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Be My Warmth

Page 5

by Shanade White

  Flynn disappeared to get them drinks giving her a second to wiggle her toes and get the circulation going again. When he returned and saw the look on her face, he knelt in front of her and pulled one of her feet into his lap, then slowly unbuckled the strap and slid the shoe off her foot. Tani felt an immediate wave of desire when he ran his hand down her calf to the strap of her shoe which he unbuckled expertly. When he pulled her shoe off, his fingers brushed across the arch of her foot sending another wave of desire rushing through her.

  By the time he’d gotten the second shoe off, Tani was practically humming with pleasure, shocked that he could elicit such feelings from simply taking off her shoe. When he began to rub her feet, first one then the other, she thought she would come up off the chair, tackle him right there on the floor. Instead she grabbed the sides of the chair and willed herself to stay seated. When Flynn finally rose from the floor, he took one look at her face and smiled.

  “I’ll never understand why women put themselves through such torture.” Flynn said, draping his arm across the back of her chair.

  It took Tani a couple of minutes to recover from Flynn’s ministrations, but she finally managed to say, “It wasn’t my idea, it was Marissa’s. So was the dress, I’d never wear anything like this normally.”

  “Well, I’m all for the dress but the shoes can go. I can tell they hurt your feet and I want to dance with you all night.”

  Tani was more than happy to ditch the shoes so she simply nodded her head and took his hand when he stood up and offered it to her. They spent the rest of the evening on the dance floor, Flynn pointedly refusing to give her up when other men tried to break in and dance with her. The night was beginning to take on a fairy tale feel as they spun and twisted around the floor, Flynn’s arms locked around her as if he never wanted to let her go.

  That was exactly what Flynn was thinking as they danced, he’d finally found a woman that he felt a connection with and he had no intention of letting it go when she left. As they danced, he made a decision about his future, he was going to Colorado. He’d only known Tani for a few days, but when he was with her he felt alive, like life finally had something wonderful to offer him.

  It would be months before he could leave, but once he was free he’d go straight to the Terrell ranch in Colorado. Not only was Tani there, but once there, he could explore their therapy program and see if it was the solution to what he was going to do with his life. Suddenly life seemed full of so many possibilities; he wanted to tell Tani about his decision but it seemed to soon, a lot could happen in the next few months and he didn’t want to disappoint her if he couldn’t get there that soon.

  They were both sorry when the band finally quit. It was late but neither wanted to see the night end. Tani would be leaving the next day for home and it felt like they were living on borrowed time, like this last night might be the last time they’d see each other. When Flynn gently put her wrap on her shoulders and fastened the clasp he couldn’t help but pull her into his arms and kiss her. It was a brief kiss, but Tani understood what he was feeling because she felt it too, and in that moment, she made a decision, a decision she’d have never even considered only a week ago.

  When they got to his truck, he helped her inside, then got behind the wheel. “I had a wonderful night.” He said as he started the truck.

  “I did too.” Tani said, her heart hammering in her chest, then before she could chicken out, she added. “I’d like to see where you live Flynn.”

  Flynn was so surprised by her words that it took him a second to respond, “Are you sure? I live in the vet clinic, it’s just a tiny apartment.”

  Tani was touched that he’d given her a way out of her impulsive words, but she’d made up her mind. Even as inexperienced as she was, she knew that what she and Flynn shared was something special and it would be a mistake not to let herself have just one night with him. She’d deal with the pain of leaving him tomorrow, tonight she only wanted to be in his arms.

  “I’m sure.” She said, smiling shyly at him, uncomfortable with her new daring.

  “I’m glad.” Flynn said, and put the truck in gear.

  Chapter 5

  The first thing Tani thought when she walked into Flynn’s apartment was that it looked like a man lived there. Everything was done in shades of blue, but what she also noticed was that everything matched. “This is nice. Did you decorate it yourself?”

