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Her Tycoon Lover

Page 25

by Sandra Field

  He looked naturally dubious. ‘The plate came along with all the others.’

  ‘I know,’ she whispered back. ‘But the waiter could be in the employ of this nasty individual, and sprinkled poison on my plate. I need an official food taster, and you’re it.’ Hiding a grin, she cut off a small wedge of meat, speared it on her fork and held it out to him. ‘Open up!’

  With a resigned sigh, Gray abandoned his cutlery and reached for the fork. ‘You realise you’re messing with the wrong man,’ he growled, placing his hand over hers and making it impossible for her to pull free. He helped her to put the small morsel in his mouth, and all the time his eyes never left hers.

  The bottom fell out of her stomach as he savoured the meat and she couldn’t look away. It was one of the most intensely sensual moments she had ever experienced sitting at a dinner table, and it had her heart pounding, sending her blood pulsing thickly through her veins. Over in seconds, she knew she would never forget it.

  ‘Mmm, delicious,’ Gray declared huskily, eyes hot and sultry. ‘Do you want me to try the potatoes?’

  Shelby didn’t think her system could withstand it. She cleared her throat. ‘No, thank you, that will be quite sufficient.’ Reaching for her glass with a faintly trembling hand, she took a much needed sip of wine.

  Of course, every mouthful she took after that carried with it the memory of watching Gray eat, knowing it hadn’t been food he was savouring but herself. There were some things, she decided, that shouldn’t be tried in mixed company. Taunting him was one of them.

  The evening wore on. Speeches followed the meal, the organisers thanking everyone for supporting the charity so generously. Afterwards the floor was cleared for dancing to a live band, and everyone was left to enjoy themselves as they wished. Much chatter and laughter bubbled round their table, but eventually couples started to drift on to the floor to dance.

  After a few minutes, Gray held out his hand. ‘Let’s dance,’ he suggested, and Shelby’s brows arched in surprise. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, merely that she hadn’t expected he would.

  ‘Are you sure?’ she queried, keeping her voice low so as not to be overheard.

  ‘It would look odd not to,’ he confirmed, getting to his feet, hand still outstretched.

  Which left her with little choice other than to put her hand in his and let him help her up. He was quite right, it would look odd. Having given the impression they were a new item, then getting ‘closer’ on the dance floor would be the natural thing to do. Whilst part of her saw danger signals, there was a stronger part that wanted to get close to him, with a good reason for doing so. Something that had nothing to do with her attraction to him, but was merely playing the game.

  Shelby allowed him to lead her through the tables to the dance floor, where he neatly turned her into his arms as they joined the circling mass. She hadn’t known what to expect, and it was a curious sensation. Gray was playing it strictly by the book, holding her with the correct distance between them, and after a while she realised that that was not what she wanted at all.

  It was like a peculiar form of torture where she was being tantalised by his nearness, her senses awakening to the promise of unexpected delights, but not getting them. Though it would not help her declared intention of not falling into his arms, she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to be closer, to experience their bodies touching. She wanted his arms around her, for goodness’ sake, and nothing less would do. So when they were bumped the next time she acted swiftly, shifting the hand which was resting on his shoulder and sliding it around his neck, her fingers curling into the silky strands of his hair. At the same time her body came to rest against his, delighting in the feel of his powerful torso. Holding her breath, she waited for Gray’s reaction.

  After the briefest hesitation his hand which had been on her waist found its way round to her back, settled there and began sending out a wave of heat. Her blood sang, whilst her heart stepped up its rhythm. Lord, what a fool she was to think she could deny herself this way. This was what she had longed for and, without a thought, she lowered her head and rested it on his shoulder.

  ‘Not going to sleep on me, are you, Red?’ Gray asked a short while later and, although the tone was light, she could hear a thickness in his voice which told her he was far from being unaffected.

  Sleeping had never been further from her mind. Her body was too alive for that and so, she could tell, was his. ‘Just setting the scene,’ she sighed, rubbing her cheek against the soft fabric of his suit and catching the powerful scent of maleness mixed with cologne. Lord, but he smelt good!

