by David Grier
Hitler and, 46, 80, 105, 148, 185, 188
OKH and, 101
Schörner and, 99
Skl and, 35, 43, 55, 102, 117, 178
and Soviet fleet, 8, 15, 183, 185
Luga, 4, 5–6, 7, 13
Luga River, 4, 6
Luga Position, 13
Lützow (German battleship), 32, 68, 118
Lyngen Position, 189, 190
Mannerheim, Carl Gustav, xiv, 18, 19, 30–31, 42, 146
Manstein, Erich von, 9
Manteuffel, Hasso von, xiv, 127
“Map Exercise Königsberg,” code name, 47
Masurian Lakes, 110
Maxim Gorkii (Soviet cruiser), 8
Meisel, Wilhelm, xiv, 11, 19–20, 33, 34, 38, 42, 58, 71, 72, 77, 123, 164, 185, 189–90, 192, 197, 203
Memel, xxi, 68, 74, 81, 104, 125, 142
Army Group North and, 54, 60
Bonin and, 54
defense of, 107–9, 111, 117, 128, 134, 142, 150
Dönitz and, 35, 53, 117, 118, 220
Gollnick and, 108–9
Guderian and, 61, 108–9, 116
Hitler strategy, 108, 111, 117, 118–19, 134
OKH and, 108, 116, 117
OKW and, 117
Reinhardt and, 109, 111, 116, 117
Schörner and, 54–55, 61, 137
Skl and, 117–18
Soviet offensives at, 51, 68, 76, 77, 101, 108, 116, 117, 148, 215, 217, 220
XXVIII Corps, 111, 112
Memel River, 52, 61
Merker, Otto, xiv, 172–73
“miracle weapons,” Germany’s, xviii, 182, 193, 207, 213–14
Mitau, 27, 28, 29, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 62, 96
Mitau-Ost Position, 48, 49, 50
Model, Walter, xv, 6–7, 14–16, 17, 20–21, 25, 26, 33, 36, 39, 44, 57, 63, 65, 89, 94, 198, 221
MOK Ostee ([German] Naval High Command, Baltic), 11, 13, 14
Moon island, 49, 65–66, 67, 72, 74, 78, 80
Moon Sound, 65, 66, 72, 76
Müller, Friedrich-Wilhelm, xv, 111
Mussolini, Benito, 2, 156
Nargön Island, 8, 19, 20
Narva. See also “Aster”
Assmann on, 36
Dönitz at, 13–14, 15–17, 21, 64, 74, 76, 184, 216, 220
Friessner at, 26, 28, 40
German defense of, 7, 18, 19, 28
German withdrawal from, 10, 11, 28, 40, 50, 76, 216
Goebbels on, 18
Hitler strategy at, 6, 13–14, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 39–41, 45, 62, 215, 218
Model at, 14–15, 16–17, 20–21
Schörner at, 29–30, 48
Soviet offensives at, 5–6, 7, 13–15, 26, 30, 44, 50, 184
Stalin on, 7
Stavka’s plan for, 48
Zeitzler on, 39
Narva Bay, 14, 15, 19
Narva Isthmus, 7, 24, 26, 28, 31, 35, 40, 48
Narva River, 6, 14, 19. See also Panther Position
Narva, Army Detachment. See Army Detachment Narva
National Socialism, xx, 220. See also Nazi Party
Dönitz on, 210
German Navy and, 222
Guidarian on, 219
Hitler and, 217, 221, 223
Hitler on, 200, 214
Raeder and, 222
National Socialist Guidance Officers, 95, 96
National Socialist Leadership Officers Corps, 90, 93
Natzmer, Oldwig von, xv, 28, 40, 47–48, 50, 54, 57, 62, 67–68, 69, 72, 74, 93–94, 99, 152
Naval Staff, German. See Skl
Nazi Party, Nazi ideology, 28, 37, 93, 106, 118, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 200, 214, 220, 221, 222. See also National Socialism
Ninth Army, 24, 114, 139
Ninth Escort Division, 38, 74, 77, 100
Ninth Panzer Army, 128
NKFD (National Committee for a Free Germany), 88, 96
Normandy, invasion of, 15, 23, 33, 58, 147, 177, 188, 207, 213
North Africa, 2, 156, 164, 188, 204