  “I had a little help from Chloe who runs the clinic, but basically I did.” Flynn said, proud of his apartment since it was the first one he’d ever decorated.

  “You did a nice job. I had no idea you had a flair for decorating.” Tani teased.

  “There’s still a lot we don’t know about each other Tani, I wish you didn’t have to leave.” Flynn said, pulling her into his arms.

  “I feel the same way, but I have to go back.” She said, resting her cheek on his chest and listening to his heart beating, a sound she always found reassuring.

  “I know, but we still have tonight.” Flynn said, hoping Tani would understand what he was asking.

  “Yes, we do.” She said, stretching up on her toes to kiss him, feeling brave enough to dart her tongue into his mouth, then groaned when Flynn took her invitation and deepened the kiss.

  Tani was swimming in a pool of pleasure only made more intense by her desire for Flynn, a desire she’d never felt before. She’d been attracted to David, but had never felt anything like this when she’d been with him, sex with him had only been something she’d known they’d do, not something she wanted to do. Images of what was to come sprang to her mind, and she began to panic, realizing that if sex with Flynn was anything like sex with David it might be the end of their fairy tale romance.

  But then Flynn’s hand found her breast through the silky material of her gown and the panic drained away in a fresh burst of pleasure. It was then that she realized that what had been between she and David was nothing like what was between she and Flynn. Anticipation raced through her, maybe now she’d be able to understand what was really supposed to happen between a woman and a man. Feeling bold, she reached between them and unbuttoned Flynn’s shirt and began running her fingers over his chest, surprised by the heat that erupted beneath her hands.

  Flynn moaned and began to slide the straps of her dress down her arms, but when she felt the dress slipping off her shoulders she panicked again, worried about being so exposed to Flynn she stiffened in his arms and pulled away. “Umm, shouldn’t we go in the bedroom and turn off the lights.” She said, not able to meet his eyes. “I don’t umm...”

  Flynn pulled her up against him before she could finish the sentence and whispered in her ear, “Sweetheart we can go into the bedroom if you want but I’m not turning off the light. I want to see you, all of you. I want to see your red hair spilled across the pillow, I want to see ever luscious curve in the light, and most of all I want to see your green eyes when I slide into you for the first time.”

  Tani went limp in his arms, her relief so great that her legs wouldn’t hold her so Flynn scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. The only words he said were, “Whoever hurt you so bad should be shot.”

  Tani whispered, “He was.” But Flynn didn’t hear her with her head buried in his chest.

  When they got to the bedroom, Flynn set Tani on her feet and closed the door. Then he walked back across the room and pulled her into his arms. She was trembling with the intensity of her feelings and not sure how to proceed, so she waited for Flynn to make the first move. With his eyes locked on hers, he pulled first one strap then other off her shoulders and let her dress fall to the floor. She instinctively reached up to cover herself, but he pulled her hands back down to her sides.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I’d imagined.” Flynn said, then he quickly stripped out of his shirt and pants, making Tani blush when he was standing naked in front of her. But when their eyes met and she saw the passion there, she willingly walked straight into his arm
s and the kiss he gave her.

  This time Flynn didn’t hold back, that would have been impossible with Tani’s nearly naked body pressed up against his. He explored her mouth, loving the way she tasted, knowing that he’d finally found a woman who could reach the one place no one had been able to. He pushed all thoughts of her leaving from his mind, determined to show her what they were capable of together, create a memory she wouldn’t be able forget easily.

  Without breaking the kiss, Flynn lowered her to the bed and covered her body with his, relishing in the feel of her beneath him for the first time. Flynn had never been the kind of man to sleep with a woman just because he could and regardless of his reputation, he hadn’t been with very many women in his life, but he knew without a doubt that what was happening between he and Tani was special.

  He continued to kiss her, using his tongue to stroke the fire between them higher. Tani moaned in her throat and Flynn growled at the sound as a fresh wave of need pulsed through him. He was desperate to touch her, feel the velvety softness he’d been thinking about for days, but he knew he needed to go slowly, so he began with her breasts, stroking each one until her nipples were hard and sensitive.