  Now, as they slowly circled the floor, their bodies brushed against each other with every slow movement and the effect was electric. It was exactly how she had always dreamed it would be, and she was intoxicated by the sensations. It was glorious, and she wanted to stay in his arms for ever.

  ‘Are you planning to seduce me right here, by any chance?’ Gray queried, catching his breath as another bump pressed them closer together and set off sparks.

  Still lost in the mood, Shelby laughed softly. ‘We’d never be allowed through the doors again,’ she said wryly, her fingers playing with his hair.

  ‘Cut it out, Red!’ he commanded in the next breath, and she tipped her head up so that she could see him looking down at her.

  ‘I thought you liked women running their fingers through your hair,’ she breathed huskily, and she was fascinated to hear him groan and close his eyes for an instant.

  ‘In private, not in the middle of a dance floor.’

  She bit her lip but her eyes were sparkling and she received full strength the powerful force of his blue eyes, with the banked fires of desire in their depths. ‘I think I’d better stop,’ she capitulated, reluctantly bringing herself out of the dream she had been in, back to the here and now.

  ‘You might want to remember for next time that playing with fire can be dangerous,’ Gray returned dryly.

  With a sharp jolt to her nerves, Shelby knew she had been playing with fire and she was sending messages she had no intention of backing up. ‘There won’t be a next time,’ she insisted, knowing she had been a fool to indulge herself.

  Now it was his turn to laugh. ‘The way we respond to each other, how can you say no?’

  ‘Because this was just for show. Nothing’s changed between us, Gray,’ she reminded him coolly. ‘I’m not going to get involved with you, no matter how good it feels.’

  ‘Because of the past? Let it go, Red. You won’t be sorry,’ Gray argued persuasively, and there was a tiny part of her that was tempted. However, the larger part remembered the hurt of betrayal and could not forgive.

  Just at that moment the song came to an end and, in the pause before the next began, Shelby stepped away from him.

  ‘Perhaps we ought to sit this one out?’ she suggested, which brought forth the wolfish smile which always managed to send shivers up her spine.

  ‘Oh, I think we can survive another, providing you keep your hands to yourself,’ he countered, eyes glittering roguishly as he neatly pulled her back into his arms again and started moving before she could argue.

  Had the situation not been so public she would have fought free even if it did cause a scene, but she could not do so here. So she resigned herself to sweating it out. It wasn’t easy. Though Shelby kept her hands to herself, Gray didn’t. The hand he settled on her back began to make lazy and highly sensuous forays up and down her spine.

  ‘Hmm, this is nice,’ he murmured a few minutes later.

  It was more than nice. It was the nearest thing to heaven she’d ever experienced. ‘You do realise you’re not playing fair?’ she complained, her voice tense with the effort to remain cool-headed whilst her senses were under siege.

  ‘Fair is for children. The battle between us isn’t about winning or losing.’

  That was a surprise. She was under the impression that was exactly what it was. ‘What is it about, then?’

��It’s all about finding reasonable terms for surrender,’ Gray explained huskily and said no more, leaving her to wonder if there ever could be such a thing.

  This time when the music ended they returned to the table, which was once again full of chattering people. Later, a photographer appeared and took snaps of them all, leaving copies on the table for them to take if they wanted. Shelby feigned disinterest in the one of her and Gray, but when she went in search of it later before they left, it was gone. Disappointed, she went to join Gray, who had called for a taxi.

  Gray’s words came back to her then. Reasonable terms for surrender, she mused to herself as the cab whisked them homewards. She had never considered their relationship from that angle. Could she live with that? Could she ignore the past and simply start from now? She yawned, thoughts blurring, and had no idea she had dropped off to sleep until she was gently shaken awake and realised her head was resting on Gray’s shoulder.

  ‘Sorry,’ she apologised, stifling a yawn.

  ‘You’re out on your feet, Red. Do you want me to carry you?’ he offered as he helped her out of the car.

