Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1)

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Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1) Page 9

by Mertz, L.

  “What are you doing, Daddy? She asks looking between Kelsey and myself. “Cereal is ready.”

  “Okay, we will be out in a minute. Okay?” I tell her trying not to laugh at how red Kelsey’s face got.

  “K, Gwwaaaammmmaaaa, Daddy was kissing Kwelsey!” she yells while walking down the hall.

  “Oh, God….” Kelsey says into my chest as I laugh.

  “It’ll be okay, Mom and I talked yesterday after you left the hospital. Go in the bathroom and change and we can eat breakfast and then you can go home and get changed.”

  Nodding, she goes and changes back into her clothes from last night and we both walk out to the dining room and eat breakfast with Mom and Annabelle. Afterwards, Kelsey leaves to go and get changed and that’s when I notice that Kevin isn’t in the condo. Huh?


  So, my morning was interesting to say the least. I was awakened by a very determined three year old, ate the berry cereal that she requested and then I left to go back to my condo to change. I was going to be tour guide today. I open the door to the condo and when I go to yell for Lauren, I look up and see a boxer clad Kevin in our kitchen making coffee.

  “Hey, Kelsey, how’s it hanging?” he asks. “You want some?”

  “Uh, yeah, thanks…where’s Lauren?” I ask him. I didn’t see this happening, well at least not this fast anyway.

  “Oh, she’s in the shower. Had to get cleaned up, if you know what I mean.” He wags his eyebrows at me.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I walk into the kitchen and grab the two cups from him and then head into the bathroom to talk to Lauren. I throw over my shoulder, “We are all going out to walk around the city. I’d advise you to get home, and get cleaned up yourself.” And I walk into the bathroom.

  “Lauren! What the hell? You couldn’t send a warning text? I walk in to the condo and there is a half-naked man in our kitchen.”

  “Oh, come on, Kelsey. It’s just Kevin,” she says to me while still in the shower.

  “Uh, whatever. I thought you weren’t going to be playing games anymore.”

  “Who says I’m playing a game? We talked last night and he’s not that big of an asshat. Plus, he’s the best thing that has happened to me in the bedroom in a really long time. That boy knows what he’s doing.”

  “Ooookay, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” I don’t want Lauren to go back to that dark place she went to in college. “Hurry up, I need to get in there and we need to get back to Johnathan’s condo soon, because you and I are being tour guides today.”

  “Oh, okay. Give me five more minutes then it’s all yours.”

  I walk into my bedroom and get clothes out for today. It’s going to be a hot one, of course. So I pull out a pair of cotton shorts and a light t-shirt. I don’t want my shoulders to get sunburned. I go and start brushing my hair and then Lauren yells that she is done and I hop into the shower.

  I see that Kevin took my advice and left before we got ready. As I lace up my sneakers, I ask Lauren where we should go first. She seems to think that Annabelle would like the Natural History Museum so that is the first stop on our walk. By the time, Lauren and I arrive at Johnathan’s condo everyone is waiting for us outside. All of us walk down to the Metro stop near the condo and we are off for our trip.


  Ok, so maybe this wasn’t that great of an idea. I thought that walking wouldn’t be too much of a strain on me, but I’m exhausted. We haven’t even gotten halfway through everything. The whole Metro experience was, well, an experience. Annabelle loved the train ride. It was different. We definitely don’t have something like that back home. We get off at the Smithsonian stop and make our way up from under the city. The first thing that I notice is the temperature difference. It was nice and cool in the train, but it sure is hot up here. We haven’t done anything and I’m sweating. Kelsey wasn’t joking about the heat and humidity.

  Our first stop is the Natural history museum. Thank goodness they have air conditioning. Annabelle grabs my hand and drags me to a room that is full of dinosaurs and other pre-historic animals. We all stay in a group and walk around. On the main floor, they have a children’s area that Annabelle can touch and explore other items. I find a bench and sit down while she goes and has fun. Kelsey comes and sits next to me. I reach over and grab her hand. After a little while, Annabelle wants to go and look at other stuff. We go into the mammal and ocean areas. She stops to look at everything. We are all starting to get hungry and go to the basement and get lunch.

