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Bear's Heart: BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance (Bear Heat Book 5)

Page 7

by Natalie Kristen

Jade didn't seem to hear her. She just kept staring at Dylan's face and pressing his palm to her lips as she murmured to him, begging him to wake up.

  “We have very good doctors here,” Aubrey said. “All the nurses here will take good care of Dylan. I'll watch him and I'll call you as soon as he wakes up, okay?”

  Lindy and Prisha tried to help Jade up, but she snarled at them and shook their hands away.

  Cora motioned the others to the door. “We'll leave now, but we'll be back with a sandwich and a pack of milk, okay?”

  The girls left quietly and Jade heard the door close behind them. She didn't turn around. She knew they meant well, and they were only trying to help, but no one could help her right now.

  Not the girls, not the clan, not even her brother.

  Luke had been hovering over Dylan's hospital bed and over her shoulder, urging her to go home and rest. She knew he was worried about Dylan as well, but she just didn't want anyone else near Dylan right now. Sure, she would step aside for the doctors, but once the doctors finished examining him, she would swoop in and hold Dylan's hand again.

  He was hers. No one else would touch him.

  Dylan had protected her brother. She had seen from the window what he did. Rickson had been gunning for Luke, but Dylan had shielded Luke. He had protected her brother with his life.

  “Dylan,” Jade whispered. “Please wake up. Please...stay with me. I…I need you, Dylan.”

  The Black Bears had all come and left quietly. She ignored all their well-meaning advice, and simply pushed them away. Their alpha and beta, Ethan and Caleb, were the only ones who didn't try to get her to leave Dylan's bedside. Instead, she'd heard them telling the Black Bears to leave Dylan and Jade alone. Ethan and Caleb had offered her words of encouragement, and they seemed to understand and appreciate her stubborn refusal to leave Dylan's side.

  Jade laid her cheek on Dylan's large palm and closed her eyes. His injuries were serious. The silver blade had missed his heart by inches, but the silver had inflicted grievous damage to his muscles and internal organs.

  The doctors all said that he was out of danger. But—why wouldn't he wake up?

  Why wouldn't he open his eyes? She wanted to see his beautiful, warm, intelligent eyes. She missed the way he looked at her. She missed his smile, his voice, his touch.

  “Oh, Dylan” she murmured.

  With her eyes still closed, she breathed in the scent of him. She couldn't bear to be away from him. She wanted to touch him all the time, and she wanted to be here when he woke up.

  He would wake up. He wouldn't leave her.

  Jade sighed as she imagined someone stroking her hair. The touch was soothing and tender, and she felt safe, relaxed, happy. Exhausted, she finally drifted off, dozing peacefully for the first time in days.

  She dreamed, and she thought she heard Dylan's voice in her dream. She heard him call her name, and she smiled in her sleep.



  With a start, Jade jerked up and blinked rapidly. She had fallen asleep. Shit! Just how long had she been sleeping?

  She felt Dylan's hand cover hers and she turned.

  Dylan was staring at her, a faint smile playing on his lips. “Jade,” he said hoarsely. “My Jade...”

  She jumped up. “Dylan! Oh, oh,'re awake! I...”

  “You were sleeping,” he whispered. “You look so beautiful, so peaceful...”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. “Oh, Dylan! I knew, I just knew that you wouldn't leave me. You wouldn't!”

  “No.” Dylan smiled. “I won't leave you. I'm going to stay with you till the day I die. Which won't be for a long time yet,” he added quickly when she blanched.

  “I'll get the doctors!” she blabbered. “I have to inform the Black Bears! They've all been so worried. They will want to know right away. I have to tell them!”

  Dylan's eyes followed her as she pressed the buzzer for the doctors and fumbled for her phone. As she spoke excitedly to Luke, he pulled her down to him and made her kiss him on the lips.

  Jade gasped, then gave him a tender, lingering kiss, letting him feel all her love and longing in that kiss. She was still holding the phone to her ear as she kissed him, and she felt his lips curve up as Luke shouted into the phone.

