257 Parr, Joshua. The Mayor of Elm Street. Rubin Goldstein Obituary
258 Levin, Marvin. Interview with the author explains how his law partner helped draft the Texas Blue Law to remedy Rubin Goldstein’s sales problem on Sundays
259 Levin, Marvin. Interview with the author. Truthful Joe’s inception, Levin law firm
260 Jones Harris telephone interview. October 22, 2013
261 Warren Commission findings on Jack Ruby’s Mafia connections
262 HSCA on Ruby Mafia Connections
263 Jones Harris telephonic conversation with the author. October 19, 2013
264 Lewis, Jonathan. ITEK connections to CIA. 3
265 Plato quote
266 Whitmey, Peter. Lady in Red. From Clint Bradford’s JFK Assassination Information website
267 Jones Harris telephone conversation with the author. October 22, 2013
268 Summers, Anthony. Conspiracy. 92
269 Hill, Jean. Interview Dallas Morning News. 1991
270 Parr. The Mayor of Elm Street. Honest Joe, Rubin Goldstein
271 Levin, Marvin. Phone interview with the author. December 13, 2013
272 Dallas Morning News. Rubin Goldstein’s Obituary
273 Photo of Honest Joe’s Edsel
274 See The Bell Film of the Assassination
275 Jones Harris conversation with author November 11, 2013
276 Schonfeld, Maurice. Shadow of a Gunman. 1975
277 Lewis explains ITEK inception and background. 2
278 Ibid
279 Ibid
280 Lewis., 3
281 Schonfeld Shadow of a Gunman. Discusses how he found the Frank Lindsay and Kim Philby connection. 2013
282 The New York Times. Izvestia interview with Kim Philby
283 Schonfeld. Shadow of a Gunman. 2013
284 Four Days in November. David Wolper video
285 Schonfeld. Me and Ted Against the World: The Unauthorized Story of the Founding of CNN. 2001
286 Sprague, Richard. Excerpts from Taking of America 1-2-3. Chapter Nine
287 Jones Harris phone conversation. October 19, 2013
288 Schonfeld. Memories of the Nix Film. Interview with the author. 1990
289 Warren Commission testimony of J.M. Smith. Vol. XII. 535
290 Ibid
291 Warren Commission testimony of D.V.Harkness. Vol. VI. 312
292 Scheim, David. The Mafia Killed President Kennedy. 1988. On Mafia placement of men on the knoll. 30-31
293 Anderson, Jack. American Expose: Who Murdered JFK? New York: Journal Graphics’ Transcript. 1988. 14
294 Photo of the sketch made by Lois Gibson of the man Malcom Summers saw on the grassy knoll
295 Nix-Jackson. Letter to Keystone about Nix Camera and advertising
296 Lane, Mark. Rush to Judgment. Video. 1967
297 Kennedy note to mother in hospital the day his infant son Patrick died. Per Thurston Clarke
298 White, Jack. Biography at Baylor Library Online. Web
299 Myers, Dale. Badgeman. 2004 Article on Gary Mack and Jack White’s search for Badgeman in the Moorman photograph
300 White, Jack. Post on the Education Forum http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showforum=126
301 Warren Commission Report Testimony of JM White about woman saying she saw a gunmanin the bushes. Vol. XII. 535
302 Thompson, Josiah. Six Seconds in Dallas. 207
303 “Shadow on the Grassy Knoll: Photographic Analysis Shows No New Evidence” Time. HSCA Findings from ITEK regarding the Classic Gunman image. Bernie Hoffman stated that this report was the kind of report written to disprove a gunman, not find one. May, 1967
304 Plumley, UK Film. The Day the Dream Died. Video
305 Jones Harris phone conversation. October, 2013
306 Ibid
307 Ibid
308 Hunt, John. Beverly Oliver’s Photos. 1991. Web
309 Edisen, Adele. Honest Joe’s Pawn Shop. Deep Politics Forum. 2008. Web
310 Hunt. Beverly Oliver’s Photos. 1991. Web
311 Perry, Dave. Who Speaks for Roscoe White? Web
312 Marrs, Jim. Crossfire. 1989. 88
313 Lane, M. Duke. Freeway Man. Web
314 Goggins, William M. James Tague: Unintended Victim in Dealey Plaza. Web
315 HSCA Final Report. Acoustic evidence of second gunman. 1979. 491
316 Andrew, Christopher. The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB. Basic Books. 1999. Mr. Hunt note from Oswald. 298
317 Hunt. Beverly Oliver. Found film is Nix Film
318 The motorcade route remained the same from November 18th until the 22nd
319 Bernstein, Carl. “The CIA and the Media.” Rolling Stone Magazine. October. 1977
320 Camper, Frank. The MK: ULTRA Secret. Article on CIA Mind Conditioning accessed. 2013. Web
321 The Assassination Records Review Board Final Report. CIA withheld information from JFK committees and tax records still have not been released. 1998
322 HSCA. Oswald, the CIA and Mexico City aka the Lopez Report. Oswald was definitely in Mexico as can be attested to by Marina, the FBI and the CIA. Web
323 Dunkel, Gerda. See the Muchmore film of the limousine brake lights on YouTube
324 Church Committee: Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. 1976. The destruction of evidence from Hosty’s notes to autopsy notes