October Revolution (Soviet battleship), 88
Oehrn, Victor, xv, 73
Oelfken, Heinrich, xv, 173
OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres German Army High Command), 5, 40, 152
and Army Group North, 40, 41, 48, 54, 57, 60
and Army Group Vistula, 115, 127
and the Baltic Isles, 60, 67, 69, 72, 80
and Courland, 84, 96, 98, 99, 101, 104, 142
Dönitz and, 71, 73
and the evacuation of Estonia, 55, 58, 60
Gehlen and, 137–38
and German navy, 15, 118, 125, 142
Hitler and, 55, 136, 218
on Leningrad attack, 9–10
Meisel and, 19–20
and Memel, 108, 116
and the Oder front, 125
Reinhardt and, 110
Rendulic and, 112–13, 118
Schörner and, 28, 29, 49, 54, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 93, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104
and Second Army, 113
Skl and, 41, 72, 123
and Sworbe Peninsula, 70, 71, 72
and XXVIII Corps, 108
Weiss and, 121
OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht; [German] Armed Forces High Command), 146
and Åland Islands, 41
and Courland, 99
Dönitz and, 71, 73, 129, 195, 197
and East Prussia, 122
Hitler and, 18, 121, 157, 218
and Norway, 158, 191
and Skl, 9, 11, 12, 19, 41, 117, 123–24, 190–91
and Sweden, 155, 157, 163
Operation “Market Garden,” 148
Oranienbaum Bridgehead, 1, 4, 5, 8
Army Group North and, 20
German navy and, 9, 10
Hitler and, 11, 14
Kücher and, 5
Schmundt and, 11
Skl on, 9, 10, 11, 20
Ösel island, 49, 65–68, 66, 69, 72, 77, 78, 80, 103
Paasikivi, Juho, 18
Panther Position, 1, 3, 4, 19
and Army Group North, 7, 12, 18, 22, 24, 27, 41, 65
Assmann and, 13, 59
Dönitz and, 59
Finland and, 18
German navy on, 17, 59
Hitler and, 3, 6, 12, 13
Küchler and, 3, 5, 6, 10
Model and, 14, 15
Skl on, 12
Soviet offensive at, 13, 44
Zeitzler and, 20
Panzer armies. See Eleventh SS Panzer Army; First Panzer Army; Fourth Panzer Army; Ninth Panzer Army; Sixth SS Panzer Army; Third Panzer Army
Peifer, Douglas, xxi
Poland. See East Prussia
POWs, 15, 88, 90, 184
Prinz Eugen (German cruiser), 13, 21, 32, 44, 77, 118, 184, 188
Prussia. See also East Prussia; West Prussia
Puttkamer, Karl–Jesko von, xv, 195
Raeder, Erich, xv, 8, 9, 153, 159, 174, 183, 188, 193, 194, 222
Rahn, Werner, xxi
“Rain,” code name, 53
Raus, Erhard, xv, 91, 108, 127, 195, 220
Reinhardt, Hans, xv, 29, 108–11, 116–17, 118, 128, 138, 151, 211
Rendulic, Lothar, xv, 86, 88, 90, 106, 134, 189, 221
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 30, 42
Riga-Ost Position, 49, 51, 53
rockets. See individual names of rockets
Romania, 23, 31, 146, 208, 213
“Rotdorn,” code name, 34, 37
Rudel, Hans, 39
Ruge, Friedrich, xv, 202
Rust, Eric, xxi
Ryti, Risto, 30, 31
Salewski, Michael, xxi, 194, 220, 222
Samland Peninsula, 111–14, 112, 119–21, 122, 140
Saucken, Dietrich von, xv, 121, 122, 126, 127
Scharnhorst (German cruiser), 21, 188, 205
Schmundt, Hubert, xv, 11, 75, 160–61, 164
Schnee, Adalbert, xvii, 179
Schörner, Ferdinand, xv, xx–xxi, 28–30, 31, 37–41, 44, 45, 46, 47–55, 56–64, 67–71, 72, 73–74, 79, 80
, 82, 85, 87, 88–96, 104–6, 108, 132, 133, 134, 146, 147, 148–49, 151, 165, 198, 215, 216, 219–21