  After that we head on over to the National Museum of American History. I can tell that Kelsey is in her element in this place, she starts to glow and a big smile comes across her face.

  “Oh, no, watch out. The nerd girl going to come out,” Lauren says when we walk in.

  Shoving Lauren to the side, I laugh. “Oh, shut up. You know that this is my favorite place, besides the ball park, that is.” Kelsey winks at me. We haven’t stopped holding hands since I grabbed her at the last museum, except to eat.

  We walk into a room and it’s really dark, there are pictures on the walls explaining the war of 1812 in the city and surrounding areas, we turn a corner and you get to see an American flag that is about two hundred years old and it’s on display. Kelsey tells us that this is what inspired the National Anthem. We walk out of that exhibit and head into another exhibit that Kelsey thinks Annabelle would like. There are little children books on display. Annabelle walks over and looks at all the pictures on the covers.

  We also see some American items from as far back as the pilgrim’s settlement to a Kermit the Frog Muppet. We then go upstairs to the third floor and Mom looks at the dresses from the First Ladies that are on display. There is also a huge area for the Presidents. It’s pretty cool. The best part for Kevin and me was when we went in the basement and all of the cars, trains, and other mechanical items were on display. Kevin and I start talking about the stuff that’s happening back home and I can tell he’s stressed about it. But he’s also happy that things are progressing a little quicker than he thought they would.

  As we walk to the Washington Monument, I pull Kelsey to my side and kiss the top of her head. “Thank you so much for this. Everyone is having a great time.”

  “It’s no big deal, really.”

  I give her a quick hug from the side and as much as I want to keep her close to me it’s too hot to be touching. I settle with holding her hand. Annabelle is running and laughing in front of all of us with Kevin hot on her heels. I wish that I could run after her, but I don’t want to pull the stitches. I look over at Kelsey and she is watching the two of them playing. Mom is taking picture after picture with her digital camera that I bought for her before I left Texas.

  Lauren stops and asks to talk to Kelsey so I let my hand drop from hers and go to walk with Mom.

  “She’s a great girl, honey.”

  “I know, Mom. She took my story better than I thought she would. I’m just glad that she didn’t leave.” I see Kelsey and Lauren run up to Annabelle and whisper something in her ear. Annabelle is yelling and running toward me.

  “Daddy. Daddy. Lauren and Kwelsey say I can ride a horsey. Can I? Pleeeeeeeaaassseeee,” she says jumping up and down. She is going to crash hard tonight especially without having a nap today.

  “Um, sure, baby, but I don’t know where we can do that.” She turns and runs back to Kelsey and Lauren talking to them about this horse riding thing. We turn around and head back to the area we were before and I now know what horses they were talking about. It’s a carousel with many different horses that she can choose from.

  We stop at the ticket booth and pay to ride. All of us but Mom get on. Annabelle finds a bright pink horse with a green mane and Kelsey gets on the purple horse with a white mane next to her. I see Kevin and Lauren get on the ones behind us, which are blue and green. They both have yellow manes. Mom is positioned outside of the carousel to take pictures. I stand next to Annabelle to keep her from failing. Next thing I k
now we are moving. Annabelle is so happy, going up and down on the horse and laughing.

  Sooner than she wants, the ride is over and we have to get off. Annabelle wants me to hold her but I can’t carry her so Kevin comes and grabs her for me. We all decide that it’s time to head back home. Kevin is carrying Annabelle with his right arm and holding hands with Lauren in the other. I step up next to Kelsey and pull her to my left side with my arm around her shoulders. Mom is behind all of us still taking pictures. This has been one of the best days of my life and I don’t want it to end.

  Game 115


  Well, it’s been about three weeks since the incident and Johnathan’s family left after he got his stitches taken out. The team’s doctor checked him out and told him to take at least another two weeks off from playing but he could start working out in another week. The doctor believed that since he was young and kept in good health that it wouldn’t be a problem for him to return before the original six to eight week protocol. He was okay with that because it meant that we could hang out more.

