The Rebel Bride

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The Rebel Bride Page 11

by Piper Davenport

  “What will you give me to assuage your guilt?”

  She grinned as she held her hand open. “Drugs?”

  He frowned as he took the pills from her. “Not quite what I had in mind.”

  “Well, what did you have in mind, then?”

  He lowered his voice. “Come closer and I’ll tell you.”

  Leaning toward him as though to acquiesce, she quickly stood instead. “You need some water for those pills.”

  Quincy raised an eyebrow at her and she grinned back at him as she poured water into a glass.

  “I need help to sit up,” he said with a pathetic air.

  Victoria set the water on the end table and crossed her arms. “You just rode overnight with a hole in your shoulder and you expect me to believe you need help to sit up?”

  “Yes. I have run out of energy and can’t do it without you.”

  “Riiight.” She helped him sit up, but before she knew it, he grasped her around the waist with his good arm and pulled her onto his lap. “I knew it, you sneak.”

  “You knew but still allowed it to happen,” he pointed out with a chuckle.

  She started to argue but was stopped by him pulling her close and kissing the breath out of her. She pushed at his shoulder. “If you continue to kiss me like that, I’ll get pregnant and then you’ll have to marry me.”

  Quincy laughed. “Where did you hear that?”

  “It’s something my mother told me when I was little. I was almost fourteen before I learned the truth,” she admitted. “After that, I kissed a lot.”

  “Oh?” The flexing of his jaw revealed she may have said too much. “How much is a lot?”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “Well, maybe not a lot.”

  “How many, Victoria?”

  “Not many.” Backpedaling, she tried to climb off his lap.

  “Victoria,” he growled.

  “What?” His stare unnerved her. “Two guys! Lots of kissing, admittedly, but only two guys.” Hearing him sigh, she turned on him. “Don’t even! How many girls have you kissed—or other things?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Other things?”

  She tried to push away from him, but he tightened his arm around her. “Let me go.”

  “Explain ‘other things,’ Victoria.”

  She shook her head. “No.”


  “I don’t actually want to know the answer.” Victoria covered her ears with her hands. “Forget I asked. Let me go.”

  Relaxing his arm, he let her escape. “One day you’ll trust me with all of your betrayals, little rebel.”

  Victoria shrugged. “How’s your shoulder?”

  “It’s much better.”

  “Good. Are you hungry? I’ll make you a tray.”

  Quincy nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

  “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  He gently grabbed her arm. “Little rebel?”


  “I’ll never hurt you,” he said earnestly.

  “We’ll see.” She went downstairs to prepare a tray and found Jacob, Christopher, and Hannah in the parlor. “Well, hi. I probably shouldn’t be surprised, should I?”

  “How is he?” Christopher stood.

  “Ornery. But he seems fine.”

  “Did he ruin all the progress?” Hannah asked.

  Victoria shook her head. “He did lose some blood, but Dr. Wade examined him and said it was nothing to worry about. Quinn’s upstairs and awake. I was going to get him a tray, but you can go up if you like.”

  Victoria gave Christopher and Jacob directions to Quincy’s room, but Jacob stalled.

  “Miss Carrington? May I have a word?”

  “Victoria, please,” she said.

  “Victoria. I want to apologize for my conduct.” Jacob frowned. “I would hate to think you left because of my ability to stick my foot in my mouth.”

  Victoria sighed. “I accept your apology, but truly, my leaving had nothing to do with you. You should go and see Quincy.”

  Jacob nodded and made his way upstairs. Victoria followed Hannah into the kitchen to prepare a tray for Quincy.

  “Are you staying here?” Victoria asked.

  Hannah shook her head. “No, we’re going to stay next door, at the Maddens’. Clay and Emma are still in D.C., so their half of the house is empty. There’s plenty of room for you too. Richard is rambling around his side alone, and I think he might like the company... at least until he marries Charity.”

  “Gwen’s friend?”

