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Shadow Sworn_Urban fantasy romance

Page 1

by Tiffany Shand

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14




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  Copyright © 2018 Tiffany Shand

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the author, except for brief quotes in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  Editor: Lisa Maree Birch

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Excerpt from Denai Touch

  Excerpt from Betrayed By Blood

  Excerpt from The Alpha’s Daughter

  Excerpt from Fey Spy

  Also by Tiffany Shand

  Other Works

  About the author

  Chapter 1

  “Focus, Charlotte,” Irina snapped.

  Charlie McCray scowled at her mother as they sat together on the floor of the ancient temple. But hell. at least they’d left the Illuminari’s compound for once. I am bloody focusing. If I focus any more I’ll pass out. She kept her mental shields in place. The last thing she needed was for Irina to hear her true thoughts. After spending the past few weeks in the mist walker’s hidden compound, she grew weary of being there. She’d made it her mission to find out everything she could about them and her mysterious mother who’d been thought dead for the past twenty-four years.

  The mist walkers, or Illuminari as they called themselves, were a secretive bunch who spied on the rest of Magickind after being hunted almost to extinction by the other races. They called themselves resistance fighters, but Charlie thought of them more as rebels. If they really wanted to become a known race and be accepted, why the hell didn’t they stop hiding in the shadows?

  “All Illuminari inherit the knowledge about our people from birth,” Irina said. “You just have to unlock it.”

  The only good thing about being out of the Illuminari compound was Irina had done something to the bracelet which had been blocking Charlie’s powers for the past month. Irina had somehow configured it so Charlie could use her powers again. About bloody time too!

  Vines covered the temple’s grey stone walls and patches of coloured light covered the floor as the sun shone through the broken stained-glass window. Charlie didn’t know why Irina had chosen this location of all places to practise learning to use her full demon powers. It made little sense because the Illuminaris had a whole fortress to use back in their hidden compound.

  Charlie rose, brushing her long brown hair off her face and turned to her mother. “I’ve been trying to unlock it for over a month and I’ve not remembered anything. Maybe I’m not like you.” She crossed her arms, scowling down at the blue dress she wore. Goddess, she missed real clothes!

  Irina sighed. “Still so resistant. I keep telling you your place is here. All Illuminari are sworn to help our people.”

  “Guess I’m not as shadow sworn as you lot.” My place is with Drake, the love of my life. Instead of being with him I’m stuck with you, my ex and a bunch of–

  The walls trembled, sending dust flying through the air.

  “What was that?” Charlie frowned, casting her senses out.

  Irina’s azure eyes widened in shock. “We’re under attack. Hurry, we must…”

  Light blurred as Myles Goodridge shimmered in beside them.

  Oh shit! Charlie raised her hand, blasting him with a bolt of blue lightning. Hell, at least that’s one demon power I can kind of control.

  He raised his hand and it fizzled out.

  Well, mummy dearest. You did a lousy job teaching me that. She gritted her teeth.

  Myles raised his hand, sending Irina staggering backwards, her body flicking in and out of existence. “You’re the one I came for,” he said to Charlie.

  Charlie grinned. “Good, I need some fun after being stuck in this place so long.” She flew at him.

  He fazed, her hand passing right through his body when she tried to hit him, his own hand solidified as he punched her in the stomach. “Don’t think any realm is free from me. I can walk between worlds as easily as breathing.”

  Charlie grunted from the blow, then fazed out as he fired a bolt at her.

  He wanted one thing — the Srimtar. An ancient orb with immense power that had unknown abilities. As the orb’s guardian, she knew she could never let her him get his hands on it.

  She blocked his next blow. Goddess, this guy was stronger and much more well-versed in his powers than her. Where was the so-called knowledge Irina kept harping on about? How could she stop him?

  Charlie hurled another lightning bolt. Think, she told herself. Stay alive.

  She couldn’t outmatch him in strength but there was one place she could be stronger. One place only she could enter, her space between worlds. Light blurred around her as she started to shimmer and the room around her faded, replaced by glowing purple walls that shimmered like mist as she reappeared in her secret place.

  The small opaque orb sat on the table made from the same misty substance. It burned bright red as it did when it sensed a threat.

  Charlie grabbed it, clutching it in her palm. She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. She hated running away but the orb was her number one priority. In the wrong hands, it could kill hundreds, even thousands, of people since it only seemed to let her touch her. Anyone else who tried using it ended up dead. As its guardian, only she could withstand its power. “Phew! You’re more trouble than you’re worth sometimes.”

  The walls around her trembled. Now what?

  Another blast made the walls flash. Goodridge had tried to follow her and now tried to take down her walls. The walls around her shook even more, vibrating from the onslaught of energy. Charlie backed away, unsure of what to do. Just because she’d found this space, didn’t mean she knew how to control it. She glanced down at the Srimtar. She’d used strange magic to protect it before — or maybe it had been shadow magic — could she again?