  Tani was unprepared for the wave of pleasure that over took her when Flynn sucked one stiffened peak in his mouth. Unable to stop herself she arched her back and cradled his head in her arms, wanting something more but unsure what it was, her inexperience leaving her at Flynn’s mercy. Flynn sensed Tani’s hesitation so he took her hand and wrapped it around his throbbing erection, inhaling a deep breath when she instinctively began to stroke him.

  Flynn could wait no longer, with one tug, he ripped the scrap of lace that had remained on Tani when her dress had fallen to the floor and spread her legs with his hand. Tani expected Flynn to kneel between her legs then and knew that the uncomfortable part was going to happen so she closed her eyes, hoping that it would be better than with David. But Flynn didn’t move, instead he stroked the inside of her leg, while his mouth continued to explore her breasts and Tani began to relax.

  Flynn continued to stroke the inside of her thighs, his mouth leaving her breasts to find hers again in a kiss so powerful Tani forgot to breathe for long minutes. But when his finger finally slid across her swollen clit, her hips came up off the bed and she sucked in a huge gasp of air. Tani was wet, practically dripping, driving Flynn nearly to the brink of losing control, but looking down at her he fought for control finally managing to calm himself enough to give her what he knew she’d never had.

  Tani was unprepared for the rush of pleasure that Flynn was creating with his hands. Everywhere he touched felt like it was on fire, but when he slid his finger between her legs and rubbed her most sensitive spot it was all she could do not to cry out with the pure pleasure she felt. The coil of heat that had been building deep inside her began to unravel and spread through her body and each stroke of Flynn’s finger pushed her farther toward something wonderful.

  When he slid one finger deep inside her and used his thumb to stroke her clit, the coil came completely loose and she was suffused with a pleasure so intense she knew that she’d just had an orgasm. The waves of pleasure got stronger then began to fade, leaving her body trembling and weak, but Flynn was far from satisfied, wanting her to experience the true beauty of what they were together.

  His need was tremendous as he slid between her legs and gently pushed her legs farther apart, wishing that he could just drive himself into her, but knowing that he still needed to go slowly. Reaching out with one hand he found her breast and began to tease the nipple, and with the other he stoked her clit until she was aroused and squirming again.

  He was more than ready to burry himself inside Tani, but he wanted to see her eyes when they finally became one. “Tani look at me, I want to see your eyes.”

  Tani looked into his eyes and in that moment, she could see everything she was feeling mirrored in his, and when he finally buried himself deep inside her, sliding in slowly to give them both time to savor the moment, she felt an invisible connection to Flynn that she knew could never be severed. Flynn too felt the connection and lost the last of his control, wanting only to bring them both the satisfaction he’d been cultivating all night long.

  Driving himself into her over and over, the world dissolved until it was only the two of them and the passion they shared. Tani felt the waves of pleasure increasing and knew that something wonderful was coming, each stroke of Flynn’s hips driving her closer and closer to the edge. When Flynn could hold back no longer he buried himself deep inside her and grounded his hips against her, sending Tani over the edge, her body gripping him until he too lost control. His throbbing penis so deep inside her only intensified her orgasm leaving Tani panting and limp when she finally surfaced from the most intense orgasm of her life.

  Flynn too was spent and collapsed next to Tani on the bed, his entire world changed forever, the connection between them fused in the power of their passion. When the power of speech finally returned to them, neither said a word at first, both too stunned by what had just happened to speak. Tani had been unprepared for the pleasure they’d shared, but was thrilled to discover that there was more to sex than she’d ever imagined.

  Flynn pulled Tani into his arms and held her tightly, no words able to communicate what he was feeling, no woman had ever driven him to the heights she had. “Thank you.” He finally said.