  “Yes. They’re newly engaged.” Hannah washed and dried her hands. “How are you, lovey?”


  “They’re a different breed of men, don’t you think?”

  “You can say that again,” Victoria grumbled.

  Hannah sliced a loaf of bread and laid the pieces on the tray. “Actually, Gwen’s much the same, so perhaps it’s just the Butlers in general.”

  Victoria retrieved a pitcher of cold tea from the pantry. “In what way?”

  “They never give up. You should have seen Chris when we first met. He said he immediately knew I’d be his wife, and we were engaged within a week.”

  Victoria gasped. “Who are you and what have you done with my Hannah?”

  “I know, right?” Hannah’s gaze turned dreamy as she told the story. “Christopher was very patient with me, which I’d never experienced before. I had the freedom to be myself with him.”

  Victoria nibbled a piece of apple. “I have never seen this side of you.”

  “I don’t know how to explain it, other than he’s my person.” Hannah laid some meat on the bread and turned to face Victoria. “You know? I can trust him with anything and know that he’ll never betray that trust.”

  Victoria let out a quiet snort. “You can’t know that, Hannah. It’s a really nice thought, but even the best of people let you down.”

  Hannah smiled. “I know that your parents did a bit of a mind-bend on you about a lot of things, but I really do think you can trust Quincy.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Hannah giggled. “Yes, you will see. You can count on that. The Butlers aren’t easily scared away.”

  Victoria sighed. “He’s just so intense.”

  “They all are. Don’t be scared off by that, though. It’s what makes them so loyal.”

  “Okay. I’ll give him a chance.”

  Hannah hugged her. “That’s all he’s asking for. You should have seen what Gwen put Andrew through before they got married.”

  “That doesn’t bode well, Hannah.”

  “Of course it does!” Hannah lifted the tray. “Now, let’s get your man some food.”

  “He’s not my man.”

  Hannah laughed. “Oh, yes, he is. Whether you’re willing to accept it or not, my friend, he’s your man.”

  * * *

  Upstairs, Quincy was trying to calm his brother down. He could see Christopher’s anger written in the tight features of his face.

  “What the hell were you thinking? You could have died running off half-cocked like that.”

  “You’d have done the same thing and you know it. I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out,” Quincy retorted.

  Christopher crossed his arms with a drawn-out sigh. “We knew you’d do something, I just didn’t think you’d put yourself in danger.”

  Quincy shook his head. “I wasn’t in danger.”

  “Yes, the fact that you passed out and are laid up in bed is evidence of that,” Jacob interjected.

  “You don’t get a say in this one, Jake,” Quincy snapped.

  A knock at the door brought Victoria with a tray. She frowned. “Everything okay?”

  Quincy sat up and waved her in. “Yes, everything’s fine. Christopher was just leaving to check on his very pregnant wife. Weren’t you, Chris?”

  Christopher pushed away from the bureau he had been leaning against. “Yes, I was. However, I’ll be back shortly.”

  Victoria ro
lled her eyes. “Don’t rush away on my account.”

  Christopher grunted. “Come on Jake; let’s leave him alone for a while.”

  They left the room and Victoria brought the food over to Quinn. “You both make that same noise in the back of your throats.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes, you do, Mr. Obtuse.” Laying the tray on the bed, she settled her hands on her hips. “I brought a few things up. I wasn’t sure what you’d be in the mood for. I brought iced tea in case you want something other than water. Um, what else? I found an orange—”



  “Thank you.” He held his hand out to her. “Will you join me, please?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m fine, Quincy.”

  “Have you eaten, sweetheart?”

  “I’m not particularly hungry.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “Seriously, I’m fine.”

  “Seriously, nothing, Victoria. You need to eat. Why don’t we push the food to the middle of the bed and you join me? The tray will be our chaperone.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I’ll behave. I promise.”


  Repositioning the tray, she carefully climbed onto the bed from the other side. They ate quickly and after Victoria cleaned up, she gave Quincy another two Advil. “You should rest now, Gus.”

