The Rebel Bride

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The Rebel Bride Page 12

by Piper Davenport

  He grabbed her arm. “Why don’t we speak privately?”

  “Miss Carrington, is there a problem?” Evan asked.

  “No, there’s no problem,” Quincy snapped.

  “Don’t speak to him that way,” Victoria whispered angrily.

  Evan stepped closer. “Ma’am?”

  “Stay out of this, lieutenant,” Quincy warned.

  Victoria gave the soldier a slight smile. “I’m sorry, Evan. Please excuse us.” She pulled her arm from Quincy’s hold and glared at him. “Come with me.”

  Sophie directed them to the library and Victoria dragged him down the hall. Closing the door, she turned on him. “What is your problem?”

  Quincy crossed his arms and glared at her. “You’re the one walking in with a man unknown to you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You had your hands all over him.”

  “You’re jealous? Seriously?” Shock covered her face. “Gus, the man works with Jamie. He joined us on our ride and I did not have my hands all over him.”

  Quincy shook his head. “You should not have touched him at all.”

  “He offered me his arm. It would have been rude for me to refuse his gallantry.”

  “It would have been perfectly acceptable,” he grumbled. “And why the hell are you calling him by his first name? That’s unacceptable!”

  Victoria laughed.

  He crossed his arms. “This is not funny.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “Honey. Come on. It was nothing.” She walked over to him and took his hand, prying his arms loose. “You’ll do more damage to your shoulder crossing your arms like that.”

  He reluctantly relaxed his stance, wincing at the pain slicing through his arm, and let her take his hand. Leading him to one of the chairs, she pushed him down and then sat on the hearth facing him. “I have been completely faithful to our courtship, Quinn. I promise. I didn’t even kiss him. Well, maybe just a small one.”

  He sighed as he leaned back in the chair. “Victoria.”

  She laid her hands on his knees and squeezed gently. “A bad joke. I don’t know what to say that will make you understand how ‘nothing’ it was.”

  Quincy took her hands and waited for her to look at him. “You didn’t see how he was looking at you.”

  She shook her head. “You’re imagining it.”

  He sat back with a groan. “No, Victoria, you’re ignoring it.”

  “Quincy. Really?”

  Quincy scowled. “And did you need to introduce me as Christopher’s brother?”

  Victoria bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. “How else should I have introduced you?”

  Quincy shrugged. “Why not introduce me as your soon-to-be husband?”

  “Aren’t you rushing it a little? We’re courting.” Ignoring his raised eyebrow, she patted his knee. “How’s your shoulder?”

  “It hurts.”

  She cocked her head in question. “Has someone changed the bandage?”


  Standing, Victoria frowned. “Gus.”

  He waved his hand toward her. “Come here.”

  “I’m already here.” He pulled her onto his lap. “Stars, honey! You’re going to hurt yourself if you keep hauling me onto you.”

  “It’s worth the discomfort.”

  Stroking his bearded cheek, she smiled cheekily at him. “Is there something in particular you need?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact there is.”

  “Well, you’ll need to spell it out for me, because I’m apparently clueless.”

  “No, Rebel, I don’t think you are.” He pulled her closer and waited for her to kiss him... and kiss him, she did. He grinned. “That’s much better.”

  She sighed. “I have to admit, I’ve thought about it all day.”

  “Well, don’t stop now.”

  The next kiss turned heated faster than expected, and he groaned when she broke the kiss and jumped off his lap. “Honey, we need to stop,” she said.

  He smiled to himself just as there was a knock at the door and Victoria went to open it.

  “Dinner, you two. Put your pants back on,” Hannah said with a laugh, and then slapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, sorry. That kind of talk is a no-no here. Sorry, Quincy.”

  He shook his head, somewhat amused with the strange speech of his sister-in-law.

  Hannah leaned against the doorframe. “Is Quincy done being angry at your cheating?”

  Victoria gasped. “Don’t you start in on me as well.”