and Army Group A, 106
and Army Group Center, 29, 47, 89
and East Prussia, 53, 54, 137–41
and Latvia, 47, 50, 93, 103, 134
and Luftwaffe, 99
meets Hitler, 50, 51
and Memel, 54–55, 61, 137
and Narva, 29–30, 48
and OKH, 28, 29, 49, 54, 62, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 93, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104
and Skl, 71, 74
Schreiber, Gerhard, xxi
Second Army, 109, 110–11, 113–16, 120, 121, 122, 124–27, 135, 185
Second Baltic Front, 5, 25, 26, 29, 48, 51, 63, 83–84
Second Belorussian Front, 109–10, 115, 116, 127, 136
Second Courland Battle, 82, 84, 86, 101, 133
Second Front (Stalin’s), 23
Second Guard Army, 133
Second Task Force, 30, 35, 57–58, 68–69, 72, 74, 77–78, 108, 117, 119, 128–29, 184–85
Segewold Position, 48, 49, 50–51, 63, 78
Sevastopol, 9, 63, 93, 140, 146. See also Crimea
Seventh Courland Battle, 84
Sicily, 2, 147, 204
Silesia, 13, 93, 106, 115, 123, 128, 151, 182, 215
Sixteenth Army, 3, 5, 6, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29–30, 50, 51, 53, 68, 69, 71–72, 73, 82–83, 104
Sixth Army, 140, 147, 149
Sixth Courland Battle, 84, 86, 87
Sixth SS Panzer Army, 115
Skl (See kriegsleitung; [German] Naval Staff), 8, 22, 56, 64, 68, 184
and Army Group North, 56, 71, 73
Assmann and, 12, 35, 43, 190, 206
and the Baltic Isles, 70–71, 72, 76, 79
Buchardi and, 77, 79, 126, 127
and Courland, 56, 60, 100, 102, 103
Dönitz and, 11, 12, 21, 34–35, 36, 38, 42, 43, 141–45, 185, 190
and Finland, 18, 19, 32, 42, 43, 161, 164
Guderian and, 123
Hitler and, 35, 122
and Hogland, 42–43
and Kummetz and, 19, 46, 55, 59, 74, 76, 117, 118, 185
Meisel and, 19
Memel, 117, 118
and Norway, 21
and OKH, 41, 72, 123
and OKW, 9, 12, 41, 117, 123–24, 190–91
Schörner and, 71, 74
and Second Task Force, 74, 117
shipping, 77, 118
and Soviet fleet, 9, 10, 13, 14, 56, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 102, 103, 117, 162, 184
strategy, 9–12, 20, 55, 78, 117
supplies, 38, 55, 57, 100, 122
and Sweden, 155, 159–65
and Tütters island, 56, 59
and U-boat fleet, 102, 168, 175–77, 181, 185, 190, 191, 201, 207
Voss and, 59, 72
Wagner and, 55, 58, 60, 61, 164
Sköld, Per Edvin, xv, 153
Speer, Albert, xv, 36, 93, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 170, 172, 179, 189, 193, 194, 195, 197, 201, 202, 203, 206, 211–12, 213, 218, 219
Stalin, Joseph, 107, 115, 140, 145
Berlin, 115, 116
and Churchill, 180
and Courland battles, 86–87, 140–41
First Belorussian Front, 115
Hitler on, 212–13
Leningrad Front, 7
Second Belorussian Front, 23
and Soviet navy, 183, 186, 187
Third Belorussian Front, 51
at Yalta, 180
Stavka (Soviet High Command), 24, 25, 48, 51, 113, 115
Stettin, 98, 101, 113, 115, 116, 123, 124–26, 127, 220
“Sunshine,” code name, 53
Swinemünde, 98, 122, 123–25, 127–28, 220
Sworbe Peninsula, 65, 66, 67–74, 78–80, 220
Tallinn (Reval), 8, 10, 27, 49, 66
Taman Peninsula, 150
“Tanne East,” code name, 41–43, 56, 64. See also Hogland island
“Tanne West,” code name, 41–43, 56, 161. See also Åland Islands
