Creepin' 2: A New Orleans Love Story

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Creepin' 2: A New Orleans Love Story Page 8

by Chenell Parker

  “I didn’t cook anything, so you might have to order y’all some food,” Von said as they walked to the back of the house.

  “Are you hungry?” Mia asked Brandis as they both stretched out on the bed.

  “No, not right now,” she replied while texting back and forth on her phone.

  Mia pulled out her phone and was about to log into her Instagram account right as a text message from an unfamiliar number came through. When she saw the text saying “I told you she was a hoe,” she immediately knew who it was from.

  “Bitch this is the video that Travis was telling us about,” Mia squealed while slapping Brandis’s arm.

  They both jumped up from the bed and huddled over Mia’s phone. According to the timer, the video was seven minutes long. As soon as Mia pressed play she regretted her decision to do so. Not only were Ro and Rainey in the video, but Tre and London were starring in it as well. Mia should have known that London was the unidentified female that Travis kept referring to, but she wasn’t sure. Mia also didn’t miss that the date on the video was a few weeks before they went to Miami. It was before the fight that he had with Ro and before his relationship with Rainey went sour. Mia didn’t know if she wanted to cry or go to the facility and put a bullet in Tre’s head as she watched the video of London going down on him. He had a blanket thrown over her head, but there was no mistaking what she was doing. Her head was bobbing up and down slowly, and his head was thrown back like he was enjoying the feel of her mouth on him. Rainey was going to work on Roland, but she was in plain view of the camera with nothing shielding her face. Ro was pumping in and out of her mouth so fast that Mia was surprised that she didn’t gag. That clearly wasn’t her first time giving oral sex because she was indeed a professional. Ro must have had the camera on the dresser, and none of them even knew that they were being recorded.

  “Wait, play that back,” Brandis yelled when she heard Rainey saying something to London. Mia was in another world, and she zoned after the first few minutes. “Did you hear what that bitch just said?”

  “No let me rewind it,” Mia replied. When she replayed that part of the video again she instantly got pissed.

  “Let me see what you’re hiding under that blanket Tank,” Rainey said smiling.

  “Mind your business and stop worrying about what’s going on over here,” Tre snapped.

  “We can make it a family affair. You already know how we do it,” Ro said to Tre.

  “Yeah, maybe we need to switch partners for a little while,” Rainey was clearly heard saying to London. When London agreed, Tre jumped up and pushed her off of him. Once he fixed his clothes he went off on Rainey and she laughed like it wasn’t a big deal.

  “Don’t play with me Rainey. You know I don’t fuck with you like that!” Tre yelled.

  “Why? I know it’s not because I’m your God sister. It’s not like we’re related. Isn’t that what you always tell her?” She smirked referring to what he always said to Mia.

  “Stupid hating ass bitch,” Tre replied angrily.

  He grabbed his keys and headed for the door. London was begging him to stay, but he left and she wasn’t too far behind him. Ro and Rainey picked up where they left off and the video ended soon after that.

  “I told you that bitch was no good. That’s why she wanted to talk to. She wanted to see if you saw the video or not. I told you that she was feeling Tank. I can tell by the way she looks at him. She’s jealous of you and your relationship with him,” Brandis fumed.

  “I got that bitch, Rainey and Tre too,” Mia promised. “I knew he was messing with London long before I found out about it. I asked Rainey if she knew what was up and that bitch lied to my face. That’s why that bastard Tre kept saying that he never slept with London until that day I saw her coming out of his room. He failed to mention that she was sucking his dick, though.”

  “Are you okay?” Brandis asked her friend. She knew that Mia was hurt, but she seemed angrier than anything.

  “I’m good, but I can’t wait to show his dog ass this video. I just want to see the look on his face,” Mia said angrily.

  “How are you going to do that? Von is going to be with you,” Brandis reminded her.

