moo about a cease-fire in place?” asked Jackson. “What are we supposed to do if we run into any Fatties on the way back tonight? Wave at them?”

  “In theory, cease-fire in place means just what it says,” said Coyle. “In practice, we’re going to make it mean the Fatties stay in place while we grab everything that’s not nailed down. What we’ve got here is a truce, which means the NVA will be able to surface at least partially, and begin the process of assuming power in the Homeland. Starting with areas like the North Shore, which are pretty much clear of federal authority already, thanks to Zack and you Third Batt comrades. You know, after almost five years of fighting there’s only any significant American presence left anymore in about fifteen or sixteen areas of the Pacific Northwest, the larger cities and towns. Everywhere else the Americans are hanging on by their fingernails, afraid to show their faces outside their police stations or their fortified courthouses, and there’s huge stretches of territory throughout the Northwest where we’ve already run the bastards
out and for all practical purposes we’re the government already, like right here where we’re sitting. We haven’t stepped forward in these areas too much, because we didn’t want to give ZOG stationary targets where they could bring their superior firepower to bear, but now we’ve got to. We’ve created a vacuum. Now we have to step in and fill it.”

  “This is going to be a time of transition for the NVA as well as for the whole country,” said Oscar. “We’re going to be morphing from an underground guerrilla organization into a new government, a new army, and a new order of society. Under General Order Number One the Army Council has officially been the provisional government of the Northwest Republic. Now we start to turn that into fact. Zack, you are henceforth that government’s Administrative Officer for Clatsop, Columbia, and Tillamook Counties. That’s just a stopgap title we dreamed up at the Seattle conference. Next week you’ll probably be called something else, and we’ll probably make you a general or something, but for now you’re the basic head honcho for this neck of the woods. Your assignment is to assume full control of this area in both a military and civil capacity, make sure everything runs as well as you can manage given the time of upheaval that’s coming, and above all keep the United States in all its slimy forms out. Commandants Coyle and Jackson are in a somewhat different position, since their urban area of operation is still occupied by the enemy, and you will need to provide them with every support service you can. That will include recruiting and training of new troops, weapons, supplies, medical service, vehicles, intelligence. To be blunt, you’ve got to prepare for an assault on Portland in case ZOG decides not to go quietly.”

  “I’m still not clear, are we supposed to keep on fighting in Portland or not?” asked Jackson keenly.


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