  Quincy groaned. “I’m not tired.”

  Victoria sat next to him and stroked his beard. “But you did pass out and stay that way for several hours.”

  “I was simply sleeping. I’m fine.” He kissed her palm.

  “Why don’t you sleep for a little while and then perhaps join us for dinner? I was going back to the Paxton’s tonight for dinner, but I’m sure they’ll understand.”

  Quincy frowned. “You’re not going anywhere tonight, Victoria.”

  She slowly pulled her hand out of his. “Excuse me?”

  “Chris and Hannah are staying at the Maddens’ and so will you, after you have dinner with me.”

  Victoria snorted and stood. “The pain must have gone to your head.”

  He cocked his head and stared up at her. “Victoria, you’re going to spend your time with me.”

  “No, actually, I’m not.” She crossed her arms and glared at him. “I’ve made arrangements to stay with Christine, and I think I should keep my word.”

  “I was under the impression you were staying with Hannah.”

  “Well, you were misinformed,” she snapped.

  Quincy picked at the quilt. “Christine will understand.”

  “I will stay where, and with whom, I want to. You don’t have a say in that.”

  He waved his hand. “You’re being peevish.”

  “And you’re being a dictator. You don’t own me, Quincy Butler.”

  Quincy took a deep breath, realizing his mistake immediately. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. That was not my intention. I just want you close to me and Stephen lives quite a bit farther from here than I like.” Holding a hand out to her, he asked, “May I rephrase?”

  Victoria shrugged. “You can try.”

  “Would you please stay with my brother and sister-in-law at the Maddens’? It would be nice to have you close.”

  She took his hand and smiled. “Why, yes, Quincy. I’d be happy to stay with Hannah, provided it isn’t an imposition for Richard.”

  Quincy grinned. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, get some rest. I need to make sure Hannah has room for me.” Gathering the tray, she turned to leave him.

  “No kiss goodnight?”

  She glanced at him over her shoulder. “It’s not nighttime.”

  “Valid argument, however, I would still like to kiss you.”

  Victoria paused, but in the end, put the tray down and moved over to the bed. When she leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her onto his lap.

  “I really should learn, shouldn’t I?”

  Quincy chuckled. “Yes, you should.”

  He kissed her slowly and Victoria sighed against his mouth as the kiss grew heated. “It should be illegal to kiss that well.” She stroked his face. “Even with that beard.”

  “You don’t like my beard?”

  “It’s fine, Gus.” She wrinkled her nose. “Just a bit scratchy sometimes.”

  He kissed her again. “You make me want to forget my manners.”

  She giggled. “What manners?”

  “The ones that keep you clothed.”

  “Well, they don’t seem to keep you clothed.”

  He chuckled, then ran his fingers gently down her cheek. “I wonder, beautiful Victoria, if you know your worth.”

  Her eyes widened. “My worth?”

  “Yes, your worth. Your beauty, your humor, your character. I could go on for hours.”

  “You haven’t known me long enough to go on for hours,” she said.

  “That doesn’t negate your worth though, does it? If I can see such depth in you in a few days, imagine what I will see in a lifetime.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Stop, Quinn. You’re being silly.”

  “Am I?” He gently kissed her again. “You’re beautiful, little rebel, and I don’t just mean physically.”

  She pushed at his shoulder. “I better get these dishes downstairs and you should rest.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t need to rest.”

  “I’m not having this argument with you again.” She made her way to the bureau. “You need to rest.”

  “All right, sweetheart. You may escape. But don’t think we won’t continue this conversation at a later date.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him and rushed out the door.

  JUST BEFORE DINNER, his door opened and Quincy glanced up as he unsuccessfully tried to pull his pants on. “Damn it!”

  “Let me help,” Christopher offered.

  “Where’s Victoria?” he snapped.

  “She went for a ride with Sophie.” Quincy let out an expletive and Christopher laughed. “Was she supposed to sit around and wait to serve you?”

