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Broken Kei

Page 11

by Jen Wylie

  We'll be right down. "Time to go," she said to Kei, adjusting the brim of his hat once more.

  He sighed, but then offered her his arm. She blinked at it for a moment before laughing and slipping her hand in.

  "I don't think I'd ever get used to living like this."

  Flashing her a grin, he agreed with a nod.

  Smiling, she relaxed as they made their way down the stairs. Kei would be fine. Though still pale, the dark under his eyes had faded. He'd gained some weight. Even if they walked to the Registry Hall at the far north side of the city, she felt certain he wouldn't have any problems. She really did need to stop worrying about him.

  "I'm fine, Aro," he murmured.

  Stupid bond, he felt her worry. "I know."

  Garen met them at the bottom of the stairs, tail wagging. Don't forget to pay attention. To everything!

  I know, I know. Obviously, he couldn't come. At least to the actual marriage. He'd attend the celebration at the tavern, which made her feel better. She also promised to share her memories with him. He stopped sulking when she offered that.

  Baelan walked out of the kitchen. "Go on!" He waved his hands at Garen. "You get hair all over that dress and you'll be locked outside for a month."

  Garen snorted but backed away.

  Aro struggled not to laugh. The Elf narrowed his eyes at her, hands on his hips. Her laugh faded, and she forced her gaze to the kitchen behind him.

  Bo walked out, running a hand over his short hair.

  "You all look so handsome," she said with a grin. They did, all in new pants, boots polished. Starched white shirts were crisp under their embroidered overcoats, Bo's blue, Kei's green, and Baelan's a deep red.

  Stepping forward, Bo grinned and took her hands. "And look at you, pup. Such a beautiful young woman."

  Her cheeks burned again. She squeezed Bo's hands. "Time for us to go meet another beauty." She bounced on her toes in excitement. "I can't believe you're getting married!"

  If you don't want to be late, you should get going. Garen muttered in their minds.

  Bo stole her arm and moved her quickly down the hall.

  The carriage was fancy. Fancy and big. Bo helped her up and then slid in beside her, Baelan and Kei right behind him. The carriage lurched forward, moving slowly for a short while before stopping again. She peered out the window and saw the other carriage.

  Bo had rented two. The other would take Elaina, her father, her brothers' widows, Venna and Cally, and their children.

  After a moment, the carriage set out again for the long, and likely slow, ride to the Registry Hall.

  They hadn't gone far at all when a thump startled them all. Hale leaned his head in the window, brows rising at the number of weapons currently pointed in his direction.

  "I was going to ask if I could catch a ride…"

  Sorry, I forgot I'd invited him along, Bo said sheepishly.

  Aro tucked her daggers back into her boots. "Of course."

  The carriage hadn't stopped, but the Were had no trouble swinging open the door and slipping in beside her.

  He bounced a little and grinned around at everyone. "This is so exciting! I've never been to a human marriage before."

  Well, that explained why he was here. She knew Bo had invited him to the celebration after. They became friends when she'd been taken by the Elves and was one of the few people who knew their dog was a Were.

  Hale turned to her. "You look stunning, Arowyn."

  Her cheeks grew warm once again. "Thank you."

  Kei growled.

  Bo burst out into his loud laugh.

  Sometimes, she wondered what a normal life would be like.

  On days like today, she doubted she'd like it.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  The carriages finally stopped. Kei, Hale, and Baelan got out first, but she waited. Partly because Bo had a death grip on her hand. Though Hale kept a conversation going on the ride, it hadn't been long before Bo's knee started bouncing and he began to clench and unclench his fists.

  His knee started to bounce again, and she smiled slightly, turning toward him. "Bo, take a deep breath. This is going to be the best day of your life. You're going to have a family now."

  His knee stilled, and his hand tightened around hers. He looked down at her, his face serious. "I have a family, silly pup. You and Kei and Garen. You'll always be my family."

  Her eyes burned and she blinked rapidly. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest as a smile split her face. "You know what I mean."