  “I’ll find a way, trust me. I don’t give a damn if I have to show it to him right in front of Von. This is going to be a Thanksgiving that he’ll never forget,” Mia swore.

  C hapter 8

  Tre was so happy to see his family on Thanksgiving, but he was even happier to see Mia. She was giving him the cold shoulder, but he was still glad that she came. Aside from when he went to prison, he usually spent every holiday with Von. He never really saw Terri on holidays, so her being there today was something new to him. Still and all, both of his parents and the woman he loved were there to spend the holiday with him and he was grateful. Mr. Warren was off, but Tre was hoping that he would come through while his visitors were there. He really wanted to introduce his counselor to the people that he talked about the most. Tre was required to attend at least three counseling sessions a week, but he went every day just to talk to the older man. Mr. Warren was cool as hell and Tre loved his outspoken personality. He’d been married for thirty years, and Tre admired him for that and so much more. He told him all about his relationship with Mia, and he’d been giving him some much needed advice.

  “Where’s the bathroom Tank?” Terri asked while looking around the huge visitation room.

  “It’s around the corner all the way at the end of the hall. You want me to show you?” He offered.

  “I’ll show her,” Von spoke up. “I need to go too.”

  Mia wanted to jump for joy when both of them got up and left out of the room. That was the perfect opportunity for her to do a little show and tell with her pathetic ex who was staring a hole through her at the moment.

  “What’s wrong Mia? Tre asked once they were alone.

  Mia went right to the video on her phone, pressed play and shoved her phone in his hand for him to see. She was waiting for him to react to what he was seeing, but he never did. He didn’t even finish watching the video when he handed the phone back to her. His emotionless face was enough to send her over the edge, and she was ready to snap. Tre knew that Ro was a dirty nigga, but he never thought he would be that petty. The more he learned about him, the more he questioned their years of friendship. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. That incident was what made him start to look at Rainey differently. It was then that he really knew that she was jealous of Mia and his relationship with her.

  “So you don’t have anything to say?” Mia snapped.

  “What do you want me to say Mia? I fucked up. That seems to be all I’ve been doing for the last couple of months. I’m trying my best to do better, but you’re determined to make me suffer no matter what I do. Even though that video pissed you off, I’m happy that you know what kind of person Rainey is. That bitch ain’t right.”

  “Don’t try to turn this shit around. She’s a dirty bitch, but you ain’t no better,” Mia whispered harshly so that no one else would hear her.

  “I was wrong Mia. I’m not trying to deny that. I shouldn’t have done it, but I can’t take it back. That’s it. All of my secrets are out, and I just want us to move past this bullshit. I’m learning a lot from my counselor while I’m here. I know that I have to do better, and I promise you that I will.”

  “I hope the next woman appreciates it because it’s too late for us,” she replied right as Von came back to the room.

  Tre nodded his head, but he had no words for what she’d said. His happy mood had changed just that fast, and he was ready for his visit to be over. The only thing he wanted to do at the moment was sleep the rest of his Thanksgiving away.


  Mia drove to the facility in her own car so that she could bring her clothes home and pick Brandis up. Duke had to work, so they decided to spend the day together. Since Tanya was still mad with Von, Mia and Brandis promised her that they would swing by her house
too. They were starting out at Von’s house and then they were making their rounds by everybody else. Mia wanted to end the day by her grandmother with the rest of her family. Her grandma usually cooked enough food to feed an army and she couldn’t wait to get some of it. Mia had her containers in her trunk just so she could get her some food to go for the next day. Moonie and her siblings were already at her grandmother’s house, and the apartment was empty when she walked in. Mia couldn’t help, but smile when she opened the door because the apartment was spotless and smelling good. She walked into the laundry room and was pleasantly surprised to see that no clothes were dirty or laying around waiting to be folded. Tootie told her that Moonie was handling her business in the house, but she was skeptical about that. Now that she saw it for herself she was happy with the changes that her mother seemed to be making. Maybe a new baby was the thing to finally get Moonie’s mind right. As mad as Mia was before, she couldn’t wait to spoil her new little brother or sister. She found herself looking at baby clothes and furniture online for the past few days. She and Tiara even talked about giving Moonie a nice baby shower once they found out what she was having. Jabari was pissed as usual, but Mia was confident that he would come around just like she did. He was mad when Moonie got pregnant with Anika, but he had her spoiled rotten.