  I’m still working in the front office with my grandfather and things are going great. Shelly decided that she didn’t want to leave her new babies yet and said that she would return after the first of the New Year. That’s okay with me since I don’t have any other jobs lined up. I have lunch with my mother and Grandmother one day last week where my mother proceeds to tell me what a bad idea it is dating a ball player. I know that Johnathan won’t do anything to hurt me so I just let Mom get it off her chest and ignore her. I just sit here and listen to her bad mouth him.

  “Really, Kelsey, you couldn’t have found a normal guy out there? You had to pick him? I can’t believe it. I mean he kept a huge secret from not only you, but from the whole team. I don’t understand how you think that you can trust him.” She is breathing hard and I’m glad that we are in a public place, because I’m sure if we were at home she would have been yelling.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, but he had a reason for keeping her a secret. I’m okay with that. Grandfather knew so I don’t know why it’s a big deal that the team didn’t. Are you just mad that you didn’t know?”

  “Of course, I’m mad that he didn’t tell me. I’m in charge of the teams public relations. I have to make sure secrets don’t end up on the front of some trashy magazine so I have to know everything so I’m not blindsided by things. I had enough trouble with the whole stabbing thing that happened.” She takes a drink of her Long Island Iced Tea. It’s only noon but she is drinking already. I look at Grandmother for any type of help, but she just shrugs her shoulders at me.

  “Mom, things happen. You’re smart enough to know that. And I can’t help who I fall in love with. I’m sorry that my father left, but you can’t keep blaming every other man for his mistakes. Johnathan is nothing like him. He won’t leave me. I trust that he won’t.” I have to go, she has me way too upset to finish my lunch. I start to get up when she slams her hand on the table making the dishes rattle.

  I look at her like she has lost her mind. Then she starts, “Love, you don’t know what love is you’re too young to know that. That boy will leave you for the next best thing and you are too blind to see that, because you are in love. Please…”

  I stand up fully and look at her. “Mom, if anyone has taught me what love is it’s definitely not you. Grandfather and Grandmother have taught me what love is and what it can be. You haven’t so I will not be taking any advice on love from you. I’m sorry, but I have to go. Goodbye.” I turn from the table and walk directly for the door. I walk out into the heat and I can finally breathe. Yes, I love Johnathan and I don’t care who knows. I think that I need to tell him first before I go and shout it from the rooftops.


  I’m finally back to work and I actually get to play tonight. I was released by the team doctor to return. He still wants me to take it easy but I was going stir crazy sitting in the condo all the time. It was nice because Kelsey and I could hang out; she would come over and cook me dinner and then we would watch either a movie or TV show. I tried last night to get her to play some of the video games that I have, but that turned into her getting frustrated at me and me laughing at her. That was one of my favorite nights and not just for that reason.

  “This is not fun at all, I hate playing video games with you.” She sits down in a huff, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Aw, come on, babe. It’s not that bad is it?” I turn to her and poke my bottom lip out batting my eyes.

  All of a sudden she is in front of me with my head between her hands and she is kissing me with a fever that she has never done before. I’m just going with it. We haven’t had sex yet, but I can feel it coming and I’m more than ready to have Kelsey, but I’ve been waiting for the go ahead from her. I think I just got it.

  Pulling away, I say, “Are you sure you want to keep going, because I will stop if you tell me to. I just need to know now.”

  Kelsey moves back from me just little bit while looking me in the eyes using her hand to rub the outside of my jeans where she can feel my cock. I have to bite my lip so I don’t moan, but it feels so good. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  As fast as I can, I jump off the couch and grab her hand and run towards the bedroom. I slam the door shut and then throw her up against it and start to kiss her again. She wraps her legs around my waist and I feel a little bit of pain from my stab wound, but I ignore it because what she is doing with her mouth feels so much better. I pull at the bottom of her t-shirt and work its way up her body and then I throw it on the floor. We are now chest to chest with only her bra between us.