  He grinned. "And you know what I mean. Having a wife won't ever change what we have. After everything we've been through, nothing could."

  She nodded quickly, leaning forward to wrap her arms around him and hide the tears blinding her. "I'm so happy for you." Leaning back, she wiped her eyes quickly and smiled again. "So happy, I'm even wearing a dress."

  He laughed again, and she saw he'd finally relaxed. "Well, we better get this done then. Before you change your clothes."

  Their group mingled as the carriages pulled away, parking until needed for their ride back to the tavern. The Registry Hall stole her attention, a huge sprawling three-story stone building. There were multiple entrances and she hoped someone knew where they were going.

  Finally pulling her gaze away, she caught sight of Elaina. Dressed in a gorgeous embroidered dark green gown, her auburn hair piled on her head, she was a vision.

  "Bo, look," she said, tugging on his arm.

  Watching his face transform from a worried scowl into a love-struck groom nearly made her cry again.

  "My bride," he murmured, his voice gruff with emotion. He strode toward her, stopping as he reached her to give a gentlemanly bow. When he straightened, he held out his hand. With her face flushed pink, his bride set her much smaller hand in his, laughing as he pulled her close for a kiss.

  Aro let out a soft sigh. She felt so happy for them both she thought she might burst.

  They all gathered together and entered the hall, Elaina's sister Verra steering them all to an area of desks on the right. Thankfully there wasn't much of a line and she occupied her time watching their group and the myriad of emotions playing on their faces. She only needed to swat Baelan twice for wanting to fiddle with her hair.

  Once their turn came, Elaina and Bo were both directed to sit and the middle-aged man behind the desk plopped papers down in front of each. Bo stared at his, his knee bouncing again.

  She moved forward quickly, catching the eye of the registrar. "May I assist?"

  The man gave her a clipped nod. "Yes, but he must sign it."

  She rested a hand on Bo's shoulder and squeezed before taking up the quill and dipping it in the ink jar. Scanning the sheet, she relaxed. All simple questions. First, name.

  She began to write. Just Bo? It was rather embarrassing she needed to ask and she gave him a wry grin.

  He nodded stiffly, and she continued with the list; age, parents, place of birth, occupation, Bo giving her the answers to any she didn't know.

  Finally, he signed at the bottom, and then glanced up at her. "Will you be my witness?"

  "Of course." She took the quill back and spoke quietly as she wrote, "Arowyn. Relationship…sister."

  He grinned up at her. "Best sister there ever was."

  She laughed. "Don't you forget it."

  Papers returned to the registrar, he looked them over and they waited as he wrote something on both, and then on another smaller piece of paper which he handed to Bo. "Give this to the prince's man." He directed them to a door far down to the right.

  Once there, Bo showed the paper to a man at the door, who then bade them wait. Luckily it wasn't long before a small group exited the room and they were ushered in.

  "Bride and groom may each have two witnesses with them. Everyone else behind the rail, please."

  The room was fairly small, so it didn't take long for her and Kei to follow Bo up to the front. A raised desk occupied the center, with a shorter one at e
ither side. Men sat behind each, and a few young boys stood near the back.

  Bo handed his paper to the man in the center before stepping back next to his bride.

  Aro glanced over at Elaina's guests, her father and sister Verra, and relaxed to see them both smiling.

  The marriage itself she found uninteresting. Their information was read off again, confirmed, and then they were both asked if they were entering in to the marriage willingly. Before she knew it, the man was writing on more papers and pronounced them married. Bo and Elaina shared a quick kiss. The room filled with cheers and claps. Everyone signed more papers, Bo was given one to keep, and then they were ushered out again.

  Your human marriages are rather boring, Baelan muttered in her mind.

  Sadly, I must agree.

  Though I will admit, Elven ones aren't much better.

  That nearly made her laugh out loud.

  However, I am quite looking forward to seeing how you celebrate.

  They piled into the carriages once more, though this time Elaina joined them. The ride back wasn't any faster, but more amusing as they all tried to ignore the couples' quick kisses and murmured endearments.

