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Creepin' 2: A New Orleans Love Story

Page 14

by Chenell Parker

  “How are you feeling?” Mia asked Terri when she walked into her hospital room. Tre was in the chair on the side of her bed knocked out. Mia knew that he had to be tired because he was snoring.

  “I feel fine,” Terri smiled. “I’ll feel better if my hardheaded son goes home. I keep telling him that sleeping in that chair is not healthy.”

  “You know he’s not leaving your side,” Mia replied.

  “I know, he thinks I’m going to die when he’s not here. He said that’s why he’s not leaving,” Terri replied sadly.

  “You’re not going to die Terri,” Mia said even though she didn’t believe that herself. Terri looked like a totally different person with all of the weight and hair that she’d lost.

  “I’ve seen more of this hospital in the past few months than I’ve seen of my apartment. I already know that I probably won’t make it out of here this time and I’m fine with that. My pastor came to see me and with his help I’ve made my peace with God. I’m happy now and I’m ready whenever He is,” Terri smiled weakly.

  “Has Von been up here?” Mia said changing the subject.

  “Yeah, he came up here earlier. That man is still as fine as he was when we were teenagers. Tank is every bit of his father. That’s why I don’t know why you won’t give my baby another chance. People make mistakes Mia, but they also change. It was too late for me, but you and Tank are still young. I know he hurt you, but he regrets that so much. He really loves you Mia,” Terri said grabbing her hand.

  “She know I love her,” Tre said groggily.

  “I should have known that he was listening,” Mia said rolling her eyes.

  “You need to go home and get you some rest Tank. I know your body is stiff from being in that chair so long,” Terri offered.

  “I’m good, I just needed a quick nap,” he replied.

  “You need a haircut,” Mia frowned.

  “I need a girlfriend,” he replied blowing a kiss at her.

  “Valentine’s Day is in two weeks. What are y’all lovebirds going to do?” Terri instigated.

  “Nothing,” Mia hurriedly answered before Tre had a chance to respond.

  “I guess I’ll spend the day with you then,” he replied while looking at Terri.

  “That’s a lover’s day. You don’t need to be spending it with me.”

  “Why not? I love you,” Tre said making his mother blush.

  “Stop being so mean to my baby Mia,” Terri said slapping her hand.

  “That’s the only way she know how to be,” Tre replied.

  “I’ll stay here for a while if you want to leave,” Mia said ignoring their comments.

  She pulled out her deck of cards and a stack of ones and handed them to Terri. That was their routine every time she visited. She and Terri would gamble and talk for hours before visiting hours were over. Terri always gave Mia all of her money back because there was nothing that she could do with it in the hospital. She used to always gamble when she was healthy, and it made her feel normal again.

  “You sure you don’t have anything else to do,” Tre asked Mia.

  “No, I’m good,” she replied.

  He thanked her and walked out of the room while Terri started dealing their first hand. Mia didn’t mind leaving late since once of her headaches was no longer a threat anymore. She hated to admit it, but Ro getting killed was like a huge burden being lifted. She never told Tre or anyone else, but she was actually scared when he was still lurking around. Ro and the same dude that had shot at her and Tre not too long ago were found dead. So many stories were circulating about what happened and Mia didn’t know what to believe. Some people were saying that Ro owed his connect money and he got killed because he never paid up. A few other people were saying that they tried to burglarize the house that they were in and the owners came home and killed them. Mia asked Tre, but he didn’t seem to know any more than she did. One thing they did know for sure and that was Ro and his partner in crime were dead.

  Mia and Terri played cards for about two hours before fatigue took over and Terri was fast asleep. Mia sat in the chair that Tre once occupied and texted back and forth with Ricky. She hadn’t been seeing much of him lately with everything that she had going on in her life. She promised him that they would hook up over the weekend, but she wasn’t even sure if that was a promise that she could keep. Thankfully Moonie had been staying at home with the kids, so she didn’t have to worry about them anymore. Her main priority now was helping Tre with Terri.