  She raised her hand, sending out a bolt blue of light that rippled over the flashing walls. The orb flared between her fingers, pulsing with energy. Charlie’s eyes snapped shut as a vision dragged her in. A woman lay on the floor, her long blonde hair plastered against her face, holding a screaming baby wrapped in blankets as she stood, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Charlie froze seeing the woman was Irina.

  “Forgive me, daughter,” Irina said. “I’d keep you if I could. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” She glanced around, eyes wide. “He’ll kill you if he ever found out. Please forgive me. One day you’ll remember where you came from. Remember you are loved.”

sp; Gold light flashed as Niara appeared, frowning. “Helena, where have you been?” she asked. “Stephen said—”

  Whoa, what’s my great grandma doing here? Charlie wondered. That baby must be me. Weird, I thought she never even got to hold me. She’d always wondered what it would’ve been like growing up with a mother but the reality of having Irina around now paled in comparison to her dreams.

  “Serenity, you must take my child.” Irina shoved the baby into Niara’s arms. “Please take her back to Steve. I know he’ll look after her. He’s so excited about becoming a father.”

  Niara clutched the baby. “What are you talking about?” she demanded as Irina backed away.

  Irina shook her head. “Tell Steve — tell everyone — I died in childbirth. No one must know the truth.”

  Niara’s eyes narrowed. “I knew you were never a witch, but you can’t just abandon your child like this.”

  “If I don’t she’ll die. There are worse things in this world than even Raven or the Covenant. Please, if you care for her, do the right thing and let me go. No questions asked.”

  “I don’t know what you’re running from, but I promise she’ll be loved and cherished by our family.” Niara looked down at the baby and clutched her to her chest.

  Irina nodded, sniffed. “I know.”

  “Steve will be devastated.”

  “It’s safer for everyone this way. He has a daughter; she’ll bring him more joy than I ever could.” She turned to go but hesitated. “Her name is Charlotte. Steve wanted her name to begin with a C or K like the McCray family tradition – we argued about it.”

  Niara smiled at the baby as Irina shimmered away.

  Charlie blinked as the vision faded, still gripping the Srimtar and felt Goodridge trying to break through the room’s defences. She shimmered out, reappearing back in at the temple. She grabbed her mother’s hand. “He’ll be coming back. We need to get out of here.”

  Irina clutched her bleeding shoulder. “He’s too strong. I can’t force him out.”

  “Come on, we aren’t called mist walkers for nothing. Tell me what to do. I’m not letting him take my orb.”

  Irina gripped her hand. “I can’t shimmer from here. Let’s get outside and make a run for it. I can’t risk him following us.”

  Chapter 2

  “Ah hell.” Charlie muttered as she and Irina stepped outside and said, “What are you doing here?”

  Myles Goodridge, gang leader and murderer, stood along with a group of his men surrounding them. He looked just as Charlie remembered, with the same mop of dark hair curly hair and cool purple eyes.

  She scanned the crowd of men, and then glanced at her mother, who just stood there, unmoving.

  “You can’t be here,” Irina said. “You...”

  Myles grabbed Irina, cuffing her with bonds that bound her powers. “Now, hand over the Srimtar or she dies.”

  Charlie clutched the orb, feeling torn. Irina shook her head, eyes wide. She didn’t want to watch Irina die but she knew she couldn’t let go of the orb either. It was too dangerous for anyone to have. “It’s mine. You’ll have to kill me before I let you take it.”

  “So be it.” Myles raised his hand.

  Shots rang out, bullets ripped through the air, hitting Myles and his men in the chest. Myles staggered and Irina pulled free of his grasp.

  Charlie grinned when she saw Scott, Irina’s lieutenant, standing there. Scott grabbed Irina, pulling her out of the line of fire. “About bloody time!” Charlie muttered and threw an energy ball at Goodridge.

  Myles’s men grabbed Scott and Irina, cutting off their escape. Myles blurred, grabbing Charlie’s arm. “One thing you need to learn about me,” he hissed. “Is that your power will never be a match for mine.”

  Power jolted through her, their bodies fading in and out of existence. Charlie screamed as the netherworld’s energy rushed against them. Myles gripped her arms. “Give me the orb.”

  Charlie tried to move but the force of the colliding worlds made it impossible for her limbs to comply. Let go of me! She tried to draw magic, but Myles seemed to have a hold on that too. She hoped her inner demon would take control, then realised it wouldn’t. She’d come to accept that part of herself. She’d be damned if she’d go down without a fight.

  The orb pulsed and vibrated as she clutched it tight, her knuckles turning white. How much longer could they both withstand this?

  Charlie knew she couldn’t keep hold of the orb, nor could she let Myles have it. So she did the only thing she could; she threw it into the netherworld, sending it back to its secret hiding place. Go, protect yourself.

