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Infected Chaos

Page 26

by Loren Edwards

  “Get in!” Cliff commanded.

  He looked at the approaching horde. They began to surround the maroon truck. Two infected creatures spotted the man Cliff had knocked unconscious. They growled and sprinted toward him.

  “Help me get him in!” Poncho cried for assistance.

  “We got to move! Get him in!” Cliff yelled.

  Jake lifted Galvin’s legs and helped her push his unconscious body next to Jennifer. Poncho jumped in the front passenger seat when three infected creatures reached the Jeep. Cliff slid the gear shift into reverse. He backed away from the truck and shifted the gears. Jennifer screamed when three zombies ran up to the Jeep and reached through the broken windows.

  “Cliff! Go! Go! Go!” Jennifer yelled.

  Cliff stomped on the gas pedal, spinning the Jeep’s tires as it sped away.

  “That was close,” Jake said wiping his forehead.

  “You punched that guy! Why?” Jennifer asked. “Why didn’t you shoot him?”

  “To give us time to flee. If he was dead, they would have passed him by,” Cliff smiled, looking in the rear view mirror at Jennifer. “Plus, he was already dead; he just didn’t know it. He was shot in his side, bleeding out.”

  Poncho cocked her head at Cliff. “Shot in the side? We couldn’t have hit him. His entire lower body was behind the door … unless a bullet ricocheted,” Poncho stated.

  Cliff shrugged his shoulders and pondered how the man was shot in his right side. His memory flashed back to the woman who walked into the horde of infected. He wondered if she shot him before walking away.

  Cliff looked in the rearview mirror to see the big man he hit was still sitting on the ground. Five infected creatures approached him with their jaws wide open. The man’s feet kicked against the ground as the creatures devoured him.


  The Jeep’s engine coughed and sputtered when it pulled up alongside the Humvee on the hill, a mile from the horde. Smoke began to billow from its hood before they left the road.

  “God bless Jeeps,” he muttered.

  He exited the Jeep and lifted the hood. The engine block was hit by a bullet during the firefight. He shook his head in disbelief; from the looks of the damage, he felt lucky the engine started.

  Jennifer and Jake stepped out and examined the damage. Jennifer turned to see the long line of infected surrounding Cliff’s truck in the distance. “Good, God that’s a sight.”

  “Sure is. There must be over a thousand of them down there,” Jake pointed.

  “One day, our luck is going to run out,” Jennifer said.

  “Don’t think like—,“ Cliff began until he heard Cassidy and Jonathan round the Humvee and jump into his arms. He and Jennifer greeted them with open arms and kissed both of them.

  “Brian? Galvin?” Doug asked looking over the Jeep.

  “Galvin is in the back,” Cliff replied in a soft voice.


  Cliff shook his head.

  “That’s sad to hear.”

  “Jethro and Patrick make it back, or are they still down there by the entrance?” Cliff asked.

  As soon as the question left Cliff’s mouth, Galvin’s van drove up behind the Jeep. Cliff turned to see Jethro sporting a large smile.

  “Jethro! Patrick!” Poncho smiled. “Happy to see you, two!”

  Patrick stepped from the passenger side of the van and approached her, “Brian?”

  Poncho looked at the ground and shook her head.

  “Damn,” Patrick cursed kicking the ground.

  “He was grazed by a bullet. It shouldn’t be too bad. Help me with Galvin and load him up in the van.”

  Jake and Jethro carried Galvin to the van and laid him inside as carefully as they could.

  Cliff walked to the van and stood next to Poncho, “Sorry about your Jeep.”

  Poncho smiled. “All in a day’s work. I’m sure there’s a dealership out there with extras on their hands they wish to liquidate.”

  “But in the same color?” Cliff joked.

  “Where we going now, Boss? The horde will be here shortly,” Doug asked.

  “Swing around the back way and sneak into warehouse behind them. By the time we drive in a circle, they should be long gone.”

  Cliff turned back to Poncho as she was pushing loose blankets around Galvin’s shoulders and head. “You take care of him. He’s a good man.”

  “Absolutely. I think he was just grazed. If his brain doesn’t swell too much, he should be fine.”

  “Good,” Cliff replied. He studied her for a few seconds, trying to formulate his words. He cleared his throat, “I’m happy you were with us. None of this could have happened if it wasn’t for you. I want to thank you, and I’m sorry about Brian.”

  Poncho looked at Cliff, “I’m glad we ran into each other, too. I feel lucky to fight by your side. Brian was a good man,” she said looking away.

  “Let’s load up,” Jennifer announced from the Humvee.

  “Who do you think you are?” Cliff turned and asked.

  “The boss.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “It was my idea to end it now and not tuck tail and run,” she smiled.

  Cliff grinned. “You heard her! Let’s go home!”


  Cliff blinked. He stared at the steel rafters above him. The battle on the road with the marauders flashed across his mind. He was happy to see the threat gone. He stretched his arms and grunted. He reached for Jennifer, but his hand found empty sheets. Jennifer’s absence woke him.

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and paused. He winced when he touched his side. He thought it was just a bruised rib.

  He stood and raised his arms up. He reached above his head, trying to stretch his muscles. The stretch felt good to him, but the aches and pains at various points in his body protested his every move. He chalked it up to old age. He understood he wasn’t in his twenties anymore; he was almost fifty.

  He threw on a shirt and pair of sweat pants along with a robe. He slipped his feet into his house shoes and left for the general area. He wanted coffee.

  As he neared the general area, he heard laughter. He guessed he was the last one awake. He didn’t expect to sleep late, but his body thought otherwise. He yawned when he entered the assembly area.

  “Happy birthday!” everyone cheered.

  Cliff took a step back in bewilderment and smiled.

  Jennifer approached him, threw her arms around him and kissed him on the lips.

  “I guess I forgot it was my birthday. Why didn’t you remind me?” he asked holding her.

  “And what? Not be able to throw a surprise birthday party?” Jennifer smirked.

  “I guess not.”

  “Come sit down. You have a birthday breakfast to eat and presents to open.”

  Cliff was led to a center table and sat down. Everyone placed presents on the table. Cassandra walked over and handed him a cup of coffee. Cassidy and Jonathan gave him a hug and kiss then told him how much they loved him.

  “This is too much, guys,” he smiled.

  “You’re a lucky man, Cliff,” Jake said.

  “With all what we’ve been through? I’d say so. You guys are remarkable,” Cliff smiled. “We have been through a lot together.”

  “So, what did you get?” Doug asked looking at the presents on the table.

  “Not yet, let him finish his breakfast,” Jennifer smiled as she sat on his lap, her hands locked around his neck.

  “He has one present that he’ll have to wait to open again.”

  Cliff smiled. “Wait? What kind of present is that?”

  “You know how I argued about leaving this lovely place?” she asked, looking into his eyes and smiling.

  “Yeah. How can I forget?”

  “There’s a reason why I wanted to stay here.”

  “What’s that?” Cliff asked, his voice turned serious.

  She smiled and leaned to his ear. “Beca

  Cliff jumped up almost dropping Jennifer to the floor when a loud growl echoed in the warehouse.

  Thank You For Reading

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  “Infected Chaos”


  Loren Edwards


  Prequel to the Poncho Series. Kindle Edition

  Stay Tuned

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Thank You




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