  Quincy smiled and made his way over to them. “Glad I have some support. Thank you, Hannah.”

  “Gwen and Andrew have arrived, with a couple of guests,” she said mysteriously.

  Quincy raised an eyebrow. “It’s not who I think it is, is it?”

  “Yes, probably,” Hannah quipped. “Aren’t you lucky?”

  “Who?” Victoria asked.

  “You’ll soon find out,” Hannah said.

  When Hannah walked away, Quincy put his arm around Victoria and pulled her in for one more kiss.

  “What was that for?”

  “A reminder when you’re sitting across the table from Evan.”

  Victoria gasped. “A reminder that perhaps he might kiss as well as you? Ooh, I wonder!”

  Quincy drew a quick breath in through his teeth, causing a quiet hiss, which made Victoria laugh out loud, but she did give him one more kiss and squeeze his hand. “He’s got nothing on you, Gus. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “You might need to prove that to me later.”

  “I will, Quincy. I promise. First, though, let me look at your shoulder.”

  She checked his shoulder and deemed him well enough to join everyone for dinner. The couple made their way into the dining room and Victoria was pushed aside by a flurry of fabric.

  “Quinn! You look wonderful. I’m so relieved to see you’re healing.”

  Quincy removed Millicent Atwood’s hands from his chest and said with a groan, “Millicent.”

  “I was so concerned to find you’d left in the middle of the night. What a scare you gave me.”

  “Millicent, may I introduce you to Victoria Carrington?” Quincy moved closer to her, away from Millicent. “Victoria, sweetheart, this is Millicent Atwood.”

  Victoria saw Millicent look up at him in confusion, but then politeness took over and she wiped the look from her face. “We’ve already met.”

  “Yes, we have. It’s nice to see you again, Millicent.” Victoria forced a smile.

  “Yes.” Millicent continued to stare up at Quincy.

  Quincy did his best to maneuver himself farther away from Millicent, but she seemed to be everywhere he was. Dinner was entirely too long in Quinn’s opinion and he spent most of the night attempting to deflect Millicent’s inane questions and comments. Not to mention, the looks Evan was covertly giving Victoria. Quincy fisted his hands on the table.

  “Why is the vein in your forehead about to pop?” Victoria whispered.

  Quincy glared at Evan as he whispered in response, “He needs to stop looking at you.”

  “Honey, he’s not. You’re imagining it.”

  She patted his knee under the table, and Quincy took some comfort in the fact that her hand rarely left his leg during the remainder of the meal. Still, all he wanted was to be alone with Victoria, but etiquette did not allow for him to be rude to his hosts.

  Relief coursed through him when Sophie decided to cut the night short and said, “Quincy, you should probably get over to the Maddens’. Your bandages should be changed.”

  Victoria nodded. “Sophie’s right, Gus. We really should get your bandage changed.”

  “Hannah’s also quite tired from the journey today,” Christopher added.

  Quincy stood and caught Victoria’s raised eyebrow when he had to steady his chair.

  “Eager?” she whispered. />
  The foursome said good night and, with Jake in tow, made their way next door. Richard, who was on his way to check on the horses, greeted them. “Where’s Charity?” he asked.

  “She’s next door and excited to see you,” Hannah said.

  Richard smiled. “Thank you, Hannah. Chris, you know where everything is, so please make yourself at home. Quincy will be in the west guest room, Victoria in the east, and then you and Hannah in your usual room.” He turned to Jake. “You know where your room is, right?”

  Jake nodded. “Yes. Thanks.”

  Hannah grinned. “Thanks, Richard.”

  Christopher showed Victoria and Quincy to their rooms, which happened to be across the hall from each other. Victoria stood at Quincy’s door. “I’ll change your bandages before we call it a night, Quinn.”

  Quincy nodded. “Thank you.”

  * * *

  Walking into his room, Victoria found that fresh bandages had been laid out for him, along with water and ice. “How thoughtful.”