  “Come on outside girlie,” Mia said to Brandis once she answered her phone. A few minutes later, Brandis came out looking like she was mad at the world. She was on the phone, so Mia assumed she was arguing with Duke.

  “I’m sorry friend, but I probably can’t even hang out with you today,” Brandis frowned.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Mia asked concerned.

  “My mama wants me to go by my grandma’s house first. Her brother and his family are in town, and he wants to see me. They have to go to his mother-in-law’s house, so they won’t be at my grandma’s house long.”

  “Okay, well we can go by your grandma’s house before we go by Von,” Mia shrugged like it was no big deal.

  “Are you sure it’s not a problem Mia? I don’t want you to rearrange your plans just for me.”

  “Girl please, we were going by your grandma’s house anyway. We’ll just change up the schedule. We’ll go there first and then go by Von’s house afterward. All of his brothers are there, so he probably won’t miss me anyway,” Mia replied.

  “I’ll try to make this visit as short as possible,” Brandis promised.

  That turned out to be a promise that was hard for her to keep, but Mia didn’t mind. She was having fun playing boards games with Brandis’s family. Then when they started playing bowling on the Wii, she really got into it. A short visit ended up being over three hours. The only reason they left was because Brandis’s uncle and his family had to leave to visit other people. One of Brandis’s cousins tried to talk to her, so they exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. He was cute, but he lived all the way in North Carolina. Mia knew that they couldn’t be together, but she wouldn’t mind spending time when him when they visited.

  “Girl my legs are killing me from playing that damn game. That’s the most action I’ve had in months. You know I’m a born-again virgin,” Mia laughed.

  “Girl bye,” Brandis laughed with her. “That’s one thing that you can never get back one it’s gone. Don’t try to be stingy with your kitty kat now.”

  “You are too stupid,” Mia said as she fell out laughing at her friends joke.

  “Did Von cook gumbo?” Brandis asked changing the subject.

  “You already know he did.”

  “Good, I can’t believe my grandma didn’t cook any. She had everything else except for the one thing I wanted the most.”

  “The food was good, though,” Mia replied.

  “It was, but I know Von’s is better. I know Tank is sorry that he’s missing all that good eating.”

  “Fuck Tank!” Mia spat angrily.

  “I know you’re mad friend, but I really do think he’s sorry,” Brandis said.

  “Whose side are you on?” Mia asked looking over at her girl.

  “Don’t play with me heifer. You know I’m riding with you until the wheels fall off. But you know Tank is my boy too. That’s my man’s best friend, so you know we talk all the time. The only thing he wants to talk about is you, though. I was mad with his ass for a while after y’all broke up, but I came around eventually. I think he’s really in love with you, but he just does stupid shit. I bet he won’t do anything else if y’all get back together.”

  “Ain’t no getting back together for us. That’s a wrap,” Mia said seriously.

  “So you can honestly say that you don’t love Tank no more?” Brandis asked while looking over at her.

  “I’d be lying if I said that. I wish I didn’t, but I can’t help it. I don’t know when the feelings are going to go away, but I wish they hurry up,” Mia replied honestly.

  “That’s if they ever go away at all,” Brandis commented.

  The girls fell into a comfortable silence while on their way to Von’s house. Mia tried to shake Tre from her thoughts, but it was hard to do. He looked so sad when they left the facility, but he brought that on himself. He’s the one who created the drama in their relationship. He claimed to be so happy being with her, but he obviously wasn’t happy enough.