  “Yes.” Quincy sighed. “No.”

  “Would it help to know it took Sophie nearly an hour to convince her to leave you?”

  Quincy nodded. “Yes, that does help. Thank you.”

  Christopher assisted Quincy with the rest of his clothing and then the two made their way downstairs. They entered the parlor and found Hannah asleep in one of the chairs, a book open, resting on her belly.

  Quincy smiled at the expression on his brother’s face. Christopher had always had his pick of women. None had ever impressed him, until Hannah. Here was this tiny slip of a woman with a strange accent who swept his brother off his feet, despite his size.

  Christopher leaned over Hannah and kissed her cheek. “Wake up, precious girl.”

  She smiled and opened her eyes. “Hi. Is Victoria back?”

  “Not yet.” Christopher knelt down beside her chair and lifted her foot. “Where are your shoes?

  Hannah rolled her eyes. “In the corner, by the window.”

  Christopher retrieved the shoes and slipped them on her feet despite her protest. “Dinner will be ready soon and then we’ll go back over to Richard’s place.”

  Hannah sighed. “I feel bad dropping in on him like this.”

  “He’s prepared for this kind of thing.” He smiled. “It’s Clayton’s home too, you know.”

  Hannah sat up a little more before closing the book and setting it aside. “I know. But, with five of us, it has the potential to get crowded.”

  “His house is almost as big as this one.” Christopher chuckled. “And one side of it is currently empty. With Jake staying on Richard’s side, it’s really only four.”

  “Hannah, was Richard expecting all of us?” Quincy asked.

  Hannah nodded with a frown of confusion. “Yes, why?”

  “Has he been expecting five the whole time?”

  She frowned. “Of course, why?”
  Quincy clasped his hands behind his back, as though addressing one of his soldiers. “When exactly did he know there would be five?”

  Hannah glanced at Christopher before answering Quincy. “Well, we sent a note to expect us, and then when you and Victoria arrived, we sent another one to expect you two as well. Jake was a last-minute addition, but Richard didn’t seem to mind.”

  “That little fibber,” Quincy said under his breath as he turned toward the window with a scowl.

  “What?” Christopher asked.

  “Nothing.” Quincy schooled his features, but fisted his hands at his sides.

  “Would you like a drink, Quinn?” Christopher asked.

  Quincy nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Christopher poured him a glass of whiskey and Quincy downed it.


  Quincy smirked and held his glass out for another. This one, however, he sipped as he paced. And paced.

  Where the hell is she?

  Two more whiskeys later, female chatter could be heard in the foyer, and Quincy turned as the arrivals walked into the parlor. Sophie with Jamie, and Victoria on the arm of a tall blond man.

  Quincy glared.

  Victoria laughed at something the man said, and it took a minute for her to realize Quincy was even in the room. She let out a quiet squeal of surprise. “Quincy, you’re up.”

  She smiled brightly, however, Quincy was irritated that she didn’t remove her hand from the man’s arm. “I am,” he said coolly.

  The man standing next to her cleared his throat.

  “Oh, my stars. I’m forgetting my manners.” Victoria looked up at her escort and smiled. “Lieutenant Chandler, may I introduce you to Christopher Butler and his wife, Hannah. And this is Quincy, Christopher’s brother. Everyone, this is Evan Chandler. He’s working with Jamie. With Jamie’s promotion to Captain, they’ve sent Evan here for a few weeks to assist.”

  “Evan came with us on our ride this morning and will be joining us for dinner,” Sophie supplied.

  “Did he now?” Quincy’s voice was low and lethal.

  Christopher shook Evan’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Victoria glanced in Quincy’s direction and immediately removed her hand from the lieutenant’s arm at the look of death he gave her. She gave Evan a nervous smile and then made her way over to Quincy.

  “Gus?” she whispered. He glared at her, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Victoria in response. “What’s your problem?”


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