  Aro eventually stared out the window, trying not to think about her own future. With all the emotion and love going around, her thoughts couldn't help but turn to Prince. Would she ever see him again? Was it all just wishful thinking? Would she marry one day? Her heart twisted, knowing her missing brothers wouldn't be there.

  A crowd met them as the carriages rolled to a stop in front of the tavern. Bo and Elaina exited first to shouts and cheers.

  The crowd swallowed them and Aro paused at the edges, surprised at the number of people, the festive feeling nearly overwhelming.

  Hale slipped by her, a big grin on his face. "This is more like it!"

  Kei and Baelan hovered beside her as she tried to decide what to do. Just thinking of walking into the press of bodies set her heart beating quickly.

  She started as Bo's voice spoke in her mind. Our usual booth is reserved for you. Looking over the crowd she saw him by the door to the tavern, watching her. He tipped his head for her to come inside.

  He knew, of course, of her fear of crowds like this. Her heart warmed he'd thought of it, of her. She forced a smile and linked an arm into Kei's. "Our booth is waiting."

  Even Kei seemed a bit wide-eyed at the amount of people and hesitated. Baelan huffed, took her other hand and pulled them along.

  Once in the booth, her shoulders relaxed and she leaned back, finally able to enjoy the madness of her surroundings. Musicians played in the corner by the door, almost drowned out by the chatter of the people filling the tavern and courtyard. Bo had hired dozens to work in the kitchen and serve food and drink, and she watched the servers weave in and out of the crowd. Without even asking, ale was deposited at their table.

  Kei and Baelan sat across from her, neither trying to talk over the din. A weight settled on her lap and she smiled down at Garen.

  So? Tell me everything!

  Sipping her ale, she did, smiling often at his enthusiasm. Eventually the crowds' excitement quieted and people began dancing, which gave her something to watch at least. Bo and Elaina stopped by a few times to check on them.

  She snuck a look at Kei, checking to see if he looked tired or not. The sun had set, and it'd been a long day.

  I'm fine.

  Let me know when you want to go home.

  He rolled his eyes. I said I would.

  "You did well."

  Glancing at Baelan, she tipped her head slightly to the side in confusion.

  He gestured to Bo and Elaina, currently dancing. "Having him stay. He has found peace. Love." He turned to look at her. "He isn't…broken, like the rest of us."

  Watching a beaming Bo, the way he held his new bride close and stared into her eyes, she couldn't argue with him. "But that could be us one day," she mused.

  Kei choked on his drink.

  She snorted and laughed at Baelan's wide eyes. "I don't mean us together."

  She poked Garen to stop his laughter.

  The things you say…he finally managed.

  They ate, and drank, and ate some more. Bo pulled her out for a dance, basically flinging her around the room and leaving her laughing. Hale stole her away to dance some more, his commentary on the growing drunken state of the revelers leaving her more amused. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so happy.

  She didn't know anyone else, and refused to dance with a stranger, so he took her back to the booth. Sitting, she smiled at Kei and lifted her eyebrows. "Did you want to dance?"

  He shook his head so hard his hat nearly flew off. Hunching in the corner, he fiddled with it, pulling and turning and playing with the brim.

  He did look rather ridiculous wearing it while sitting in the booth.

  "This is worse than my other one," he muttered.

  Baelan turned and regarded him for a long moment. Finally, he pulled something from his coat and her eyebrows rose, seeing it was Kei's black knit hat. "Would you prefer it?"

  "Wither me, yes!" The longing in the Fey's eyes made Baelan's mouth quirk into a smile.

  Kei reached for it, but the Elf shook his head. Twisting on the bench, he blocked Kei from view and swiftly tossed off the felt hat and slipped the knit one on.

  Baelan sat back slightly, yet his fingers lingered on Kei, slowly adjusting the hat. A thumb traced down the Fey's cheek.

  Her eyes widened in surprise as they stared at each other for a long moment before Kei jerked back.

  What just happened?

  Her attention turned from the flustered Fey to Baelan, who now lounged back, sipping his ale as he watched the crowd once more.