  “No, this bitch didn’t,” Brandis uttered bringing Mia’s thoughts back to the present.

  Mia wondered what she was talking about until she spotted Rainey’s car parked on the lawn in front of Von’s house. They hadn’t seen or spoken to each other since that dreaded day at school when Travis exposed her secret. Mia thought that she would try to call her to explain, but she never did. She must have thought it was all good since she had the nerve to show up at Von’s house knowing that Mia would most likely be there.

  “Oh yes she did,” Mia pointed out.

  “Mia don’t cause a scene at Von’s house. Just act like she’s not even here. Ignore her and don’t say anything,” Brandis ordered.

  “I’m not saying anything to her,” Mia promised.

  They got out of the car and walked up to the doorway together. Mia heard all the noise, and she knew that they must have been playing spades or dominos. Von and his brothers always had a good time when they got together and the holidays were no different. When they walked into the living room, it was empty letting Mia know that everybody must have been in the kitchen or the sitting room. She led the way and walked through the house with Brandis following close behind.

  “Look at my baby,” Lamar smiled when Mia entered the kitchen.

  Mia hugged her father and Nina as well as Von and his brothers. She and Rainey locked eyes, but her nasty ass looked away as soon as they did. Rainey and another girl were seated at the island while Von and his guests occupied the chairs at the tables and around it. Mia recognized Rainey’s guest as one of her flunkies from school. Lamar and Von’s brothers were saying something to her, but Mia was in another world. Her focus was on her God sister who was sitting there with a look of guilt covering her face. With the swiftness of a gazelle, Mia rushed over to Rainey and slung her to the ground by her hair. The impact was so hard that it sounded like the tile cracked when her thin body collided with it. Mia knew that the brawl would be stopped quickly, so she used the few seconds she had to deliver a combination of punches to Rainey’s face and body. She was kicking her legs wildly, but that didn’t stop Mia from pounding on her with force. Rainey was taller than Mia, but she was no match for her in a fight.

  “Mimi get off of her,” Von yelled while trying to lift Mia off of Rainey.

  She had the strength of a grown man, and the task proved to be harder than he assumed. Mia was on top of Rainey pulling her hair and banging her head on the tile. Patches of hair were flying left and right, and Rainey was sure to be bald if Mia didn’t let up soon.

  “Come on baby girl, let her make it,” Lamar said while helping Von pull Mia away from the other woman. He helped Rainey up from the floor while Von and Nin
a held Mia back. Rainey looked a mess, and he could tell that she was embarrassed. The pieces of weave that managed to stay in her head were hanging on by a thread, leaving her hair net and braids clearly visible. The back of her head was bleeding, and her lip was split and pouring blood like a leaking faucet.

  “What the hell happened Mimi?” Von asked.

  “Why are you asking her what happened when she’s the one that attacked me? You’re always taking her side,” Rainey cried.

  “I’m not taking anybody’s side Rainey. I just want to know what happened,” Von answered.

  “That bitch attacked me that’s what happened. You saw the shit yourself,” Rainey fumed.

  “Watch your mouth Rainey, be respectful,” Von chastised.

  “Respectful?” Rainey yelled angrily. “How respectful is she being when she fucks your son in your house when you’re right in the other room?”

  “Now you’re going too far,” Lamar yelled while releasing his grip on Rainey.

  “But I’m not the one on tape sucking a nigga’s dick for the world to see,” Mia spat.

  Rainey’s face twisted in embarrassment since she knew for a fact that Mia saw the tape.

  “That’s enough! What is wrong with y’all?” Von hollered.

  Since Von really wasn’t paying attention, Mia went around him and punched Rainey in the face, knocking her to the ground again. Von’s brothers yelled in surprise and amazement at how fast Mia was. She moved with the speed of lightning and was light as a feather on her feet. Von pulled her back and let Nina hold her down while he spoke to his other Godchild.


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