  “Really? I'm coming over straight away! I'll get the clan! I'll call everyone right now! Jade, are you still there? Jade! Can you hear me? Hello!” Luke hollered into her ear.

  “Mmm, yes,” she answered, giving Dylan one last peck at the corner of his mouth. “I'm here. And the doctors are here too. So is Aubrey,” she said as the door burst open and white coats stampeded into the room.

  Aubrey ran in with a troop of nurses, rolling some medical equipment between them.

  Jade stepped away from the bed, giving the doctors and nurses all the space they needed. As Aubrey assisted the doctors, she glanced over her shoulder and Jade met her shining eyes with a warm, grateful smile.

  Aubrey grinned and mouthed, He's okay!

  Jade nodded, pressing her fingertips to her lips.

  He's okay. He's okay.

  Jade turned and saw a bottle of fresh orange juice, two packs of chocolate milk and some neatly wrapped sandwiches on a corner table. Cora and the girls had left them there for her.

  Jade smiled and reached for a sandwich. She realized that she was starving all of a sudden. Her stomach awoke with a vengeance, and she began to eat and drink with gusto. Her whole body came alive as her heart swelled with strength, joy and love.

  Everything was going to be okay. More than okay, in fact.

  She crammed the last sandwich into her mouth just as the entire clan arrived. The nurses chased them out of the room and told them to pipe down while the doctors finished examining the patient.

  Jade put down the empty milk pack and hurried to the door. The Black Bears were fidgeting just outside Dylan's room, craning their necks, shuffling their feet and jostling one another as they tried to keep their voices down.

  Luke was at the front of the group. As soon as Jade stepped out the door, the Black Bears froze. The whole clan stopped talking and simply stared expectantly at her.

  She met all their anxious, hopeful eyes and smiled.

  “Dylan is okay,” she told them. She took a deep breath but her voice continued to quiver as her emotions overtook her. “He is awake, and he is okay!”

  Luke caught her in a fierce hug and she let her tears flow. They were tears of sheer joy and relief.

  The clan crowded round, and this time, she didn't push them away. She returned their hugs and smiles, and let them fully into her heart.

  They were here for her. Now and forever.

  The Black Bears weren't just her brother's colleagues. They were his clan. And now, they were hers too.


  Dylan waited as Luke unlocked the door and held it open. He was holding Jade's hand and he didn't want to let go of her hand to unlock the door, so he had simply passed his keys to Luke.

  Dylan stepped into his apartment and was amazed to see vases of vibrant flowers on the shelves and a bowl of fresh fruit on the dining table. There was a distinctive feminine touch to his home, and he loved it. He loved that Jade had decorated the apartment and added her own personality to the décor. It was her home too. Their home.

  Baxter, Thor and some of Dylan's team members brought up the rear. Dylan had told the clan that he could make it home on his own. There was no need for them to put their work and important projects on hold.

  Still, a mini contingent had shown up when he was discharged from the hospital. His team members had grinned and lined the corridor as he walked to his car. They opened the door for him and helped him into the backseat solicitously, treating him with utmost care as though he were a feeble, fragile thing. He'd huffed at them but he knew they were just showing their concern. Bax and Thor were the only ones who slapped him resoundingly on the b
ack and made fun of him.

  Dylan sat down on the sofa and looked around his apartment. It felt really good to be home.

  “Thanks, guys,” he grinned. “Bax, you're temporarily in charge of my team, right? You should get them back to work. They've been skiving long enough.”

  “We haven't been skiving!” someone protested.

  “Baxter has been working us to the bone!”

  “He's a slave driver!”

  Baxter rubbed his chin. “Ah, do I hear complaints about me? Well, it seems I haven't been working you hard enough. You still have the energy to complain.”

  That shut them up in a jiffy.

  Dylan laughed. “Okay, okay, get your asses back to the office. Thanks for coming to fetch me. I appreciate it. But I think I can manage in my own home now.”

  Baxter and Thor began to herd the younger Black Bears out of Dylan's apartment. Thor stood at the door and gave Luke a significant look.