325 Kross, Peter. Oswald: The CIA and the Warren Commission: The Unanswered Questions. Bridger House Publishing. 2012. Splinter the CIA quote. 382
326 Grier, Peter. John F. Kennedy: Why Books Were a Big Part of His Life. DC De-Coder Online. Kennedy’s favorite of the Ian Fleming James Bond series was From Russia with Love. November 22, 2013. Web
327 Buchan, Lord John Tweedmuir. Pilgrim’s Way: An Essay in Recollection. New York. Houghton-Mifflin. 1940. Grier states Kennedy loved the book Pilgrim’s Way and even gave Jacqueline Bouvier a copy of it while they were courting so she would better understand him. November22, 2013. Web
328 Kennedy. Quote from the speech given to the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York. April, 1961
329 Reeves, Thomas. A Question of Character: The Life of John F. Kennedy. New York. The Free Press. 1991. 84
330 Herman, Edward and Chomsky, Noam. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Pantheon. 1988. 306
331 Bernstein. “The CIA and the Media” Rolling Stone Magazine. October 10, 1977. Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the CIA to influence the media
332 Morley, Jefferson. Joannides funds DRE. www.jfkinfo.org
333 CBS Four part televised program. The Warren Commission. June, 1967
334 Henelly, Robert and Jerry Pollicoff. How the Media Assassinated the Real Story. Bernard Birnbaum. CBS. Web
335 Nix-Jackson. Letters from Birnbaum
336 Eddie Barker interview on National Public Radio regarding the Kennedy Assassination
337 O’Neill, Tip. Man of the House. 178
338 Barbour, John. The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes Video. 1992
339 See Moses Weitzman testimony before the Assassinations Records Review Board. There is a tape recording as well as a transcript on the Mary Ferrell site. More of his responses can be found in my transcripts of our conversations.
340 The letter to Chris Scally from Dr. Alan Gillespie is dated October 15, 1976 and reads, “Under our agreement with Mr. Schonfeld we cannot supply you with a copy of that (requested) report. However, we feel it is impossible to use the Nix film to resolve the question conclusively either way, especially to support the grassy knoll assassin theory. Furthermore, there are other places on the grassy knoll, either obscured by geometry or underexposed in the Nix film, where persons might hide. Thus the Nix film cannot rule out grassy knoll assassins.
341 In speaking with Dr. Kenneth Castleman, he stated that he indeed remembered working on the Nix film
but was not allowed to do so by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He was forced to pass the work to one of his students at the California Institute of Technology, James Lattimer, to study the work. He also said that the copy he had was a color copy and he was asked to study the area behind the concrete pergola, not the picket fence area.
342 Nix-Jackson. Letter from UPI’s Frank Kane
343 Ibid
344 Nix-Jackson. G. Robert Blakey correspondence
345 G. Robert Blakey interview with PBS Frontline
346 Nix-Jackson. Letter from Alexander Boch of UPI
347 Nix-Jackson. My appearances on national television shows including Geraldo, Entertainment Tonight, Montel Williams
348 Hennelly, Pollicoff
349 Wise, Wes. Telephone interview discussing bothun photo. September 12, 2013
350 Wise. Telephone interview about Orville Nix. October, 2013
351 Morley, Jefferson. Biography. www.jeffersonmorley.com
352 Vince Palamara Biography
353 Stone, Roger. The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ
354 Kennedy. Quote from Speech made at the American Legion. 1961
355 The JFK Assassination Forum. www.jfkassassinationforum.com
356 The JFK Assassination Forum. YouTube Channel
357 Robin Unger’s JFK Photo Gallery. http://jfkassassinationgallery.com/
358 Needham, Rick. Study of Hughes Film finds Orville Nix
359 Needham. Nix Study on JFK Assassination Forum
360 Photo of Nix Film Frame by Rick Needham
361 Carvalho, Craig. Quote on Needham’s findings in the Nix Film
362 Frame from the Nix Film by Rick Needham
363 Thompson, Josiah. Six Seconds in Dallas. 153
364 Needham. Photo of image in Nix Film
365 MacRae, Duncan. JFK Assassination Forum
366 HSCA Report and Findings
367 Hinrichs, Martin. JFK Assassination Forum
368 Morrissette, Denis. http://jfkassassinationfiles.com
369 Unger, Robin. JFK Assassination Forum
370 Unger, Robin. Quote
371 Hinrichs, Martin. Quote from email correspondence with author
372 Marshall, Bruce. Quote from email correspondence with author
373 Marrs, Jim. Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy. 580
374 Kennedy. Quote from speech at Loyola
375 The Church Committee. Destruction of Oswald Note
376 Oliver Stone’s Movie JFK. Quote by Joe Pesci’s character, David Ferrie
The Missing JFK Assassination Film Page 30