  “Alright baby girl, you can leave whenever you’re ready,” Tre said when he walked back into the hospital room.

  Mia had to close her mouth quick before she started to drool. Tre had got a fresh cut and line up and he looked too damn good for words. He was freshly showered and Mia could still smell his soap mixed in with the Ralph Lauren body spray that he had on. His loose fitting sweats and t-shirt only made him look better if that was even possible.

  “Breathe Mia”, she said to herself as she admired the fine specimen of a man that stood before her.

  “Mia!” Tre yelled snapping her out of her daydream. “Are you okay?’

  “Um, yeah I’m good,” she replied while nodding her head.

  “Are you hungry or something? Because you were looking at me like I was a piece of meat,” Tre smirked.

  “Prime beef,” Mia thought to herself or so she thought.

  “Prime beef?” Tre repeated looking confused.

  Mia’s eyes widened in surprise when she realized that she had said her thoughts out loud. She grabbed her purse and keys and almost ran to the door.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow,” she said as she was walking out.

  “Wait, let me walk you to your car,” Tre yelled behind her.

  “No, I’m good. I’ll talk to you later,” Mia replied.

  She had to get far away from that hospital before she did something that she was sure to regret later on. Someone or something had to get her mind off of Trevon. Just as the thought entered her mind, Mia looked down at her ringing phone to see Brandis calling.

  “I’m so happy you called,” Mia said answering the phone.

  “Why, what’s wrong,” Brandis asked.

  “Nothing, I’m just leaving the hospital. What are you doing?”

  “Girl I’m bored out of my mind. Duke is at work and I’ve been sleeping off and on all day.”

  “Sleeping, huh?” Mia asked. “You sure you been taking those pills I gave you?”

  “Girl bye, my cycle is on right now. And I’ve been taking my pills faithfully. Ever since I found out about Duke and his ex-girlfriend possibly sleeping together, I’ve been making his ass strap up anyway,” Brandis confessed.

  “I hear that, but get dressed because I’m on my way. I don’t know where we’re going, but we’re going somewhere,” Mia said right before she hung up.

  A distraction of any kind was welcomed at the moment. Anything to get the dirty thoughts of Tre out of her head.

  C hapter 17

  Valentine’s Day came, and Mia had her entire day planned out. She had recently started spending time with Ricky again, and he invited her over to his apartment. Mia had been over there before, but they would only watch TV and talk. He ate her out a few times, but they never took it further than that. It had been months since Mia had sex, and she was ready for whatever at the moment. Ricky told her that he couldn’t cook, but he planned to order some food to wine and dine her. He told her that he had something for her, but he begged her not to buy anything for him. Ricky was just like Tre, and they both felt like Valentine’s Day was a woman’s holiday. She didn’t care about buying Ricky anything, but she did buy Tre a cologne gift set from Dillard’s. She got Terri a cute heart shaped pillow with her name on it and had an edible arrangement delivered to her room. She was going to see her for a little while before she met up with Ricky to enjoy their romantic night. She wanted to see Von too, but he and Tanya had finally taken their much need vacation to Vegas. They’d been gone for
three days, and they weren’t due back until the following week. He was excited that they were in a good place and so was Mia. She hoped that Von and Tanya got it together, so that Cheryl could be out of the picture for good.

  “Well damn,” Mia gasped when she stepped out of her bedroom and saw all of the flowers and other gifts that were situated all over their living room. It was almost noon, but Mitch was in the kitchen cooking enough breakfast to feed an army.

  “You see me doing my thing, huh Mia,” he said smiling as he turned around and looked at her.

  “All of this is for Moonie?” Mia asked.

  “You already know. I’m fixing the kids some breakfast before your grandmother comes to get them. I hope you have somewhere to go until later on tonight too,” Mitch winked at her.

  “I get the picture. I have my own plans, so I’ll be gone for a while. I’ll make sure I call before I come back,” Mia laughed.