Task forces. See First Task Force; Second Task Force; Third Task Force
Third Air Army, 134
Third Baltic Front, 25–26, 27, 29, 48, 51, 63
Third Belorussian Front, 26, 31, 109–10, 113
Third Courland Battle, 81–82, 84, 85, 87, 98, 133, 137
Third Kurland Battle, 187
Third Panzer Army, 24–27, 29, 30, 39, 40, 51–53, 54, 57, 91, 104, 107–8, 109–13, 115, 116, 126, 127, 211
Third Shock Army, 133
Third Task Force, 35
Thomas, Charles, xxi, 220
Thörnell, Olof, xv, 155, 156
“Thunder,” code name, 53
Tirpitz (German battleship), 35, 36, 46, 184, 196
Tuckum, 28, 29, 30, 47, 63, 83
Tuckum Position, 49, 51, 53
Tunisia, 2, 204. See also North Africa
Tütters island, 41, 46, 56, 58–59, 64, 75
XXVIII Corps, 107–8, 111, 112–13, 119
Twentieth Mountain Army, 17, 34, 41, 42, 70, 89, 146, 189, 190
U-boats. See also Walter submarine
Type VII–C, 171
Type XVII, 174, 175
Type XVIII, 174–75
Type XXI, xvii, xviii, 122, 170–71, 172, 173–74, 175, 176–77, 178–79, 180, 181, 182, 185, 191, 192, 201, 205, 207, 216, 217, 220
Type XXIII, 170, 172, 173–74, 175, 177, 178–79, 180, 181, 185, 191, 192, 217
U–2321, 178
U–2501, 178
U–2511, xvii, 179
U–3008, 170, 178
U–3501, 178
Upper Silesia. See Silesia
Uthmann, Gen. Bruno von, xv, 163
V-1 rocket, xviii, 163, 166, 207
V-2 rocket, xviii, 163, 166, 207
Vietinghoff, Heinrich–Gottfried von, xv, 85, 88–90, 99, 104, 106, 133, 142
Vistula River, xxi, 23, 61, 104, 107, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 123, 127, 135, 138, 211, 215. See also Army Group Vistula
Volkhov Front, 2, 4, 5
Volkhov River, 184
Volksgeneinshaft (national community), 104
Volksgrenadier (people’s grenadier), 214
Volksstrum (German militia), 108, 118, 149
Volkssturm (national character), 201, 214
Voss, Hans–Erich, xvi, 12, 40, 42, 43, 55, 59, 60, 68, 70, 72, 187, 202, 204
Vyborg, 8, 30, 31, 42
Vyborg Bay, 31
Wagner, Gerhard, xvi, 36, 42–43, 44, 55, 58, 60, 61, 145, 164–65, 188
Walter, Hellmuth, xvi, 174, 175. See also Walter submarine
Walter submarine, 171, 174, 175. See also U-boats
Wangenheim, Hubert, xvi
Warlimont, Walter, xvi, 17, 40–41, 42, 157
Weiss, Walter, xvi, 113, 121, 122, 124
“Weissdorn,” code name, 34, 37
Wellenbrecher doctrine, 131–32, 136, 139, 140, 141, 150, 205, 215
Wenck, Walter, xvi, 28, 29, 49, 63, 91–92, 111, 132
Wenden Position, 48, 49, 50
West Prussia, 112, 113, 128, 130
Army in, 116, 121
Dönitz strategy in, 118, 122–23, 125, 126
German forces in, xviii, xxi–xxii
Guderian strategy in, 123
Himmler strategy in, 124
Hitler strategy in, 107, 125, 126
Rokossovski strategy in, 126
Soviet offensives in, 114–16
West Wall, 33, 96
Weygold, Konrad, xvi
Windau, 52, 54, 55, 56–57, 60, 62, 83, 89, 100, 105, 146, 160, 201
Windau River, 82
Wolfsschanze, 55
Yalta Conference, 180
Zeitzler, Kurt, xvi, 3, 5, 6, 20, 21, 34, 39, 140, 149–50, 219
About the Author
HOWARD D. GRIER is professor of History at Erskine College in Due West, South Carolina, where he has taught since 1991. He lives in Due West with his wife and daughter.
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