  “Yes,” Quincy said distractedly.

  “Are you okay?” She frowned in concern. “Are you in much pain?”

  He shook his head. “No, Victoria, I’m fine.”

  “Let’s get that bandage changed and then you should take some more painkillers.” He nodded. She turned from the bureau and cut off a square of cloth as she glanced at him. “What’s the matter?”

  He smiled as he sat heavily in one of the chairs flanking the fireplace. “I simply find something interesting.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It appears as though Richard knew you were coming. Do you think he might be a warlock of some kind?”

  Victoria turned her back to him and busied herself with preparing the rest of the bandages. “Why would you say that?”

  “Well, because you told me that you’d organized to stay with Christine. Unless Richard was told to expect you, how do you think he knew to prepare a room? It’s quite strange, isn’t it?”

  Victoria’s shoulders drooped. “Okay, fine! I was never going to stay with Christine.”

  “Then why did you tell me you were?”

  “Because you were ordering me to do what you wanted me to do, instead of giving me a choice.”

  He stood and moved to stand in front of her, his size somewhat overwhelming. Cupping her cheek, he shook his head. “Little rebel,” he whispered and then kissed her.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, and really did think that if he continued to kiss her like this, she might pass out. “Stop, Quincy.”

  He chuckled. “Why, sweetheart?”

  “It’s driving me a little crazy,” she admitted. “Let’s change your bandages.”

  He grinned. “Reprieve?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He stroked her chin. “Why?”

  Dropping her head into his sternum, she groaned. “Because you make me want to do things I’ve never done before.”

  He kissed the crown of her head and chuckled. “The feeling is mutual.”

  She helped him remove his shirt and he kissed her one more time before she could stop him. “Thanks, that makes it so much better. Kissing you while being pulled up against your perfect chest. Thank you.” She held her hand up as if to stop him from protesting. “No, really, I appreciate it.” Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to concentrate on tending to his injury.

  “Tell me about your family,” he prodded gently as he took her hand and kissed her palm.

  Although the question immediately made her want to hide, she knew that if she were ever going to be truly happy, she would need to take a step out on faith. “I live just outside of Lexington... um... lived just outside of Lexington, I should say. Daddy is a heart surgeon and Mama has her ‘charities.’ We live in one of our ancestral homes, which actually, I love. The home is over a hundred and fifty years old, and it’s been in our family since it was built. It’s my safe haven. Well, it was, anyway. I have two older brothers who are both attorneys and married well.”

  He glanced up at her. “Married well?”

  “They married debutantes. Women who would always look good on their arms.”

  “Is that wrong?”

  She sighed. “I suppose not, but I won’t be at all surprised if my brothers cheat on them. It’s just a matter of who will cheat first, Preston or Arthur.”

  Quincy stroked her palm gently. “Why are you so certain they will be unfaithful?”

  “Because everyone in my family is. I don’t know one man who has been faithful to his wife, including my father.” She tipped her head to the ceiling, her eyes filling with tears. “I found that out quite by accident and I truly wish I hadn’t.”

  “What happened?”

  She didn’t answer right away, her warring emotions fighting her logic.

  “Sweetheart,” Quincy prodded. “Tell me.”

  “The whole business with Logan. Mama said men cheat and we just have to get used to it. I was stupid enough to argue that Daddy didn’t and she set me straight. Thank you, Mother!”

  She tried to pull away, but he held firm. “Sweetheart. Tell me your betrayals while you look at me, please. Don’t hide.” Tears slid down her face and Quincy caught one with his thumb and wiped it away. “Tell me about him.”

  She felt mortified at the thought of sharing her deepest darkest secret with him. She still felt as though the reason Logan cheated on her was her fault. “He was my first love.”

  “What happened?”

  She stood and faced him, her heart beating so loudly she was certain he could hear it. She placed her hand over her chest and decided to tell him everything, squeezing his hand as she leaned down to kiss him. “Kiss me first.”