  She shook her head. ‘I can manage. Besides, you need to keep your hands free in order to repel attackers,’ she reminded him pertly, then spoilt everything by stumbling over a flagstone.

  Gray nimbly swung her up into his arms, ignoring her protest. ‘I promise to drop you if the need arises.’

  They made it to her floor with little trouble. Gray set her down long enough to open the door, then he picked her up again, shut the door with his foot on the way in and strode to her bedroom, where he gently set her down on her bed.

  ‘Do you need any help undressing?’

  ‘That I can do.’

  He smiled wryly. ‘OK. You know where I am if you need me.’

  ‘My hero!’ she sighed, and he went out laughing softly.

  Shelby made one last effort to wash off her make-up and slip into her nightdress, then she collapsed into her bed with a sigh of pleasure. It had been an odd sort of day, with surprising highs. She could hear Gray moving about, making sure everything was secure, but after a while even he grew silent.

  As sleep drew ever closer, she marvelled at the knowledge that she was actually contemplating the possibility of maybe having an affair with the man. It hardly seemed possible, and yet it was true. What Gray had said back there on the dance floor made a weird kind of sense. Reasonable terms for surrender, he had said, and Lord, how she wanted to do that. She fought on because he had hurt her so badly. He didn’t know that, of course. He thought she was merely holding a grudge. So she could back down and have what she wanted, without him ever knowing there was more to it. If she wanted. Not that she had to decide yet. Nothing was going to happen until all this was over. She could think about it some more. Thinking didn’t commit her to anything.

  Yawning widely, she turned on to her side, and in seconds sleep finally claimed her.


  THE following day was hectic from the word go. Unless Shelby had an early appointment with a client, she always called in to her office every morning. Currently she had two projects on the go, one of which was about halfway along and the other almost completed. With a growing waiting-list, she employed a workforce of three women whom she could trust to work to her plans, but she checked in every day or so to see how the jobs were progressing, and because she loved doing the hands-on work herself.

  Her assistant, Paula, was overseeing the final details at their first port of call and ,when Shelby walked in, was hanging curtains.

  ‘Oh, wow! They look great, Paula. I’m glad we went with that pattern,’ she declared with satisfaction.

  Coming to join Shelby and the ever attendant Gray, who had followed her in, Paula nodded. ‘Sets it all off nicely,’ she agreed, eyes flickering to her boss’s companion with patent curiosity.

  ‘Now, if only we could get those vases for the fireplace, we’d be finished,’ Shelby sighed, turning to evaluate the unadorned hearth.

  ‘What’s wrong with it as it is?’ Gray asked the obvious question and found himself being surveyed like an alien by the two women.

  Shelby shook her head sadly. ‘Philistine! Paula, this is Gray, an old friend,’ she introduced him, having decided it was the only thing she could call him to the people who worked for her. ‘He’ll be keeping me company for a few days. Gray, meet Paula, my indispensable right hand.’

  They shook hands, Paula grinning at his confused expression. ‘A good designer knows when the job is finished. All this needs is the vases, and that will be it. Perfection. Until then…’

  ‘Don’t ask stupid questions,’ Shelby finished for her, having circled the room and taken in all the changes since her last visit. ‘Gray can’t help it. I think he was dropped on his head as a baby,’ she added, shooting a mocking glance his way.

  Gray slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He had taken his lead from Shelby, who had chosen to wear jeans and a stripy shirt today. ‘She’ll be sorry she said that later.’

  Paula laughed. ‘Oh, I see. You’re that kind of old friend.’

  That drew Shelby’s attention away from the nearby table lamp. ‘Certainly not. He’s a friend, full stop,’ she denied instantly, sending him a warning glare. Which he promptly ignored.

  ‘That wasn’t the impression I got when I carried you to bed last night,’ Gray countered smoothly, and her lips parted on a tiny gasp.

  ‘Don’t listen to him, Paula, he’s making it all up,’ she advised the other woman, but Gray simply quirked a lazy eyebrow at her and flashed a smile.

  ‘Calm down, Red. It would have to come out in the end that we’re living together,’ he went on soothingly, making her blood boil even more.