  “You know I’m just messing with you. We’ll probably be gone until later on tonight too. We’re going to the Valentine’s Day concert at the casino. We have to pick the kids up tonight, so we won’t be out too late,” he informed her.

  “So, Mitch, when are you going to move all the way in? You’ve been here off and on since Moonie got out of the hospital. I’m sure your girlfriend knows what’s up by now,” Mia replied.

  “Yeah, she knows because I told her. She knew from day one that Moonie was the one. She still wanted a relationship with me even though I was in love with another woman. As far as me moving in we haven’t really decided on none of that yet. Moonie never officially broke it off with Dalvin and Melissa is on some stalker shit. Honestly, I’m ready to move Moonie away from The Court and all of this bullshit that comes with it. I want us to be homeowners and raise our family in a nice neighborhood. She said she’s ready, but I just have to be sure. The first thing we have to do is tie up all of these loose ends in our previous relationships,” Mitch confessed.

  “I understand Mitch. Moonie has to prove herself to a lot of people, including her kids. As far as Dalvin goes, I’ll be happy when she’s done with him for good.

  “Exactly, but I do see that she’s trying to change. I know everything takes time, so I’m not rushing her. We’ve been doing okay and I’m good with that.”

  “Well, I’m happy for y’all and I’m happy that you’re back,” Mia smiled.

  “Thank you, baby girl. That means a lot to me. The other kids seem to be happy about it too.”

  Mia talked to Mitch for a few more minutes before she grabbed Tre and Terri’s gifts and left. She sent Brandis a text letting her know her plans for the day while she drove. Duke had to work that night, but he and Brandis planned to spend the entire day together. Since Tanya had been out of town Brandis had been sneaking and sleeping over at his house even though her mama thought she was at Mia’s.

  Mia smiled and waved at the nurses as she walked down the hall to Terri’s room. She’d been there so much over the past few weeks that she knew just about all of them. They were always so nice, and they made Terri and her visitors feel right at home. When Mia walked into the room, she stopped at the door when she saw that the doctors were in there with them. Tre motioned for her to come in, so she bypassed the staff and walked over to where he was seated.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said handing him a gift bag.

  “Why do you always buy me something when I tell you not to?” Tre asked through his smile.

  “Why do you always tell me not to when you know I’m going to do it anyway? And you’re welcome by the way,” Mia replied sarcastically.

  “I’m sorry baby, you know I appreciate everything that you do for me and Terri,” Tre said looking her over from top to bottom. Mia held his gaze as long as she could before she turned away.

  “What’s going on with Terri?” She asked him.

  “She’s been throwing up non-stop and now she has some kind of infection. The doctors want to talk to me, but I’m just not ready to hear what they have to say,” Tre replied sadly.

  “Terri is a fighter, she’ll be alright,” Mia tried to assure him.

  “I don’t even know what to think anymore. I’m just so stressed out.”

  “Von went out of town, but you’re the one who needs a vacation,” Mia replied.

  “Only if you come with me,” he said looking at her.

  “Did Terri like her edible arrangement?” Mia asked trying hard to change the subject.

  “Yeah, she was so happy when they delivered it to her,” Tre smiled.

  “That’s good,” Mia smiled.

  “So, you chillin’ with us today?” Tre asked.

  “Just for a little while, I have plans later on,” Mia replied.

  She saw the anger flash across his face, but he softened up again once he looked at her.

  “I have something at the house for you. I wanted to bring it here, but I didn’t know if you were coming through or not.”

  “I come here every day Tre, why wouldn’t I come today?” Mia replied right as the doctors walked out of the room.

  “Hey my girl,” Terri said in a weak little voice. “Thanks for my fruit.”

  “You’re welcome. Here, I have something else for you,” Mia said handing her the pillow that she had made for her.

  “Aww, thanks, baby. You’re about to make me cry,” Terri said right as she went into a violent coughing spell. Tre ran and grabbed her water and helped her take a few sips.

