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The Steel Harvest

Page 8

by J. D. Miller

  A pair of red eyes glowed in the lamplight, hanging over Carter. Silvia stood in front of him, looking down seriously. Still catching his breath, Carter nodded. Then, motioning her away, he rose to his feet. Moving across the room, he threw his bag onto his bed and then tossed Silvia her things.

  “Come on, get everything packed,” he sputtered. “I think Ramus is trying to buy us time, but he won’t be able to do much. We need to get out of town before they can pin us down.”

  “What are we going to do, sneak out of town?” Silvia raised an eyebrow.

  “We don’t have any other choice.”

  As Carter shoved the last of his belongings into his bag, the creak of the stairs beyond their door set every hair on his head on edge. He froze. Behind him, Silvia stopped, too, looking at him and then the door. Out in the hall, the creaking continued slowly in their direction, as if someone was trying to sneak down the hall. Carter’s mind raced.

  “Silvia, get behind me. Now.”

  Silvia obeyed, running behind Carter. As she flew past him, he drew his pistol from his coat, training it on the door. When the creaking came to a halt outside, he flicked off the safety and cocked back the bolt.

  Just one squeeze of the trigger.

  Seconds ticked by like hours. Sweat dripped down the bridge of his nose, but he made no move to wipe it away. Behind him, Silvia put her hands against his back.


  The sound echoed softly in the overwhelming silence. Carter twitched, half-tempted to lower his gun.

  Why aren’t they rushing the room?

  “Ramus?” he whispered, moving up against the door. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, someone shifted outside the door.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Open the damn door already, will you? Before they come back!”

  Carter almost dropped his gun, relief diffusing throughout his body. Breathing deeply, he pulled the door back, letting the innkeeper into the room. Nodding to Silvia, Ramus stopped in the middle of the room, breathing hard.

  “Carter, it’s the Covenant, they’ve—”

  “I know.”

  Carter flicked the safety back into position and resumed packing. Ramus glanced at the gun and then at Silvia. She stood in the corner of the room, her things gathered in her arms.

  “I’m sorry to have interrupted your beauty sleep, lass,” Ramus whispered, wiping the sweat from his brow.

  “I wasn’t sleeping much anyway,” Silvia said, smiling weakly.

  Finished packing, Carter moved to the window. Two men walked back and forth across the main road, the flashlights taped to their rifles sweeping back and forth in synchronized motion.

  “They set guards outside the inn in case you showed up here,” Ramus explained, wringing his hands. “I’m afraid you’re going to have leave Dullahan behind for the time being.”

  Silvia cocked her head. “What, and travel by foot?”

  “We don’t have any other choice,” Carter said. “Besides, we’d never be able to sneak out of town with a horse at this time of night. If we can make it to the church, I can come back for our things once the Covenant loses our trail.”

  Silvia nodded, staring down at her feet. Looking at her, Carter felt doubt well up in the pit of his stomach.

  I can make the trek easily enough. But can she?

  “You good? How’s your head?”

  “I’ll live, so stop stalling,” Silvia teased, a weak smile on her lips. “Shall we head out?” Slipping on her coat, Silvia put her hands on her hips and stood up straight.

  Carter grinned despite himself. “Yeah. Any last minute advice, Ramus?”

  “I’ll let you out the backdoor,” the innkeeper said. “Follow the alleyways and head south until you hit the southern gate. The main gate will be closed, but things have been relatively peaceful lately, so you should be able to sneak out the footman’s entrance in the side wall. If any of the guards stop you, just tell them you’re running intel to New Manhattan for me.”

  As he spoke, Ramus took the lead, heading out of the room and down the hall. Taking the steps two at a time, he turned at the landing, unlocking the door behind his desk. Silvia followed close behind with Carter bringing up the rear, his pistol still clamped firmly in one hand.

  Slipping through the door, the group entered the small supplies dock behind the inn. Simple by design, the room held a large gate meant for carts, and supplies sat stacked in the corner. Ramus trudged across the room, unlocking a side door next to the gate.

  “This is it,” he breathed. “Remember, just follow the alley.”