  ‘Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!’ Shelby exclaimed wrathfully. What was he playing at?

  Paula glanced from one to the other and coughed. ‘Um, I think I’ll go make us some tea. You two clearly have other things to discuss,’ she declared and beat a hasty retreat.

  The instant she was gone, Shelby rounded on Gray. ‘What on earth do you think you’re doing?’ she demanded to know.

  ‘I decided that the idea of our being an item would probably work best with your staff. Seeing me here constantly wouldn’t seem odd,’ he told her reasonably, but Shelby didn’t feel mollified.

  ‘You could have at least discussed it with me first! I was happy with you merely being a friend,’ she snapped back, breast heaving with anger at his arrogance.

  Something glittered in his eyes. ‘But we’re not friends, Red. We’re more than that,’ he corrected her in a smoky kind of voice that teased her senses.

  Her own eyes narrowed. ‘We’re not the lovers you want everyone to think we are!’ Shelby was so mad she could spit nails.

  To add to her irritation, he merely shrugged. ‘It’s too late now. Nobody will believe you if you try to take it back. You’re just going to have to live with it.’

  There was, she noted, a certain smug satisfaction in the way he said it, and if there had been a poker on the hearth she might well have used it where it would do most good. However, there wasn’t, so she was forced to take a deep steadying breath. He was right, there was nothing she could do, but she didn’t like it, and she didn’t like him for doing it.

  ‘One of these days you’re going to get your comeuppance, Gray Compton, and I only hope I’m there to see it!’ she vowed with heartfelt dislike.

  Gray’s lips twisted wryly. ‘If there’s any justice in this world, we’ll both get our just deserts one day.’

  ‘We can but live in hope,’ she added sourly, and he laughed.

  ‘I like the room, by the way. It’s very relaxing,’ Gray complimented and Shelby took another deep breath and regained her objectivity.

  ‘Thank you. That’s exactly what we were aiming for,’ she said, unable to prevent her heart swelling rather more than was necessary at the compliment. Though she knew it was ridiculous, she realised she wanted him to
like what she did. Wanted him to be proud of her. Loving someone did that to a person. Which once again emphasised just what a hopeless case she was. She couldn’t keep her emotions balanced from one moment to the next.

  After chatting with Paula for some time, Shelby and Gray finally departed and headed for the remaining project. This commission was to bring a new look to an upmarket apartment. Plasterers, carpenters and electricians had all done their job and now it was up to Shelby and her assistants, Jacquie and Sue, to add the distinctive touch that would make it a Shelby Greer design.

  As soon as they arrived, Shelby slipped into overalls to protect her clothes. The lounge floor was covered by cloths and in the centre were pots of paint, trays, rollers and brushes. She went to these and picked up various items plus a can of paint, which she handed to Gray with a winsome smile.

  ‘Since we’ll be here for a while, you might as well make yourself useful. You do know how to use a roller, don’t you?’

  ‘You actually trust me not to make a mistake?’

  She gave him a look. ‘Do I have idiot written across my forehead? You’ll be applying base coat. Even you can’t make a mess of that.’

  He grinned wryly. ‘I knew there had to be a catch. Where do I start?’

  ‘At the door. Go all the way round the room till you get back to it. I’d offer you some overalls, but we don’t have anything in your size,’ Shelby said, grinning back at him. ‘Have fun.’

  She left him to it and went off to make preparations in another room. When she glanced in some time later, Gray had rolled up his sleeves and was making a good job of the first wall. She was impressed. Clearly he did know his way around a roller and can of paint.

  ‘Didn’t anyone ever tell you it was rude to stare?’ Gray suddenly enquired, without stopping what he was doing, and Shelby jumped in surprise.

  ‘How did you know I was here?’

  Gray cast a glance over his shoulder, eyes locking with hers. ‘Your perfume. I’d know the scent of you anywhere. Even over paint fumes.’

  Her mouth went dry, and consequently her voice was a tad husky when she spoke. ‘I’ll have to remember that if ever I want to sneak up on somebody.’


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