  Once she settled down, Mia sat down on the bed next to her and rubbed her back softly. Terri was only in her early forties, but she looked like she was well over sixty years old. Her hair had fallen out, but it seemed to be trying to grow back. She had a cute, soft, curly bush in the place of her shoulder length roller wrap. Her skin was always ashy and her face was sunken in. Mia felt so bad for her, but there was nothing that she could do. The soothing feeling of having her back rubbed had Terri sleeping peacefully in no time. Tre seemed deep in thought and Mia felt bad for him as well.

  “Are you okay?” Mia asked him.

  “Where are you going tonight Mia?” He questioned her.

  “I’m going to Ricky’s house for a little while,” Mia replied honestly.

  “You can leave now then,” Tre spat angrily.

  “What?” Mia asked in shock.

  “I said you can leave. Terri is sleeping, so there’s no reason for you to stay,” he repeated.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  “Does it look like I’m playing?” Tre countered.

  “Fuck you Trevon,” Mia retorted as she stood to her feet.

  “Nah, that’s what you got that other nigga for.”

  Mia didn’t even reply to his last comment. She grabbed her purse and walked out of the door without looking back. As soon as she got to her car she burst out crying while trying to open her door. She was trying her best to be there for Tre, but she couldn’t believe how he had just handled her. He could kiss her ass from here on out because she didn’t have anything else to tell his ungrateful ass. If it wasn’t about Terri, she didn’t even want to talk to him again. Mia started her car and decided to go back home until she hooked up with Ricky later on that night. Here it was Valentine’s Day, and she was going to be spending most of her day at home alone.


  “This is so cute, thank you,” Mia said when she opened up the gifts that Ricky got for her.

  Aside from a Victoria’s Secret basket, he gave her a beautiful pink and white jewelry box with her name engraved on the front of it. He also gave her a few pairs of edible underwear, but Mia refused to put them on. She did let him taste her, but without the added flavor.

  “You’re welcome baby,” Ricky replied. “What time do you have to be home?”

  “I’m ready whenever you are,” Mia replied.

  Ricky insisted on picking her up, so she parked her car and let him drive her to his apartment. For some reason Mia was kind of uneasy about not having her own transportation. She didn’
t want Ricky to get comfortable and think she was staying the night. He hadn’t said anything about it, so that was a good sign.

  “I’m not ready for you to leave yet. I’m not finished giving you your gifts,” Ricky said right as his phone went off again.

  Someone had been blowing him up for the past hour, but he kept ignoring the calls. Mia knew that it had to be another woman, but obviously he didn’t care. He pulled Mia down on the sofa and covered her body with his. He kept trying to kiss her lips, but Mia would turn her head every time. He started kissing her neck and the side of her face instead. When he pulled at her shirt, Mia lifted up to help him take it off. No sooner than she did, her phone started ringing too. She never even bothered to answer it since she knew that it was probably Tre calling again. He’d been calling and texting saying that he was sorry about how he behaved, but Mia didn’t want to hear it. He said how he felt and the damage was already done. She really wished that he would stop calling because he was ruining the moment that she was having with Ricky.

  “You can answer your phone if you want to. It might be important since somebody keeps calling you,” Mia said while Ricky was pulling her pants down.

  “It’s not important,” he replied as he stripped down out of everything except for his boxers.

  Mia checked him out and was pleased to see that he looked just as good without clothes as he did with them on. He wasn’t as hot as Tre, but he was still fine.

  “You do have condoms right?” Mia asked him.

  “Yeah,” he replied while pulling one out from his pants that rested on the floor.

  He must have known that it was going down tonight and he was prepared. Mia, on the other hand, was nervous because she had only been with one man. She wasn’t very experienced in a lot of areas, but Tre didn’t seem to mind.

  “Why are you so nervous?” Ricky asked her.

  He must have felt her trembling a little, but she couldn’t stop. She didn’t want to seem childish and tell him what was wrong, so she smiled and said that she was alright. When his phone started ringing again Mia got a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach and she was suddenly ready to go.


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