  “I know,” Carter said. “I’ll send word once we reach the church.”

  He made for the door but was stopped by Ramus. Gripping Carter’s arm, Ramus gave a strained grin.

  “Keep safe, brother, and give them hell. Don’t let them get her.”

  Carter did his best to smile back, settling for a serious nod. “I will. We’ll be fine.”

  “Then get going, before you get me killed.”

  Carter didn’t respond. Beckoning Silvia forward, he took off down the dark alleyway. Up above, The Shell looked like a phantom over Boston. Carter ran, using the pale glow of the moon to keep his bearings. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he picked up his pace.

  Lights refracted from conjoining alleyways, signaling the Covenant’s approach. Carter cringed. He’d never considered the Covenant would try something like this. Thanks to his ignorance, he and Silvia were trapped. Boston felt more and more like a rat’s maze.

  I’ll hunt you to the ends of the Earth.

  Marcus’s voice echoed through Carter’s head, sending a chill down his spine.

  Bastard’s definitely resourceful. Wonder which slaving company lent him the guns.

  Carter swallowed hard, his chest aching. He could hear Covenant footsteps all around them. Any second, they would be spotted. Their journey west would end before it ever began.

  Don’t panic. Everything in life is a deal waiting to be negotiated; you just have to find an advantage.

  “Carter, please…”

  Carter glanced back. Silvia ran behind him, her usually pale skin flushed red as sweat dripped down her face. She stared at him, extending her hand in front of her.

  “Take my…hand…p-please.” She gasped.

  “What?” Carter asked, confused.

  “Please. If we get separated, it will be the end of us, and at this rate, I’m afraid you might leave me behind.”

  Carter didn’t question her twice. Reaching back, he clasped Silvia’s hand in his. Her soft, small fingers radiated heat, contrasting the calloused, cold touch of his palm. Carter squeezed her hand, pulling her along.

  “Come on, keep at it,” he puffed. “We’re almost at the gate.”


  Sure enough, turning left, Carter spied the wall. The gate was closed for the night to protect the town from raiders, but a small ray of light shone from the footman’s door. Connected to the guard-post, the small door usually stayed unlocked at all hours. Carter whispered a prayer as he ran.

  Please be unlocked.

  Bursting back onto the main road, Carter strained toward the door. Behind him, Silvia gasped violently, coughing occasionally like a dying animal. Carter glanced back.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “F-fine.” Silvia coughed. “Don’t stop moving.”

  Sprinting across the open courtyard, Carter spied the footman’s door. The small tunnel stretched through the gate, the outside world lying beyond. Reaching the door, Carter shook the handle back and forth but to no avail. Silvia’s expression shifted to despair as she watched Carter struggle. They were locked in.

  “God dammit, why?” Carter grunted, throwing himself at the door. Breathing haggardly, he peered through the grated window on the door. Halfway down the tunnel, a path shot away at an angle, presumably to the guard post. A faint light glimmered around the corner, setting Carter’s mind ablaze.

  “I’m probably about
to do something really stupid.” He breathed and took a step back.

  “Eh?” Silvia grunted.

  “When I do,” Carter continued, ignoring her, “all hell is going to break loose. Stick right behind me, and keep your head low, got it?”

  Silvia didn’t question him. She nodded, still catching her breath. Carter turned back to the door. Then, summoning all of his courage, he rapped his pistol against the door as loudly as he could.

  “Hello?” he shouted. “Hello! Please, unlock the door!”

  Down the road behind them, shouts broke the night’s eerie calm. The Covenant was coming. Beyond the door, Carter couldn’t see any movement.

  “Damn it all.”

  Backing up several feet, Carter lifted his foot and slammed it into the door as hard as he could. A sickening crunch echoed through the street as the wooden latch beyond splintered and the door swung open. Looking back, Carter caught a glimpse of a Covenant squad as it rounded the corner.

  “Run,” he shouted. “Run and don’t look back!”