  “Eh, Luke,” Thor began. “Don't you have a meeting to attend?”

  “No,” Luke said. “I don't have anything this afternoon. I cleared...”

  Thor narrowed his eyes and jerked his head at Dylan and Jade.

  Luke blinked at him, then slapped his hand to his forehead dramatically. “Oh! Oh yes, I forgot. Ah yes, of course, the, something really important.”

  As Luke scampered to the door, Thor rolled his eyes and shook his head. Some people were just terrible liars.

  “Yep, I have to go now. Bye Dylan! Bye Jade!” Luke called out, giving his sister a big, exaggerated wink.

  Jade glared at her brother, and made a growling noise in her throat. “The brat,” she mumbled.

  The door closed quickly, and the apartment was suddenly very silent. It was just the two of them. Finally.

  Jade smiled at him shyly and cleared her throat. “I'll get you a drink,” she said. She got up but Dylan tugged her down to him. She landed in his lap with a gasp.

  “I don't need a drink,” he said. “I need you.”

  Her blush deepened.

  “Dylan...” Her eyes widened when she felt his erection pushing against her thigh. “You...y-you just got home. You should rest…” she stuttered.

  “I've been lying in bed, resting and doing not much else for weeks now,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “You've been at the hospital with me the whole time. I love having you around. But I think I will love having you in my bed more. Not my hospital bed,” he snapped when she opened her mouth.

  Jade started to giggle. “Imagine if one of the doctors walked in on us...”

  Dylan let out a low growl. “No one sees my mate naked.”

  Jade took a shuddering breath and whispered, “Your mate…”

  “Yes. You are my mate, Jade. My bear knew it. My bear scented you, sensed you and found you.”

  Jade bit her trembling lip and swallowed. “But you didn't claim me...”

  “You were hurt, Jade,” Dylan said, brushing her hair back. “You were hurt badly, physically and emotionally.”

  “And when I got better, you got hurt,” she said, cupping his face with her hands. “You saved me, and you saved my brother. I can't believe...”

  “I protect what's mine,” he said simply. “You and Luke, you're my family.”

  Jade gazed deeply, searchingly into his eyes and saw the depth and truth of his words.


  “I want you, Jade. I want you so much, but I will never force you. I will not take you against your will,” he said, holding her gaze firmly.

  She leaned in and pressed her lips against his. “I am yours, Dylan. Heart, body and soul. I do want you. I want to be with you, Dylan,” she whispered.

  Dylan inhaled sharply and fought for control. Growling, he grabbed her and carried her straight to his bedroom.

  To hell with control. He wanted her, needed her more than he needed his next breath.

  He would have her now.


  Jade clung to Dylan's powerful shoulders as he carried her into his spacious bedroom and laid her on his bed. His amber eyes were glowing with a feral hunger, and she heard the animal growl erupting from his throat. His bear was close to the surface, but it didn't frighten her.

  His bear was a part of him. Luke had a bear in him as well, and she knew the discipline and iron will required for the man to control the beast. But she had seen and witnessed Dylan's strength first-hand. She had seen the strength of his character, his will, his heart. He had a predator in him, but he was a protector, a leader. He would never hurt her. Jade trusted him completely, and she willingly surrendered her body and pleasure to him.

  She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed his shirt over his shoulders. The doctors had removed his bandage, but she saw the jagged scars on his abdomen and down his arm. The bear in him was strong, and once the silver was out of his flesh, his natural shifter healing abilities had kicked in. It had taken time to repair the extensive damage, but the doctors had boosted his immunity with antibiotics and given him some painkillers.

  Dylan's breathing was ragged as he shucked off his clothes and loomed over her. He didn't bother unbuttoning her blouse. He simply ripped it apart with his claws. Her pants and undergarments were disposed off in the same way. The tearing sound of her clothes made her shiver in anticipation and arousal.

  He was so hungry for her. She could see it in his burning eyes, in his magnificent erection which stabbed against her thigh as he covered her breast with his mouth.