  Tani was silent for a moment longer trying to put into words what she was feeling. “I didn’t know it could be like that.” She said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

  Flynn kissed her then, his emotions in a jumble because he knew that he’d finally found the one woman who he was meant to be with, but he didn’t want to scare her. She’d be leaving for home tomorrow but he had no intention of letting her go, he’d follow her to Colorado when he was finally able and then they’d be able to build on what they’d started here in California. Smiling, he cradled her in his arms until they both fell asleep, but late in the night he woke, the desire for her renewed, and showed her just how much he wanted her.

  When Tani awoke the next morning, it was with both joy and sadness in her heart. She’d taken a risk with Flynn and while she was glad that she had, it was going to be difficult to leave him, but she had a life back in Colorado, one that she couldn’t walk away from even for a man. Plus, the specter of the tomb that her father had found was still haunting her; it was becoming a huge responsibility to hold on to the secret and she wished more than anything that there was someone she could share it with. Maybe in time she’d be able to confide in Flynn, but she’d been burned badly in the past and wasn’t willing to take that risk just yet.

  A part of her wondered if he’d still feel the same about her when he discovered what she’d done. It had been self-defense but she wasn’t sure he’d understand that, after all it wasn’t every day that a man discovered that the woman he was involved with had killed someone and had some very dangerous people looking for her. Maybe it was time to put the whole thing behind her and give the map to those people so she could move on with her life, but her father had trusted only her with the secret and she couldn’t quite bring herself to violate that trust just so she could live happily ever after.

  She dressed quietly hoping not to wake Flynn, it was hard enough to leave as it was, if he woke up she’d never make it to her meeting with Scott and Marissa about Devil. It wasn’t hard to talk Mike into giving her a ride to Honey Hills and he was kind enough not to mention the fact that she was dressed in a pair of Flynn’s sweats and one of his tee-shirts. Once home she showered, sorry to wash off the smell of Flynn but knowing that she had to appear professional.

  She’d been in the barn for ten minutes before they showed up, Scott with a scowl on his face and Marissa looking grim. “Sorry we’re late, there was a bit of an emergency in Cedar Ridge, but nothing for you to worry about.” Marissa said, giving Tani a hug.

  “What can you tell us about Devil?” Scott got right to t
he point.

  “He’s a high energy horse with above average intelligence who’s bored out of his mind spending his days in the pasture.” Tani answered, thrown off by Scott’s attitude, she’d never seem him behaving that way.

  “And what’s your solution to the problem?” Scott asked, walking over to Devil’s stall where the horse was stomping his feet.

  “I think you should let me take him back to Colorado and put him to work with the cattle, it will provide both the mental and physical exercise he needs.” Tani rushed to get the words out, her carefully worded speech gone up in flames.

  Scott turned and looked at her, “You want me to let you take my million-dollar stud off to a cattle ranch? That’s not going to happen.”

  Tani suddenly saw her dream of working with Devil go up in smoke, but she wasn’t ready to give up. “I think it’s the only way he’ll ever be anything more than a problem horse. Honestly, it’s the best thing for him.”

  Marissa jumped in when the scowl on Scott’s face deepened, “Couldn’t he go up and work with the sheep?”

  “I don’t think that would be enough. Herding sheep is primarily the job of the dogs; the horses really don’t do that much. But with the cattle he’ll be doing the herding and I think he’ll thrive.” Tani tried to explain but could see that Scott wasn’t going to agree.

  After a long pause he said, “He’ll stay here and work with the sheep. That’s my dream horse out there and I’m not about to send him hundreds of miles away so someone else can ride him.”

  Tani wanted to argue with him more, but she knew that it was a lost cause. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Devil is an amazing animal who’s not being allowed to live up to his potential, it will probably ruin him in the long run, but I can see I won’t be able to change your mind. Thank you for letting me ride him and for the hospitality, but I guess I had better go finish getting packed.” Tani barely managed to get the last words out, then fled the barn for her room and a few minutes alone to overcome the disappointment that she wouldn’t be allowed to work with Devil.


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