  Carter shoved Silvia in front of him and through the now-open door. As he ran, the shouting behind them intensified. Without warning, several shots rang out, slamming into the walls behind them. Carter ducked low, keeping Silvia safely in front of him. Nearing the end of the hall, something grazed his side, shooting a fiery pain through his entire body. Gritting his teeth, Carter enveloped Silvia in his arms, throwing them both into the second door.

  The second door flew off its hinges at their combined weight. Grunting in surprise, Carter separated from Silvia, rolled several feet, and then slid to a halt. Behind him, more gunfire mixed with the near-constant shouting, adding to the barrage of sound. The city guards were finally joining the fray. Carter struggled to his knees.

  We need to make it into the woods while they’re busy fighting.

  “Carter, are you okay?” Silvia asked, running over. She offered Carter her hand but stopped short, pulling away. Confused, Carter followed her gaze. A small pool of blood sat half-formed next to him, staining the side of his jacket.

  “Oh my God.”

  “I’m fine, it’s only a scratch.”

  Carter forced himself to his feet, trying to hide how unsteady he felt. The whole world swayed. Blinking his eyes, he stumbled forward, away from the gate.

  “Come on.” He grunted. “We can worry about me once we reach the woods. If they catch up to us out in the open like this, we’re screwed.”

  Silvia nodded, following him toward the tree-line. Behind them, the chaos continued to intensify. The pain in Carter’s side acted like a double-edged sword, pushing him forward yet slowing him down. When they reached the tree-line, Carter leaned against the nearest elm. Letting his bag slide off his shoulder, he peered back toward the gate. The gunfire stopped behind him, flashlight beams appearing, as the Covenant walked the perimeter of the gate.

  Wonder how long before they discover my blood trail.

  “Are you okay?” Silvia’s voice drifted over from somewhere in the dark. Despite having lived on The Shell all her life, she seemed to be holding her own. When she got next to him, she knelt down and rummaged through his backpack.

  “Come here,” she commanded. “Take off your jacket.”

  Carter obeyed. Stripping himself of his jacket, he shivered, the cold night air enveloping him. The left side of his tank top clung to him, soaked red. Pulling out his spare tank top, Silvia ripped off a strip and uncovered the wound.

  Sure enough, the bullet had barely scratched him. Carter ground his teeth together. It prickled and burned, blood dripping from his side like a sieve. Lifting the side of his tank top, she tied the strip loosely around the wound.

  “I’d cover your mouth if I were you,” she muttered.

  Carter clamped his mouth shut. Silvia pulled the strip tight with a quick tug. He stifled a scream, his head swimming. His legs failed him, and he fell against the elm tree, emptying his stomach into the grass.


  “Are you all right? I know it’s just a scratch, but if you keep bleeding that bad, you’re gonna—”

  “I’m fine. Let’s keep moving.”

  Grabbing his bag, Carter started forward. Behind them, the hunting party howled into the night like wolves on the prowl. Silvia gripped Carter’s hand again, following him into the darkness. The woods spread ahead of them, a maze of trees and brush.


  “Carter? Carter!”

  Carter’s head shot up. He sat propped up against another tree, somewhere in the woods. To the east, the first glint of sunlight peeked over the horizon, bringing with it the impending dawn.

  We’ve been running all night.

  Carter glanced around, lightheaded. He didn’t remember stopping, only the endless running. His side felt cold, but his limbs burned. He stuck his hand under his coat, pulling it out to find cherry red staining his fingers.

  Damn. Bled through the bandages.

  “Please, Carter, answer me.”

  Silvia’s voice echoed through Carter’s head. She sat on her knees next to him, shaking the sleeve of his coat. He glanced at her, trying to remember.

  “Why are we stopped?” he slurred, forcing himself back onto his feet.

  “Don’t you remember?” Silvia asked, tilting her head worriedly. “You said we were stopping so you could get your bearings.”

  Carter nodded mechanically, not remembering anything after reaching the woods. In the distance, he could hear the sound of rushing water.

  “Come on, we’re almost to the river,” he said. “Once we get over the bridge, we should be home free.”

  Carter pushed off the tree, ignoring the pain. He kept his breaths shallow, minimizing their effect on his side. As the sky turned from pitch black to a dark purple, he glanced around.