  “Kelsey, can I?”

  “Yes, please I need to feel you more.”

  I move her forward and snap the clasp of her bra and I just watch it fall to the floor. I move us to the bed with me on top of her. “You look gorgeous on my bed, topless, with your hair fanned around you. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life.”

  “Oh, Johnathan, please…” she says under me.

  I reach over into the night stand and grab a condom and put it on the pillow next to her head. Then I come back down over her and start kissing her eyes, nose, lips and then move on to her neck just below her ear and then I get the reaction I want.

  “Does that feel good, baby?”

  “Mmmhmmm…yes…don’t stop,” she replies. I keep up my exploration. As I move further down her body I spend some time on each of her breasts. They feel so big and full in my hands. As I suck on her right nipple, I feel her hands come up and hold my head down. I move on to the other breast as to not leave anything out. She is moving and moaning underneath me and it’s the best thing in the world to me. I keep both hands on her breasts and feel her place her hands on top of mine while I keep kissing down her body.

  “We both still have our jeans on… I’m going to fix that.”

  “Yes, please take everything off. Everything.”

  I start to pull her jeans and panties off at the same time and she lifts her hips to help me. I’m now standing at the end of my bed with Kelsey lying there in all of her glory and she is looking at me, her eyes full of desire. “Johnathan…” He voice brings me back and I quickly drop my jeans and boxers and climb back up on to the bed. I want to taste her, but I want to make sure that she’s comfortable first.

  I move up so that we are face to face with each other. I take my hand and move a strand of hair off her forehead, leaning down to kiss her. She moans into my mouth and that all but kills me. I’m already so hard that I could break and it’s all because of her. She grabs the back of my head pulling me closer to her and then she is pushing me down. I guess she knows what she wants. I start with her breasts again and then make my way down to her stomach. I take my hand and start rubbing up and down her right leg. I lift her right leg and start placing kisses all over from her knee down to her sweet center. She leans up and watches me. Looking up at her, I move closer to her center and pause to smell her sweet, sweet smell. Glanc
ing up at her, she slowly nods yes and falls back spreading her legs further open for me.

  I place my face between her legs and kiss her sweet center. I start to lick up and around her clit and feel her body tighten and shiver around me. I can hear her making purring noises. I take two of my fingers and enter her and she is so wet.

  Pulling away, I say, “Baby, you taste and feel so good. You’re so nice and tight and wet for me.”


  “Don’t what, baby?” I kiss the inside of her thigh.

  “Don’t stop…please…I need more…please…”

  To stop her from talking, I lick and suck on her clit and lips while keeping my fingers inside her center and I can feel her getting ready to come. I slowly pull out my fingers and hear her disappointment in her moan as I climb back up her body. “I know, baby, you are so close, but if you’re coming, I’m coming with you. Let’s go over the edge together.”

  I reach over and grab the condom, ripping the foil wrapper and putting it on my length. I kiss her and she hangs on to my back as I enter her. I move slowly because I know that it’s been awhile for both of us. I push in and feel her immediately stretch to my size. I stop and pull back a bit and then in a little further and then when I’m fully inside of her I stop moving. She feels so good and I don’t want to ever leave her. I love this girl.

  “What’s wrong are you okay?” She asks.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, I just don’t want to go too fast or hurt you.” I look at her face. She brings her hand up to mine and rubs my cheek with her thumb.

  “I trust you, you would never hurt me.”

  I kiss her and then start rocking into her slowly at first then faster. I feel her gripping my shoulder with her hands and she wraps her legs around my waist. I’m still a little tender from the stab wound but I can barely feel it when I am feeling so much love from her. I feel her squeezing me and then she is screaming my name and I fall over right after her. It was bliss pure bliss and I can’t believe that it just happened. I fall on top of her and don’t even worry about crushing her because I am feeling like jelly. She still has her arms around my back rubbing it with her hands.


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