  He gently stroked her cheek and placed his lips on hers. Breaking the kiss, she took a deep breath and sat down to face him. “I should probably start at the beginning.”

  “Wherever you’d like to start is fine with me.”

  “In high school, I had a boyfriend, Holt, who was considered the perfect guy. He was the football quarterback and I was a cheerleader, which you probably don’t understand, but in our world it’s significant. Anyway, I dated him because it was expected. He would berate me and tell me I was frigid because I wouldn’t sleep with him, but in public he was the doting boyfriend.” She tried to pull her hand away. “Ow, Quinn, my hand.”

  “Sorry,” he said, and loosened his grip.

  “We went to church every week and sat with our families in the same pew. But in our junior year of high school, I realized I wanted something more. Out of life, not just my relationship with Holt. I started to distance myself from my parents’ church and chose to find out what I actually believed, not wanting to just go through the motions anymore. So, I broke it off with him just before our summer break. He didn’t take it well, but he also didn’t take long to find someone new. She was one of my co-cheerleaders that he had apparently been sleeping with anyway.”

  Quincy’s brow furrowed in question. “Did you care about him?”

  “Honestly, not much. I never loved him, and could barely stand him by the end, so it really didn’t bother me, and I started my senior year with a new focus. Then I met Logan. He was in a couple of my classes. He played basketball and said all the right things and treated me like gold... alone and in front of people. I fell head over heels for him. He never pressured me to do anything I didn’t want to, and that made me want him more.”

  She took a deep breath.

  “Go on.” Quincy squeezed her hand gently in support.

  “I made a really big decision. One I’m not proud of. Especially because it went against everything I believed. But I felt as though I loved him and wanted him to be my first.”


  “I was going to give my virginity to him.”

  Quincy stayed quiet, but she saw concern flicker in his eyes.

  “We made plans to go to a movie one night and I thought I’d surprise him early because his parents were out of t

  “What’s a movie?”

  “Story for another day, please?”

  Quincy nodded, and Victoria continued, “I went to Logan’s house and found the front door open. I let myself in and snuck up the stairs. When I opened the door to his room I found him in bed with one of the girls on my cheerleading squad.”

  Quincy swore.

  Victoria bit her lip. “I was devastated. He chased after me, but I ran to my car and locked the door. I drove home and locked myself in my room.”

  “What’s a car?”

  “Again, honey, story for another day, okay?”

  He smiled. “Okay,” he said. “Then what happened?”

  “Well, that was when my wonderful mother tried to give me a pep talk and ruined my opinion about pretty much every man I had ever known.”

  Quincy kissed her palm. “Do you still feel sad about Logan?”

  “Heck, no.” She laughed. “I realized pretty quickly that God saved me that day. I would have given him something that didn’t belong to anyone other than my husband and would have felt the worst guilt. It took a while, but I did get over him, and despite his attempts to win me back, I was able to resist and keep my head up.”

  Quincy stood and pulled her into his arms. “I’ll never do that to you, sweetheart. If either of them were in front of me right now, I’d probably kill them.”

  She giggled. “Thank you for avenging my honor, Gus. But I’m good. I just have a few trust issues.”


  She smiled up at him. “We should turn in. Tomorrow you can start proving your loyalty to me.”

  “I look forward to it.” He kissed her nose. “By the way, we’ve been invited to join Gwen and Andrew for dinner.”

  Victoria nodded. “I would love that.”

  “Good, because I accepted.” Quincy leaned down to kiss her. “Goodnight, little rebel.”

  “Goodnight, Gus.”

  Victoria went to her room and, after putting on the nightgown Sophie had given her, climbed into bed. She fell asleep almost immediately.

  RAIN POUNDED THE windowpane. At first it seemed peaceful, but quickly became angry as thunder cracked.

  A piercing scream.

  It was Hannah.


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