  She remembered a comment Roan once made to her about him flirting with anything with two legs. At the time she hadn't thought he meant that literally. He flirts with everyone, she told Kei. Just ignore him.

  Kei drained his drink, eyeing the Elf warily. I look half dead. He must be drunk.

  No you don't. Frowning, she caught Baelan's eye.

  What did I do?


  He grinned, his eyes crinkling with mirth, reminding her of the insanely happy Elf he'd been when they'd first met. I appreciate beauty. His gaze drifted back to Kei as he bit his lower lip and gave the Fey a smoldering look.

  She snorted as Kei pushed himself farther into the corner. I don't think he appreciates your appreciation. Don't play with him.

  He watched the wary Fey for a moment before shrugging and turning his back on him. His loss. He grinned at her. Would you like to?

  Like to what?


  Most certainly not.

  He laughed at her sudden blush.

  More drinks came, for which Kei was extremely thankful. She may have chugged hers back more quickly than usual as well as they went back to people watching as the night wore on.

  Baelan slumped in his seat and sighed dramatically.

  She glanced at him. "Is something wrong?"

  He shrugged a shoulder, then craned his head, his gaze following someone else in the crowd. "You two don't want to have any fun." With another sigh, he set his elbow on the table and stuck his chin in his hand. "There are just so many beauties here tonight."

  She had no idea what his problem was. Feeling rather tingly from the ale herself, she wondered if he'd drank one too many.

  Glancing at her, he chuckled at her confusion. "I haven't had sex since before I," he waved his free hand in the air, "killed you. It's really rather frustrating."

  Her cheeks burned so hot she raised her hands to cover them. Looking around quickly, she thankfully noted no one appeared to be listening.

  Noting her discomfort, but not surprised by it, he raised his eyebrows, attempting innocence. "Us immortals don't have your issues, my lovely. We are quite fond of se–"

  She raised a hand. It seemed, if nothing else, he'd drunk enough for his tongue to loosen. "I don't want to hear thi
s." Closing her eyes for a moment, she shook her head and then gestured to the crowd. "Please, don't let me stop you."

  He jerked up straight, staring at her in surprise. "Truly?"

  Avoiding his gaze, she nodded, her cheeks burning again. "I just don't want to see it," she muttered. "Or hear it. Or hear about it. Or…" She gestured at the crowded tavern. "Just stay out of trouble," she added as Baelan rose and slid off the bench.

  "I'll be home by morning." He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "You are the best master ever!"

  She swatted him away. "Ug, I hate you." She wasn't sure if he heard her, he'd already disappeared into the crowd.

  Once Baelan disappeared, Kei pulled himself from the corner. His bewildered look made her laugh.

  One of the hired girls stopped before them. Leaning forward as she set more ale out, she tipped her head toward the bar. "There is a man asking about you. I wasn't sure…"

  Looking toward the bar, she was about to ask who, but the word died on her lips. She easily picked him out. He wasn't human. "Send him over."

  Kei frowned, and Garen's quiet growl vibrated against her legs as the beautiful man approached. The Elves really needed to tone down the pretty with their glamors. It was so obvious to her now.

  "I have an urgent message for Aro."

  Her eyebrows rose as he quite clearly stressed the word urgent. She hesitated a moment before answering, "That's me."

  Clear blue eyes looked her up and down quickly, but he hid any thoughts well. "The city is a dangerous place for a little tree. It would best survive in the forest."

  A chill slid down her spine, but she forced a smile. "Understood. Thank you."

  His eyes searched hers for a moment before he bowed his head slightly and then slipped into the crowd.

  Kei frowned over at her. "What was that about?"

  "A warning to leave the city. Trouble's coming." She looked warily into the crowd again. If it wasn't already here. Taking a slow breath, she forced herself to relax. They would have time. Tomorrow would be soon enough to worry.

  However, the damage was done, the happy feelings of the day faded and now she just felt numb. Perhaps that was the ale, though.


  She looked up to meet Kei's worried glance. "You ready to go?" Thankfully he nodded in return.


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