  The orb flashed then blue light exploded ripping both the physical and spiritual planes.

  “No!” Myles cried just as the blast threw them apart.

  Charlie closed her eyes, braced herself the inevitable. She’d cheated death many times over the past few years. Now would be the last time to face it. Forgive me, Drake. I wish we could’ve been together. She felt herself falling into oblivion. No pain, just floating through emptiness. When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in the spirit world, surrounded by a haze of mist and dancing lights. The dark haired girl she’d encountered weeks before stood waiting for her. She’d wondered what had happened to the strange spirit but had thought it had given up in its quest to get Charlie to help her.

  “Let me guess, I didn’t save whoever was supposed to say before I died.” Charlie sighed.

  “You’re not dead. You are a shadow walker and a medium. You can walk between life and death the way other immortals can’t.”

  “I’m not immortal.” Charlie frowned. “Wait, did I ascend? I thought I’d remember that.” She reached for her magic, expecting it to feel stronger but it felt the same. Denais were supposed to come into their full powers when they ascended. She should have felt something.

  “You didn’t need to. You transitioned into a true immortal the day you first almost died.”

  Charlie ran her fingers through her hair. “You mean when Drake saved me six years ago.”

  “Yes, your bond triggered your immortality. You didn’t need to ascend the way other witches do because of your demon powers.”

  “Wait, what bond? Drake and I aren’t bonded. We never even slept together.”

  The girl smiled. “Your bond has been there long before either of you knew about it. It’s kept you both alive, but it’s weak because you both choose to block it out.”

  Charlie stared at the girl and recognised the cool blue eyes. “You’re Drake’s sister Arya,” she gasped.

  Arya nodded. “Yes, I am.”

  “Why have you been following me? Who am I supposed to save?”

  “I needed to be sure you and my brother were both safe. The Armargens and the Illuminari will kill each other given the chance,” she replied. “Drake needs you. You’re his light. His power will consume him if you’re not there to anchor him.”

  She glanced around at the spectrums of purple light and shivered. “Can I go back?”

  “You can, but I have something to show you first.” Arya held out her hand.

  Charlie took it without hesitation. The girl had never been a threat her, she’d only meant to help.

  A swirling vortex spun around them, making Charlie’s stomach do flip flops. When she opened her eyes, she stood in another room. Smoke filled the air, tapestries covered the walls and wingback chairs surrounded the fire.

  “Arya?” she called. “Where are you?”

  Arya? she called out in thought, casting her senses out to try and find her. But the girl was nowhere to be found.

  A dark stain began to spill across the floor and a coppery tang filled the air. Blood. Charlie moved around the chair and found a woman lying there next to a man. Both had been stabbed numerous times.

  “Shit.” She fell to her knees by the woman, seeing her chest still moving. “Hold on.” She pulled a blanket off the chair, pressed against the wound. “I’ll get some help.”
  The woman said to her, “My children, please you have to save my children. Drake, Arya, they won’t be safe.”

  “Drake? Goddess, you’re his mother. I’ve come back in time,” she rambled. Judging by the tapestries room she guessed they were in Drake’s family home in Kyral.

  “Please find my children…” the woman rasped, then her eyes glazed over.

  Shit! Why the hell had Arya bought her back in time to when Drake’s family had been murdered? It made no sense.

  The body of a huge muscular man lay there, his eyes already empty. Charlie guessed he’d be Drake’s father, the former Akaran and leader of all demons.

  The sound of running footsteps made her heart beat faster. Charlie fazed, vanishing into a wall as a lanky young man came in. “Mama? Papa?” he said.

  Charlie froze. Drake. He looked younger, skinnier, but she’d recognise him anywhere. She had to stay hidden, she couldn’t risk being seen by anyone or she’d screw up their entire future.

  “No, Mama. Wake up, you can’t leave.” He shook her shoulder. “Please.” He glanced over at his father then hurried out of the room. “Arya!”

  Charlie hurried after him, jumping from wall to wall as she went. She had no idea why Arya would have brought her back here but guessed it had something to do with Drake.

  “Arya?” he bellowed, running from room to room.

  Charlie hoped she could stay incorporeal. She didn’t dare risk anyone seeing her, especially Drake. It risked changing their entire future together if they saw each other before they met in the present.

  “Wake up, little sister.” Drake fell to his knees, clutching his sister to his chest.

  Charlie moved out of the wall on instinct and saw Arya’s eyes flutter open. Was this what she had wanted to show her?

  “You can’t give up. You must find your mate,” Arya rasped. Her blue eyes fixed on Charlie who froze. “She walks in shadow.”

  Arya could see her! Maybe because she was close to death, Charlie didn’t know.

  “What? I don’t have a mate,” Drake insisted as he picked her up. “I’ll find a healer. Stop talking, save your strength.”


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