  There’s no way they’ve just given up.

  “Hey, how far past the river do we need to go?” Silvia asked, keeping pace.

  “It’s just a little bit past the—”

  An unintelligible howl sounded behind them, sending Carter’s heart sinking in his chest.

  That’s no wolf.


  “Go! Run!”

  Carter shot forward, his side throbbing. As he ran, he gripped his companion’s hand tightly. Silvia stumbled forward, doing her best to keep up, but Carter knew she couldn’t keep this up. They were both barely able to stand.

  A shot rang out, piercing the early morning like a cannon. Carter instinctively ducked, but the shot went high, splintering a tree limb several feet above their heads.

  “Aaaah!” Silvia cried out. Tripping over herself, she tumbled away from Carter, landing in the grass.

  As their hands separated, Carter swiveled back, staring at his companion. She made no move to get up. Staring at the ground, Silvia clenched her teeth together, shaking as she fought back tears.

  “Silvia, what are you doing?” Carter shouted. “We need to keep going! Come on!”

  “I-I can’t…I-I can’t take another step. I’m done, Carter.”

  “What?” Carter couldn’t believe his ears.

  Silvia refused to meet his gaze. She kept her eyes trained on the ground, a pool of tears forming beneath her.

  She’s on the verge of collapse.

  “I’m d-done,” Silvia managed, holding back sobs. “I’ll buy you time. Just go. It’s me they w-want anyhow.”

  Time froze. Carter couldn’t move. Silvia. Her strength and determination to get home rivaled no other. Yet here she sat, ready to meet her fate head on.

  She’s just like me. Just like I was that day.

  An unbearable heat rose in Carter’s chest. For a moment, it dwarfed his pain, urging him forward. He swore as he hoisted Silvia onto his back before bolting through the trees.

  Silvia gasped, wrapping her arms around Carter’s neck. “What are you—”

  “We’re partners now, remember? Like hell I’m just gonna leave you behind!”

  Carter ran, ig
noring the pain. Up ahead, the trees thinned, signaling the small clearing beyond, followed by the river.

  Just get over the bridge. They won’t cross into church territory.

  “Thanks, partner,” Silvia whispered. As she leaned her head on his back, they burst through the tree-line, stumbling into the clearing. The sound of running water roared in the distance.

  “Don’t thank me just yet. Start looking for a bridge, okay.”

  “A bridge?”

  “Yeah. It’s an old footpath, so it’s only wide enough for one man at a time; it will slow them down a lot more than it will us. Past that, the church won’t be far off.”

  Silvia obeyed, leaning away from his back and peering around the clearing. Up ahead, the river roared. Carter pushed himself with all his might. The pain in his side threatened to rip him in two at any moment. Still, the river beckoned him forward.

  “Carter, over there! It’s the bridge! I see it!”

  Silvia’s hand shot out, pointing ahead of them. Carter adjusted his course, heart pounding. Behind him, the Covenant broke from the trees.

  Come on! Just a little farther!

  When they reached the bridge, Carter’s entire body turned to lead. His feet stopped, his brain seizing. For a moment, they stood there, silent. When Silvia finally spoke, her voice seemed choked.

  “No, that’s…it can’t be.”

  The bridge stretched out over the wide river, the wood turning to charcoal about a third of the way out.

  The bridge. It’s gone?

  “Carter?” Silvia breathed, shaking his shoulders. “What do we do? Carter!”

  He didn’t respond. He stared at the bridge as it mocked him. The sound of the Covenant’s advance behind them grew deafening. Without warning, Silvia’s weight slipped from Carter’s back. She stumbled forward, and when she fell, she crawled.

  “Come on, we can swim across! I don’t know how, but if I stick to you, I’m sure we can—”

  “No.” Carter’s voice rang like an echo, hollow and monotone.

  Silvia turned to face him, her temper flaring, but as soon as their eyes met, she began to cry. Carter fell to his knees, hugging her.

  “I’m sorry, Silvia. I’m sorry I couldn’t get you to safety.”


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