  Jade arched her back, urging him to take more. Dylan suckled her furiously, biting and licking her throbbing nipples. She writhed beneath him, increasing the delicious, maddening friction between their bodies.

  Dylan moved his hands and mouth all over her, inflaming her beyond reason. Her entire body was on fire. His skilful fingers stroked into her, bringing her to the peak of her pleasure.

  She pulsed and screamed, shuddering with ecstasy. She had just a moment to catch her breath before he brought her to climax again with his tongue.

  Jade finally opened her eyes, her blood thundering in her ears. Her hair was matted to her face, and she could only raise a hand weakly to cup his jaw. His eyes were locked on hers as he knelt between her legs and pushed them apart.

  With one powerful thrust, Dylan was fully inside her.

  Jade gasped and felt his heart beating strongly against hers as he covered her body with his. She whimpered in pleasure as he began to move.

  “Dylan...” she murmured, digging her nails into his back. She wanted him deeper inside her. She wanted them joined, and she wanted to mark him as hers. He belonged to her, and she wanted the world to know it. No other female would touch him.

  She had never felt so possessive, so sure about anyone before. Dylan was the one for her. Everything about him felt so good, so right. Jade raked her nails down his back as he pounded into her, taking her faster and harder. She loved it. She loved how he made love to her and took her. She loved how amazing, how beautiful and complete he made her feel.

  “I love you,” they whispered together.

  Jade clung to him as he took her over the edge. She felt his teeth clamp down on her shoulder as he emptied his hot seed into her. Dylan's body tensed and shook with the force of his release. His teeth sank deeper into her flesh, marking her as he claimed her heart and body completely.

  Jade quivered and cried out in his arms as the explosive, scorching pleasure burned through her body. She lost all ability to think or speak as wave after wave of consuming pleasure seared every nerve and set her body alight.

  It was a long, long time before she could slow her breathing and open her eyes.

  She found herself draped over Dylan's long, solid body, her head on his chest.

  Dylan kissed her forehead as she looked up at him.

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  She smiled. “Hey.”

  They lay in silence as she stre
tched out comfortably beside him. She found that she wasn't at all self-conscious about her naked, curvy body with Dylan. With her ex-boyfriends, she'd always yanked the covers up to cover herself after sex. Some of her exes had made disparaging remarks about her weight, her big girl size. They had no qualms using her big girl body for sex but they never made her feel good. It was all about them, their needs, their ego, their pleasure. They never made her feel special and beautiful. Instead, after sleeping with them, she usually felt ashamed.

  Being was Dylan was totally different. For the first time, she realized that she was truly happy and comfortable. She also felt very possessive and territorial.

  Jade propped herself up on one elbow and stared down at his handsome face. She touched her shoulder and felt the tender spot where he had bitten her.

  “You marked me, didn't you?” she said.

  Dylan traced the mark on her shoulder and smiled. “Yes.”

  “How do I mark you?”

  “Huh?” He looked surprised at her question.

  “I want to mark you. I don't want other females flirting with you and seducing you,” Jade said stubbornly.

  Dylan's amber eyes widened a fraction. “Oh Jade,” he said, laughing as he hugged her. “No female will dare come near me. They know I'm well and truly mated. Your mating scent is all over me. And a mated male has eyes only for his mate.”

  Jade pursed her lips. “You are a very attractive male...”

  “To you.” He touched the tip of her nose playfully. “I hope. You're the only one I want to attract.”

  Jade smiled and looked thoughtful. Then her eyes narrowed. “I want us to get married,” she said firmly. “I don't need a big, lavish wedding, but I want a wedding band on your finger.”

  “That's the sexiest thing you've said to me,” Dylan said with a grin and a growl. “We'll go choose the bands later. But first...I want to enjoy my mate again. Your possessiveness is turning me on. I'm going to have you again.”

  She squealed with he grabbed her and rolled her onto her back. Stretching her arms over her head, Dylan entered her smoothly and she sighed with bliss. “I'll have you forever, Jade. I love you,” Dylan whispered as he took her so tenderly and lovingly.


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